Make Me. ~ T.Stark

By xxitssteverogersxx

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"I'm gonna need you to shut that mouth of yours before you say something you're gonna regret." "Make me." COM... More

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By xxitssteverogersxx

"Do what is right. Not what is easy."

Aphrodite Harper.

"Y'all wanna play a game?" I asked, making Scott laugh.

We were being held in cells, but not your average ones.

This prison was an underwater facility, designed for war criminals.

I argued with Ross that it was a little extreme but, he didn't seem to care all that much.

Never liked that fuck head anyway.

"Tough crowd." I sighed, and used a small burst of wind to elevate me off the floor, and continued to create it so I could pretend there was no gravity.

I could get used to prison.

I was hanging upsidedown, when I heard Scott gasp.

"Can you do that to me?!"

I laughed, and sent a burst of air underneath him, letting him float around too.

"You're children." Wanda muttered, and I scoffed.

"We're making the most of a trashy situation." I corrected her, and giggled.

"So uh, wanna break out?" Scott asked, and I smirked.

"We've been in here for what, an hour Scotty?" I laughed, making Scott shrug.

"Is that a yes?"

"Obviously." I snorted, and stared floating upside down.

"The only people with any power right now are you and Wanda, and Wanda is being a killjoy."

"Hey!" Wanda exclaimed at Scott, offended.

He just shrugged and looked back at me.

"What can you do Aphrodite?" Scott asked, and I smirked.

"What can't I do, Scotty boy." I joked, and Wanda grumbled.

"A lot."

"Fuck off, Wanda." I shot at her, and she looked shocked.

"You can't change your situation so instead of bitching about it, embrace it a little. You've got friends with you, chill out." I said, and everyone was silent.

"So about that game, y'all wanna play something or not." I said, and Scott nodded.

"I don't see why not." Clint said, and Sam agreed with him.

"Have you guys played never have I ever?" Wanda asked, seeming a little bit brighter.

Everyone nodded, and she smiled slightly.

"Never have I ever gotten drunk." She said, making me gasp.

"You've never gotten drunk?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"No, is it fun?" She questioned, making everyone chuckle.

"The parts I can remember, hell yeah." Sam said, and I started floating around the room on my back, as if I was lying down.

"Can you do that to me Aphie?" Clint asked, and I quickly complied.

Clint and Scott were goofing off, and I laughed.

"I do really dumb stuff when I'm drunk. I once tried to out drink this one guy who was like twice my weight and height." I remembered, thinking about the shot contest I had with him.

"And you lost?" Wanda asked, making me shake my head.

"Hell no, I humiliated the poor bastard, twenty shots to twelve."

"Respect." Clint said, and Wanda chuckled.

Sam looked in thought.

"Never have I ever robbed a store?" He asked, making me look at Scott.

"I mean I've robbed more than a store." Scott said, and I laughed.

"I used to take candy and chocolate bars through my purse when I was a kid. I've taken a bra once or twice." I admitted, making Scott nod at me in respect.

"The occasional thing." Wanda smirked, and Clint shook his head.

"Never have, never will."

"Good set of morals, Legolas." I grinned, and he smiled.

"My turn then."

"Never have I ever had sex with someone I wasn't dating." Clint said, and everyone looked at eachother.

"Hey don't look at me," I said, raising my hands in defence.

"That's something I've never done. By the time I was of age, I was dating Danny. I never cheated on him, and Tones and I didn't do anything before we were together." I admitted, and Sam smiled.

"But y'all have had sex now?"

"Correct, my good friend." I said, and Clint laughed.

"How was he?"

"We aren't talking about this." I laughed, and Clint grinned.

"So he was bad then."

"He was great, thankyou very much." I said, making Scott laugh.

"I've had a one night stand. What about you guys?" He asked, and everyone nodded, even Wanda.

"Well I guess it's my turn then." I shrugged, tapping my chin in thought.

"Okay, try this one on for size ladies and gentlemen." I smirked, ceasing the air beneath me to stand on my feet.

"Never have I ever made a child cry with something I said or did." I grinned, and began floating again.

I'm great with kids.

"Well I have a kid and I've told her she can't have icecream for dinner, and she was very upset about that." Scott said, and Clint nodded in agreement.

"My kids would cry whenever I told them it was bedtime."

"I've never made a child cry." Sam said, and I looked at Wanda.

"I hit a child in the face once accidentally. It was horrible and the child cried so much I had to leave the restaurant." She admitted, and I almost peed my pants in laughter.

"Nice one."

"Alright well it's my turn again." Sam said, chuckling.

"Never have I ever smoked a cigarette?" He asked, and Wanda shook her head.

Clint shrugged.

"Drugs aren't my thing."

"Eh, the occasional one before I had Cassie." Scott said, and I nodded.

"Look the old boyfriend stressed me out. Gotta smoke a couple to ease the mind." I grinned, and Wanda chuckled.

"What happened to that boyfriend of yours anyway?" Clint asked, and I sighed.

"Scared him off after a bit of harassment."

"Respect." Clint smirked, and I chuckled.

"I have no regrets."

"Understandable. Wanda's turn." Sam said, making her look excited.

"Never have I ever been in a car accident?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"Nope. Excellent driver over here folks."

Scott scoffed, making me laugh.

"I feel like these are targeted at me, I've done all of them." He said, and everyone started laughing.

"Ooooh, Scotty's a bad boy." Clint teased, and I grinned at him.

"Has anyone else crashed a car?" I asked, and Sam nodded.

"I've been in a few chases with Steve. A few cars are bound to get crashed." He said, and Clint nodded.

"Alright, my turn. Let's see if I can say something Scott has never done." I said, tapping my chin, and he nodded excitedly.

"Never have I ever staged my own death?" I asked and Scott nodded.

