The RWBYverse Event 2


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This is a continuation and a finale to the overarching story. This is the end of the multiverse, this is the... Еще

Chapter 1: A New World
Chapter 2: Ein
Chapter 3: Josh Branwen
Chapter 4: Team VMPR
Chapter 5: Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 6: Dove Branwen
Chapter 7: Ember Fall
Chapter 8: Ghost Rider VS The Fiery Phantom
Chapter 9: Team VMPR: Throne Of Senada
Chapter 10: The Sentinels
Chapter 11: Zero Hour
Chapter 12: Ein Rebirth
Chapter 13: Josh Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 14: Ember Fall Rebirth
Chapter 15: Volt Blazeheart Rebirth
Chapter 16: Dove Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 17: The Sentinels: Atlas War
Chapter 18: The Sentinels: The Mystic Side
Chapter 19: The Death Of The Ghost Rider
Chapter 20: The Reign Of The Ghost Riders
Chapter 22: All-New Ghost Rider
Chapter 23: All-New The Fiery Maiden
Chapter 24: All-New Onyx Kanuchi
Chapter 25: The Fiery Maiden 2
Chapter 26: All-New Ein
Chapter 27: All-New Josie Mathis
Chapter 28: All-New Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 29: All-New Sentinels
Chapter 30: The Madras Plot
Chapter 31: All-New Dove Rose
Chapter 32: The Sentinels Age Of Jinn
Chapter 33: The Sentinels; Friends & Foes
Chapter 34: The Sentinels Relic War
Chapter 35: The End

Chapter 21: The Sentinels Endgame

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I Do Not Own RWBY. All rights for RWBY go to Mr. Monty Oum and the good folks at Rooster Teeth.

Writers whose works are and aren't included in this chapter are Sapphire_Darkhouse, Nighttra, victorblaze0522, and xxQrowBrawnwenxx, me, SnowDrrgun, Cosmickatana, thedragonmaster18, AngelFlower23, Firedragon_Yang, -Viperr-, UzukiB, and Sandersen37. Enjoy.

On Earth(Prime Remnant)*

1 Year After The End Of Chapter 20*

Ash Fall's POV*

I woke up beside Elizabeth.

She said, "I love you, Ash.".

I said, "I love you too, Elizabeth.".

We got up and walked over to the window and looked out at the nature in the mountains we were staying in.

I wrapped my arms around Elizabeth from behind and kissed her neck.

Elizabeth said, "I'm glad you joined The Sentinels.".

I said, "I'm here for you sweety.".

We got an alert on our communicators to head to The Sentinels command center in Atlas.

I sighed and said, "No rest for the wicked." and we got dressed and teleported to command and saw the whole team here.

Ember, Josh, Volt, Onyx, Ein, Dove, Daga, Bani, Black Rock Shooter, Marcus, Josie, Terra, Aztec, Ghost Rider Junior, Robbie, and James.

Josh Branwen's POV*

I pulled out my Scroll and called Willow.

I said, "Honey, get somewhere safe.".

Willow said, "Josh, I have a job just like you. I may not be there right now but I can still fight with my Ice Magic. Stop worrying.".

I sighed and said, "Just promise to be as careful as you can.".

She said, "I will. Now you and the team go save the world.".

I said, "I love you.".

Willow said, "I know." and she hung up as I went to address the others.

I said, "Thank you for responding so quickly everyone. Some of you already know what this is about, but I wanted to get the others up to speed.".

I pressed a button and showed Draconia.

I said, "This is Draconia. The home dimension of Drago. A power-mad tyrant who has orchestrated two invasion attempts on Earth. The first of which resulted in the formation of The Sentinels, the second one, an attack within our ranks by Cyborg Ghost Rider and his Cyber Corp. This second attempt can be looked at as a prelude to war. Drago aims to conquer the Earth and crush it under his heel.".

Onyx said, "Look I know the guys a genocidal maniac but do we know if those are his immediate plans? Or something he'll try in like a thousand years?".

Ember brought up an image of the underworld dimension mostly destroyed more than usual anyway.

Ember said, "This image was taken by surveillance on one of our scout trips to another one of the dimensions. And we assume based on the damages, it is yet another world, Drago has conquered. Our info shows that's he's sent his elite guard to act as an occupying force to thwart any resistance.". 

I said, "I want to make this perfectly clear, we are facing an existential threat to the planet. We can't wait for Drago to make the first move, that could mean the end of us. We have to attack now.".

Marcus said, "It's a tough job. Aside from the big bad, this place is crawling with Draconian soldiers.".

Ember said, "We've faced them before.".

I said, "With our combined force, we can cut through them, then I'll do what needs to be done.".

James said, "This is madness. There's always a deal to be made. Let's at least send an envoy to Draconia.".

I said, "No! Drago created a monster that nearly killed us all. What chance would humanity have? Our only option is to destroy him.".

Onyx said, "That means Earth could be ground zero in a world war. Look, I know some of you don't believe the visions I had about Zero Hour. But a truly global war means death and destruction on a scale you cannot imagine. Everyone on the planet is at risk. Everyone we care about.".

