My Hot Roommate (Zack Merrick)

By jreins21

118K 2.5K 499


My Hot Roommate (Zack Merrick)
The Move
New Roomate
Not So Best Friend
Unwanted News
The Band
Big Suprise
Time Flies
Unwanted Guest
Pain & Confusion
Forehead Kisses
Alone & Missing - Zack's POV
The Hunt
A Step Closer
Kendra: Part 2!
Safe & Sound
Kisses and tingles


4.6K 99 26
By jreins21

---2 Weeks Later---

For the last two weeks, since Zack came back home and myself getting out of the hospital, everything was getting better.  My thoughts didn't lead to Shane, Zack helped me through every thing even though I don't think he knew he was doing it.  Everytime Zack and I were together, all the pain and worries vanished. He kept my mind away from all the negativity. 

We spent most of our time together with the band and Cassadee. There were moments where I went to go see my Aunt Macy. She's been calling me more lately, making sure I was doing fine. 


I heard Zack creep through my bedroom door, "You got everything?" He asked, looking at my luggage. I huffed and blew a strand of hair away from my face. I nodded and zipped up my luggage, trying to pick it up. 

"Here, I got it." Zack zoomed by my side and grabbed my luggage like it was a bag of feathers. The bruises on my arms have disappeared but at times, I could feel some sharp pains. As for my cheek, it felt brand new. 

I watched his back as he disappeared. I looked around my room, hoping I wouldn't forget about anything before I headed to my Aunt's for a couple of weeks. I honestly hated how I was going there. I most certainly did not need to be watched by someone else.  I was fine, I was healed now. I didn't need a babysitter. 

I shrugged away my problems, knowing either my Aunt or Zack wouldn't budge about this.

I grabbed my coat and shut my bedroom door, heading down the stairs. I saw my bag next to the door, with Zack's bags next to it. I felt myself frown, and a knot form in my stomach. Today was the day Zack and the band would be going back to continue the tour. I knew he had to do it, but I just didn't want our time together to end. Everything was going perfect. 

I felt big boulder-like arms, wrap around my small frame. His warm touch around my torso, made me smile. I felt my cheeks warm up. I wrapped my arms around his big arms.

"Mmm." I heard him grumble into my hair.

I let out  a tiny chuckle, making him grab onto my hips and turn me around on my heels. We were facing each other. My smile quickly faded away as I saw his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head.  "I really don't want to leave." He frowned, emphasizing on the 'really' part.. As I saw his face turn down, my body began to feel warm and I felt myself frown. 

We didn't say anything, we just stood there in silence. I quickly studied his face one last time. I saw him doing the same. I got interupted as I heard his phone in his pocket go off. He didn't move, he just stood there like it wasn't going off. I knew in my mind, I had to man up and be brave. I stood up straighter and put a fake smile on. 

"It'll be alright, Zack."

I saw his face wince.  I knew he was thinking about what happened last time he left me, with Shane and everything. I ignored the fact of Shane and proceeded with what was infront of me. 

I picked my arm up and touched his hands.

"Please don't think of him. Everything's alright, okay?"   I paused.   "He's in- jail."   I spoke, softly. Shane being in jail hasn't really hit me yet. I just knew that was the best place for him though, ecspecally with my safety being on the line. 

I saw Zack's chest rise up and down as he took in a big breath and let it out. I saw the corners of his mouth turn up just a little bit. I smiled at the fact that he took my words in consideration. He turned on his feet and walked towards the door, pulling me by my hand behind him. It was so graceful, that I hadn't even noticed his actions. He let go of my hand and picked up the bags. I quickly opened the door. I shivered as the cold wind hit me hard in the face. I grabbed the bags that I could carry and headed towards my car, that was parked right next to Zack's car in the driveway. 

