From Zero to Three

By TiredWiredMyers

52.2K 1.9K 1.1K

Midoriya never knew who his father was. He never dared to ask his mother, assuming it was a sensitive subject... More

Will Anyone Even Like Me?
Well, This is Unexpected
Teen Antics
Post Teen Antics
Tearing Himself Apart
A Failed Attempt
The Next day

The Big Conversation

4.4K 160 220
By TiredWiredMyers

Toshinori sat next to Izuku with his hands in his lap waiting for Inko to come in.

He took a deep breath and stared down at the floor. If there was any time to have this conversion, it was probably now.

"Are you really this opposed to me being with your mother?"

Izuku's expression softened a bit, looking away from the former hero.

"No... of course not. I'm just... I'm pissed off that you never told me. She's my MOTHER for God's sake, and you've been with her for 6 months! Neither of you even bothered to tell me!"

"Well actually it's been about a year now... I didn't tell Aizawa until 6 months ago."

Izuku's jaw dropped and his eyes widened. "That's... that's WAY worse. Like you see how that's worse right??"

Toshinori rubbed his arm and looked away. "Kid, you have to understand... me being with your mother puts your family in danger. I wanted to make sure that the amount of people trying to hunt me down at least decreased before telling you... I love you and your mother, and I couldn't live with myself if someone hurt either of you just to get to me."

Izuku sighed and looked back up at his now step-father with a more understanding look. "I... yeah. Yeah that, that makes sense..."

He looks away again. "Still, I just wish you would've told me..."

Their conversation was interrupted by a distressed Inko bursting through the door of Recovery Girl's office. "IZUKU!!"

She ran straight towards him and wrapped him in a quick hug before assessing the two for injuries. "Are you okay? Are either of you hurt anywhere?"

Before they could answer her distress turned to anger as she looked at Izuku. "What the hell were you thinking!?! Attacking a pro hero like that, especially over something as trivial as this! You're lucky Toshinori wouldn't lay a finger on you in his wildest dreams, do you have any idea what could've happened??"

Toshinori gently laid a hand on her shoulder. "Inko, it's okay."

She whipped her head over and looked at him. "And you..."

Uh oh

"How do you just let something that big just slip out huh?? What the hell happened to telling him together?"

Toshinori looked away in shame and muttered a quiet apology under his breath. Inko sighed and pulled them both into a hug.

"You two are idiots... I'm glad you're both safe... but NEVER pull that shit again."

They both nodded and hugged her back tightly. Aizawa just sat back in his chair, shocked at how such a small, sweet looking woman could be so intimidating.

Inko pulled away from the hug and sat down next to Aizawa. "Now, since we're all here, I think there's something else we should tell you..."

Izuku nodded and sat back in his chair, still feeling the whiplash from being worried about, yelled at and then worried about again.

There was a moment of silence. Aizawa spoke up first.

"You know how i said i was with your mother, for one night before you were born?"

Izuku nodded and crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Well about two weeks after that, your mother found out she was pregnant with you..."

Izuku thought for a moment with a puzzled expression on his face. When his eyes widened his mother spoke up before he could say anything.

"He didn't find out until just yesterday. I never told him because I thought I'd be dismissed as some attention-seeking fangirl. Toshinori is the one that convinced me to tell you two..."

Aizawa and Izuku both stayed silent. Aizawa waited for a response, while Izuku processed the information he was just given.

Izuku didn't say anything, he simply nodded in understanding and leaned back in his chair. Aizawa decided to break the silence.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there while you were growing up. But, I think I know a good way to start..."

He paused and waited for Izuku to sit up and turn his attention towards him before continuing.

"How would you feel about getting top surgery?"

Izuku's eyes widened again as he shot up out of his chair in excitement. "REALLY???"

Aizawa held up his hand and prompted him to sit back down before continuing. "On a few conditions..."

Izuku shifted in his seat a bit and nodded furiously. He pulled a small notebook out of his pocket and got ready to start scribbling stuff down.

Aizawa held back a smile and continued. "First, when you get into therapy again, you need to keep your appointments. If you want to switch therapists just let us know and we can arrange that, but it's extremely important that you have someone to talk to."

Izuku scribbled down every word he said, unable to wipe the huge grin from his face.

"Second..." Aizawa's expression seemed somewhat sad, and his tone shifted to be a bit more somber, pulling Izuku's gaze away from his notebook.

"You need to promise me that next time you feel the way you did last night, you'll come to someone for help. I'd prefer if it was me because I went through this when I was young too, however if you're more comfortable with your mother, Toshinori or Hizashi, that's fine too. I don't want you to hurt yourself again because you feel alone. People care about you Izuku, and we don't wanna see you suffer."

Putting the notebook back in his bag, he nodded and looked away from his father. It was hard to tell if he was apologetic or embarrassed.

Inko walked over to Izuku and kneeled in front of him. One hand cupped his face while the other rested on his knee and she gave him a sympathetic look. "You're gonna come home with me and Toshinori for the weekend, okay? I think we have a lot to talk about..."

Izuku nodded, and before he could say anything Aizawa spoke up again.

"Me and Hizashi are going to book a consultation appointment while you're gone. We'll pay for it, so your mother doesn't have to worry about any of that."

Inko looked back at him and smiled. "Thank you, Aizawa. For everything you've done for Izuku. I really appreciate it."

"You don't have to thank me. He's my son, I should've been doing this a long time ago."

They exchanged goodbye's before Toshinori and Inko left.

Aizawa went back to finish teaching his class, not telling any of them about what just happened or why.

The day continued on as normal, and as soon as he got home he sat down and explained everything to Hizashi.

Over the weekend, they explained everything to Eri and Hitoshi, the kids they had adopted. Eri was excited to find out that one of her favorite heros was her older brother, and even added him to the family picture she drew.

Hitoshi seemed indifferent to it, but he was shocked that the kid who rambled on and on and on about seemingly nothing was the offspring of the quietest person he had ever met.

Aizawa and his husband also spent the weekend calling surgeons, and eventually found a place not too far from UA.

The consultation appointment was scheduled for 4:00pm on Wednesday, right after school. Aizawa planned on driving the boy there himself.

He was gonna do his best to be there for Izuku from now on, no matter what.

A/n: sorry if this chapter was a little short, it took me a while to find the motivation to write again, but i got it back! Comments and criticism are appreciated! Also i decided im gonna try to draw something for all of the parts so i can get some practice in. If you guys have any requests (for writing or drawing) my tumblr is thetransweeb

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