Guardian Angel [Yan Ximen]

By --solaris--

327K 8.4K 1.3K

'I don't know what you've done but I can't get you out of my head.' 'And I don't think I want to' [2018 Meteo... More

0.0 Jiang Ying Yue
0.1 Playlist


3.1K 99 16
By --solaris--

・・・☆・Thirty- One ・・・☆・

Originally Yingyue's plan following the couple leaving the airport was to pull in somewhere for food like a restaurant or something. Yet with just how fragile Ximen appeared at that exact moment she didn't want to risk affecting his mood negatively by surrounding him with unknown people. Therefore, she resulted in the next best thing, ordering something in when they were back at hers. She would force him into comfortable clothing and shove on a film and just relax. 

She had mentioned to one of the staff through message earlier about the necessity of purchasing a weighted blanket for when they got home. She prayed it would have the affect on Ximen like the studies showed so that it reduced his stress. But she wasn't overly concerned if it did not for she should be able to provide him with all the comfort she could and hope that it would be enough. 

Once sat in the car, the quiet radio had been turned up slightly by Ximen obviously wanting the sound to carry out better through the car. Yingyue fought against herself to stop her from tapping the tune out on the steering wheel as she was aware this would most likely annoy the boy. It was one of those habits you pick up that is fine when you're alone but not when someone else is with you. 

"Ye are you okay?" Ximen asked and Yingyue felt her heart strings pull for even though he was upset he was still concerned because she was acting just a little off. 

"Of course I am babe, I'm just more concerned about getting you home." Yingyue replied as she quickly took her eyes off the road to check upon him before returning them to their rightful place. 

"You're just not tapping to the beat." He continued to comment on the absent sound in the car and Yingyue had to just take a moment to reflect to herself upon just how much attention he paid her irregardless of how he felt at any given moment in time. 

"I know it's irritating and didn't want to bother you." Her response was nonchalant as she indicated and turned off the busy motorway and onto a more subdued road. 

"It just doesn't feel right without it." Yingyue was desperate to do anything that would bring back a sense of normality to her fiancé and if this included her tapping along to the tune of the radio, so be it. 

Another 5 or so minutes later Yingyue parked up outside their current housing situation, for the two were only due to call this place home for another few days. She took a minute before taking the keys out of the ignition turning to face Ximen in the passenger seat opposite her. 

"I love you" where the three words she spoke. She knew she didn't have to speak them aloud for him to know but she felt as though in that moment they were the words she wanted to say. There was nothing telling her she had to say them but she just really wanted to in that exact moment. 

And despite not getting a reply she didn't feel the need to question it. She felt the need to get him indoors and to make him happy again. She absolutely hated seeing him this way and in her head she cursed at all those involved in his current situation. This was supposed to be the countdown to them moving in together. Not a time for his friends to mess him around regarding the same girl over and over again. Some friends they were being. 

Yingyue pulled Ximen through the house and into the east wing with very little effort. They ended up in the living room of the east wing, that also doubled as their cinema room. She simply pushed him onto the sofa with a bark of the demand to 'stay there and not move until she came back'. 

With a hurried set of footsteps that mirrored that of a scurrying squirrel she rushed to their room. Her hands moved at a pace similar to lightening as she brushed through the racks of clothing before settling on a pair of sweats for them both and appropriate clothing for the upper half. She also rushed to change into what she had picked out for herself before she moved with the same urgency back towards the living room. 

Though what she came across upon reentering the room was enough to make her drop the clean set of clothes into a pile on a random piece of furniture. This sudden feeling of pure anguish must have been the worst thing she had ever felt. For there sat in the exact same spot head in his hands and clear sounds of sobbing was the love of her life finally breaking. In that moment she wished more than anything that their roles were reversed for she hated the utter sight she was currently witnessing. For she had this image in her head of a happy, laughing and content Ximen and this was not him. This wasn't the way she ever wanted to see him again. It was like the weeks of his friends messing him around over some stupid young girl had just built up and up to create this scenario. And she could bet the three involved were just casually chilling as though their actions didn't have any effects on anyone outside of themselves. All she wanted to do was be angry with them and act out upon this anger, storm upon them all and show them just what happened when you messed with the one person she cared about more than anything.

But she had to put these thoughts aside for the moment and focus on the man in question. He was her priority right now. Not the people who were soon going to be dead meat if she had her way. Yingyue took a deep breath in to calm the raging thoughts of homicide to collect herself and think of her first words to the man who was hurting. She knelt so she was positioned in front of him her hands reaching out to gently pry away his that were pressed into his face to stop the tears. Upon doing so she watched careful as he looked up to meet her gaze. His eyes were red as tears continued to stream down his face. 

"Baby, you don't have to say anything just know I'm here." Her voice remained soft as she fought against the urge to pull him into her arms potentially against his own desires and just coddle him as though he was a newborn. She watched as he took a very deep intake of breath almost as if he was trying to say something to her. Though the words never did manage to come out she still took this as him desiring to say something to her. 

"Take your time Ximen, I'm not going anywhere." She gently coaxed whatever he desired to say out her hands going to rub small patterns into his. The soothing gestures having been something she had recieved many times form him and she saw only as a small gesture of returning what he had done for her countless times before. 

"I just don't understand anything." Ximen was finally able to come to terms with those words.

"Let me help you understand then, what's troubling you the most and we'll start there."

"I just don't understand why they're still throwing away all these years worth of friendship just for one girl. I don't get why they'd act like this for her or why even after all our attempts to get them to to reconcile and move on why it hasn't worked." The information he gave came out at such a rush that Yingyue had to take a moment to just to think through it all and ensure she got all the information she required. 

"I don't think any of us other than the two in question will be able to explain why Shancai of all people. But I can help you realise just why they're being so stubborn, you've mentioned it before that Lei was in part doing it to bother Si, and we all know Si will continue to peruse something he wants irregardless of what it does to himself or the others around him. Do these reasons make it excusable to what they've caused your friendship group to go through or you to go through? No." Her words were still given in a mainly soft manner yet they also showed sone form of malice towards the three she had mentioned.

"You and Meizuo have tried so hard to get them to reconcile, you've gone above and beyond. But Ximen is it perhaps time to stop for a little while? Until those two come to realise that their actions have consequences on others they're never going to be able to continue as they were prior to this all occurring. But you can't continue on blaming yourself for this happening. You two have done so much more than what could have ever been expected. For now it seems like it was all for nothing but I promise, the four of you will come back together once this blows over. Your friendship has roots so strong that this will feel like a silly small little blip in your lives in a few years." Yingyue continued her voice coming off slightly less soothing for she felt the utter urge to trace whomever involved down and beat them round the head with her Louboutin. 

"They way they've been acting, makes me so scared." Ximen finally voiced after a pregnant pause following Yingyue's last words. 

"Scared of what baby?" Yingyue questioned her brain trying to come up with possible situations or scenarios he was currently envisioning. 

"I could lose them all but I can't lose you. You won't leave me, will you?" 

"As long as there are stars in the sky, I have no intent to leave your side."

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