I Want To Marry Her Bakugo x...

By RLR_Stories

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"Y/n... don't do it...stop it..." I can barely get my feet to move as I slowly made my way towards her, tears... More

Authors Note!
Chapter 1: Suicide
Chapter 2: The Empty Desk
Chapter 3: Expressions
Chapter 4: Combat Training
Chapter 6: Calm Before The Storm: The UA Sports Festival!!! Part 1
Chapter 7: Bakugo Vs Y/n Gaara: The UA Sports Festival Part 2
Chapter 8: Blood In The Water
Chapter 9: Old Girlfriend New Roommate
Chapter 10: Keeping Our Secret
Chapter 11: Internships
Chapter 12: Challenge Accepted
Chapter 13: The Encounter With Hero Killer Stain
Chapter 14: In The Way
Chapter 15: Distractions
Chapter 16: Captured
Chapter 17: Set Me Free
Chapter 18: No Longer The Same
Chapter 19: Y/n's Warning
Chapter 20: Spirit Of The Sand
Chapter 21: Dorm Decor
Chapter 22: This Was Embarrassing
Chapter 23: Traveling Thoughts
Chapter 24: Vacation Training
Chapter 25: Birthday Fever
Chapter 26: Katsuki And The Tiny Child
Chapter 27: Provisional Licensing Exam!! Part 1
Chapter 28: Provisional Licensing Exam!! Part 2
Chapter 29: Just You
Chapter 30: Christmas Proposal

Chapter 5: USJ

1.1K 30 10
By RLR_Stories

Y/n didn’t talk to any of us after our mock battle, even during lunch. I looked outside to see her tired and she was holding her stomach. I then remembered that I never gave her her bento box back and that I’ve made her lunch. I got up from my seat and brought the box and my lunch with me and went outside.

I sat down next to her, she didn’t even have lunch with her today and her stomach growled intensely, did she even have breakfast? “Hey dumbass, here eat this,” I gave her her bento box back. She opened it, I cooked an omelet along with fried noodles for her this morning and kept in my bag until now. 

All she did was look down at it, I started to get even more worried about her. “Are you eating okay? My cooking isn’t that bad right?” I asked sarcastically but she didn’t even crack a smile. She looked very weak, did she even eat last night, is she hydrated. “Hey are you alright? Here eat something,” I held up food for her to eat but she shook her head. I tried giving her my rice which she only ate for lunch yesterday but she pushed my hand away.

“Hey did you get in trouble because I didn’t give your bento box back?” her expression froze and that gave me the answer, no bento, no food, “Did you have anything to eat since you got home yesterday?” I questioned and she shook her head.Shit it’s all my fault, Y/n only ate what her father gave her and it was only enough for her to still walk and now she was sluggish and drained of energy.

She stood up with her bento in hand but as soon as she began to walk she fell over. I quickly put my lunch down and caught her and the bento. “H-Hey dumbass,” I sat her up and held up some of the food inside the bento. “Come on, eat” She finally gave in and took a bite. She began eating the lunch I made her.

A smile formed on her face, “It’s really good,” I snickered, “Well of course I know how to cook you idiot, now you can go home with something in your stomach.” I chuckled but I then realized I said the wrong thing. She trembled holding her hand up to her mouth, I didn’t know what to say so I ended up blurting out, “Well if you didn’t eat you would’ve passed out and Recovery Girl would’ve sent you home early.” Her eyes widened even more but she looked a little relieved that she’d eaten.

“Dumbass..” I mumbled, rolling my eyes. 

The next day Y/n came in with a smile on her face, the energy in the room enlightened in her presence. We had our morning classes as usual then we had lunch, everyone exited the classroom except Y/n which was going through her bag, I went to the door before I felt her hand tug at my uniform.

“What do you want, dumbass?” I scowled at her, I looked to see a bento in her hand, not just one, there were two of them. She gave me one of them, “Thank you Katsuki,” she said as a smile lit up in her face, thank god no one was able to see this, they would be all of Y/n and me. “Thanks, NOW WIPE THAT STUPID LOOK OFF YOUR FACE AND LET’S GO ALREADY,” I yelled at her to hide my embarrassment. She only laughed at me, “Idiot,” she said and it irritated me.

“EH WHAT DID YOU SAY TRY SAYING IT TO MY FACE DUMBASS” all she did was laugh harder, EH WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?!” I grabbed the collar of her shirt and scowled at her, she was laughing so hard tears formed in her eyes. “Tch” I let go of her collar.

