Always you | JJ x reader

By writingsbymelitta

31.6K 569 432

Y/n, JJ and John B have been bestfriends since they're little, they're like family to each other and so are... More

JJ x Reader (A/N)
Used to it
Windows down
Beach Party pt.1
Beach Party pt.2

Pogue life

5.2K 101 111
By writingsbymelitta

I wake up from the morning sun shining directly onto my features and hearing the waves splashing against the shore.

First day of summer holiday, life couldn't be better.
Kie, the boys and I have made a lot of plans for this summer, this would be the best summer of our life's.

As I lift myself up, I look out of my huge window which is next to my queen sized bed.

It's relaxing to watch the waves splashing and to see and hear the people of the outer banks slowly waking up.

I get kicked out of my thoughts by a screaming from below.

"Y/n, get down, we're going surfing"
a girl with curly brown hair screams down from my backyard.

I look down and open the window to see Kie standing next to John B with their surf boards pinched under their arms.

"Are you kidding me?, it's 9.00 AM or whatever plus... where are Pope and JJ?"
I ask still sleepy.

" The waves are immaculate right now and JJ is at Pope's to pick him up"
John B answers and gives me a bright smile.

"So get your ass down here Y/n/n
Kie says jokingly.

" Give me 5 minutes"
I tell them and close the window.

I jump out of my bed and go through my dresser,
I decide to put on a white bikini and over it Highwaist jeans shorts.

I quickly put on a shell necklace and some waterproof mascara.

One last look into the mirror and I run down the stair case to our garage to get my surf board.

" Where do you think you're going young lady?"
a male voice asks me.

" Oh hi dad, I'm going surfing with friends" I tell him and give him an unsure smile.

" And those friends would be...?"

" Kie, John B and you know..., just my friends"

"Y/f/n just let her have fun with her friends, oh and say hello to them for me"
my mum tells me kindly with a smile plastered on her face.

My dad wasn't really fond of my friends, he'd like me to be more with Kooks I guess,
my mum on the other side supported them and me and loves them like their own.

I give her a quick hug and run out to the backyard to see Kie and John B still waiting for me.

"There you are, took you long enough"
John B tells me jokingly.

We all run down to the boat to pick Pope and JJ up.

As we drive to Popes, I put off my jeans and lay a bit on the boat in the sun, a few minutes later Kie who already was in bikini joins me.

" You ready for this summer?"

" I guess, this summer will be unforgettable"
I tell her and smile.

" Not like last year, where we had ... you know our Kook year" she tells me awkwardly.

I just nod at her and then close my eyes again to enjoy the warm sun shining onto my pale skin.

The boat stops and I see how a blonde messy haired boy jumps onto it.

I jump up and run to him and give him a tight hug, he lets me in and lifts me up so that I'm wrapped around his body.

Pope who was walking behind JJ just gives me an awkward smile, I jump down and walk over to Pope to give him a slight hug.

"So you wanted to pick up Pope but not me" I ask him, acting like I was hurt.

"No that's not true Y/n , John B couldn't resist, he wanted to get you so bad"
He says with a mischievous smile on his face.

John B just blushes and denies it, I wouldn't questioning it so we all sit there in an awkward silence.

JJ and John B were my oldest and best friends, my parents were best friends with John Bs dad before he disappeared, and JJ, I'm not even sure how we met, he was just always kinda just there and that since around Kinder garden.

Kie and Pope weren't always there, of course also for a very long time but not as long as JJ and John B.
We became a group around 6th grade, before then it was always just JJ, John B and I.

There were sometimes tough times but we always made it though all together.

"Let's Go to the Beach, each let's go get away..."
JJ starts singing in a girly voice while running with his surfboard pinched under his arm.

I laugh at him and sing with him.

We then all jumped into the waves and start surfing.

"I'm freezing, I'm gonna die" I say dramatically.

"Don't be such a Kook" JJ tells me and splashes more water over me.

"I see how it is" I say and splash some water  onto his face so that he's on the edge of falling off his board.

I just laugh at him and try to keep go on surfing.

"You'll regret this" he says and tries to surf more near me.

He then gets so close that I fall off my board into the waves.

I struggle to breathe so I just try to hold it and just try to find a way out of the salty water.

I feel a pair of strong arms around me, as I figure out that this would be JJ, I act unconscious to scare him.

" Y/n are you alright ?" He asks worried.

"Guys we kind of have problem here so could you please move your asses over here and help me, I'm not sure what to do " JJ screams over to the others.

I open my eyes and jump off his arm and pull him into the water, the others start laughing and JJ pops up again and looks at me in shock what quickly turns into a mischievous smirk.

I then realize that he probably wants a revenge, so I get up and walk away as fast as I can, but I fail so he grabs my hand and pulls me near him and hugs me from behind.

"We're not even, so that you know" he then whispers playfully into my ear what causes me to get chills all over my body.

I then realize how close we are and slowly pull away from him.

He looks at me, kinda ...sad? but then quickly looks away to the others who all got out by now.

I shrug it off and walk next to JJ to the others.

John B and Kie look disgusted and Pope a bit shocked.

JJ and I look at them confused but then get at what they're looking at, we both turn around and see the last thing we wanted to see today.

Topper and his other Kook friends.

"Nice to see my old friends here, y/n, Kie"

Oh shit here we go again.

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