After about half an hour of Zack filling up our cars with our own luggage, he shut his trunk and leaned against his car. I literally was sweating, just looking at him. He leaned back with his hands shoved into his pockets. His green eyes were sparkling at me. He wore a hoody that fit him perfectly, you knew he had a good amount of muscles underneath the article of clothing that I just wanted to rip off of him. As I raked my eyes over his entire body, our eyes met and I saw him smirk. I felt my cheeks turn warm. I quickly looked down, hiding my red cheeks. 

"Stop." He chuckled. I looked up, confused. He was motioning me over. 

As I walked over I asked, "Stop what?"

When I was within reaching distance, he pulled me into his warm embrace. My head rested on his chest, underneath the nook of his chin. He held me tight and rested his chin on the top of my head. 

"Stop being so cute. You know how cute you are when you blush." He grinned into my hair, while rubbing my back with his thumb in little circles.   "You're making it so hard for me to leave." 

As he said those words birds, not butterflies, enraged through my stomach. My entire body got the tingly nice sensational feeling. At this moment, I didn't want Zack to leave. I wanted to take him by the collar and run inside our home and rip his clothes off. 

My imagination was cut short, by his phone ringing again. I swear I was going to throw his phone on the street and run it over twenty times with my car. 

"Hello?" I heard Zack talking on the phone. "Yeah, I'm coming. Alright just hold on, asshole!"
He hung up the phone and frowned.  

"I have to go."

"I know." I nodded, slowly.

He pulled  me into another sweet hug. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. He pulled bag a little and looked down into my eyes. He leaned in forward. I felt my heart beating, fast! He stopped slightly and smiled. He moved around my lips and kissed my cheek. I smiled up at him, my cheek going numb by his soft lips. 

We let go of each others embrace. He walked me towards my car and opened my door for me.  

"Tell Aunt Mace I said hi." He smiled as I slid into my car. 

"Tell the guys I said hi." I smirked. "Bye Zack." I felt my chest ache as I let those words out. 

"Bye Kendra." He pulled his lips into a straight line and shut my door. I pulled on my seatbelt and started the car. It was crazy how Zack and I were standing outside in the freezing cold but yet, I was warm as a bear. The stuff Zack did to me were just crazy.

We waved one last time, as he pulled out the drive way.

I was right behind him at the stop sign. He took a right and I took a left. I watched his car get tinier and tinier in my rear view mirror. I frowned as he disappeared.

I pulled into my Aunt's driveway and got out. I looked at the house across the street, that was once Zack's old house. I laughed to myself at how crazy things turned out.  I pulled my luggage out and wished to myself that Zack was here to take them out. 

"Oh, Kendra! You're here!"   I heard my Aunt's voice yell. I snapped my head up and saw her peeking out of the front door. I saw her wave.   "I'll call Robert to help you." 

A minute later, I heard a door shut and footsteps. I looked up and saw Robert there, reaching for my luggage. I let go and let him go for it. 

"Thanks." I smiled. 

As we all go situated into my Aunt's home, I let out a huff and fell onto the couch. 

"I'm so glad you're here, Ken!" My Aunt squealed.  "I got a you a futon. I put it in your old bedroom. I didn't want you to sleep on the couch!" 

My Aunt rambled on, pretty much about random things.  I just smiled at the end of her spiel. My Aunt went into the kitchen, saying how she was going to cook us a big dinner. Robert went into their room. I went into my old room carrying, or should I say dragging, my luggage. I set everything down and looked around my old room. It brought back so many memories, with Shane. 

The room was empty, except for the futon that was pushed up against the wall and my old desk that I remember  I used to do my homework on.  The walls were still the same neutral color. There was a big black mark on the wall next to the window. I mentally laughed to myself, remembering that was the time in middle school that Shane snuck over.  


"Ow!" I yelped as I dropped the paper onto my desk. I looked at my finger as I saw the papercut, a tiny line of blood began to show. I rubbed my finger, hoping the tiny sting would go away. 

I jumped as I heard something at my window. I looked out into the now darkening day and saw my best friend throwing pebbles at my window. 

