The Disney Chronicles III: Fa...

By Dinodisneylover1

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The ponies of Equestria are organizing a concert in Canterlot. While Octavia is brainstorming with Twilight... More

Concert Preparation/Searching for Inspiration
Taylor, Stokowski and the Orchestra
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565
The Nutcracker Suite Op. 71a
L'Apprenti Sorcier (The Sorcerer's Apprentice)
The Rite of Spring: Genesis
The Rite of Spring: Evolution
The Rite of Spring: Extinction
Symphony No. 6 ('Pastoral') Op. 68: Feels like Home
Symphony No. 6 ('Pastoral') Op. 68: Matchmakers
Symphony No. 6 ('Pastoral') Op. 68: The Wine Festival and The Storm
Dance of the Hours
A Night on Bald Mountain, Part 1
A Night on Bald Mountain, Part 2
Ave Maria Op. 52 No. 6

Intermission/The Soundtrack

554 6 1
By Dinodisneylover1

Since their rough ride in the Rite of Spring, our heroes took a well-deserved rest. The devastation of the landscape and the extinction of the dinosaurs left them totally depressed. Even the baby dinosaurs had a hard time, not just adjusting to a world alien from their own, but the loss of their parents was the most traumatic experience of their lives.

They were together in a room along with Deems, Leopold and the members of the orchestra, whom were also on break. The Equestrians drank some water and apple juice, even eating sandwiches while caressing the baby dinosaurs. The minute they walked in, they told Deems everything that happened: The volcanoes, the storms, the dinosaur attacks, meeting friendly dinosaurs, the Tyrannosaurus that ate their Stegosaur friend, the earthquakes and, of course, how the dinosaurs died before them. After telling the entire story, they remained silent and haven't spoken in minutes. They just didn't know what else to say after what happened.

While eating a sandwich, Deems looked at his pony friends and couldn't help but feel sorry for them after what they've seen. He approaches the quiet group and sits next to Twilight.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Still sad, Mister Taylor," Twilight answered.

"It'll pass, Twilight... It'll pass," Deems said, patting her back. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thanks," Twilight said, sadly.

They were silent again, Deems taking the time to think. He knew there was something they still didn't know about the realm and it was time they knew the truth.

"You said some black smoke brought you through different time periods?"

"Jiminy said time had a will of its own in that realm," Twilight said. "I believed him."

"Actually... He's right," Deems said.

The minute Deems said so, every pony drew their attention to him.

"It's true?" Twilight asked. "Time moves forward, all on its own?"

"And backward," Deems added.

"Huh?" Everypony asked, confused.

"The black smoke allows you to go forward and back in time," Deems explained. "It also accelerates moments that happened and repeats them just the same."

"So, what you're saying is... The dinosaurs are alive?" Fluttershy asked, hopefully.

"Well... Yes... And no," Deems answered.

Now the Equestrians were really confused, some feeling sad again.

"You see, the Dinosaurs themselves are trapped in a time loop," Deems continued.

"A time loop?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, one that keeps repeating the same thing over and over for eternity, no matter how often you visit it."

"Isn't there anything we could do?" Octavia asked.

"I'm afraid not, Octavia," Deems said.

Everypony faced each with worry, while Deems turned to a baby Parasaurolophus and stroked its head.

"You made the right choice saving these babies," Deems said, breaking the silence. "Don't stay sad forever. It's no way to live, the dinosaurs wouldn't want that either."

"We know," Twilight said. "It's just hard... We're not used to this."

"Just remember the best times with them, not the worst," Deems advised. "Once the rest of the sheet music are found, you have our permission to take the baby dinosaurs home with you. I know you'll take good care of them."

The Equestrians smile, happy that a person they just met would trust them with such a task.

"But if we still need to find the rest, who's going to look after them?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'll ask Yen Sid and Mickey to watch for them while you're busy," Deems offers.

"You will?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course," Deems nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Taylor," Twilight smiled.

"You're welcome, Twilight," Deems said.

"Come here, little ones," Fluttershy said gently.

The tone had the baby dinosaurs gather toward her, giving their full attention.

"Now listen carefully: Mr. Taylor is bringing you to some friends of ours, Master Yen Sid and Mickey. They'll take care of you while we help him and the other orchestra members. They won't harm you, so please be nice to them. Okay?"

