The RWBYverse Event 2

By TeamWhiteRose100

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This is a continuation and a finale to the overarching story. This is the end of the multiverse, this is the... More

Chapter 1: A New World
Chapter 2: Ein
Chapter 3: Josh Branwen
Chapter 4: Team VMPR
Chapter 5: Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 6: Dove Branwen
Chapter 7: Ember Fall
Chapter 8: Ghost Rider VS The Fiery Phantom
Chapter 9: Team VMPR: Throne Of Senada
Chapter 10: The Sentinels
Chapter 11: Zero Hour
Chapter 12: Ein Rebirth
Chapter 13: Josh Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 14: Ember Fall Rebirth
Chapter 15: Volt Blazeheart Rebirth
Chapter 16: Dove Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 17: The Sentinels: Atlas War
Chapter 18: The Sentinels: The Mystic Side
Chapter 20: The Reign Of The Ghost Riders
Chapter 21: The Sentinels Endgame
Chapter 22: All-New Ghost Rider
Chapter 23: All-New The Fiery Maiden
Chapter 24: All-New Onyx Kanuchi
Chapter 25: The Fiery Maiden 2
Chapter 26: All-New Ein
Chapter 27: All-New Josie Mathis
Chapter 28: All-New Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 29: All-New Sentinels
Chapter 30: The Madras Plot
Chapter 31: All-New Dove Rose
Chapter 32: The Sentinels Age Of Jinn
Chapter 33: The Sentinels; Friends & Foes
Chapter 34: The Sentinels Relic War
Chapter 35: The End

Chapter 19: The Death Of The Ghost Rider

22 2 0
By TeamWhiteRose100

I Do Not Own RWBY. All rights for RWBY go to Mr. Monty Oum and the good folks at Rooster Teeth.

Writers whose works are and aren't included in this chapter are Sapphire_Darkhouse, Nighttra, victorblaze0522, and xxQrowBrawnwenxx, me, SnowDrrgun, Cosmickatana, thedragonmaster18, AngelFlower23, Firedragon_Yang, -Viperr-, UzukiB, and Sandersen37. Enjoy.

On Earth(Prime Remnant)*

1 Year After The End Of Chapter 18*

Josh Branwen's POV*

I was contacted and told there was a robbery in progress.

I activated my Xarthos powers and flew off.

I arrived and saw four dudes wearing advanced armor.

I punched one of them through a building.

I kicked another one through a car.

I threw the other one into another one.

I headbutted the last one knocking him out.

I said, "Guys like you give Atlas a bad name.".

I tied them all up and left them for the police as Onyx and Marcus arrived.

I said, "I gotta go. Can you help out with clean up?".

Onyx said, "Sure.".

I turned to Marcus and said, "A crew that somehow got a hold of a black box.".

Marcus said, "And that's not all. This armor's from Draconia, too.".

Onyx asked, "How'd you figure?".

Marcus said, "I'm made of the same stuff, remember?".

Onyx said, "Oh, great. Leftovers from our war with Drago.".

I said, "We need to get this analyzed.".

Marcus said, "I'm on it. Later, partner." and he flew off.

I said, "I owe you one, Flash." and I flew off.

I heard Onyx say, "You owe me about 50.".

I landed and took a seat on my meditation bench and started meditating on the existence of all the other Riders who came before me.

I heard the voices of mother and grandfather and others telling me that a threat is coming and that I must be cautious.

An Hour Later In Vacuo Labs*

I was pulled out of my thoughts and I got up to see what progress Marcus made on the tech.

I asked, "Well, Marcus, what's the verdict?".

Marcus said, "It's what we've seen from other Draconianian tech but not completely. Robbie, can you come here for a moment?".

While we waited, Marcus said, "Dr. Cage is one of Vacuo Labs's engineers.".

He entered and said, "If it's this metal, Marcus, I've been... Oh." as he looked at me.

I offered a hand and asked, "Have we met?".

Robbie Cage said, "At a site, once. I had just quit Ironcorp and wanted to get my mind off of it. And you saved me and some of my friends from some thugs.".

I said, "I remember.". 

Marcus said, "Can we just do this already? What'd you find, Robbie?".

Robbie said, "It's definitely from Draconia. But it's been bonded with Earth-based tri-formulate at an atomic level. The combination makes this element stronger than most. Incredible! It's even stronger than you, Dr. DeVoe.".