Ash stepped forward and said, "Onyx is right. Sure this guy deserves killing, but you can't kick his hornet's nest like everyone on Earth can do what we do. Listen, sitting, and waiting for him to come to us isn't a bad thing if he comes to us, it means we can dictate the battle on our terms and everyone wouldn't be at high risk.".

I said, "Listen. I won't ask you to give any more than I do. But this isn't up for discussion, you either join the attacking party or stay here. But we're gonna stop Drago once and for all. And here's how we do it...".

Ein said, "The team who decides to come will through this entryway on Draconia. With his elite guard off-world and off-dimension and only low-level Draconian's to guard him, Drago will be vulnerable to an attack.".

Ash, Terra, Aztec, Volt, James, Ghost Rider Junior, and Robbie Cage stayed behind to defend the earth.

Marcus opened up the portal and we entered Drago's dimension via troop carrier.

We got close to his citadel and Ember said, "Picking up life meetings but there too big to be regular low-level Draconians.".

Marcus asked, "Then what the hell are those things?" and they attacked forcing us to crash.

We got out of the troop carrier and looked up at these new bigger, stronger, looking Draconians.

I grunted angrily as I looked at Drago.

I said, "Take em' down team!" and we charged forward and began the attack.

They overwhelmed Black Rock Shooter first but didn't kill her, but they instead dragged her elsewhere.

Onyx fought hard but his path was blocked on too many sides and he was captured.

They ripped Bani's legs off and she was captured and taken elsewhere as well like Black Rock Shooter.

Elizabeth was cut in two by Drago's darkness beam and then eaten by the super Draconians.

They ripped Dove's leg off and she screamed in agony.

They burned Josie Mathis before dragging her elsewhere like Bani and Black Rock Shooter.

They tore half of Daga's face off before dragging him elsewhere like the others as well.

Dove flew off and Marcus opened up a portal for her to escape through.

Drago stomped on Marcus and ripped his arms off and Marcus screamed in agony.

I was overwhelmed by three of them and tackled into the ground and beaten by them until I was captured.

Ein fought some of them off, she cut one's arm off, but the grabbed her sword arm making her drop the blade and they lifted her up and ripped off her other arm and she was captured as well.

Ember fired blasting huge waves of them back but was soon overwhelmed and captured.

Onyx, Ember, Ein, Marcus, and I sat before Drago captured.

A chair floated out and the advanced Draconians dragged Ember to it and sat her down in it and the chair began to electrocute Ember until it corrupted her and she swore fealty to Drago.

I was pulled away from the others and chained up.

They injected my skin with liquid Holy metal and I lost the ability to access Xarthos's powers and I was sent back to Earth along with those super Draconians a few days later.

5 Years Later*

Ash Fall's POV*

I was in a pub with Aztec.

I was going through everything they had to try and drink my problem of losing Elizabeth five years ago.

Despite the invasion of Earth, those uglies can't breach the magical shields around my sanctums.

I found that we were out of the good whiskey I liked, Cabernet Sauvignon.

I said, "And we're officially out of Cabernet Sauvignon.".

I pulled down a bottle of Merlot and Syrah.

I said, "Cabernet Sauvignon is the good whiskey, and I mean good whiskey." as I set the bottle of Syrah down and cracked open the bottle of Merlot and chugged it all away and tossed the empty bottle aside.

I turned to Aztec who was still moping and I asked, "You hear that, Azy? Still crying in your beer, eh?".

I looked at the bottle of Syrah and said, "Hello my old friend, Syrah." and I opened it and chugged it while I heard people enter the pub I was in.

Josh Branwen's POV*

When we were in the bar we looked at Ash and Aztec.

I turned to Willow and said, "We need her.".

Ash Fall's POV*

I finished chugging half of the Syrah and one of my mysterious strangers said, "Ash. I'm glad we found you.".

I finished the Syrah and set it on the counter.

I said, "Plenty of whiskeys to go around. Pull up a chair and I'll get you one." and I turned to the cabinet of Whiskeys.

The mysterious stranger said, "Ash, it's me. Josh Branwen. You knew me as Ghost RIder.".

I turned to him and saw that his eye was completely black and his eye color was now neon white.

I walked over to him and looked him over a little and then I said, "Oh it is you. I thought you died like everyone else who went along with your stupid plan.".

I walked back to the whiskey and Josh said, "Ash wait. Hear us out." and some low-level Draconians busted into the pub.

I snapped my fingers and sent out an extermination wave of light powerful enough to turn them to ash.

I sighed and said, "And I'm sober again. Magic can be such a bitch sometimes to me." and I looked and saw a brand on Josh's chest.

I asked, "A gift from Drago?".

Josh covered it and said, "Liquid holy metal, to keep me from ever being a threat and a lesson to those who would oppose him.".

I asked, "So he let you live to wander around demoralizing everyone. Huh, clever?".

I began to walk away and Josh asked, "Ash, where are you going? We have...".

I interrupted and said, "A plan to save the world, right? And this time it'll definitely work? Fuck off, Josh." and I heard Willow said, "I told you she was a waste of time. All cowards are.".

I stopped and turned to her.

