Ready, Set.

By promisezz

140K 3.3K 3.4K

Kenma transfers to Nekoma for his second year, while interested in joining the volleyball team, he's wary of... More

Mouth *
Teeth *
Tongue *
Finally *
More *
Bullies *
Roles *
Harder *
Night *
Returned *
Squad *
Four-Naught *
Breaking *
Shot *
Birthday *
*The End*


4.6K 96 118
By promisezz

Kenma knew he was on fire, all of practice he hadn't over or under served a ball. The coach had given him a few thumbs up and the other players made a huge fuss about how they never got encouragement like that. Kenma didn't feel special, but he did feel good.

He didn't want to blame his feelings all on Kuroo, but it was hard not to when they had decided to be together, like actually. Plus the sneaky sex was a great moral booster.

He put his head back in the game, turning to lean on his knees and watch his teammates on both sides of the net volley their hearts out. Kuroo had been opposite him for most of practice, also on fire. Yama was his spiker on this side, Lev was also on his team. Yaku was impatient to come in on Kuroo's side, but they were keeping the ball in play, Kenma felt semi-useless during the volley, Lev and the other guys were extraordinary when it came to receives.

"Ken, set it up!" Lev pushed the ball towards him. Kenma fixed his stance and felt the ball fall perfectly on his fingertips, this. He watched three of the boys run towards the net, he glanced over to see Kuroo already ready to stop Yama. He knew he wouldn't set to the boys he didn't know.

Kenma pushed his body off the ground ready to dump it just over the net

"It's a dump!" someone called as his feet left the ground, he wasn't tall so Kuroo would be able to catch it if it were close enough to the net. He saw the perfect spot light up and pushed the ball up as it came over the net.

Silence until the ball smacked and bounced along the gym floor.

"Kozume!" Coach stood up and held his hands over his head, "No one will think a setter so short could dump! Let alone precisely dump!" he turned to the team manager, urging him to write something on the clipboard. Kenma watched the coach as he finally let himself realize how drained he was. He leaned down on his knees again, the sweat dripping off his forehead and down his legs.

"Kenny, my guy." Lev and the rest of his side ran over to crowd him, "Getting a ball past Kuroo? a dump? your form was amazing" Yama chimed.

"It's nothing, only very exhausting playing with you lot." he breathed and let them pat his back even though he felt like collapsing with each one.

"Very nice." Kuroo. Kenma looked over and saw him towering over the net. His eyes were dark, like they had been when they first played. He saw the sweat rolling down his face and soaking his shirt, he followed his body down and let himself take in how tense and sweaty his thighs were, how he could see the muscles aching under his skin. God, that man was magnificent.

"Thanks." Kenma mumbled, returning his gaze to Kuroo's eyes. He watched him smirk before turning away and joining his side in a group of angry players.

"That's enough for today boys! Incredible!" Coach shouted, the boys cheered and began filing into the locker room.

"Shower at my place?" Kuroo asked from behind him,

"How about my place?" He asked, smirking as he remembered what he promised Kuroo. Kuroo turned red and pinched his side,

"Deal," he whispered, turning around to face him as he walked through the doorway, "See you outside in five, kitten." He winked and ran over to Yama.


Kenma adored the nickname, the simplicity, the symbolism, but also it was just cute. Kenma loved thinking that Kuroo thought he was cute, that Kuroo enjoyed what they had going. He was smiling like a fool as he gathered up his duffel on the side of the gym when coach approached him,

"Kozume, come to my office please." he sounded a lot less encouraging now. Kenma glanced up at the old man,

"Of course.." he grabbed the bag and stood up, "I-Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Just come in." he marched into the locker room and Kenma followed, unsure of what was to come of this. Did he fill out his forms wrong? Was a transfer student not allowed to play? Did he do something wrong during practice?

He shut the office door behind him and took a deep breath before facing coach.

"Okay kid," Coach sighed and sat down behind his desk, cluttered with the papers and notes of a mad man.

"Okay." Kenma mumbled and set down his things, taking a seat infront of the desk. he felt his hands get sweaty, his leg began to bounce.