The baby dinosaurs nodded, understandingly.

"Good. Now go along with Mr. Taylor. We'll be back for you after we find all the sheet music."

They've seen her deploy her gift before, but it still amazed everyone how the baby dinosaurs did just as Fluttershy told them. Spike takes out the egg from his backpack and gives it to Deems, who carefully takes the egg into his clutches.

"Intermission's over, everybody," Leopold announced to everyone. "Everyone back to your places."

"Guess we better move on too, huh?" Rainbow asked.

Everypony nodded, following the rest of the orchestra up the stairs leading to the orchestra stand. The curtain opens and everyone went back to their respective seats. While the Equestrians sat along the floor and the musicians tuned their instruments once more, the baby dinosaurs followed Deems to the orange songbook. He placed his hand on the book and, in a flash of light, disappeared along with the babies. In the meantime, Jiminy was curious about Pinkie's... Pinkie Sense.

"That Pinkie Sense of yours is quite the power you have," The cricket remarks. "Does it really predict future events?"

"Weeeeeeell, it basically works like this," Pinkie explains. "I get different, little, niggly feelings that mean different things. Like when my back is itchy, it means it's my lucky day. When my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary is about to happen."

"How come your knee didn't get pinchy when the Tyrannosaurus appeared?"

"I don't know. Maybe it was unexpected... Or the writer didn't think about it."

Jiminy raised his eyebrow, confused by that.

Seriously, why do I always have to be involved? Doesn't sound realistic, does it?

"As to explain further, sometimes I get a bunch of random things happening to my body at random times that supposedly predict the future," Pinkie continued. "I call 'em 'combos'."

"Combos? Sounds like something from a video game."

"Well, here's one combo, for example: Ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow!"

"I see; I'll keep that in mind."

"Too bad my Pinkie Sense couldn't predict something to save the dinosaurs from going extinct," Pinkie sighed, sadly.

When everypony heard her sigh, they looked sadly on the floor. But Applejack tried to stay strong.

"Buck up, ya'll," Applejack said. "Remember what Deems said: We can't stay sad forever."

"Applejack is right," Twilight agreed. "It'll only make us depressed and helpless. We must focus on the here and now. Act more positive and, most importantly, find the rest of the sheet music."

"I just hope no more animals die," Fluttershy said, softly.

Twilight puts her hooves over Fluttershy's and Applejack's shoulders.

"We'll try our hardest to not let it happen again," Twilight assured.

Everypony nodded, as Applejack silently places a hoof over Twilight's shoulder and smiles.

"So, what do we do now?" Vinyl asked. "We still have to wait for Deems to know where's the next realm to go to."

"Hmm... We could play a game!" Pinkie suggested. "How about 'Cutie Cards' or a board game? Oh, I know! I've got 'Chutes and Ladders'."

Pinkie literally pulls out the boardgame, 'Chutes and Ladders', from her mane leaving some members of the orchestra baffled.

"I'm not in the mood for games," Rainbow said, still bummed out.

"Me neither," Rarity shook her head.

"Oh... Okay," Pinkie shrugged.

Pinkie tossed the board game aside; a crashing sound is heard followed by an 'OW!" from backstage.

"Anypony up for some music?" Pinkie asked.

"I can play something on my cello," Octavia offered.

"We could sing a song," Fluttershy suggests. "If you want, that is."

While the Equestrians talk amongst each other, two double bass players overheard their conversation. They whisper to each other and one of them nods. Suddenly, he begins to play a jazzy tune on his bass. The Equestrians hear it and turn behind them. The rhythm made Pinkie smile, and it didn't take long for the rest to do the same.

"Hey," Rainbow said, nodding her head. "Not bad!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie said, gleefully.

Then a clarinetist joins in, making the Equestrians turn another direction.

"Ooh, this is my jam!" Pinkie said.

The party pony couldn't help but dance, as some of the violists join in the jam session. Together, they create some harmonious music. The soft jingles of a xylophone and a few notes from a brass instrument joins in and our heroes enjoyed it very much.

