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・・・☆・Thirty Two・・・☆・

Despite being outwardly over the slump he had entered, Yingyue still kept a very close eye upon Ximen for the following couple of days. Not too much as to she was currently making it difficult for him to do anything or that he felt as though she had become a permanent shadow in his life. But enough so that he still knew she was there supporting him. Just in case he needed her. Always just in case. 

But four days later he seemed to have completely perked up. Perhaps it was because that day just so happened to be the one where they got to move into their first home together. He had spent the last three days rushing about like a headless chicken to ensure everything they would need and the kitchen sink was packed. The truth was that they could have moved in two days earlier but the house had been redecorated and the work had been delayed by an extra couple of days. Of course this turned out to be a blessing in disguise regarding the whole emotional moment they had had. But it hadn't stopped the ants in his pants from forming. 

"Calm down Xi, the moving van doesn't get here until 9am." Yingyue attempted to cool her bouncing fiancé down as he flittered throughout the entire house. She hadn't expected him to wake her up at 6am demanding she get ready so they could pack the last few items away. But she didn't blame him, she too was excited to get into their own place just obviously not as much as he was. 

"It's 8:45 only 15 minutes now, 15 minutes!" Even his tone was like a child at Christmas waiting upon their parent to come downstairs so they could open their presents. 

"I know babe, just take a seat so you're not too exhausted to start unpacking stuff." She patted his shoulder as she did a check of their room to ensure nothing had been left behind. Upon finding nothing she resorted to having to physically try and calm the man-child down. Her best effort was to hug him from behind and rest her head between his shoulder blades. 

"I just can't wait to be in our own house, our home to start our own family." She could physically still feel him vibrating like a phone in her hold. 

"Of course so am I but if you keep this up you'll be too tired to celebrate being unpacked later." She attempted to reason though it fell upon deaf ears. Rather before he could properly respond  the front door bell rung out and Ximen basically sprinted to open it. Behind the door stood three pretty beefy looking men obviously a lot stronger than her fiancé could ever be. Though Yingyue would never tell him that. He was a little scrawny but he was still perfect in her eyes. 

"Mr and Mrs Yan? We're here to move you." One of the men addressed the couple and Yingyue had to roll her eyes at the fact that once again they were already being addressed as a married couple. She knew Ximen was doing this on purpose but she didn't mind, it saved her a lot of explanation and often they used it to wing that they were on their honeymoon and get freebies. 

Directing them to the mass amount of boxes in the living room soon enough the now group of five loaded up the large van of the boxes. It looked like a very tiny amount considering that a lot of the furniture they had delivered and set up prior to moving in and therefore, it was mainly just their personal items. It was a bit over the top to ask for a moving truck but it was basically demanded by Ximen's mother that they use one and neither young adult wanted to annoy the Yan Matriarch and hence just did as she stated. 

The actual unloading of the moving vehicle and unpacking process was what took the longest for the new house owners. It wasn't helped by the fact that Ximen could not remain serious or actually focused on a task. All he was supposed to be doing was unloading the kitchen utensils yet when she looked over from where she was unpacking their other items in the living room, which was only separated by a half wall. Yingyue should have guessed he would be stood there, a dumb smile on his face as he played around with the forks. She was thankful that he had his glasses on at least for that would mean he wouldn't accidentally stab his eye as his waved them around like a child. 

"Sometimes I don't even know why I put up with you." She hollered across the rooms and to the cheeky grin she got back in response.

"It's because you love me." Ximen sung back

"That is questionable too." She called before turning her attention back to the books she was currently unloading onto the bookshelf, it was one of the larger collections of items they had brought for the living room and took up about three boxes if not more. She had focused so hard on sorting them out alphabetically and ensuring that they all fit onto the bookshelf that she was unaware of his moments. Completely in her own world when he had snuck up behind her and pounced they had both fallen over to one side.

"Tell me you love me." He whined out before he began to tickle her sides.

"Never!" Yingyue was able to answer between the giggles she let out.

"I won't stop until you do." Ximen continued following his statement and Yingyue tried to stay in control but found herself overly ticklish.

"Okay, I love you." She burst out giving into him.

"Love you too." The pair sat in a somewhat not so uncomfortable position, on the living room floor neither making an effort to move. The couple hours they had spent unpacking the house felt like forever. They knew they had only really the bathroom and the bedroom to finish for the night but neither wanted to really do it. "I don't want to do any more." Ximen had pressed his head into Yingyue's neck as he spoke.

"I don't want to either, but think about it this way the faster we finish the earlier we can order food." Yingyue tried to reason but she didn't want to do it either. 

"Only for the food." Ximen announced being more happy about that but she could tell he wasn't too impressed with the idea either. 

"We'll eat on the sofa and then tackle anything we've not done tomorrow. Let's just get this house liveable in for now and we can do everything else later." 

Another two and a half hours later and they had finally finished unpacking everything but the guest bedrooms. They could be done in the morning but neither was overly rushing to go and do so. It had been an exhausting day in both of their minds, neither really knowing how much energy it would require to unpack so many belongings. 

That evening they sat upon the sofa, in the newly decorated living room in front of the TV. Candles lit around them as Ximen poured out two glasses of the only wine Yingyue would drink. He soon returned to facing Yingyue his glass in one hand as he offered the other to her. She took the glass into her own hand as she continued to watch his face. For the first time in what felt like forever she could see a genuine smile on his face, for today all his other worries seemed to wash away. They were both completely focused on this moment. She stared into his own eyes that were lit like they held the stars and she had to contemplate just how lucky she was. 

"To our family." He raised a toast and she couldn't help but beam in response.

"To our family." 

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