I walked over to them and angrily said, "I didn't lead our greatest defenders into a massacre, he did. His hubris got our friends killed and the Earth all but destroyed. I offered a solution that would've saved lives and yet that wasn't enough for big bad Mr. Ghost Rider, no, he had to stop Drago once and for all and in the process got my wife killed. At least if you and the others listened to me, they'd be alive and well right now, but now, they're gone.".

Josh said, "At least hear us out, Ash.".

I turned and said, "Come with me then." and we all walked to the door and I stopped.

I turned to Aztec and asked, "What about you, Aztec?".

Aztec said, "Sure." and we all exited the pub in Vale and headed for the broken down beacon tower.

We entered my renovated section and it was all snazzy. 

Willow said, "Love what you've done with the place.".

I said, "Thanks." as I took a seat in my chair and Aztec took one of the bottles and sat in the corner like usual.

We all looked at him and I said, "Been all mopey ever since Ein died. Doesn't even smile anymore.".

Aztec asked, "What's the point?".

Willow stepped forward and asked, "Look are you gonna help us or not?".

I turned to her and Josh and asked, "So, it was crap from the start, but what went wrong with your master plan?".

Josh looked down and said, "Drago knew every part of our plan. Those things that attacked us were half Draconian, half something else. Black Rock Shooter and Onyx fought hard but were taken down. The rest of us didn't last much longer. Dove was wounded and Marcus helped her escape. Drago didn't kill everyone, some of us, he had plans for. A few days later he sent me and those Super Draconians to Earth and we didn't have a chance after that." and he gripped his chest.

I asked, "Does it hurt?".

Josh looked at me and I said, "Good.".

Willow walked over and said, "Even without Xarthos's powers, Josh is still fighting. You couldn't be bothered to do it once.".

I said, "I've always been fighting ever since I was a child thousands and thousands of years ago. But if I'm not here to protect the sanctum then they'll fall and all the evils of the multiverse will converge on Earth and things will get even worse then they already are.".

I looked at them and saw that they really needed my help.

I asked, "What do you need my help with?".

Josh said, "We need to find Volt Blazeheart. And we need your help in the final confrontation with Drago.".

I said, "I'll help you out this time cause there's really nothing left to lose now is there." and I began working on the working on the locator spell.

Elsewhere On Draconia*

Drago's POV*

We sent out an Energy Absorber Reaper to Anima this time and my servant Ember said, "The third Energy Absorber Reaper is on Earth's surface. Absorbing the magma core's energy has begun.".

I said, "With that ordinance, Montu will be forced to bow to me, and his entire world will be mine. Why was this not completed earlier?".

Ember said, "The damage done to the Draconia World Generator in the attack five years ago...".

I interrupted and said, "Your attack.".

Ember said, "My solution is working but the kinetic energy generated is less than your previous reactor's Ion power core.".

I stood up from my throne and said, "Perhaps my mind-bending didn't fully transform you into a capable servant. Perhaps you'd serve me better as a mindless drone.".

Ember said, "I am still your most loyal and competent attendant, Lord Drago." and she bowed a little from her chair. 

I said, "Your former teammate James Ironwood says otherwise.".

Ember said, "Not surprising. Ironwood's only interest is saving his own life. I only perform my duties at your behest, my liege.".

I turned back to my throne and said, "I won't stand for further delay. After all, a conqueror must conquer if he is to be known as a conqueror.".

Back On Earth*

Ash Fall's POV*

I was eavesdropping on Winter Schnee talking on the phone with Josh and Willow say, "We need to reassess the situation, gather our forces to a new location. Another one just landed in Anima.".

Josh asked, "Any idea for what they're for?".

Winter said, "No. but whatever it is, it isn't good. We need to come up with a new strategy..." and she cut out.

Willow said, "Oh come on.".

I said, "Let's be on our way then." and I tossed a globe up.

I activated a locator spell for Volt and tossed a needle at the globe and it struck on the mountains outside of Atlas where old Hassan-I-Sabbah's castle is.

I said, "Lucky for you I happen to know that very location.".

I snapped my fingers creating a magical portal to the castle.

We stepped through the portal and were standing in the castle courtyard.

In like no time at all, we were surrounded by members of the Order of Assassins.

I said, "I thought you lot died out years ago." and this woman came forward unsheathing her blade.

She aimed her blade at us and said, "Infadels have invaded our sanctuary. Kill them.".

I turned to Aztec and asked, "Are ya happy now? Assassin's?".

Aztec yawned and walked into the battle.

I blasted the Order of Assassin members back while Aztec beat them with ease.

The Order of Assassins soon stopped when Volt descended upon us saying, "Enough!".

Volt looked at Josh and angrily said, "You?".

I said, "Simmer down Volt and hear him out.".

Volt looked at me then looked back at Josh.

Josh said, "Look, I know you hate me, but I wouldn't be here if it wasn't necessary.".

Volt said, "I'll let you live for now. Come on inside." and we all walked inside.

Elsewhere In Atlas*

James Ironwood's POV*

I was in my office on a holo call with The Fiery Phantom.

I scarcely said, "I-I didn't mean to imply anything of the sort. When Lord Drago asked if I could do your job, I answered maybe one day I could, but...". 

