An IDV story (dumb)

Por nutstate

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Just some background
Gay boi hours
Naib, help!
Accept or reject?
Joseph, get out!
They won't stop crying...
Roadman Robbie and Chavvy Follower?
Bald boi time
A wedding?
Finally husband and wife
A small problem...
Soft boi dates!
A second wedding
Even more weddings...
New character: John Cena!
Adopting a roadman...
A moment of peace, please?!
Joseph done goofed
Sacrifice the child
Fully snapped
No way... Another wedding?!
Movie night!
The mini hunters
Adopted Andrew
McDonalds madness
Beach time!
Wait, you're a boy and I'm a rat?!
Helena causing trouble again?!
Uncovering the truth
The rise of Rah Queen
Rah Queen films a video
Thank you so much!
A manly sleepover
Girls' night!
Naib's sad boi hours...
Unexpected pregnancy
Two-person skewer
Kevin gets a man
Just brotherly love~
Not the holy woman!
The softest content you'll get
Luca's virginities
Mike's kebabs
A boat date!
Magnet man's turn
A night out
The park
Poor health
Over the bridge and far away
Finding out
Too much soup
Don't drop your ice lolly
A not-so-private chat
Inviting some friends
Last minute plans
Always interrupted
Joseph's going crazy...
Car wash
Duo hunters
Cleaning survivors' rooms
Cleaning hunters' rooms
Relationship problems
All in one day
Is this how it ends?
A peek into the future

How's Norton doing?

290 10 151
Por nutstate

In the manor's large kitchen...

Norton: *buttering a croissant with his epic buttering skills, while humming a tune, all cheerful*

Mini Photographer: *waddles in and climbs onto the counter, next to where Norton is buttering*

Norton: Good sir, your croissant is nearly finished. I hope it is up to your standards.

Mini Photographer: Only one? What a useless butler...

Norton: I apologise, sir, I'll make some more. But I cannot assure you that they will be at the same level of greatness. Buttering a croissant is an art form and requires lots of time and effort.

Mini Photographer: How long does it take? It doesn't have to be perfect, just butter it up like my French girls.

Norton: Young master, you have lovers already?

Mini Photographer: Of course I do. I'm THE Great Joseph Jr. Every girl falls for my amazing looks.

Norton: You think quite highly of yourself...

Mini Photographer: And you're not serving me my food fast enough. Move those fingers.

Norton: Yes, sir...

Norton: *continues preparing Joseph Jr's breakfast in silence*

Mini Photographer: *watches, also silent*

Norton: If I may ask... Who are your French girls?

Mini Photographer: JACK! GET IN HERE!

Norton: Jack?! The Ripper?! Like, the 20 something year old bald guy?!

Mini Ripper: *runs in*

Mini Ripper: Joseph, you called?

Mini Photographer: Yeah. My butler wanted to see you.

Mini Ripper: Oh... Why?

Mini Photographer: He wanted to see my French girl.

Norton: Baby Jack? He's a girl?! And he's French?!

Mini Ripper: Sooo cool! I want a butler! Ahh~ You're so lucky!

Mini Photographer: Heh, this is just one of the many privileges you can get for being so rich.

Mini Ripper: Aww, you're making me jealous...

Mini Photographer: Don't be. Come here.

Mini Ripper: *climbs up onto the counter and sits next to Joseph Jr*

Mini Photographer: *drapes his little arms around mini Jack's tiny shoulders*

Mini Photographer: Don't worry. Soon, you'll be my bride and he'll be your butler too.

Mini Ripper: Really?

Mini Photographer: Of course, my darling~

Mini Ripper: Wow... Yay!

Norton: I've finished with buttering the croissant. I can make more, if you wish to have more.

Mini Photographer: We have a guest here now, so there will obviously need to be a lot more croissants. Get to it.

Norton: Of course.

Mini Ripper and Photographer: *get off the counter and sit at the small table in the middle of the kitchen*

Norton: *places a stack of croissants on the table for them, then walks back to the counter to butter more*

Mini Ripper: *takes one from the top of the pile and bites into it*

Mini Ripper: Wow! This is delicious!

