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・・・☆・ Twenty Seven ・・・☆・

The new reformed group of F4 now featuring Qinghe, considering the very public kicking out off Lei and the throwing of the joker card, now sat in the library where the bridge club hid. Three of the boys mad at one another and the other one clueless as to why he was even there. It had started simply with a debate over whether Qinghe could even sit down in a certain chair that made the new comer even more confused and overall just unsure of why he was even there. He had no clue why the group was going through such a time and he didn't really know what to think of the entire situation. So he did the most logical thing, he asked.

What he did not expect was for Ah Si to have gone in to some sort of rant on how Lei was only using and manipulating his best friend in order to get over his long term love. Si finished his rant using the words.

"The stupid girl can't see that, so are you going to keep defending that selfish bastard? Ximen what would you do if that was Yingyue?" and Qinghe could only look and observe the others in the room for their response. He watched as Ximen's face seemed to loose its angry appearance as he came to some sort of mutual agreement with the other man. 

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear." Meizuo muttered as the group of four could hear the sounds of footsteps as someone came down the stairs. Qinghe turned to look at who had turned up and came made eye contact with none other than Jiang Yingyue the senior he had hat the hots for since first coming across her. He knew he had very little chance of ever getting her attention enough to win her over but he couldn't help but admire her in that moment. She looked effortlessly flawless in a caramel coloured blouse that was tucked into a pair of high waisted black trousers. What he didn't expect was for her to come down and stand directly behind Ximen's chair wrapping her arms around his shoulders from behind. 

"Hey beautiful." Nor did Qinghe expect Ximen to greet her in that fashion. It would seem as though the pair were in their own world for a moment and the new comer could feel his chance wash down the drain. 

"What was that about me?" Yingyue spoke having not paid that much attention to the newcomer to the room. She had very little reason to anyways she was here to get to the bottom of the big blow out she had overheard about as she walked out of her languages class. Though she was met with no response as Si got up and walked out of the room with nothing but aggression in his demeanour. The boy was always angry as of recent.

"Are you saying that Lei is just using Shancai to get over Jing." Qinghe questioned and Yingyue was able to make out what the basis of the conversation had been about before she had turned up. It would appear none of the group wanted to comment on this. Yingyue was convinced this was the outlook many of the boys felt and sure part of her believed it, but she was also set in her opinion that Shancai wasn't all innocent in this whole ordeal. 

The younger girl was there when the announcement of the marriage, which she still hadn't actually been told about by Jing, and she must have known how Lei was emotionally effected by the falling of the relationship he had with the girl he'd been crushing on for years. Yet she had still pursued him and from what she had heard had still agreed to go on a date with him. But she wasn't going to voice these opinions, especially when Qinghe was around. 

The room seemed to turn quiet after this, as though none of them knew what to do next. Or what to say, despite the two mood makers of F4 actually being present in the room it would appear they had no idea how to continue on without the other two members, and of course with the new addition it must have been a completely different feeling for the pair. Yingyue could only offer her support during this unusual time as she watched their strong friendship go through troubled waters. 

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