"It has come to my attention that you and Kuroo have a ... special ... relationship." He stumbled through the words. Kenma felt his stomach become a knot and his head spin,

"I-" Kenma started but the coach raised his hand to silence him,

"I couldn't care less son," he said, " I just need to know that it won't affect my team." he gave him furrowed look. A fatherly look.

"No sir, won't.. but," shit, he'd said the but, he didn't mean to bring anything up.

"Yes?" coach pushed

"I think two, of the guys, like... might not be okay with it?" Kenma stuttered, coach took a deep breath,

"I know, I can address them individually, they both came up to me before practice, basically painting you two out as bad guys. I told them already that I would handle it in the best way for the team." Coach stood up and walked around to lean against the front of the desk front of Kenma, he watched the coach fold his arms and soften his gaze,

"Kenma, I know you're smart enough to see how special what we have going is, I know that Kuroo has given everything he has to this team and this sport. I trust that my two star players will only help each other grow. I just don't want two idiots to jeopardize something special, do you understand?" Kenma nodded. He smiled at the ground, something special.

"I think I understand, coach." Kenma said,

"Good," coach said, Kenma stood up and grabbed his things, "Oh, Kenma?"

"Yeah?" he turned as he held the doorknob in his hand,

"Try and keep the marks below the neck and above the knee alright? I don't need the ace to look like a punching bag." Kenma turned bright red, gripping the handle tighter,

"Of course coach."

"And send your boyfriend in here, he needs the same talk." Kenma rushed from the office and ignored the stares he was getting from everyone,

"Hey what was that about?" Kuroo asked when he got close enough, Yama perking up. to eavesdrop,

"Coach wants to see you, its nothing bad, just... awkward." Kenma said. He watched Kuroo toss a shirt on and hurry over to coaches office, Yama and Lev quick to close in on Kenma, the rest of the team waiting for deliberation

"Hey, wanna share?" Lev asked, Kenma smiled at them, they both looked uncomfortable. watching him smile,

"Coach knows about me and Kuroo, he said we better not ruin the team, but he didn't care." Kenma summed up the meeting, leaving out the weird parts and the awkward tension.

"Wow, thats uh.. thats unexpected." Yama laughed, Lev just shrugged,

"Happy for y'all" Lev said, "I'm glad Kuroo is being a bit more open with you, he seems much happier than I've ever seen him." With that the gray haired Russian walked back to his locker, Yama shrugged and continued getting dressed,

"I'm not gonna say the whole 'if you hurt him I'll kill you' thing, because honestly I feel like I should give him that talk," Yama started, "but I do want you to know you can come to me if you need to talk or anything and that I agree with Lev, I think Kuroo is genuinely happy with you."

Kenma flushed and looked at his feet, this was a lot to take in in one day.

"Thanks Coach!" Kuroo shouted as he exited the room, everyone looked over at a beaming Kuroo. Kenma was shocked to see how wide his smile was, his teeth basically blinding the room.

He approached Kenma quickly, Kenma stepped back to get out of his way but Kuroo pulled him into his chest. Kenma raised his hands to push away but Kuroo kissed him before he could.

Kenma heard the murmurs and shock from the team, but Kuroos lips were convincing as they moved on his. His head was spinning when he pulled away and looked into Kenma's eyes.

"Im all in." Kuroo said quietly, Kenma looked around, the boys all staring and waiting for the next bit of drama.

"and I'm all yours." Kenma whispered back, giving him a gentle kiss as Kuroo released him.

"Alright, back to your regularly scheduled programming people!" Yama shouted, causing another flutter of chatter as everyone headed to the showers or home.

"I'll just grab my bag and meet you outside." Kuroo said

"okay." Kenma smiled, this feeling all new to him, but filling him with a new kind of energy he didn't know he needed.


I can't believe I kissed him, infront of everyone.

make it clear to the team, you're in charge out there. You are my ace and you are the future captain of this team. No one can tell you what to be, not even me. You go out there, you show them what you're made of, you make them trust you more than they already do, show them who you are.

