My Best Friend Is a Stalker...

Por vampireluvr107

24.3K 235 79

A strange dream shows Jenny a side of Jack she never imagined. Is it true or just a dream? Will this lead her... Más

My Best Friend Is a Stalker, Killer...& a Child Molester?
What's wrong with Jack?
What?! ROFL :P
The Truth
What the hell?
Why? What Happened?
No, Not Happening
what is wrong?
If that's true then...
What if the plan fails?
What happened to him?
No this can't be happening?
this was never my fault
Is this all a lie?
I'm stuck here...w/ out Jack?
christmas is almost here
it's my birthday!
to the beach and a...surprise?
Is this simply a game?

Holy Crap...

1.4K 11 3
Por vampireluvr107

I opened my eyes. "Oh my head." I commented touching it and realizing I was in the hospital. I was awake and my mom walked in "Sweetheart your awake. I was so worried, what happened? Are you okay?" she asked hugging me.

"Ow mom at the moment I'm fine and honestly I don't really remember what happened." I said lying and feeling really bad cause she was the best mom in the world.

"It's okay honey, the doctors said your memory might be a bit foggy. You lost a lot of blood and you needed a blood transfusion. You have the same blood as your father, AB and I have O. Luckily Jack was here and it turns out he has the same blood type so he saved you" she whispered frantically.

"Oh I'd rather be dead." l mumbled to myself.

Jack walked in and I freaked out because my mom said "I'll leave you kids alone now, I'm going to get something to eat."

"No mom don't, please don't leave me" I said frantically.

"What's wrong sugar? This is your best friend Jack remember?"

"No I don't I don't think I've ever met him before, don't leave me with this stranger." I kept rambling pretending hoping she would stay and she did.

"Honey this is Jack. You've known him since forever, well before your accident." she said sweetly.

"Jack is it? Tell me about yourself and some things we used to do." I said still pretending, for my mom at least because Jack saw right through my lie, I could see it in his face.

"Well you've known me since kindergarten. We used to play in the sandbox together, while the other kids made fun of us singing 'jack and jenny sitting in a tree...' As we moved up we spent summers together at the beach or at the pond, we even went fishing once. I don't know if you can recall but, we were there with our family and you couldn't catch a single thing you got mad and stormed off and when you came back I pushed you into the lake and you fell dragging me with you."

My mom had left but I was too busy lost in my memories to notice. I can't believe he remembered that we used to play in the sand box. I was speechless. Tears fell from my face. 

"Did any of it trigger something?" he asked clearly still pretending. 

l still couldn't speak so I just nodded. "See Jenny, I'm still your best's just that sometimes my bad side leaks out, and it's because I like you...but I don't want to hurt you so l thought it best to just be friends. I've tried to move on, but as you can see that hasn't worked out so well" he said with a chuckle.

I was stunned, "What about Henry?"

"Henry just agreed to help me keep you safe, in case l ever tried to hurt you." he answered honestly.

"But the phone call?" I asked.

"It was all a scheme to get you to come to me, although that didn't work out so well. I'm sorry, it's just that when I saw Henry with you...I snapped. That wasn't part of the plan though I saw right through you, I saw the hurt on your face when you saw me with that other girl. I was angry at myself and at Henry. I told you the truth in the hope that you'd stick by my side."

His face was inches from mine I could feel his hot breath on my face. "But instead you feared me" he whispered, as my breathing became faster. His lips touched mine and I didn't move away. There had to be something really wrong with me, I was kissing my best friend who was also a killer, stalker and...a child molester. 

l pushed him away realizing the thought. I had to know. "You said, you were arrested for those awful things...child molesting?" I wasn't really sure how to ask. 

He smiled and responded by saying "I was blamed for that, some guy had done it after I killed the girl and when they found out I was the killer they assumed I had molested her. They later found the culprit."

"Oh" was all I managed to say. I didn't know if I should be glad or not because he was still a killer, and a stalker. I closed my eyes I had to think straight for a second. I was a very weak person, personality wise, and physically. 

I sighed, well he was still my best friend he proved that and I always had Henry to protect me...I opened my eyes, and Jack was gone, but Henry stepped in.

"Henry?" I asked, unsure of what to say.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" 

"It's okay" I said cutting him off.

"No it's not. You could've died, if it wasn't for Jack..." he said looking guilty.

I reached out and touched his cheek. "It was Jack's fault and you know it" he smiled at my suggestion, "but I went along with it-"

"Doesn't matter" I whispered. He leaned in and hugged me. 

"I failed at keeping you safe and I wont again." he said sadly.

"It was never your responsibility in the first place. Besides it was my own fault so don't be too hard on yourself." I whispered.

Jack came back in with a teddy bear in his hands and as soon as he saw us his face fell. "Henry can you give us a minute?"