"For a prank when I was a teenager, yeah. Scared the crap outta my teacher."

"Screw the game. Let's figure this out." Sam said, and I nodded, standing on the ground again.

"Have you kissed a man?" I asked, and Scott laughed.

"I'm straight, but I kissed my friend Luis for a dare." He said, and I groaned.

"Have you ever killed someone?" Wanda asked, and Scott nodded.

"It's not fun, but I'll do anything to save my daughter."

"Respect." I said, and Clint smiled.

"I get that, man."

"Have you ever stolen something, but put it back straight after out of regret?" Wanda asked, and Scott laughed.

"Coincidentally, the Ant-Man suit."

"Just pretend you haven't done something to make our lives easier." I chuckled, and Clint laughed.

"Alright, have you ever shat your pants in public during adolescence?" I asked, and Scott blushed.

"You have!" I exclaimed, laughing.

"Yes, but I'm not telling the story." Scott said, clearly embarrassed.

"Okay big fella, have you ever been a vegan?" Sam asked, and I clapped.

There's no way.

"My wife at the time tried to go vegan, I joined her as encouragement. It lasted two days. Worst two days of my life." Scott said, and Clint groaned.

"Have you told your kid Santa isn't real?" Clint asked, and Scott nodded.

"She saw me dress up as him. Couldn't lie my way out of that one."

"Okay, I think I got this. Have you ever been in a three way with another dude?" Sam asked, and Scott shook his head.

"We did it!" I exclaimed, floating around my cell, laughing, and everyone joined in.

"Scott is a real bad boy." Wanda grinned, and Scott pretended to flick his hair behind his head.

"What can I say, the ladies love it."

"I'm glad that's over." I said, sighing, but turned to face the others.

"Y'all wanna break out of here yet?" I smirked.

"I don't see why not." Clint shrugged, and Wanda was back to looking annoyed.

"We could get into serious trouble if we break out." Wanda said seriously, and I scoffed.

"We're already in serious trouble. We're in one of the highest security prisons in the world." I said and she looked defeated.

"Exactly. What happens if they catch us? What's worse than this." She said, and Scott looked amused.


"Oh yeah I mean look guys, I'm getting out of here." I grinned, floating upsidedown again.

"You're really something, Aphrodite. I see what Iron Man sees in you." Scott said making me smile.

"Well thankyou very much." I said, giving him a wink and a smile.

"Speaking of the devil." Clint muttered, and I turned around to see Tony walk into the room.

"The futurist ladies and gentlemen! The futurist is here!" Clint exclaimed sarcastically, clapping.

"He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not."

"Give me a break Barton. I had no idea they'd put you here, come on." Tony said, and Clint looked angry.

Really angry.

"Yeah well, you knew they'd put us somewhere Tony."

Tony looked slightly upset, but hid it.

"Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey. You know, this place is for maniacs. This is a place for-"

Clint cut him off.

"Criminals?" He asked, standing up and looking Tony in the eyes.

"Criminals, Tony. I think that's the word you're looking for, right? That didn't used to mean me, or Sam, or Wanda. Or goddamn Aphrodite. Yet here we are." Clint said angrily, and Tony looked over at me, then back at Clint.

"Because you broke the law. I didn't make you." Tony said, and Clint started blocking his ears and pretending not to listen to Tony.

Tony looked over at me, sadness in his eyes, before looking back at Clint.

"You read it, you broke it, alright? You're all grown up, you got a wife and kids. I don't understand, why didn't you think about them before you chose the wrong side?" Tony asked, walking away.

Clint slammed his hand on the glass, yelling.

"You gotta watch your back with this guy. There's a chance he's gonna break it!"

"Hank Pym always said, you never can trust a Stark." Scott said, scoffing.

"Who are you?" Tony asked, and Scott looked offended.

"Come on, man."

"How's Rhodes?" Sam asked and Tony stopped in front of his cell.

"They're flying him to Columbia Medical tomorrow. So fingers crossed."

"What do you need? They feed you yet?" Tony asked, and Sam rolled his eyes.

"You're the good cop now?" He asked, scoffing, and Tony got close to the glass.

"I'm just the guy who needs to know where Steve went." He said, looking slightly desperate.

"Well, you better go get a bad cop, because you're gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get information out of me." Sam said, walking away, and I watched as Tony fiddled with his watch.

"Oh, I just knocked the 'A' out of their 'AV'. We got about 30 seconds before they realize it's not their equipment." He said, and Sam turned back to look at him.

"Just look. Because that is the fellow who was supposed to interrogate Barnes. Clearly, I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong." Tony admitted, making Sam look at him in surprise.

"That's a first."

"Cap is definitely off the reservation but he's about to need all the help he can get. We don't know each other very well. You don't have to-" Tony said, but Sam cut him off.

"Hey, it's alright." Sam said, looking around, and turned back to Tony.

"Look, I'll tell you, but you have to go alone and as a friend."

"Easy." Tony said, and I noticed Sam whisper something, but I couldn't make out what he said.

"Baby, you doing okay?" Tony asked, walking over to my cell, and I floated over to him.

"Hey there hot stuff, I'm great. I'm glad Rhodey is alive." I said, landing on my feet and putting my hands on the glass.

"I hate seeing you like this." Tony said sadly, placing his hand on the glass where mine was.

"It's alright, I'm entertaining myself." I grinned, and Tony sighed.

"I tried to get Ross to let you go since you were helping both sides at the airport, but he wasn't having it. I don't know when they'll let you out." He said, looking devastated, but I smiled brightly at him.

"It's alright honey, I'll get out of here, don't you worry."

"See you soon sweetheart." Tony said, taking his hand off the glass and smiling at me.

"Even sooner than you think, Tones."

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