Coach, what about Yak...

Enough about them, those two idiots are gonna ruin this team. Yaku has potential for redemption but as for your team captain, he's become a real pain in my side lately. I don't care what they think, is this their team?

no sir

Whose team is it then?

Yours sir

No You idiot! It's your team. It's all of you boys' team. I'm just a teacher, and instructor, you guys are this team. You are this team. You need to be one with them and they one with you.

I understand,

No I don't think you do, it's time to get out of the closet son, I know they all know but you need to tell them. You need to let your little boyfriend know he isn't a secret and you need to show your team that you are strong and you are not hiding from them. Do you think you can do that? Are you ready to show them who you are?

I was ready. I didn't know why I had been hiding from them, I didn't think I needed to say anything after the rumors. I just figured everyone believed them and wouldn't need me to say anything, but I also wasn't ready to be one with this team, not with Inaka still being a POS. Something about coach, about how nice he was being, how fatherly.. It made sense. Kenma made sense.

I shook off the adrenaline from all that, Yama grinning like an idiot beside me,

"Something to add?" I asked as I shut the locker,

"Oh nothing, just happy for Kenma." He laughed,

"Not for me?" I teased, punching him in the arm, he rubbed his arm and laughed with me.

"Of course for you, but of course, if you hurt Kenma, I'll have to kill you." He put on a rather serious face now,

"I'm not going to hurt him, not like that." I smirked, watching Yama process before enjoying the look of pure disgust on his face as I walked away,

"You're sick, you're twisted, and I cant believe you're my best friend."

I walked happily out of the locker room, ready to see Kenma, to be with him for the next few hours.

"If it isn't our King," Inaka. I turned to see him standing with Kenma, no Yaku in sight.

"I wouldn't go that far, Lord maybe." I played along as I moved closer to Kenma, I watched him to see if he was okay, he just looked tired.

"Funny," he turned to Kenma, "Isn't he funny?" Kenma looked up at me and a lump formed in my throat when I saw his eyes, they weren't bright, they weren't sharp, they were glazed over with helplessness.

"Inaka, please.." I started, but he put up his hands in surrender,

"I'm not gonna fight you two," he stepped away from Kenma, "I can play along in coaches game, it's probably time I focused on bigger things anyway." Inaka sounded sincere, but its hard to trust him, hard to believe him. I watched him walk away before pulling Kenma into my chest, his face finding the same spot it had earlier.

"Kenma, im sorry about them." I said into his hair, he turned his face up,

"Don't be, they keep me on my toes." He laughed it off. I cupped his face with my hand, rubbing my thumb across his cheek,

"You don't have to act tough," I said, "I don't mind if you need to be weak." he turned his face away, into my hand.

"I'm not acting tough, I'm just prioritizing you over those two." he kissed my palm and cupped both his hands over the back of mine. I watched him run his finger down my arm, his lips brushing up my thumb, back down, across my finger. I felt my hair stand on edge as he did this, goosebumps taking over my body. He held my hand with his, pushing his thumbs softly into my palm before using my finger to rub his lips,

"Okay, I think its time to go to yours." I breathed, my body fighting not to grab him. he shot his glance over to me, he eyes returning to their temptingly sharp state.

"one more thing, for the walk." He pulled me against him, one hand between his waist and mine, the other snaking up around my neck and pulling my face down. His lips nearly touching mine, his hand causing a terrible reaction between us, he stuck out his tongue and pushed down my bottom lip. I stood there with my mouth opened, hypnotized by him. He gripped the hair on the back of my head, tilting my head back slightly, I moaned softly when he licked the bottom of my jaw, his other hand doing nasty things. I braced my hands against the concrete wall on either side of his face.

"Kuroo.." he mumbled, I twitched at my name

"yes?" I managed as he pulled my head back down to face him,

"have I been bad enough?" He stared at me with hunger, a purpose. shit.