She interrupted me and said, "Ironwood, stop groveling. Continue your report.".

I said, "Yes, Fiery Phantom. The last of Earth's resources are being transferred to Draconia. Everything will go according to our master's schedule. But, do you know if I'm included in our master's plan, in a living capacity.".

She said, "My business is ensuring Drago's executed perfectly without fail so his reign can spread to every corner of the multiverse. Don't worry about your place in those plans. Worry about what I tell you to do.".

I said, "Of course Fiery Phantom.".

She hummed and cut the transmission.

I straightened up.

Elsewhere In The Order Of Assassin's Headquarters*

Ash Fall's POV*

Aztec was fast asleep and Willow was too.

Josh, Volt, and I walked down a corridor.

Volt said, "I, like Ash knew your plan would fail from the beginning. But everyone believed in you. Your hubris cost me the life of the woman I loved, and our teammates, I won't ever forget that Josh. I had to be convinced by her to not raise my many objectives, there are always risks in war she said.".

Josh said, "We can't let what happened to everyone else be in vain. Help us fix things.".

Volt asked, "How? You're powerless now.". 

Josh said, "We need your powers of darkness to get through to Ember. You can break Drago's hold on her.".

Volt said, "I'll help you, Ash. But not for his sake.".

I nodded and said, "I don't have the magical sigils to get us to Draconia. We'll have to use the portal at Ironcorp in Atlas. How do you expect to do that?".

Josh said, "We need to get our back up first.".

An hour later, I teleported us down to the Mantle Prison.

We entered the prison through the front door and Willow said, "Winter said she was negotiating with their leader. She's a people person, I'm sure she..." and we opened the secondary front door and I saw Winter in a fistfight with Vale Taylor.

Willow said, "...hand.".

I smiled seeing Winter again and it brought back so many happy memories I had with her along time ago on my Remnant back then.

Winter took a hit from Vale while we got closer.

She blocked another hit and punched Vale back.

Vale spit some blood and said, "Nice hook. Where'd you pick that up?".

Winter said, "The army." and Vale smirked running at her again as I found myself standing next to Romhay Zale.

Willow said, "Winter. Winter!".

I smirked and said, "I'm sure she can handle herself.".

Romhay said, "Come on Vale, have at her." and he turned to me and offered a whiskey.

I took it and hit him over the head with it knocking him out.

Winter seemingly knocked Vale down for the count and Winter helped her up and Vale said, "Looks like we've got a deal.".

Vale turned to everyone and said, "Listen up everybody. We have a new heading, Ironwood's fortress of dumbassness. So drink up, because tomorrow, we take back our independence, and we take back this planet." and she hopped out of the arena.

Winter hopped out too and Vale sadly said, "Back in the day when we were kids, Marcus was apart of this little gang before he went and got all institutionalized and junk and became a scientist. Back then we were called Team VMPR.".

Price Marks put a hand on her shoulder and said, "It's okay to be upset Vale. I know how much you loved his smart ass." and Vale elbowed him in the face and walked off with Winter to finalize some of the plan.

A little later, we all met to discuss the plan.

Winter said, "Drago's machines have gone online in Anima, Sanus, and Menagerie.".

Vale asked, "What the hell are they?".

Winter said, "They feed the Earth's energy to Drago's base.".

Price said, "So these things must be destroyed.".

Winter said, "That's a temporary solution... we need to blow up Draconia.".

Romhay asked, "Oh, is that all? Piece of cake.".

I said, "That's a pretty tall order but even then it's not that simple. That entire dimension where Draconia exists is his domain. If you really wanted to stop him, you'd have to kill the big man himself as well as Draconia.".

Winter said, "I know. Which is why we need to kill him too along with the planet.".

I nodded and Winter said, "On Draconia, Drago has Super Draconians which have been upgraded with unknown DNA. We have to get them off of Draconia to have any kind of chance. To do that we plan on mounting simultaneous attacks on two of the machines. That should cause the Super Draconians to be sent to Earth as reinforcements.".

Volt asked, "Why not attack all three?".

Winter said, "We don't have enough people. If the two teams do enough damage, we'll be fine.".

I said, "Give me a little bit and I could whip someone into fighting shape.".

Winter nodded and said, "The portal gate is located in Ironwood's tower. That's where we come in. We take the tower, a strike team teleports to Draconia, sets it's power generator to go nuclear, and reverse the gate bringing all the Super Draconians back to Draconia, then the strike team gets out before Draconia blows up. But for those wondering about Drago, if he's there Ash and Aztec can handle him with ease. I know there are risks but we're out of time.".

Vale said, "When you say it like that, let's go get those son's of bitches.".

Price said, "Let's give em' hell everyone.".

Aztec said, "Let's do this thing.

The Next Day*

We rode into the Ironwood tower in Atlas via military truck.

Vale and her crew left the truck to get ready but Josh, Volt, Willow, Winter, Aztec, and I stayed put for a moment.

Winter said, "I'm sending the signal to attack the machines." and she did so.

Elsewhere On Draconia*

Drago's POV*

Ember said, "Lord Drago, reports state that most of the Anubis Acolytes have been dealt with.".