In a flash of light, Deems returns from Yen Sid's tower and approaches the ponies. Meanwhile, the clarinetist played a solo while the rest of the instruments stopped. The Equestrians noticed Deems and Pinkie stopped dancing. Mr. Taylor was about to say something until he noticed the clarinetist still playing.

"Oh, yeah," Deems said, clearing his throat.

The musician stopped instantaneously, while many of the orchestra members couldn't help but chuckle.

(Music stops at the end)

"Ah think he loves to get carried away," Applejack remarks.

"Yes indeed," Deems said. "I thought you should know I've sent the baby dinosaurs to Master Yen Sid, who promised they're in safe hands."

"Thank you again, Mr. Taylor," Fluttershy said.

"You're welcome, Miss Fluttershy," Deems replied.

"Well, guess we better go to the next realm," Rainbow said, getting ready.

"Not yet," Deems said.

"Huh?" Everypony asked, confused.

"Before I let you go, I'd like to introduce somebody to you," Deems said. "Somebody very important to Fantasia."

"Ooh! Who is it?!" Pinkie asked.

"Well..." Deems began.

"Wait! Wait, don't tell!" Pinkie interrupted. "Let me guess! Walt Disney himself!"

"No, but good guess," Deems answered.

"Okay, okay! Let me think... Um, his brother? No, his wife? No wait, Annette Funicello! Or, or..."

"Pinkie!" Rainbow said, placing a hoof over Pinkie's mouth. "Maybe it's best we let him finish."

The ponies, dragon and cricket raised an eyebrow at the last name she mentioned.

For those who don't know, Annette Funicello was one of the most popular Mouseketeers on the original "Mickey Mouse Club". Look it up!

"Thanks Rainbow," Deems said, clearing his throat. "You see, Pinkie, it's neither of them. The person I want to introduce you to is no human, although we treat him as one of us. He's very shy and very retiring. I just happened to run across him one day at the Disney Studios. But when I did, I suddenly realized that he was not only an indispensable member of the organization, but a screen personality whose possibilities nobody around the place had ever noticed. And so, I'm very happy to have this opportunity to introduce you to... The soundtrack."

Everypony faced each other, confused.

"The soundtrack?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, Applejack," Deems said. "He's a being of living sound."

"How can something made of sound live and move?" Jiminy asked.

"The soundtrack is very special," Deems explains. "It can communicate using different sounds."

"Nice!" Vinyl said. "So, where is he?"

"Right behind you," Deems pointed.

The Equestrians turn around but saw nobody.

"I don't see him," Spike said, turning back.

"Oh, he's hiding again," Deems smiled, shaking his head.

Suddenly, the Equestrians see something move from behind a wall.

"Hey!" Rainbow pointing out. "There's something moving."

"That's him," Deems confirms.

As soon as the soundtrack heard them it quickly hid again.

"Oh my, it seems scared of us," Fluttershy said.

"Like I said before: Very shy and retiring," Deems said. "All right. Come on. It's all right. Don't be timid."

As soon as the soundtrack timidly came in front of them, they could finally see what it looks like: A straight white vertical line.

"Atta soundtrack."

"He's a line?" Rainbow asked, confused.

"He's living sound," Twilight said. "What did you expect?"

"Soundtrack, these are some friends of mine," Deems introduced. "This is Spike, Jiminy Cricket, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Vinyl Scratch, Fluttershy, Rarity, Octavia Melody and Twilight Sparkle."

"Hello!" Every pony greeted.

Octavia had a feeling the soundtrack was still nervous to see them.

"It's alright," The grey mare assured. "We won't hurt you."

Octavia's soothing voice made the soundtrack more relaxed. She doesn't know yet, but the soundtrack had certain feelings for the cellist pony.

"Very good," Deems nodded. "I can tell he isn't nervous right now, and by watching him, I discovered that every beautiful sound also creates an equally beautiful picture."

"How does that work?" Rainbow asked.

"Take a look," Deems said. "Will the soundtrack kindly produce a sound?"

But the soundtrack did nothing, as everything remained awkwardly silent.

"Is he going to do something or what?" Spike asked, confused.

"Go on, don't be nervous," Deems coursed the soundtrack. "Go ahead. Any sound."

(Sound at 0:54-0:56)

Suddenly, the soundtrack vibrates, creating a pink shape and funny noise. It startles everypony, a little.