Robbie nodded and Marcus said, "You'll need some very sophisticated resources to produce an alloy like this. Vacuo Labs could do it, but it sure didn't come from here. Maybe Fall Tech. Or even...".

I said, "Of course. Marcus, we'll catch up later. Thank you both for your time and expertise.".

Robbie said, "Your welcome, Ghost Rider." and I flew off.

I arrived at Ironwood's personal estate and landed behind him.

I asked, "Lose something, James?".

He said, "No. What are we blaming me for this time?".

I said, "A gang of thugs had some Draconian tech and you're one of the only people who can synthesize it.".

James said, "Anyone on the planet could've done it. People have connections everywhere these days.".

I said, "We'll get to the bottom to this and when we do, I'll be back.".

James asked, "You know something I don't know?".

I said, "Only that this city's never going to love you just for hating me." and I flew off.

Up In Space*

Henry Gates's POV*

I was looking out at earth when Laura came over and said, "Henry? They need you back online. Important.".

I said, "Gates here. What's up? Oh, hell! We've got unidentified debris our way. Everyone, back to the ship. Now!".

Back On Earth*

James Ironwood's POV*

I walked around my labs and said, "Show me what you've found.".

One of my people said, "Okay. We hacked into SRC's encrypted feed from the shuttle, and something's heading our way.".

I said, "I'd like to see what they're running away from. We have a satellite nearby?".

I was shown a screen and I said, "Enlarge." and I saw a fiery ball.

I asked, "Does that look unusual to you?".

My people said, "Very.".

The airship was hit and the fireball continued its descent on to Earth and crashed somewhere in the ocean.

I hummed and called my contacts at Vacuo Labs to get me a location.

The Next Day*

Random Guy's POV*

We followed the debris path in our sub and we happened upon a creature of unknown origin.

I said, "We need to run!" but it through its chain hook at us destroying the sub and us along with it.

Anarchy's POV*

After I destroyed the thing before me, I ditched the chain and started walking to the nearest civilization to destroy and all life.


James Ironwood's POV*

I said, "Amazing. A creature who's traveled from who knows where and survived crash landing to Earth. The Sentinels could have some competition. Prepare my mech suit in case they fail.".


Josh Branwen's POV*

Marcus said, "Okay, next up, the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Utilities are above what the Atlas Government cleared for funding, guys.".

Ember said, "I'll handle it. Move on, Marcus.".

Onyx said, "Okay, okay. Let's just say we have this covered. What else?".

Marcus said, "Just the space station incident. They only recovered four bodies.

Daga said, "Word is, Ironcorp has been handling it within the realm of the law.".

We all nodded and Marcus said, "All right. Well, if that's it, we'll meet next Monday.".

We all nodded and Onyx said, "I can't make it. I have a rehearsal dinner that night.".

Black Rock Shooter said, "That's right. I forgot you were getting married, Onyx, congrats.".

Onyx said, "Limos, banquet hall, DJ, the whole shebang. Just the family, you understand?

Volt said, "This calls for a toast. This calls for a toast. We've got some beer in the fridge." and we all headed out to celebrate with Onyx.

The Next Day In Kuroyuri*

Black Rock Shooter's POV*

The Fiery Phantom, Volt, Onyx, and I arrived to find a fiery headed monster attacking Kuroyuri.

Fiery Phantom said, "Flash. Civilians." and Onyx sped off.

I landed in front of the monster and blasted it away with my Black Rock Cannon.

I blasted it into the sky and when I flew up and met it in the sky, I blasted it back down to Earth threw a few buildings.

I landed in front of it.

It speedily got up and grabbed me and smashed me into the ground before holding me up and punching me away.

Volt Blazeheart's POV*

I caught Black Rock Shooter with my darkness and set her down on the ground in an alleyway

I messaged in and said, "Black Rock Shooter's still alive.".

Ember said, "Volt. We need a perimeter.".

I said, "Like hell. This is no time for a rope-a-dope. I'm a member of The Sentinels. We eat monsters like these for breakfast." and I flew off to meet the creature.

Othim said, "Let me handle this.".

I said, "Sure. Right after I get a shot at him, big guy.".

I arrived and grounded the monster into the ground with a beam of Darkness.

I then used my darkness to pick him up and it looked right at me.

It started to struggle forcing me to concentrate harder on it.