I said, "Good..." and a portal opened.

I said, "I go to claim Montu's world for my empire. Any remaining resistance across the multiverse will not be a problem... Do not interrupt my conquest of Montu's world.".

Ember said, "Yes Master." and I stepped through the portal and was in this sandy godforsaken world.

I turned and saw Anubis Acolytes heading straight for me.

I turned and began walking towards them.

Elsewhere On Earth*

James Ironwood's POV*

Fiery Phantom asked, "Why have the rebels been able to stage these attacks?".

I said, "How should I know? I don't do security for the entire Earth, with all due respect, isn't that your job.".

She said, "Stand ready to teleport the Demi-Draconians.".

I said, "On your mark.".


Ash Fall's POV*

I stood up and said, "I'm going to go get our third fighting force. Be back in a jiffy." and I teleported to the third Energy Absorber Reaper.

I looked around and said, "You here? I know you can't ignore this thing for long.".

Terra came forth and formed out of a tree and I said, "There you are. I know this thing over here will be the death of the planet.".

Terra looked at it and said, "It steals the heart of the planet.".

I said, "And you as well.".

Terra used her near godlike powers and formed wings out of leaves and angrily said, "The planet won't die." and she flew off to destroy the machine.

I teleported back and said, "Terra's pretty pissed. That should bring the Super Draconians.".

Winter said, "That worked. Vale your up.".

Vale said, "Roger and out.".

Winter stood up and grabbed her blade from behind me and said, "No more planning, just doing." and I think she reminded me of her dominant side just a bit as I followed her out.

We entered the warzone on the inside of the tower.

Tyrian and Aztec were fighting back to back. 

Aztec threw a few guards and asked, "Is there no end to these minions." and he blasted them with a golden beam.

Othim assumed control of Volt and he charged into the battle full force grabbing and throwing guards left in right and occasionally setting them on fire.

Hazel busted through a door and smashed a guard while snapping another one's neck.

Romhay threw some knives while Price pummeled some guards into walls.

Vale shot the guards to death with her mini-gun and was singing a little jingle with it.

Vale kept shooting people and kept laughing about it while me and the others walked over to Romhay.

Romhay said, "Best boss ever.".

We all made it into a hallway and before we could make it to the stairs Ironwood arrived in his mech suit.

I snapped my fingers and tore his armor apart with Gravity Magic.

Volt assumed control again and angrily grabbed James.

Josh said, "Don't Volt. He's our contact on the inside. He's been helping us for the last five years.".

Volt and everyone I bet seemed a little confused probably.

I personally found it ironic and we all started to head up to the gate room.

In Anima*

Terra's POV*

I used the roots of my mother Earth to kill these monsters and pull apart the machine.

I said, "Damned machine, you will stand no more." as I tore it down and it exploded with me along with it.

In Menagerie*

Robbie Cage's POV*

I threw an explosive at one Super Draconian killing it.

I stabbed one Super Draconian with a spear and threw it into another.

I jumped out of the way and stabbed another one with the spear.

I threw explosives at another one killing it.

I turned and another one flew up and grabbed me by the back of my head and shoved me into the ground as more arrived and began to tear me apart and eat me.

Angel Flower's POV*

I pushed one of the monsters into the air and into another one.

I dodged one but another one hit me with its heat vision ability tearing me apart.

Over In Sanus*

Ghost Rider Junior's POV*

I slashed all the way through one of the Super Draconians and threw the one I was holding at another few of them.

One grabbed me from behind and snapped my neck.

Dove Branwen's POV*

I ripped one of the Super Draconian's arms off sending it flying.

I hit another one of the Super Draconians with the severed arm I had.

I lost the arm and kicked one aside.

A horde of them tackled me up into the air.

I punched one away killing it and tossing it at some others.

I smashed another one's head.

I punched another one through the head killing it.

I punched another one through the chest killing it.

Before I looked up and they tackled me into the ground.

While they began to tear me apart, I shouted, "THEMIS!!" and was struck by my last bolt of lightning taking these bastards with me.

Elsewhere Back In Ironwood Tower*

Ash Fall's POV*

I conferred my plan of dealing with Drago and getting rid of some necessary evils along the way with Volt and Josh and they agreed and so did Aztec who was thrilled with it.

I smiled as Ironwood activated the portal.

Aztec, Volt, Josh, and I stepped onto the platform and we were teleported to Draconia.

When we arrived I did a small incantation and made us all invisible.

I said, "Let's get moving." and we started running for Drago's palace.

Over In Montu's Dimension*

Drago's POV*

I killed every Anubis Acolyte in his army and only now does Montu jump at me from behind.

I grabbed him by the throat and got him into the chokehold position.

Ember appeared via holo and said, "Lord Drago. Apologies for the intrusion.".

I said, "I trust this is important, Ember.".

Ember said, "We had an unauthorized portal from Ironwood's tower.". 

I snapped Montu's neck and tossed his body aside.

I said, "So Ironwood validated your concerns after all. Send the Cybernetic Sentinels to capture the invaders. I will deal with them myself. And also, transfer a fragment of Earth's energy here to wipe away all the rest of the resistance against me.".