"Did he just blow us a raspberry?" Rainbow asked, offended.

"I think so," Pinkie giggled.

Deems couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well, that isn't quite what I had in mind. Suppose we see and hear the harp."

(Sound at 1:05-1:24)

The soundtrack began to vibrate again, creating vertical waves and ripples while playing a glissando of the harp. This was, for the Equestrians, both beautiful to hear and see.

"Beautiful!" Octavia said.

"Simply gorgeous!" Rarity commented.

"Amazing!" Twilight said, wide-eyed.

"Would you all like to try?" Deems asked.

"We'd love to," Fluttershy answered.

"What kind of instruments do you have in mind?"

"Gee I don't know, there are so many to choose," Twilight thought. "I suppose I could try a string instrument, say, oh... The violin?"

(Sound at 1:29-1:50)

The soundtrack played the violin, creating strange green shapes that stretch out on both sides. They ascend up and down and, as a finishing touch, plucked the strings twice.

"Wow, that's very nice!" Twilight complimented.

"I especially love the pizzicato at the end," Octavia added.

"What would you like to hear, Octavia?" Deems asked.

"Well, I play the cello, so I wonder what beautiful picture it could have."

Suddenly, the sound played a lovely melody on the cello, creating a beautiful purple shape.

"It's just how I imagined it would be!" Octavia said, teary-eyed.

"Truly lovely," Rarity nodded. "I believe it's my turn?"

"Go ahead," Deems offered.

"Hmm... I would like to see and hear an instrument of elegance like... The Harpsichord."

The soundtrack vibrates with small ripples colored in indigo, while playing a graceful melody on the harpsichord.

"Aw, that was adorable," Rarity said.

"How about you, Fluttershy?" Deems asked.

"Um, maybe I would like to hear a softer instrument," Fluttershy said. "I was thinking one of the woodwinds, a flute maybe?"

(Sound at 1:54-2:00)

The soundtrack played a jolly tune on the flute, while making dark-green vibrations.

"Very pretty," Fluttershy smiled.

"And brief," Rainbow said, bluntly. "Let's raise the volume. I wanna hear an instrument that's as awesome as, well me. How about some electric guitar?"

(Sound on next video from 0:47-1:43)

Suddenly, the soundtrack began vibrating violently with red waves and shapes, while playing a powerful electric guitar tune. Everypony, except Vinyl and Rainbow, covered their ears from the loud noise. Even Deems had to keep himself from going deaf.

"THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Rainbow shouted, smiling. "WOOHOO!"

After the soundtrack went silent, everypony unplugged their ears.

"Oh honestly, Rainbow Dash," Rarity frowned. "Couldn't you pick a classical instrument? This is a classical orchestra after all."

Unknown to her friends, Rarity also has a secret taste for rock and heavy music. The only pony who probably knows is Pinkie, but... Shh!

"What?" Rainbow shrugged. "Just wanted to know what picture it would have."

"Of course, you do," Rarity said, sarcastically.

Rainbow glares hearing that, even stuck her tongue out when she wasn't looking.

"Okay, who wants to go next?" Twilight asked.

"I'd like to try," Vinyl steps up. "Let's try some dubstep instruments like the turntable and everything else that belongs with it."

(Music from next video 0:26-0:50)

Without further question, the soundtrack vibrated in yellow while make random technological noises. Vinyl bobs her head to the beat, even Deems surprisingly did the same.

"My, that's quite a unique style of music, Vinyl," Deems replied. "What is it called again?"

"Dubstep, my friend," Vinyl answered. "It's what we DJs play these days. We use special musical instruments to make beats and mix random songs."

"Impressive," Deems nodded.

"Now some DJs, like me, are mostly inspired by other artists. Rock, jazz, soul, hip-hop... Even classical music."

Vinyl winked at Octavia with a smile, while Octavia blushed a bit.

"Very interesting, Vinyl," Deems said.

"Ooh, ooh! Is it my turn now?" Pinkie asked. "Can I choose an instrument? Please, please, please?"

Pinkie plead with her hooves, with adorable eyes. Deems chuckled at this.

"Of course, Pinkie," Deems said. "Go right ahead."