Mini Photographer: What else do you expect from a butler serving me?

Mini Ripper: Waaah, wish I had a butler like you do, Joseph...

Mini Photographer: I told you already that he will be yours too once we get married.

Mini Ripper: Oh yeah! Let's get married really quickly!

Mini Photographer: My fathers won't let me. I have to be a grandpa first.

Mini Ripper: So I have to be a grandpa too?

Mini Photographer: No. You have to be a grandma.

Mini Ripper: Oh... Grandmas are boys?

Mini Photographer: No.

Mini Ripper: Then why am I going to be a grandma?

Mini Photographer: Because you're my wife, even though you are a boy.

Mini Ripper: Oh... I don't get it...

Mini Photographer: You don't have to. Let's just eat this pile of croissants.

Mini Ripper: *nods and gobbles down his croissant*

Mini Photographer: *takes one and sucks it up his nose*

Mini Ripper: What did you just do?!

Mini Photographer: I inhaled it. Biting and chewing takes up too much time and I'm also not bothered. Inhaling it is the best method of eating breakfast for busy people, like me.

Mini Ripper: I wanna try!

Mini Photographer: No, don't. It might get stuck up there, if you're not careful and experienced.

Mini Ripper: Aww... Fine...

Naib and Jack: *outside, in the hall, looking for mini Jack*


Mini Ripper: They're looking for me... Sorry, Joseph, I have to go...

Mini Photographer: It's fine. Go. You shouldn't keep your parents waiting for too long.

Mini Ripper: *looks guilty, pushes himself off of his chair and runs out*

Mini Photographer: *continues inhaling croissants like a psychopath*

Joseph: *comes in*

Joseph: Has anyone seen my black suit? I need it, right now. Oh... Joseph Jr... And Nort- Is that my black suit?!

Norton: Ah- I'm sorry! I didn't have a suit, so I went into the closet to see if Aesop had any suits, but I didn't know it was actually your closet! Or that this was your suit!

Joseph: Well, whatever... I'm already late, so Aesop will probably come in later as well...

Mini Photographer: What were you guys doing?

Joseph: Don't speak so casually to your father like that.

Mini Photographer: Okay. So... What were you doing?

Joseph: We were about to go out on a date... This is kind of embarrassing... We were all just told by Miss Nightingale that we can leave the manor grounds and me and Aesop wanted to go to a restaurant...

Mini Photographer: Ew. I shouldn't have asked... Bleurgh, dates.

Joseph: I will smack you upside the head, you dumb child.

Aesop: What?

Joseph: Ah- Um- Aesop?! When did you-

Aesop: I came just in time, it seems...

Joseph: Aesop! This child was-

Aesop: I've heard enough. Don't just attack children like that.

Joseph: If I was to harm him, the most I would do is slap him. Need I remind you of that time you nearly burned our son alive?

Aesop: ...I didn't mean to... I was furious with you and I took it all out on my poor baby...

Aesop: *walks up to Joseph Jr and picks him up, holding onto him tightly*

Aesop: I'm sorry...

Mini Photographer: It's fine. It's over now and I'm still alive, so no worries.

Joseph: *hugs Aesop from behind and digs his face into Aesop's neck*

Joseph: Mmm, sorry, darling...

Norton: Anybody want croissants?

Aesop: Are you... Buttering croissants with Joseph's sword?

Joseph: *looks up*

Joseph: So that's where my sword disappeared to! Norton, why are you always stealing my things?!

Norton: I'm sorry, Lord Joseph. The suit was by accident, but I purposefully took your sword. I thought that using a sword was the best way to show off my skills to the young master.

Joseph: Lord?

Aesop: Young master?

Norton: Yes, I'm your butler now. I wanted to repay you all for taking me in, during these hard times, and taking care of me. I met with Robbie a while ago and he seems to be living a much more luxurious life, and he had his own butler, which gave me the idea of being your butler, in order to thank you.