"depends," I mumbled, still enjoying his fingers around my cock,

"on?" he asked, his face sliding in so his lips could leave a trail up to my ear,

"when you stop." I breathed, he didn't. His lips went up and back down my ear, before his teeth nibble my earlobe. I hissed and pressed my hips against him.

he stopped.

very bad is the goal I guess.

"how about now?" he tilted his head and I turned to see the team leaving the gym. fuck.

"Very bad indeed." I cursed, he giggled and slipped out from beneath me. I watched him skip away from me before turning back and winking.

It was nice to hold his hand on the walk to his house, a long walk, but I didn't mind once the throbbing under my waistband wore off.

His house came into sight and I felt him squeeze my hand,

"Do you think you are ready to say hi to my mom or should we just avoid her?" he asked. he wasn't looking at me,

"Of course ill meet your mom," I laughed, he was still very insecure.

"Okay." he sounded happy about it.

He pushed open the front door, revealing the layout of the darkness I had stumbled through last night. I had seen it this morning but in reverse. I took the time now to take in everything, his mom had half finished paintings scattered around the entryway and into the adjacent rooms. All of them requiring serious skill and I reached out to touch one,

"Don't," a light voice, his mom, "they shouldn't be touched by oily fingers." she was tiny, like Kenma. Her hair was dark, tied into an impossibly messy bun on the top of her head, she was in a very large white teeshirt that hung to her knees, paint smears covering most of the front. I could see paint on her arms and legs too. She had no shoes on and her toes were painted bright yellow, her eyes. I looked back up and saw Kenma's eyes. they were practically twins.

"I'm sorry," I smiled, unable to help myself. She smiled back and wiped her hands on the shirt before sticking one out at me,

"Kaguya Kozume," she introduced herself, I took her impossibly small hand in mine,

"Kuroo," I said. she shook my hand and showed me nearly all of her teeth. there was the difference, she was a smiler.

"Mom, he's the one who was here last night." Kenma said from behind me. She transferred her smile down to him and took her hand back,

"Of course he is," she reached out for Kenma, he walked into her arms and I watched her wrap him up in everything she was made of. As they melded into one person I realized that she loved him, not the way my mom loved me, but more. The way the moon loves the ocean, the way he was a piece of her and when they fit together it made her whole. I nearly had to look away, he pulled back and reached out to grab my hand,

"We're going to hang out for a while, do we have dinner plans?" He asked, she shook her head,

"No honey, I was going to paint all night since I don't work tomorrow. If you get hungry let me know and I can whip something up." She held his face and looked up at me, "I'm sure this mammoth will need food at some point." she let him go and danced back over to one of her many projects. I kept watching her resume her painting until Kenma pulled me, then I refocused on him.

He had a support system, a safe place, a home. A real home. He was open here, he was himself, he didn't have to be anyone else. I was jealous, but more than that I was proud. I felt like an extension of him, that here I could be those things. I could be happy here, happy with him.

"She can be overwhelming." he muttered as he shut his bedroom door.

"Not at all, it was refreshing." I said, watching him strip out of his clothes.

"Ha," he scoffed, "She's anything but refreshing." He laughed and looked back at me,

"I like her." I shrugged, taking off my clothes in turn. He rolled his eyes and opened the bathroom door, I saw that it connected to another room.

"is that to your moms room?" I asked, reaching to lock it,

"no, her bathroom. she won't come in. Trust me, if its locked then I'll forget to unlock it and the one time she needs something out of here she'll think I died or something, so just leave it." He laughed and pulled me away from the door.

"You think she's crazy don't you?" I asked, watching as he walked around naked, gathering everything he needed to shower,

"I don't think it, I know it." he sighed, "She didn't even react when I came out, and she never hesitated to stick up for me. She basically signed her black sheep card willingly." He turned to me and held up two rags, "Pick a color"

"Gray," I grabbed the towel, "And she loves you, supports you, is that so wrong?" I asked, trying not to sound defensive,

"No of course not, it's not like I don't appreciate her, I couldn't ask for better, I just feel bad for her sometimes." He turned the shower on behind him,

"I can understand that." I said and walked over to stand behind him. I kissed his shoulder and felt him relax into my body.

