when SHU finds his love (read...

By ganeshbose2000

3.6K 114 33

this story is fully based upon my imagination there will influence of DEMONS and VAMPIRES!!! this story is ba... More

5-MY MASK???

6-WARM HUGS!!!🥰🥰

234 10 0
By ganeshbose2000


"Y/n wait................. no, please.................. " I shouted she turned and looked me with her face full of tears!!! everyone was in shock because she is using the ultimate legendary blader's blade b/n!!!

I chased her out but she ran so fast I can use my power as a DEMON but I can't as I am in the world of human!!!

I search for y/n everywhere but I can't find her it almost turned night, I was walking through the beachside!!! at that time I heard a sweet voice singing a song which felt like the wind is the one which is singing!!!

I followed the voice and i finally found it it was y/n!!!

I saw that the song was full of her sadness she expressed her feeling her difficulties through the song it seemed to be sweet of her!!!

then she started to express her sadness by shouting out her problems!!!

y/n POV:

I was in so much pain that I started to set the sadness free in a song, even after the song my sadness didn't go so I decided to yell out how I felt in a loud tone!!!

"why-why I am always alone??!!"

"why my parents forced me??!!"

"Why did I became a blader???"

"why I always hurt other's feelings!!??"

"Why I cheated my friends??!!"

"why was I born??!!"

I was yelling these sentences repeatedly as tears flowing down my cheeks like a river!!!


I felt bad for y/n!! as she screamed about her sadness!!

she then sat on the sand and whispered"I am alone again!! *sigh*" I went from the back and gave her a warm hug which made her jump a little!! 

I whispered in her ear "waiting for an apologies princess??!!"

she was shocked first but then she relaxed and said "shu I'm sorry, but being with me will hurt you deeper and deeper!!"

the sentence she said made me loses my temper!!! I tightly held her hand and said "I don't care abo......" I got cut off as I saw the pain in y/n's face as I held her hand!!! she said "s~shu it hurts it hurts a lot"

I was shocked as I saw blood flowing from her rubber cloth down her hand!! I asked, "y/n why you did this??" she asked, "did what??!!" I was shocked!! "y/n why did you hurt yourself," I asked as I removed the rubber cloth!! 

she replied, "cause I wasn't able to show my anger or sadness on others!!" that answer made me sad because the y/n I saw and know is known for her happiness and smile but I didn't expect she is the one who is in the worst depression!!!

I hugged y/n tightly and said "you won't be alone anymore" I saw y/n's wide open as I said this sentence!!! she gave me a weak smile and she said "shu but I am sorry I don't want to hurt or disturb your life and feelings!!" and she lost her consciousness!!

that panicked me as she fainted I checked her health and puls it was perfectly fine so I took her home, cleaned her wounds, and bandaged them!!

the only thing she mumbled in her sleep was "please someone save me from this loneliness

those words were kept on repeated by y/n!! it sounds like she is having a bad nightmare!!

y/n just a little longer cause you won't be alone anymore.......... I promise you!!.....


so, I guess it is good to end it hear!!! and guys just request me the story you want I am in a plan of making a book of bayblade x readers so what do you think about it let me a comment about your opinion!!

thank you

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