"YIPPEE!" Pinkie cheered, smiling. "I want a brass instrument... Like the trumpet! That's my favorite."

(Sound at 2:05-2:20)

The soundtrack plays the trumpet, vibrating with orange shapes that went up and loud with each note. It made a few quiet notes until it blew a very loud one that made every pony cover their ears again. When the soundtrack stopped, the Equestrians slowly uncover their ears as Deems chuckled.

"All right, that was very nice."

"And loud," Rainbow said, rubbing her ear.

"Really, Rainbow Dash?" Rarity smirked. "Too loud for some pony who likes the electric guitar?"

"Aw, be quiet," Rainbow frowned.

"Ah guess it's mah turn now," Applejack stepped forward. "Let me think. There are a lot of instruments ah like. How about a good old-fashioned string instrument like the acoustic guitar?"

(Sound on next video at 0:00-0:30)

The soundtrack vibrates light blue circles, while playing a peaceful tune on the guitar.

"That was incredible. You know, mah mother used to play the guitar for me, Big Mac and Apple Bloom before she..."

But Applejack didn't finish, suddenly getting teary-eyed thinking of her mom. Deems noticed her tears and knew what she meant.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Applejack."

"It's alright," Applejack assured, wiping her tears away. "Got a little emotional for a moment... Ahem, why don't you try the next sound, Jiminy?"

"Okay," Jiminy said, thinking. "How about a low instrument for a change, like the bassoon?"

"Ooh, I like that one!" Pinkie smiled.

(Sound at 2:30-2:46)

The sound began to play a minor scale on the bassoon, vibrating with pink shapes that almost look like tongues. It then made a very low note and stopped playing.

"That's it?" Jiminy asked, confused.

"Can't you play a little longer?" Rainbow complained.

"Go on, go on," Deems urged, in agreement. "Drop the other shoe, will you?"

And without any delay, the soundtrack played an even deeper note. Obviously the lowest.

"That's better!" Jiminy said, satisfied.

"Alright, Spike," Deems said. "You can choose the last instrument."

"Oh, boy!" Spike smiled. "Okay, I suggest we see some percussion instruments, beginning with the bass drum."

"Great choice, Spike," Deems complimented.

(Sound at 2:54-3:16)

First, the soundtrack plays on the bass drum creating red orbs. Then it shook yellow, symbolizing the crash of the cymbals. Afterwards, it vibrates with orange shapes while playing the snare drum. Then all the shapes and sound blend a mix of the bass drum, snare drum and cymbals. Then it vibrates a powerful drum roll of the snare and finished with a tiny ding of the triangle.

Everypony couldn't help but stare in awe and clapped their hooves, claws and hands at the display. Even Deems couldn't help but laugh.

"Thanks a lot, old man."

"That was amazing!" Twilight said.

"Truly an experience!" Rarity added.

"It was pretty cool," Vinyl nodded.

"And awesome!" Rainbow added.

"And fun!" Pinkie added.

"You make such beautiful sounds and pictures, soundtrack," Octavia smiled. "I really enjoyed it."

When the soundtrack heard that, it couldn't help but feel happy and played a loving tune on the saxophone for Octavia. It vibrates with huge pink hearts. The Equestrians, the cellist especially, were quite surprised.

"I think he likes you," Deems said.

Octavia felt flattered and couldn't help but blush. The Equestrians and Deems chuckle at this.

"You can go now if you want, soundtrack," Deems said.

The soundtrack stops the music and walks away.

"Goodbye!" Every pony waved.

"Goodbye, Mr. Soundtrack!" Pinkie said.

"Goodbye," Octavia said.

"Hoo-wee! That was somethin' alright," Applejack sighed.

"The soundtrack was absolutely lovely," Fluttershy said.

"It really shows how beautiful music can be," Vinyl said, nudging Octavia. "Even when it's in love."

"Oh stop," The grey mare blushed, as Vinyl gave a playful wink.

"I'm glad you all enjoyed it," Deems smiled.

"We really did," Jiminy said.

"So now does this mean we move to the next realm for the next missing sheet music?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes indeed," Deems answered. "Follow me please."

The Equestrians follow the master of ceremonies to the next songbook, where their next mission awaits.

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