The Rite of Spring: Evolution

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"Twilight! Twilight!"

A blurry voice stirred the purple unicorn/alicorn awake, slowly opening her eyes. A blurry blue image of some pony appears along with more colorful imagery.

"Twilight!" The voice shouted.

As her vision clears, she sees all her friends looking at her. Twilight grunts from the experience, rubbing her head.

"Twilight, are you okay?" Spike asked.

"I'm fine, Spike," Twilight assures. "How about you?"

"Everypony's okay," Spike confirms.

They look around, finding themselves underwater. Luckily, their spacesuits were quite resistant against water.

(Start music at 7:47)

"Are we... Underwater?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, Twilight," Jiminy said. "Looks like nature did quite a number on us."

Twilight took another look around, finding no volcanoes or mountains in sight.

"Where are all the volcanoes and mountains?" Twilight asked.

"We don't know," Pinkie said. "When we woke up, they just poof! Vanished!"

"Either we're somewhere far away at sea," Jiminy thought. "Or..."

"Or what?" Rainbow asked, nervously.

"We went further in time!" Jiminy concludes.

Everypony faced Jiminy, surprised of what he said.

"Further in time?" Octavia asked. "In what way?"

"I'd say a few million years or so," Jiminy said.

"But how could we have gone further in time?" Twilight asked. "It felt like, uh... How long have we been unconscious?"

"Thirty minutes, like the length of one chapter," Pinkie said.

Everypony gave Pinkie a weird, confused look.

"This might sound crazy, but it seems time in this world has a will of its own," Jiminy theorized. "It can go fast without us knowing, but I could be wrong."

"A realm where time has a will of its own?" Twilight questioned, astonished. "This is above everything I've studied my whole life."

"She sure loves studying, doesn't she?" The cricket said to Rainbow.

"Yep, that's Twilight," Rainbow nods. "The Queen of the Eggheads."

"Hey!" Twilight said, offended.

"Actually, she's the 'Princess' of the Eggheads," Spike corrected.

"Spike!" Twilight said, grumpily.

"What? Can't handle a little joke?"

"Hey, look!" Jiminy pointed. "Over there!"

Everypony faced Jiminy's direction but saw nothing.

"Where?" Pinkie asked, looking around.

"I see nothing," Octavia said.

"Oh right, you can't see them," Jiminy said, slapping his head. "They're impossible to see with the naked eye."

"Them?" Applejack asked.

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