I smiled and waved at him. I opened my window up and whisper yelled,  "Shane! What are you doing here?" 

"I was bored. Can I please stay, Ken?"  

After a moment of thinking about it, I opened the window up all the way. "Come on, but be quiet my Aunt is taking a nap."  

Shane raised a finger at me, "One sec."  

I saw Shane carrying a tiny ladder over, and placed it in front of my window. 

"Where'd you get that? I don't have a ladder." 

"I know, your neighbor does." We both laughed as he climbed up, inches away from my window. He reached but couldn't make it all the way. 

"What do I do!?" I asked, panicked.  "Wait, I got it!" I tried to stay quiet. I grabbed my sheets and threw one end out of the window. 

"Pull harder!" He whisper yelled.

"I'm trying but my finger!"

About 10 struggling minutes later, I pulled the sheets with all my might. As I pulled Shane into my bedroom, his shoe scuffed the wall making a huge thump. We both fell on the floor. I looked at my sheets that had a good amount of blood on it. I looked at my finger and the tiny cut on my finger began to bleed a lot. 

"Kendra, are you okay?" I heard my Aunt knocking at my door.

Shane and I went wide-eyed and looked at each other. Before I could shove Shane into my closet, my Aunt busted through the door. 

"Ahh!" Shane and I screamed into jitters.

We looked at each other once more and busted out into laughter. I think I lost about 5 pounds from laughing so much.  My Aunt drove Shane home. It was probably one of the funniest things through my middle school years. 


I smiled to myself as I looked at the black scuff on the wall. I wiped my watery eyes, thinking about Shane.  I couldn't believe he was jail.  

I looked down at my finger, it still had a itty bitty tiny scar.  To this day, I still don't know how my tiny papercut formed into a bigger cut, just pulling on my sheets.

 I decided it'd be best if I took a shower, and forget about everything. 


Over the course of 2 and a half weeks. I hung out with my Aunt and Robert. I even saw Cassadee at some points.  I had the most fun I had with my Aunt over the past week. It was so eventful that I didn't really think about anything.  

Today, when I woke up. Zack and I texted and talked on the phone for a little bit. This was the last show he was doing and he'd be home. I was super excited but I was kind of said I'd be leaving my Aunt.  

"Can't wait to see you!" Zack chirped through the phone.  "I miss our home." 

I smiled, knowing he couldn't see.  "I know! I'm excited." 

"Just 3 more days." 

We continued to talk for a couple more minutes, until he had to go. 

I decided to head back to our home, since it was only 3 more days left. I figured I'd be fine. I went into my room at my Aunt's house and began to pack. 

Robert loaded my car and I began to drive home. 
I was so excited, I began singing All Time Low songs. I seriously couldn't wait for Zack to be home.

As I reached the driveway, something wierd washed over me.

 I unpacked the car and went into my home. Everything looked the same. I wanted to make this house spotless, when Zack came. I set my bags to the side and went into the kitchen, hoping none of the food spoiled and made the house smell.  As I reached the kitchen, there was a note on the counter. 


             Lucky you, home all alone. :)  Just a warning, if you don't get out. I'll hurt your precious Zack. If you say anything to anyone, your the one who'll be getting it. 


My heart dropped.  I don't think there's words out there that could describe how I was feeling. I was angry, sad, scared. I didn't know what to do. Did I call the cops? Do I tell Zack? What about my Aunt and Robert?  How did he get in here?  Everything was just running through my mind. 

I couldn't breath. I felt numb. I walked backwards, and huddled into a corner. What if he was still in my house? 

I couldn't believe this was happening. Shane was out of jail! I didn't know how or what, but I was beyond scared. 


Soo Sorry for the long wait! I've been uber busy! i've been wanting to udpate both of my stories but Im really trying! So yeah, how'd you like it? Comment, Vote, Fan! :) PLEASE! :) Love you all if your still with me <33 
Zackk look damn adorable as always to the side ---->>>>> :) 

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