Joseph: Ohoho, I could get used to this~

Aesop: No- Wait-

Mini Photographer: *jumps out of Aesop's arms and onto the table, sniffing in the rest of the croissants*

Mini Photographer: I'm already used to this. Suck it, bitch.

Joseph: What did you call me? You want a punch?

Joseph: *realises that Aesop's still in the room, turns back to look at Aesop*

Joseph: I mean- I won't actually hurt him-

Aesop: I know.

Joseph: Why do you look so mad? What's the matter, babe?

Aesop: Joseph...

Joseph: *a little scared*

Joseph: Yes?

Aesop: Who taught him that word?

Joseph: Not me, that's for sure.

Aesop: If this is a lie, then no touching me for the rest of the year.

Joseph: Haha... Wait! You don't have proof that I was the one who taught him!

Aesop: 5...

Joseph: Huh? 5?

Aesop: 4...

Joseph: Wait! Why are you counting down?!

Aesop: 3...

Joseph: Aesop! Wait! Stop counting!

Aesop: 2....

Joseph: Okay, fine! I may have influenced him a bit...

Aesop: *sighs*

Aesop: Seriously...

Aesop: *smacks Joseph's booty*

Aesop: Bad daddy~

Joseph: Ae-Aesop?!

Aesop: Don't be such a bad influence anymore, okay?

Joseph: Uhh... Y-Yeah, sure...

Aesop: Thank you... Senpai~

Norton: This is taking a weird turn! Can we talk about how all my hard work is wasted since your son snorts all of the croissants up his nose?! Look at him! You might need to take him to see a doctor!

Naib: *flies in*

Naib: Aesop, you bastard! How dare you work Norton like a slave?!

Aesop: I did... No such thing?

Naib: Lies! My son told me that you order things from Norton and he isn't even getting paid! If that ain't slavery, then I don't know what is!

Norton: Woah! Naib, calm down! I'm doing this for myself!

Naib: Oh really now? How do I know that you're not being threatened by Aesop?!

Norton: You just have to trust me! I don't have evidence of Aesop being innocent, but-

Naib: I knew it! Aesop, you filthy man! Let him go! He's been through enough!

Norton: He's not holding me as a slave, I promise! I CHOSE to be his butler, and work for his family.

Naib: Even if that is the case... This is unfair!

Norton: I just told you that- I thought you understood!

Naib: Why is Aesop allowed a butler, but I'm not?!

Aesop: Ah, jealousy, gotta love that.

Naib: Norton! Ditch this anti social stick and work for me! Okay, first task of the day, I want McDonalds delivered. Make it snappy!

Norton: I'm afraid I can't just do that... I'm doing this because Aesop has helped me so much, more than anyone else ever has, and my life is peaceful once again. I'm sorry, Naib, but you haven't helped me as much as Aesop has, so I cannot serve you...

Naib: At least serve me for a day, dude! We talk about things, bro, so let me have some time to relax and boss someone around!

Aesop: He's only been our butler for this morning... It hasn't been long...


Aesop: Norton, maybe you shouldn't be our butler...

Norton: But I-

Aesop: Yeah, I know, but there are many other ways to repay me. I didn't expect anything back in the first place, so let's just keep it that way. Plus, this butler thing is causing more problems and stress than expected.

Norton: If that is what you want...

Aesop: Yes... Please...

Naib: Since you're not Aesop's butler anymore-

Norton: No, sorry, I will not be your butler...

Naib: Aww, you're no fun... Welp, then I'm out. No point in me sticking around with nothing to do... See ya, dudes.

Naib: *holds up a hand, as if he was about to wave, then leaves*

Aesop: You should probably return the suit and sword to Joseph, Norton...

Norton: Yep, will do! Are you sure you don't want-

Aesop: I am very sure. Thanks for the offer, though.

Mini Photographer: You might not be my butler anymore, but can you still butter my croissants?

Norton: *looks at Aesop, seeking permission*

Mini Photographer: *also looks at Aesop, with a pleading look*

Aesop: Fine. I need extra help with that cheeky rascal anyway. And I can have more alone time with my favourite pedo.

Joseph: I'm not that old! Aesooop!

