Between Love & Hate

By dreamers07

6K 450 23

"There is a thin line between love and hate" is what they say. And may be this is the truth cause those who h... More

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Bonus Shot
Thank You
The Agreement

Shot 9

417 36 3
By dreamers07

Next day came sooner for Sanyukta. She woke up to the sunlights coming from the window that was left open. Not being able to sleep back again she started with her day and promised herself that she will go back to normal again for her grandpa and give her parents a chance.

After days she walked to the dining table and smelt the aroma of her favourite food coming from the kitchen. She walked to the kitchen to see her mom cooking rather than the cooks. Her mom turned hearing footsteps and smiled looking at Sanyukta.

Sanyukta : Why are you doing all this?? Let the cooks make the food.

Anju : I wanted to do this for my lovely daughter so that I can see her smile again.

Sanyukta's heart melted more hearing that and a sob left her mouth before she hugged her mom.

Sanyukta : I am sorry ma! I am sorry for all the times i misbehaved making you and dad feel little for leaving me when i was younger. I... i thought you guys didn't want me that i was a burden for you all. I never realised that you both were doing all this so that i can have a better life. I blamed you both for nothing. I am sorry ma can you please forgive me. I misunderstood your love.

Anju had tears hearing that andshe hugged her tighter and smiled through her tears.

Anju : You don't need to be sorry doll i understand you were just a little girl and you just believed what you thought never going to depths of it and even we never told you anything. Its okay. Now stop crying.

Sanyukta opened her eyes and saw her dad smiling at them with a tinge of tears in his eyes.

Kishore : Can i join the hug???

Sanyukta : Of course dad!!

The trio hugged each other and smiled through the happy tears. Then they sat on the dinning table and had breakfast like a normal family sharing stories and pulling each othes leg and Sanyukta after a long time felt happy and knew that she had done something right and his grandpa would be proud of her.

Sanyukta was about to gofor college when Parth came through the main door.

Sanyukta : Parth?? What are you doing here???

Parth : Now i can't even come to visit my friend??

Sanyukta : Not that its just you never told me you were coming that's why i asked.

Parth : Yeah... i thought to meet you and ask how are you now??? You fainted yesterday. And i was about to take you to the medical room when Randhir came and literally snatched you from me and took you there. He didn't even let me wait till you get your consciousness and literally threw me out of the room. So how are you??

Sanyukta was shocked to hear this she did remember that before fainting she was with Parth but didn't put a lot mind to that.

Sanyukta : I am good now really a lot better but... but did he really did that???

Parth : Yes, now that i think about it.... it was really funny to see himgo all restless while standing there waiting for the nurse to come and tell us what happened.

Sanyukta : Hmm.

Parth : You know he really cares about you. The panicked look on his face did tell a lot and not to forget how he took care of you all those days when you were cooped at your home and didn't want to talk to anyone but you still listen to him and he was able to crack his way to you. He really likes you and i guess somewhere you do too but in this hate game of yours you both never realised how this actually happened.

Sanyukta : I don't....

Parth : Don't deny it Sanyukta. Think about it and you will realise it on your own. Now let me take your leave cause i have to go college.

Sanyukta : Wait even i will come.

Parth : No its better you stay home for few days and regain your strength and then comeback to college as anyways nothing great is happening in there because last few days are only left and studies are already finished.

Sanyukta just nodded and walked him to the door when he turned around and said...

Parth : I forgot to tell you this that... i ... i am in a relationship.

Sanyukta : What???

Parth (grinning sheepishly) : Yes... i wanted to tell you from a long time but due to yours and Randhir's hatred i couldn't tell you and when i see that now it is gone i thought i should tell you.

Sanyukta : What do you mean?? How is it related to him and me??

Parth : I am in relationship with Vidushi.

Sanyukta : Vidushi??? Vidushi as in Randhir's best friend???

Parth : Yes that is why we both didn't tell you both earlier but now we thought its better to tell you both.

Sanyukta : He knows?? What did he say??

Parth : He just congratulated us. Anyways i  should get going otherwise i will be late. If anything important is announced i will let you know. Bye.

Sanyukta : Bye.

Sanyukta closed her eyes and processed all the information that she has got. She couldn't even imagine that Parth and Vidushi would be dating each other. And what shocked her more was that it didn't saddened her. The only thing that hurt her was that he didn't tell her earlier but she did understood his reasons. As Randhir and her were always at each others neck.

And then there was his revealation about Randhir that confused both her hear and mind. Was it true that he cared for her? That he didn't hate her or that even she didn't hate him?? Her mind was a mess but she didn't have any answer to clear that mess.



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