By weasleyssweater

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"You're my golden girl" - Paz Parkinson is stuck fighting a war against some of the people that she loves mo... More

zero | recap
one | letters
two | burnt bacon
three | seven harry's
four | the wedding
five | hogwarts
six | crucio
seven | dumbledore's army
eight | suspicions
nine | dungeons
ten | the sword
eleven | crimson
twelve | potterwatch
thirteen | a shot
fourteen | captured
sixteen | darkness
seventeen | confrontation
eighteen | rogue
nineteen | what he wanted
twenty | breakdowns
twenty-one | false hope
twenty-two | wild card
twenty-three | fireworks
twenty-four | sunshine
twenty-five | to be better
twenty-six | the portrait
twenty-seven | pansy's discovery
twenty-eight | harry potter
twenty-nine | heartbreak
thirty | cup of coffee
thirty-one | green or red
thirty-two | breakfast
thirty-three | hogwarts, again
thirty-four | graduation
thirty-five | new beginnings
extra extra extra !

fifteen | an odd feeling

4.7K 148 48
By weasleyssweater

PAZ AND GINNY made their way down to the rest of the Weasley's early Christmas morning, joining them at the kitchen table.  Mrs. Weasley had already prepared breakfast, the smell of bacon filling Paz's nose. 

"Happy Christmas girls!" Mrs. Weasley exclaims, wrapping both Paz and Ginny in bone crushing hugs.  Breakfast went by quickly, Paz remaining silent nearly the entire time.  Something was off.  Paz, of course, knew most things were off right now, but in this moment, something especially felt off.  Though, she couldn't put her finger on what it was.

After everyone had finished their breakfast, Mrs. Weasley handed out presents.  Paz was very thankful to receive another iconic Weasley sweater; this year hers was grey with an emerald 'P' in the middle. 

To Paz's disappointment, she wasn't able to buy presents this year.  Though nearly no one could, as going out was growing more and more dangerous, Paz didn't have any money to do so anyways.  Pansy had grown unable to continue sending her money, and Paz, as a 16 year old, had no way to make any herself.

She thanked Mrs. Weasley once again before heading out of the sitting room, wanting to get away from everyone.  Paz threw on her new sweater and walked directly into their backyard, brushing off snow from a chair and taking a seat in it. 

She watches as the snow falls onto the ground, reminiscing on the times where she and Pansy would take full advantage of freshly fallen snow and dive into it to make snow angels.  Paz thinks of all the times their small group would head over to Malfoy Manor after Christmas day to have snowball fights and see who could build the best snowman.  All of that seemed like centuries ago, Paz wondering how life could change so dramatically in a few short years. 

The feeling that had been going through Paz's whole body since the early morning wasn't fading, she began to grow worried that something awful was happening back at home to Pansy, possibly to Theo or Blaise.  This odd feeling had never come up before, she didn't exactly know what the outcome would be of it.

Her thoughts got interrupted as the door swung open to reveal George.  He clears off a chair next to Paz, taking a seat beside her.

"It's bloody freezing out here," George mumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Then why did you come out here in the first place?" Paz questions, George ignoring the sarcasm that was dripping from her voice.

"Because leaving you alone right now is not a very smart move."

Paz scoffs, turning her head to face George.  "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that we're worried about you," George replies, earning a sarcastic laugh from Paz.  "I'm serious Paz, as this all gets worse you grow to be a bigger target because of your family.  You should think about not returning after the holiday is over."

Paz leans back in her chair and crosses her arms over her chest.  "There's no way I'm not going back to Hogwarts."

"Well you should at least think about it, don't be so quick to-"

"I'm going back George, and that's final. I appreciate that you're trying to keep me safe, but I can manage my own."

George sighs as Paz gets up from her chair and heads back inside, taking a seat at the kitchen table next to Ginny. Mrs. Weasley hands the two girls both a cup of hot chocolate, Paz and Ginny mumbling quiet 'thanks'.

This was always a huge reason as to why Paz loved being at the Burrow. Not the hot chocolate in particular, but because she always felt loved, like she mattered, she felt like she had a real family. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley always treated Paz as their own and Paz was forever grateful for this. The only thing she didn't love about the Burrow was that she never got alone time, George invading her alone time outside was one of many examples. Regardless, she loved this family so much, and despite disagreeing with them wanting bring her into hiding, it made her happy that she mattered to them.