Aesop: I'm only teasing~ Come here, you poor, short, old man.

Aesop: *holds his arms out, waiting for Joseph to hug him*

Joseph: *tears in his eyes, hugs Aesop*

Aesop: You big oaf... Come on, let's go.

Joseph: Wait.

Aesop: ???

Joseph: Norton's croissants are actually incredible! You should try one.

Aesop: I'll go back first then. Bring one for me later.

Joseph: *stuffing as many croissants into his arms as possible, then sticks one in his mouth*

Joseph: No! Wait! I'm coming!

Aesop: *walks out, shaking his head*

Joseph: *runs after Aesop, dropping a few croissants*

Norton: All my hard work!

Mini Photographer: Sucks to be you. Now, I want more.

Norton: Oh right. Here's the next batch. There's a little less than the last pile, since Joseph took a couple...

Mini Photographer: Doesn't matter. I'll still sniff them up.

Norton: Please eat like a normal child...

Mini Photographer: I'm a unique child. Born unique. So I'll eat like nobody else does.

Norton: But it could be bad for your health...

Mini Photographer: *bends over the plate of croissants and sniffs even louder, to annoy Norton, he's kinda like a vacuum machine, it just flies in there easily*

Norton: I spend tons of time making these for you, you know? Can't you eat at least one croissant normally?

Mini Photographer: Normal doesn't exist in my thesaurus.

Norton: You mean in your vocabulary? Or dictionary? Well, actually, the word 'normal' does exist in both of those... And most likely in your thesaurus too...

Mini Photographer: Listen, I'm a four year old. I don't know what I'm saying sometimes and I probably sound drunk, okay? No judgemental, like... 😒

Norton: You mean 'don't judge'?

Mini Photographer: Where are the croissants? It's feeling empty up there!

Mini Photographer: *widens his nostrils with his fingers*

Mini Photographer: Quick! In! I can't breathe without croissants!

Norton: *desperately shoving croissants up Joseph Jr's nose (oh gosh...), panicking*

Norton: C-Can you breathe better now?

Mini Photographer: Definitely, thanks.

Mini Photographer: *takes one last croissant and runs out of the room*

Norton: He is clearly not normal...

Aesop: *pokes his head in*

Norton: Oh, Aesop, come in.

Aesop: *walks in and shuts the door*

Norton: Why are you closing the door?

Aesop: *moves closer to Norton*

Norton: *sandwiched between the table and Aesop*

Norton: Maybe we shouldn't cheat on our husbands... I know Mike isn't the greatest right now, but I still love him!

Aesop: *leans his face in closer*

Norton: *blushing, feels Aesop's breath on his ear*

Norton: Aesop... I-

Aesop: *whispers into Norton's ear*

Aesop: We're having a guys' sleepover, later tonight. All the dudes are invited, except Kevin, which is why I'm whispering. Beyond that door is the dastardly cowboy. The sleepover is to celebrate the new hunter's arrival. Antonio or something...

Norton: *pushes Aesop away and holds his face, which is still really red and hot*

Norton: You were giving me the wrong idea!

Aesop: What's so wrong about it? I'm pretty sure that the sleepover thing will actually happen...

Norton: No! Well, yeah, of course it is... But, you just came in here, closed the door and just had me against the table! I thought you was going to do something to me...

Aesop: Oh... Yeah, now it seems pretty sexual... Oops, sorry... Were you hoping for that?

Norton: No! I was just shaken up...

Aesop: Okay. Don't forget. And don't tell Kevin. It's being held at Jack's place. Come at any time after 7pm.

Norton: Y-Yeah... Could you... Maybe, leave now?

Aesop: Oh right. You need to stop thinking weird things. Plus, I would never cheat. Unlike him...

Norton: Uh yeah...

Aesop: Guess I'll go then. See you later tonight.

Aesop: *gives a small wave and exits*

Norton: Hnnggg! That just made it worse! See you later tonight? Argh! No! I mean... Do I maybe want to...? No, Norton, he's your friend and he's already taken! Plus, Norton, you have Mike! Mike...! Yeah... Him...

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