"I know that I cant understand what magic you have." He mumbled, his hand reaching around my neck. I let him guide my kisses across his shoulder and to his neck,

"It's not magic," I said, "it's just me baby." I laughed and sunk my teeth into his neck. he cursed and dug his fingers into my neck.

"Oh, thats good." He moaned, twisting his fingers into my hair as I sucked on his neck. I pulled away to see the red spot, he spun around and kissed me, his lips opening to me. I smiled against them, gripping his hips and walking him back against the wall. he moaned when we hit the wall, the vibration traveling across my lips.

"that's enough, I think its time to shower." I said against his mouth, he laughed lightly.

"You first." he pushed on me and left the bathroom. I stared after him, but he shut the door. confused, I got into the shower. He had an expansive soap collection, including three different shampoos, he had told me this morning what each did. I obviously have forgotten all of that by now. I grabbed the one that had the most in it and used that one.

I was nearly done with my shower when I heard the door open.

"No peaking." He said. Suddenly I got nervous, excited. I stood under the water and listened to the weird clinking noise, it was light, definitely metal on metal, but not obvious. My brain still racing to place what could cause the noise I took a deep breath and smelled the sandalwood.

He knew how to play dirty games, and I liked it. I heard the metal noise stop, then a light thud of something hitting the floor. he was right outside the shower curtain now, I watched the far corner and finally a thin, muscular leg pushed into the shower. I followed every exposed inch of him until he was standing across from me.

A chain, the metallic sound was a thin chain. A thin leash. I held the end of the leash, a leather loop, in his hand and stretched it out to me. Silently I took it and watched him hook the other end to the matching leather around his neck.

"Fuck" I muttered, he pulled on the chain, bringing me closer to him.

"My turn." He said and spun so he was under the water. I sat back on the edge of the bathtub across from him, watching as he washed his hair.

He was already kind of hard, I refrained from touching him even though I wanted to. I wanted to very badly. He slowly washed his body, never looking at me, acting as if I wasn't even here. Finally he looked at me. I just stared at him, his eyes dancing and his face forming a look of pure seduction.

He slid a hand down his stomach and I realized I was getting what I wanted.

"Ah" he moaned out loud as he began to stroke himself, I gripped the lead in my hand tighter. He stepped so he was between my knees, his other hand bracing the wall behind me. I pulled the leash so his head came down to just above mine. I listened to his breathing, the sweet moans and whimpers as he got himself off. He tensed and went to turn away, but I kept the leash pulled tight and saw the panic in his eyes as he looked into my eyes.

"Shit," He breathed before I felt the droplets hit my stomach and leg. He reached for the towel and I pulled him closer, kissing him. He hesitated before leaning into me, his hands braced on my thighs.

"You're so hot." I said, watching him blush a deeper red. He looked away and I released the leash, he wiped off the cum from my leg, he was kneeling between my legs. I watched myself get harder as he touched my legs. He giggled, kissing the tip of my cock lightly. fuck. He set down the rag and pushed up on his knees, his tongue out, he licked the cum off my stomach. I tensed and held his hair off his forehead, it was long enough to pull onto the top of his head.

"Kenma.." I groaned as he kissed across my stomach to the other trail of his own seed. Again he stuck out his tongue, but he looked up and kept eye contact this time. I gripped his hair and felt his collar rub against my erection.

"Yes?" he mocked me, I almost laughed before I looked back down at him,

"I need to fuck you." I grumbled. He smiled and stood up,

"Where?" He asked, his hands rubbing my shoulders,

"Bed." he nodded and turned off the water,

"How?" He turned with a devilish grin on his face. Fucking hell, this was hot.

"You on your back, I need to see those eyes." I saw his eyes go wide before he regained his poker face.

"Mmm, is that it?" he asked, pushing away the curtain.

"I'm sure it won't be." I stood up and grabbed the leash as it hung down his chest. I yanked him into me and our lips met in a hurry. He was already gripping at my sides, pulling me impossibly closer to him, both of our erections pressed between us.

It was going to be one hell of a couple hours.

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