I groaned as it broke free and came right at me.

It punched me sending me through two buildings before I hit the ground.

I formed a bubble shield of darkness around me and it landed and broke through the bubble shield.

Onyx Kanuchi's POV*

I speedily grabbed Volt and pulled him out of there.

I set him by Black Rock Shooter.

I took Black Rock Shooter's sword and sped off.

I sped past the creature continuously slashing at it and hitting it continuously until it straight out punched me in the face sending me into a wall.

I looked up and saw it standing over me.

It was about to hit me but Ember flew behind it and blasted it with a beam of blue fire grabbing its attention and it looked away from me.

Ember Fall's POV*

I said, "Alert. Three Sentinels down and we only just got here. Need backup now." and I flew through town letting the monster chase me.

I blasted it continuously but it didn't budge.

I landed on the ground and said, "Fall, dammit." and it threw a car at me.

I cut the car in two and shot him with my Blue Nova Blast pushing him threw most of the town and outside of it.

I thought it was over he threw an old train car at me.

I cut it in half and soon some of the others arrived.

Marcus got an arm ripped off and was thrown aside.

Daga jumped on its back and stabbed it in the chest with his spear while Bani tried beating it with some punches.

It grabbed Bani and kicked her aside and grabbed Daga and threw him up and punched him into a building.

It turned to me and threw a car at me.

I was hit back and I bounced across the ground a few times and hit a wall and I hit the ground but Ein, Themis, Aztec, Terra, Josie Mathis, and Elizabeth arrived.

Ein asked, "Where is it?".

I said, "It's heading for Atlas." before I passed out.

Ein's POV*

I said, "Let's go." and we all flew off.

Aztec's POV*

I went in first to fight the creature.

I uppercut it pushing it off the ground and grabbed its foot and threw it threw the great forest with a punch.

I went after it and when I arrived we locked hands and were splitting the ground apart.

It pulled me down and kneed me in the chin sending me up.

It punched me repeatedly until I was near passing out.

It grabbed me and punched me away.

Ein's POV*

Josie Mathis, Terra, and Elizabeth did their best but the creature overpowered them too.

Themis and I fired a combined blast of Divine Lightning Magic but it swept it off and jumped up at us.

It tried wild haymakers on Themis but she blocked them until it backhanded her away.

I was going to go in with a slash of my blade but was elbowed back and hit him away with. 

Themis tried to attack again but the creature kneed her in the gut, hit her with a right hook to the face then punched her in the gut, then it uppercut her in the face, then kicked her towards the Earth hitting us both there.

I looked as the creature walked off to Atlas which was much closer now.

I pushed Themis off of me and headed out to fight the creature myself.

I landed in front of it and said, "I'm calling you out. Monster.".

We charged at each other and we clashed fists sending a shockwave through most of Mantle breaking glass windows.

It hit me in the face and I hit it back and to the ground.

I went in for another attack but it kicked me back.

I charged back and kicked it back into the icy tundra outside of Mantle.

It grabbed me by the face and smashed me into the ground.

I charged forward with my blade but it broke my blade and punched me to the ground.

It then smashed me into the ground and beat me into the ground continuously knocking me out.

Ash Fall's POV*

I arrived just as the creature was about to kill Ein.

I blasted it off of her and landed nearby it.

It got up and charged at me but I blasted it again and it started to resist me.

I snapped my fingers creating multiple sigils around it that blasted it with all sorts of magic in the hopes of weakening it.

It broke through and punched me in the face.

It pulled back and I punched it in the face sending it into the ground.

I flew over it and started basting it again until I found its weakness.

Unholy Magic.

I started continuously blasting it with that until it managed to power through and grab me.

It was going to try and snap my neck but I teleported it back and blasted it again until it punched me with enough force to send me up to Atlas.

I said, "If only I had proficiency in Unholy Magic. Wait...".

Josh landed by me and asked, "How's the fight going?".

I said, "Not too good. You're the only one who can kill it. It's resistant to Unholy Magic which means you may be the only one of us who can kill it seeing as my Unholy Magic isn't nearly as strong as yours. I've already weakened it enough so you could probably kill it yourself.".

Josh nodded and I said, "I must away to help the others. And Josh, don't hold back, kill that ugly son of a bitch.".

Josh nodded again and I said, "But be warned. If he's resistant to Unholy Magic, he may be of Holy origin and therefore could kill you.".