"What're you thinking about?" Ginny asks, placing her mug on the table. Paz glances towards Ginny, taking a sip of her cocoa.

"What aren't I thinking about," Paz says sarcastically, Ginny rolling her eyes at Paz's remark. "You're going back, right?"

"Of course I'm going back, why wouldn't I?" Ginny questions.

"I know your parents don't want you to-"

"They don't want you to go back either, but as long as you're going back, it means I'm going back as well." Ginny states, seeming as if she's already made up her mind as well about this situation.

"Well, I'm happy we're on the same page then." Paz mumbles, finishing up the last sips of her cocoa.  "Are you really only going back because I'm going back?"

Ginny shrugs.

"Why else would I go back? To get tortured some more just for laughs?"

Paz lets out a loud laugh at Ginny's statement before Mrs. Weasley walks into the kitchen, asking for help in preparing Christmas dinner.


Paz was still awful at anything that had to do with cooking, and the lack of corn at dinner proved that.  Mrs. Weasley has instructed her to simply watch over the corn as she prepared the baked potatoes, though Paz easily got distracted by Fred and George loudly singing Christmas songs.  This, to everyone's dismay, meant no corn, as it had completely burned on Paz's watch.

Everything else though looked magnificent.  Mrs. Weasley cooked for two extra guests, as Lupin and Tonks should be arriving to join them at any moment.

"Paz dear, will you please go get Ginny and have her help you set the table?" Mrs. Weasley asks, Paz agreeing without hesitation and going over to the staircase.

"GIN!" Paz yells, startling nearly everyone in the house except for Fred, who laughs as her.

Ginny quickly came running down the stairs, "What the bloody hell are you yelling for?"

"Oh shut it with the sass, help me set the table will you?"

Ginny rolls her eyes at Paz as the two headed back into the kitchen and set the table.  Once Lupin and Tonks finally arrived, the family sat down and began to dig into the meal Mrs. Weasley has prepared for them. 

"Any new news?" Ginny asks the couple.

"Not really, just that You-Know-Who is still recruiting more Death Eaters and other things as well." Tonks sighs.

"Other things?" Paz questions, "Like creatures?  I heard a rumor he was trying to recruit the giants, though I would think the Dark Lord would have no time for them."

"They are very valuable in combat though, Paz.  Their size and strength would do You-Know-Who well." Lupin states, ignoring the urge to question Paz as to why she referred to Voldemort as the 'Dark Lord'.  He recalls her doing this while he taught her at Hogwarts, and all the years after that as well.

"Heard he's after Acromantula as well." Mr. Weasley states, waving his fork as he spoke.

"Oh great, Ron will be thrilled to hear that one." George grins, earning a scowl from Mrs. Weasley.

As dinner came to an end, that odd feeling of something not being right intensified inside of Paz. Her thoughts were scattered and her mind was foggy, and her head was pounding with pain. After helping with dinner clean up and saying goodbye to Remus and Tonks, Paz was quick to head upstairs to the bathroom.

Turning on the sink, she began to splash water in her face, then patting it dry with a spare hand towel. The cold water felt soothing on her face, which was beet red and felt as if it was on fire.

Earlier in the day Paz wasn't too sure as to why she felt that something was wrong, but know she knew something was wrong. She didn't have a clue as to how she knew, but she was certain of it. She was also certain that both Pansy and Blaise were just fine, it was Theo. Something was wrong with Theo, but Paz just couldn't figure out what.

She splashed some more water on her face before exiting the bathroom, walking directly into her room to grab her coat. Ginny then walks in, watching Paz run frantically around the room grabbing her bag and several other of her belongings.

"Any reason you look like you're getting ready to leave?" Ginny asks, leaning against the frame of their doorway.

"Something's wrong, Gin," Paz states, locking eyes with Ginny, "Something's wrong with Theo, and I have to go make sure he's alright."

Ginny sighs in frustration before walking over to Paz, grabbing a hold of her by her shoulders.

"You're not going anywhere," Ginny says soothingly, sitting Paz down on her bed, then taking a seat next to her. "Theodore Nott is fine, why do you think something's wrong?"

"I've had a feeling something was wrong all day, but now I know something is wrong, and I know it has to do with Theo. I can't explain how or why I know, but I do." Paz was growing annoyed, tapping her foot on the ground impatiently.