"Ya" he responded as he gave Jack a glare on the way out. 

"This is for you" he looked down embarrassed giving me the teddy bear. It had a t-shirt that said 'get well soon' I smiled.

"My mom said your blood transfusion saved me...thank you." I said feeling awkward

"It's the least l could do since l caused everything. Again I'm so sorry." he whispered. He leaned in close to me again and asked, "so you and Henry aren't really together are you?" 

I didn't know what to respond, me and Henry weren't together, but should I tell him? He was making me really nervous because he kept looking at my lips. "I guess not..." As soon as he said that he kissed me softly, not trying to pressure me. I melted into the kiss this time feeling the full effect of his lips on mine.

His actions weren't easy to guess, he wasn't a very predictable person. I pushed him away, needing some air.

"When do I get out of here?" I asked curios.

"They won't let you out till spring break, in may." We were at the end of April and since we were seniors we got out at the end of may instead of in June. I groaned.

"You could've died, you're still weak."

"Am not" I retorted. I was going to take all the needles that were poked into my arm out. The ones that I hadn't noticed for some reason, but Jack caught my wrist. 

"You don't have to prove anything to anyone."

"I'm not, I'm just trying to get out of here" I struggled against his hold, but it was no use, all it did was make his grip tighter and start to make it hurt.

"Ow" I said, but he didn't seem to notice. "Jack let go you're hurting my wrist." I whined.

That seemed to bring him back making him let go and say "Sorry, but don't you dare try to do it again."

"Not when you're here" I grumbled to myself, but he heard me.

"Fine I'm not leaving" he said looking stern and going to sit on the chair, cross-legged.  

"Fine" I said looking away. It was for my own good, but I really hated hospitals.


Hours later he was asleep, and I decided to make my move. I ripped the needles out of my arm and slowly stood up. My legs were so weak I collapsed on the floor, but it wasn't only my legs, it was my whole body. I couldn't get up. I tried pushing myself up on my arms, but it was no use. I looked towards the chair and Jack was glaring at me angrily.

I tried to crawl away, but he pulled my feet. I screamed. "No one can hear you here." he said smirking. I looked around for something, but there was nothing I could use against him. 

Jack picked me up and placed me on the bed, "I told you, you were weak." His lips met mine in a fierce way. I tried to push him away, but I couldn't. I felt his hand brushing against my inner thigh. Alarms went off in my head and I kept trying to push him off. That didn't seem to be working so I bit his lip.

"Feisty, aren't you?" he backed up only to take out a knife. 'Oh god' wasy last thought as he thrust it into my chest.

I gasped losing air, I was so shocked  and pained at the same time. I knew I was going to die, and so did he. Jack pulled me in one last time, "Remember me" was what he said against my lips as he kissed me, and I began to feel myself die.

I woke up drenched in sweat. I must've fallen asleep because the needles were still attached to my arm and I hadn't moved and I was alive. There was no stab wound on my chest. Thank god. I looked over and Jack was still asleep. I gulped, feeling extremely nervous, but what were the chances of my dream becoming a reality?

I pulled the IV needles out of my arm, and I decided to stand up slowly so as not to fall, since I had lost a lot of blood. I slowly stood up holding on to the bed for support. I felt so weak, Jack had been right. My body felt tired exhausted and just not at it's best. I slowly started to walk to the door. My ribs were hurting with every intake if breath, maybe I had a few broken.

I cautiously walked to the door, but as soon as I let go of the bed, my head started spinning and l couldn't stand up I fell to the floor. I was weak and I knew it, but what scared me the most was Jack. I tried to stand, but that didn't work. I started crawling and it semi-worked.

I looked frantically at the chair where Jack was. He was awake and he looked mad. I gulped and tried to crawl away faster. "I told you not to do that."

I froze in fear and I closed my eyes. I peaked and saw that he came down to my level, as he picked me up off the ground. He laid me back onto the bed "I told you, you were weak." I froze I couldn't get up and try to escape, so I just closed my eyes again.

"Why are you closing your eyes and tensing up a lot? All I was going to do was make sure you wouldn't leave, because you have to recover." he said sweetly. Well after saying it like that I felt stupid, but hey I have every reason to be afraid, he's a killer remember.

"Oh thanks..." I said still unsure, but glad I was still breathing. 

"I have to go to school tomorrow so l have to leave, but I'll visit after school expecting to see you here in this bed." He kissed my forehead, as I rolled my eyes. 

"I saw that." he said smiling, as he left.

I smiled to myself as I thought of what I should do next. Keep being his friend or not, or try and be something more?...

*****Sorry this took a while, but school work is very busy*******hope you enjoy it, comment / vote / fan / you guys are the best********

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