Josh said, "That's the life of a hero, Ash." and he flew off.

Josh Branwen's POV*

I blasted the creature with an Unholy Fireball and I landed before it.

I said, "I don't know what hole you crawled out of or where you came from, but I'm sending you to hell buddy boy.".

We charged at each other and clashed hands cracking the ground beneath us.

It punched me through a building and I flew back pushing him into a building.

Our fight soon came up to Atlas.

It grabbed me by the head and smashed me into the ground a few times before backhanding me a few times.

I blasted it in the face with some unholy fire and punched it back and I flew after it.

It grabbed me and smashed me into a wall and started kicking me deeper and deeper into the wall before kicking me aside.

I got up and it punched me all the way to the center of town.

It punched my head into the ground and I punched it hard enough to send it up into the sky above the clouds and I followed after it.

I blasted him further with an Unholy Fireblast and before I could hit him back to earth, he grabbed me and punched me and headbutted me all the way back to Earth.

We landed back in the middle of Atlas and I passed out.

James Ironwood's POV*

I arrived on the scene in my mech suit and blasted Anarchy back with my Hadron Ion Cannon.

I walked forward continuously blasting him and I asked, "You think taking down The Sentinels is supposed to scare us? The answer, that happens at least twice a week." as I kept firing.

I flew over and said, "I don't know where you came from, but you've picked the wrong city to mess with. And the wrong CEO." and I punched it into the ground and said, "Atlas is, and always will be under the protection of James Ironwood, you evil son of a bitch!".

After it was down I said, "Time to get a piece of you for my cloning experiments.".

I was blasted back by it and I hit the ground.

It jumped over and tore me out of the mech suit and threw me but I was stopped.

Josh Branwen's POV*

After saving James from the creature, I charged at it and it charged at me.

We clashed punching each other in the face and sent out a shockwave.

I punched him twice with what strength I had and he punched me three times bringing me down.

It approached me and I got up trying to punch him but he dodged and grabbed me by the back of my head and smashed it into the ground before stomping me into the ground.

I looked over and saw Willow.

The creature started to head for her and I gripped my fists tight as it approached her.

I got up and Xarthos said, "Don't!!" and I charged at the creature full force and when it turned to me.

I punched its face so hard it snapped his neck but he ultimately stabbed me in the chest with one of his many spikes but the problem was it was Unholy.

Xarthos worriedly said, "I'll save us. Don't worry.".

I hit the ground and Willow came over and cradled my head in her lap.

Willow sadly said, "Don't go. Stay with me, please!".

I weakly asked, "Is he... is that thing...".

Willow sadly said, "Yes. You did it. You saved everyone.".

I weakly said, "Good. That's all I ever wanted. Except for you, what a lucky guy I was..." and I closed my eyes.

Willow Schnee's POV*

He turned back to normal and I saw his handsome face.

I started crying and said, "No, no, no, no." as people started to gather around.

A Few Days Later At The Funeral*

Winter Schnee's POV*

Everyone in Atlas attended and every member of The Sentinels attended too.

I said, "Ghost Rider was one of the examples that inspire us to reach beyond ourselves, to soar a better tomorrow. He was a hero like many others. He was a hero to Atlas. But more importantly, he was a friend. Of course, he didn't act alone. The Sentinels also put their lives on the line against this brutal, incomprehensible evil. In many ways, I'm sure they feel the loss of their comrade, most of all. And let us not forget the quick action from James Ironwood, who allowed Ghost Rider the time he needed to save us all. Ladies and Gentlemen, James Ironwood.".

James Ironwood's POV*

I stepped up to the podium and said, "Thank you, General Schnee. It's no secret Ghost Rider and I had our differences, but this wasn't always the case. You would all be surprised by the times he came to visit. The wisdom he would impart. I will miss those late-night chats on my balcony. For Ghost Rider, always in our hearts." and they put his body in the mausoleum.

The Fiery Phantom flew up and set a fire in the memorial flame.

A Few Days Later*

Third Person's POV*

The body of Josh Branwen was taken away.

A successful clone of Ironcorp got up and grabbed a coat and walked out.

A man constructed a mask and some armor to do the right thing.

A cybernetic figure is worked on but his eyes and hair become fiery.

To Be Continued In The Reign Of The Ghost Riders*

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