"If something is wrong with Theo like you're saying, you and I both know he can handle himself. His father wouldn't let anything happen to him anyways. Trust me Paz, he's fine. Now take that bloody jacket off."

It took Paz nearly half an hour before reluctantly shaking off her jacket and placing it back in her closet. Mrs. Weasley called the two girls down for some tea before bed, though Paz declined the offer. Ginny attempted to convince her to come down, not wanting to leave her alone, but was unsuccessful.

Paz fell back onto her bed, folding her hands on her stomach and staring up at the ceiling. The feeling inside of her remains the same. It's an uneasy feeling, like how you feel when telling a lie. She closes her eyes, trying to think of nothing but Theo, hoping for some sort of vision to pop up. But it never does.

By the time Ginny returns back to their room to get ready for bed, Paz is now up, pacing back and fourth in the middle of the room.

"Bloody hell Paz, give yourself a break, it's the holiday." Ginny groans, grabbing a pair of pajama's from one of her drawers.

"I'm not giving myself a break until I know Theo is alright." Paz replies. Knowing Ginny will be watching to make sure she doesn't try to leave the Burrow, Paz decides to write a short letter to Theo.

Paz hurries over to her small desk, grabbing a quill, ink, and a tiny piece of parchment.


I've had an odd feeling all day. Let me know if you're doing alright. Oh, and Happy Christmas.


Ginny allows Paz to use Pigwidgeon since Paz still doesn't have her own owl. Paz seals her letter in an envelope and sends Pigwidgeon off with it, hoping for a response soon.


Holiday was coming to an end. Ginny and Paz spent much of their time with Fred and George, who were still hard at work coming up with new inventions for the joke shop. They offered Paz some spending money if she were to test out some new products, though she was quick to decline.

With two days left before heading back to Hogwarts, the Weasley's and Paz were sat at the kitchen table for a short and quick lunch.

After taking a bite of his ham sandwich, Fred notices Pigwidgeon flying just outside the kitchen window, carrying a letter.

"Who sent this twitchy little thing out?" Fred asks, letting the owl inside. It immediately drops the letter onto Paz's lap before flying off into a different room.

"Were you expecting that dear?" Mrs. Weasley asks. Paz, though, did not answer. She had not even realized Mrs. Weasley had said anything, as she was too eager to open up the letter from Theo.

She quickly ripped it open and pulled out the letter, unfolding it and beginning to read.

Of course I'm alright, don't worry about me. Can't wait to see you in a couple days, happy late Christmas.


A wave of relief crashes over Paz, Ginny reading the letter over her shoulder and feeling the same. Not so much relief for Theo, for Ginny it was a relief that Paz wouldn't do anything stupid now that she knows he is okay.

"Who's it from?" George asks, trying to sneak a peak.

"Just a friend from school." Paz says, tucking the letter away in her sweater before finishing up her ham sandwich.

She still had an odd feeling things were going to be different when returning back to Hogwarts for the second half of term. The obvious reason she felt that way was because Luna was gone, and no one knew where she was. The Order had been doing their best searching, but were unable to find anything.

Another part of Paz still had a weird feeling that Theo wasn't telling the complete truth, and that he definitely wasn't alright.

end of part one

wooo part one of two is finished!!!!! here is some info for the future of golden!

1. I will be taking a short one to two week break to write up the remaining chapters. I had originally planned thirty chapters, though now i'm feeling as if this part of the story will go by faster, so there may be a little less than that.

2. is there anything you would like to see more of? professor wise, friendship/relationship wise, etc. I don't mention harry, ron or hermione all that much, and I realized I dont have paz and company interact with most of the regular professors a lot. if you have any suggestions let me know down below!

3. if the break is longer than two weeks I will let you know. i've had writers block recently and it was a struggle just to finish up this chapter. regardless, I still really love this story, and paz, and definitely plan on finishing it in the near future.

4. (not golden related) I have a short story out that is now finished called 'downfall'! it is a super quick read and was super fun to write... and it's getting a sequel! check it out if you are into the marauders era of the HP universe :)

5. (not golden related) other then these stories, i'm currently planning out and writing up a cross over story between star wars and marvel (random spark of inspo, LOL), so if you're interested in that, keep an eye out the next month!

THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR!!! i'll be back so soon with the remaining chapters for golden :)


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