“Hey Katsuki wait up,” she giggled trying to stop her laughter, “HUH HURRY UP YOU DUMBASS OR I’LL LEAVE YOU BEHIND!” We went to the cafeteria and Y/n finally decided to come sit with me and the others. She was a little more talkative now as she warmed up to the others.

Dumbass needs to learn how to take care of herself, I don’t know who her father is but he shouldn’t lay another finger on her now.

Y/n’s point of view

For the afternoon classes today we had to change into our costume again and we took a bus to a new training ground. Aizawa began to explain as 13 stood by, “This is the USJ where you guys would be training to rescue those in natural disasters, there would be different teams and-”  An enormous dark portal opened in the middle of the training grounds, villains by the hundred became pouring into the USJ, “13 get these kids to safety I’ll handle them,” Aizawa instructed, there was no way he fight every single villain on his own but he went out there anyway. We listened to his instructions but another portal entered in front of us.

Like idiots Bakugo and Kirishima charge at the man creating a portal and we're all separated. Thanks a lot guys. I was teleported in the middle of a sandstorm, and I realized that I was alone here with an enormous amount of villains. I stood there, not like an idiot but I knew my sand quirk could defend me without me lifting a finger. The villains attacked me and as predicted the surrounding sand protected me, I used one move, I used my telekinetic quirk and lifted every single one of them extremely high into the air and slammed them into the ground knocking each of them unconscious.

I wasn't hurt, not a single scratch on me, well that's good. I began to search for any others that might be here but nobody else was here. Why was I by myself and where were the others? I began walking in a random direction aimlessly hoping to find others and I did. I was now in the center where the villains are now.

Mr Aizawa was pinned down getting his head smashed into the ground by this weird creature. A man with light blue hair with a hand on his face must be the leader. He spotted me and pointed right at me, “She’s right there! Nomu grab her, All Might isn’t here so we might as well get our target now,” The thing he called Nomu sprinted towards me at an increased speed, I mean I already knew he wasn’t going to be able to touch me so with a flick of my finger he went flying into the air. I used my telekinesis and forcefully drove him into the ground. But that didn’t stop him. He got back up like it was nothing, not even my sand stopped him from grabbing me by the neck.

“Nomu bring her here, Kurogiri we’re leaving,” the man said as the other opened another portal. I could use sand burial, hoping this guy doesn’t get back up. I began turning the ground below us into sand but before I got a chance to attack an explosion was heard from behind the nomu.

“DIE YOU BASTARD!!” Baugo was the one yelling at the nomu blasting explosion after explosion but couldn’t get his attention. I tried to gasp for air as the Nomu began gripping my neck much more tighter. I couldn’t breathe, the only thing I could try was stopping him. I created more sand beneath me as I slowly began losing consciousness, I made the sand start pulling down into the ground, I was going to try to bury him hoping he would let go of me but the more he sunk into the ground the tighter he held me around my neck. My vision blurred and all I saw was Midoriya coming straight towards me before I blacked out.

I woke up in Recovery Girls nurses office, I began to sit up but I was hit in the head with something, “Lay back down Y/n your not fully recovered,” an old woman's voice yelled at me, I looked over to see Recovery Girl standing beside my bed, “Sorry,” I mumbled and Recovery Girl only chuckled, “I healed your neck wounds which took a lot of stamina from you, so go on deary and rest for a while, I’ll let you rest until the school day ends.” I simply nodded and laid back down thinking about what my father would do if he found out what happened to me at the USJ. I knew what would happen when I got home but I’d try not to think about it too much.

“Bakugo and Midoriya stopped by to check on you,” Recovery girl stated as she walked to her desk sitting into her chair, “Are they okay, is everyone in class 1A alright?” I asked, turning onto my back looking up at the ceiling, “Oh yes everyone got out fine though Mr Aizawa took some pretty critical hits and so did 13 but they are both at the hospital and perfectly stabilized.” I sighed in relief about to close my eyes and sleep but the door to the room opened and kept me awake.

“Oh hello dear come to see miss Y/n again I see?” Recovery girl walked to the door, “Well she’s awake so I’ll leave you two alone, I’m going to tell the principal that she’s awake.” I heard her walk out closing the door behind her. 

“Hey dumbass..” I heard a familiar voice say, it was low normally it would be a yell but this time it was different. “I sat up to see Bakugo getting a chair and sitting down next to the bed. Bakugo's eyes were puffy as if he’d been crying, “Hey how have you been, you didn’t get injured right?” I asked, he looked a little surprised when I spoke to him and he answered, “Yeah I’m fine,” he went silent for a moment before speaking again.