Ember said, "As you will it." and she cut the transmission, and soon enough a wave of Earth's energy bathed this world killing the rest of the resistance to my rule of it.

I floated up and through a portal created by my other faithful servant.

Elsewhere On Draconia*

Ash Fall's POV*

I stopped and everyone stopped as well.

Daga Strith stepped forward sporting multiple cybernetic parts.

Bani Strith stepped forward also sporting cybernetic parts all over and mostly from the waist down.

The cybernetic Black Rock Shooter landed with the cybernetic Josie Mathis.

Their leader landed before us in the frightening image of a cybernetic Ein.

Josh said, "Ein. I'm so sorry this happened to you, to all of you.".

Ein sped forward to try and kill Josh but I blasted her back and said, "Can't say I love the new look, Ein. Makes you look a bit robotic.".

The other cybernetic heroes began their attack on the others as I stood off with Ein.

She tried to stab me but I teleported out of the way and she came at me again.

I used a sigil to block her and she kicked me back.

I used some of my Divine Magic to hit freeze her to the ground and hit her with a divine lightning bolt.

She broke free and came at me and Aztec blocked her and they started their swordfight while I used an incantation.

About a minute later I finished and directed the spell at Ein and it freed her of her programming.

She looked down at herself in horror and then a sense of purpose as she looked over at the other cybernetic heroes.

I asked, "Care to do the honors?".

She beat the other cybernetic heroes away from the other two and they hurried over to me and Aztec.

Ein said, "There's a tunnel behind you that will lead you to the power generator. Leave them to me." and she charged forward attacking the other cybernetics while we made our way to the power generator.

Back On Earth*

Willow Schnee's POV*

We were all geared up with weapons that can apparently kill these monsters as they were coming.

We all geared up and waited for those ugly monsters to come to us.

Back On Draconia*

Ash Fall's POV*

We made it to the power generator room and I said, "Oh my god." as we all saw Onyx hooked up to a machine that was continuously making him run.

Josh and I looked over and saw Bwonsamdi looking near death.

I said, "Aztec, Volt, you got get Onyx. Me and Josh have to say hello to an old friend.".

And we split up.

Josh and I walked up to the skinny ass Bwonsamdi.

I said, "I thought Drago would've killed you since I saw he attacked your dimension.".

Bwonsamdi weakly said, "No, he spared me so he could us my blood to enhance his soldiers.".

I gasped and he turned to Josh.

Bwonsamdi said, "Kill me.".

Josh said, "I can't do that. I don't have access to my powers.".

Bwonsamdi said, "No. If you take all the power I have left and add it to Xarthos's power, you may have hope of getting your powers back." and this red aura left Bwonsamdi and turned blue as it reached Josh.

After it was done, Bwonsamdi said, "It was a lot of fun you, two." and he turned to dust fading away.

Josh tried to activate his powers but only hurt himself.

I turned as the other two freed Onyx.

We both walked over to see how he was doing.

I kneeled down to him and said, "Onyx.".

Onyx weakly said, "They converted me into the new power generator after we hurt the old one... Make it stop... make it stop." and I used a calming spell on him calming him down but I also saw glimpses of our time in Zero Hour.

After I was done I stood up and said, "Let's go." and we left for the throne room.

When we arrived a voice said, "None can resist Drago." and we turned to a nearby wall and saw that Marcus was apart of the wall.

Marcus robotically said, "I am the servant of Drago known only as of the source wall of Drago's regime. Lord Drago has ordered you be taken alive.".

I used a high-speed incantation to free Marcus's mind from Drago's programming.

Josh tried pulling Marcus out of the wall but Marcus said, "Stop! I'm fully integrated, Josh. There's not enough of me to ever leave this place. Now listen, Ember stepped out to talk to the big man.".

We all heard the voice of Ember say, "Ember's returned and with her lord and master.".

I turned and looked at the big bad guy we were here to face.

Ember said, "I knew Josh would come someday. But I never thought you'd be part of a lost cause Ash.".

I said, "I'm here to level the playing field." and Drago looked at me and for some unknown reason, all of time around us stopped.

Drago said, "It's been a while since I've seen your face Ash." as he floated over to his throne.

I asked, "Have we met before.".

Drago sat on his throne and said, "You could say that. We are family after all.".

I asked, "Oh? I don't remember an armored giant at any of my social gatherings of family.".

Drago pulled his helmet off revealing himself to be my father.

I gasped and took a step back.

I said, "No, you're dead.".

Father said, "Not so my daughter. If you remember, I was immortal too, and Cinder's weak powers could never kill me back then. You see along time before you or Cinder were born, I used the Relic of Choice.".

I asked, "And what does that do for you?".

Father said, "The Relic of Choice shows the user the future. Once every 300 years or so, a person is able to activate the Relic of Choice, the user then states a specific goal, and the Relic will then show the user multiple paths, each with different outcomes and situations, what the Relic is doing is showing multiple possible futures that would lead to the goal but each has a different moral implication as well as varied rates of success. It is then up to the user to make a choice of which path to take and once the decision is made, then the Relic will show the future events of that path, the user is then left with the choice of going through with the prophecy or walking another path without any knowledge. And I wanted to bring peace through conquering and I saw you girls and all the pain you would have to endure that would lead you directly to creating Earth and this multiverse of monsters. You were an adequate tool Ash, let no one tell you otherwise.".

I fell to my knees in utter shock as time started moving again.

Father put his helmet back on and said, "Ember, kill the others except for Ash.".

Everything I've ever done meant nothing because it was predestined and that means I lost Winter and Blizzard because it was part of Father's goal and I lost Elizabeth because it was part of Father's goal and I lost my big sister Cinder because it was part of his goal.

Volt Blazeheart's POV*

Ash began crying into her hands.

I turned to Ember and said, "Let's do this.".

Drago said, "Terminate him, Ember.".

Ember stood up and hopped off her floating throne.

I charged at her and tried a few punched but it didn't work because she dodged them.

She punched me in the face and it felt like metal hitting my face.

She uppercut me then punched my head down then kicked me back.

Ember said, "In the past, I let you win in our sparring matches, this time I won't hold back.".

I got up and charged at her.

She fired swords out of her arms at me which proved she was cybernetic like the others.

I dodged the swords and she punched me in the face.

Ash Fall's POV*

I kept crying until I heard Elizabeth's voice say, "Stop crying, Ash. It's okay.".

I whispered, "No it's not. I was used as a tool from the very beginning.".

Elizabeth said, "But does it change the love you felt for me and Winter. You can't force love, its something you experience naturally and that can't be determined by a mad man, it's determined by the person." and she began to show me all the memories of Winter, Blizzard, and her.

Volt Blazeheart's POV*

She blocked my wild haymaker and headbutted me with her thick metal skull head.

She grabbed me by my head and kneed me in the gut than in the face sending me aside.

She soon had me on my knees and a sword to my throat.

I quickly dodged the sword and put my hand on both sides of her head and activated my powers freeing her from the veil of darkness they put her in.

I smirked as I saw her eyes return to normal and she tossed it aside and she turned to Drago and said, "Go to hell.".

Drago said, "You disappoint me, Granddaughter." and he fired a black beam at Ember but I said, "NO!!" and got in the way of the blast taking it burning me to a crisp.

Ash Fall's POV*

I stood up and stepped on the ground and activated the sigil on the ground of soul manipulation.

I turned to Josh and pulled the Bwonsamdi powered Xarthos out of him and into the sigil.

I turned to the burnt to a crisp Volt and pulled Othim out of him and into the sigil.

Father said, "The Dragon of Destruction, Othim. And The Bounty Hunter of Bwonsamdi. What can they possibly do to me.".

I said, "They are neither Xarthos or Othim anymore. They have become one and their name is Xarthim." and I combined their souls and power together into one.

They formed together into The Dragon Rider of Destruction and Vengeance, Xarthim.

Before I could even point to Aztec, Xarthim said, "I have a better idea." and Xarthim flowed into Josh.

I said, "Oh shit.".

Josh grew horns and his eyes became fiery blue.

Josh's coat burned away revealing his brand.

The brand lit on fire and also formed into a blue cape of fire.

Josh also grew bigger and more muscular.

He grabbed me and snapped my neck but that wouldn't stop me since I'm immortal.

Xarthim's POV*

I tossed the Sorcerer Supreme aside and I clapped sending all of the mortals away.

Drago asked, "What's this? Who are you monster? Another Ghost Rider or another host for Othim?".

I turned to him and said, "Not Xarthos or Othim. Not anymore.".

Drago said, "No matter." as he fired a beam of darkness at me.

I matched it with a beam of darkness of my own.

It was even for a moment until I added unholy fire magic to my beam and blasted him into his throne.

I floated up and over to him and I said, "So you're supposed to be a conqueror of the multiverse?".

He looked up at me and I said, "I am unimpressed." and he flew up at me and I flew at him.

He uppercut me but I flew back and punched him down to the ground and flew at him.

He uppercut me away.

Ember Fall's POV*

I picked the charred Volt up and he weakly said, "Good to see you get off your ass and help us, Ember.".

I said, "Hang on you arrogant bastard. Where would the world be without Volt Blazeheart.".

Volt weakly said, "Your damn right... Never forget your friendly neighborhood Volt Blaze..." and he died in my arms.

I laid him down in a respectable position and I heard Willow's voice and I walked over to it.

I said, "Willow.".

She said, "Ember? I need to speak to Josh. There's not a lot of time left.".

I hurried over to Marcus and said, "Broadcast this for Josh to see.".

Xarthim's POV*

Drago threw me at the ground and tried firing a black beam at me but I dodged it and flew up to him.

I punched him in the face with a right hook then uppercut him and then blasted him back.

I then flew over and smashed him into the ground.

When he tried to get up, I stomped his head into the ground.

I stood over him triumphant when this white-haired woman appeared all around me and according to my memories it was Josh's wife, Willow Schnee.

She said, "Josh, sweety. I know we always planned on being together but that's not going to happen now.".

Josh Branwen's voice broke through my darkness and said, "Willow?".

We both watched as Super Draconian's walked up behind her.

Willow said, "You'll have to be strong. I know you can do it. I love you, Josh." and she exploded with the building she was in and everyone else with her.

Josh shouted, "No!" as he began to purge me out of him.

After he purged me from himself I said, "This is impossible." as Drago sealed me in a bubble.

He walked over and said, "And now its time to deal with..." and he stopped as we both looked up at the Sorcerer Supreme floating above him.

Drago said, "You...".

Ash Fall's POV*

I punched Father out of his palace and outside.

I flew after him and hit him with a right hook then I punched him in the gut and he punched back. 

We had a back and forth where we'd punch each other in the face until I kicked him back into his palace.

I flew in and grabbed him by his armor.

I punched him repeatedly saying, "You are an evil bastard and you're no father of mine. Now, I'm going to make you pay for what you did to mom and Cinder.".

I then started smashing him into the ground repeatedly until I tackled us both outside.

Aztec's POV*

Josh Branwen was still recovering and so I walked over to the orb containing Xarthim.

I said, "I'll let you possess my body if you promise, we'll get to fight forever.".

Xarthim said, "Deal.".

I said, "But first we need to kill Drago.".

Xarthim said, "The terms are acceptable." and I broke his orb open and he entered my body.

Josh Branwen's POV*

I looked at Aztec as he was possessed by Xarthim and after the transformation was done he looked over at me.

Xarthim then floated outside.

Ash Fall's POV*

I punched father and he punched me back.

We both grabbed each other's throats and right arms.

I angrily said, "You're gonna pay, old man.".

My icy magic began to cover him and Father said, "You have spirit Ash, but the strength of lost loves can only..." and he was blasted away.

I looked over at my master plan going all the way into effect.

The Old God, Aztec possessed by The Dragon Rider of Destruction and Vengeance. 

Xarthim said, "Go..." as he floated closer to where he blasted Father.

Xarthim asked, "Unless you would fight me for the right to destroy him?".

I said, "Nope. He's all your's big man." as I flew down to the others.

Xarthim's POV*

I floated to where I hit Drago.

He broke out of the rubble and looked up at me.

I said, "And now... Conqueror... Let's see who shall rule... and who will serve." and we flew at one another.

We clash fists sending shockwaves out.

Ash Fall's POV*

The portals opened up and all the Super Draconian's fell through.

The cybernetic part of the team arrived with Onyx.

Marcus opened a portal and said, "Hurry and get the hell out of here everyone.".

The cybernetic part of the team and Onyx headed through the portal.

Josh and Ember headed through after that and I stopped.

I looked up at the battle of titans happening in the sky.

Xarthim blasted Father back.

Father tried to hit Xarthim but missed and Xarthim hit him back.

Father went in for another hit but Xarthim caught his fist and punched him in the face.

Xarthim then grabbed Father by the throat and head-butted him and threw him away.

Xarthim said, "What a wonderful gift, Sorcerer Supreme Ash. Be well." as he blasted Father and flew down after him.

I said, "Cheers boys." and I walked through the portal.

Marcus DeVoe's POV*

I figured the most badass way to save the day would be to take this planet and those two fighting with me.

I said, "Guess I get the last word... Suprise mother fucker." and I used my power to open a black hole just about where those two were fighting.

Xarthim laughed dragging Drago into the portal and I watched at peace with life as this entire planet was destroyed and pulled into the black hole.

Back On Earth*

Josh Branwen's POV*

We all stood in the old remains of our headquarters.

Ember walked over to Ein and me and I asked, "How bad is it?".

Ember said, "Even though the Energy Absorber Reaper's were stopped, we lost thirty-six percent of the Earth's natural energy. Earth's rotation is compromised.".

Ein said, "The smallest change would either be freezing or burning.".

Ember said, "My best estimate is that another billion people will die before we're able to get anything under control. If we can, that is.".

I shook my head and said, "Okay, I know everyone's been through hell, but we can't quit, The Sentinels don't quit." and almost everyone looked at me.

I said, "If we work together, we can do this. We can save the planet.".

Ash Fall's POV*

I turned back to Onyx and said, "You know what you have to do, Onyx. Like we discussed, clear the board and start again.".

Onyx said, "Another Zero Hour? I promised my mother, I wouldn't. I can't.".

I said, "Yeah, I figured you'd say that." and I handed him the memory crystal I made for a time like this.

Onyx looked at the crystal and said, "Everything would change, again.".

I put a hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me.

I said, "And some of those changes may be complete shit, and we may make the same mistakes again. It won't be perfect but it'll be a long side better than what we got now." as we both looked at everyone else.

Onyx sighed and looked up to me.

Onyx asked, "Where am I going?".

I gave him the memory of when I created Earth.

I said, "Give her the memory crystal, and everything even us two will be changed for the better.".

Onyx nodded and stood up.

Onyx looked out at the desolate landscape and I said, "Run, Onyx, run!!" and he sped off and soon enough a white wave boomed from where he entered his Speed Force.

We all watched on as it approached us.

It enveloped Daga, Bani, Black Rock Shooter, and Josie Mathis first then it enveloped Josh, Ein, and Ember, and then I said, "Cheers." as it enveloped me creating a new timeline in history and creating an entirely new history.

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