“You gave me and Deku quite a scare, we did all we could to pry you from the damn Nomu’s hand, hell even All Might had a tough time fighting as that thing had you, even he had trouble prying you from it’s hand.”  small tears threatened to leave his eyes even a sniffle was heard from him. I put my hand in his and he gladly took it and played with my fingers, “You gave me such a scare you dumbass, if you died I wouldn’t be able to…” his voice trailed off as he stared down at my hand intertwining his in mine. His hand was warm, the feeling this warmed my heart and made me blush and have butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

He leaned in and pressed his forehead against mine and he closed his eyes, “Don’t scare me like that again you dumbass” he mumbled softly not letting go of my hand. 

The day ended and we were informed that the next few days school will be closed until further notice. Bakugo walked me home today still not letting go of my hand, he held it protectively as we walked down the few blocks. We then stopped just a few houses away from mine. Bakugo turned to me with a hint of worry in his eyes. “Go on ahead I don’t need your father causing any trouble with you today especially after what happened today.” I tensed up forgetting about my father and I nodded.

I began walking back and suddenly stopped by Bakugo again, he gave me a piece of paper with his number written on it, “Text me alright, if anything happens even it’s at 4 in the morning you text me and I’ll come get you,” he was trying to act tough to make up for the blush forming on his cheeks, I smiled and nodded and was about to walk away again when he called out for me, “W-wait,” he put a hand on my shoulder then leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I felt my face heat up the moment I felt his lips on my cheek. “J-Just to get your mind off of your father,” he said turning his face around attempting to give me his signature scowl but it failed because of the redness of his cheeks. “OI GET HOME AND WIPE THAT STUPID LOOK OFF YOUR FACE,” he yelled at me and gave me a strong nudge to keep walking. I held back a chuckle and went back to my plain expressionless face as soon as I entered my house.

“I’m home father,” I spoke as I closed the door behind me and removed my shoes. “Ah Gaara good your home come to the living room we have a visitor.” my father's voice was different today, it was calm and not angry and eruptive today. I went into my living room only to be in shock when I saw All Might, what is he even doing here?! I said “hello” politely and sat down next to my father looking down at the ground. “All Might tells me that you’ve defeated villains and held off a Nomu until he arrived, is that true?” I froze but I nodded answering his question, “Yes sir,”

“Y/n is an incredibly brave student, she fought strong and hard in the face of battle. Her quirk is indeed a very powerful one and I would like to take under my wing and train her to become the best.” All Might declared his face showed determination, what was All Might’s motive in this, my father would never approve of such a thing, me under the Number One hero’s wing, my father hated him. I felt my father’s hand on my shoulder, he gripped it tightly, I tensed up, “Gaara would you accept his request?” I felt his eyes burning into my head, I know what he wanted and to avoid any trouble I answered, “I’m sorry All Might sir but I can not accept your request. As the daughter of the Number 3 hero it is my responsibility to train with my father to reach my full potential.” My father's grip on my shoulder loosened and he let go.

“Alright then thank you for your time Storm, Y/n if you change your mind let me know,” All Might looked at me knowing he lost this conversational battle with my father, he bowed and left the house. I felt my father pat my back, “I’m proud of you Gaara, fighting off those villains by yourself and taking on a strong opponent is the essence of being the hero I want you to be. I was informed that the next few days UA will be closed until further notice, you can use these days to rest up.”

“Thank you father.” I replied knowing what All Might said about me was a lie but it saved me from getting another beating from my father, “Go out and be with your classmates but be back before 8” he stood up and went into his study. I was quite surprised about what he said, would he really stop doing horrible shit to me if I did make him proud? Becoming number 1, I sighed not knowing what to think.

I took this opportunity to finally go outside for once, I went upstairs and put on a (f/c) t-shirt and a pair of black leggings. I put my shoes on and went out the door, I was a little stunned to see All Might still here waiting along with Bakugo. A sigh of relief escaped Bakugo’s lips and All Might had a wide grin.

“Did everything go okay with your father?” Bakugo asked, walking up to me rubbing the back of his neck. I was completely confused about this whole situation, All Might put a hand on my shoulder. “Young Bakugo informed me of your situation with your father, I came here to make sure nothing happened between the both of you and well I guess the plan worked. Don’t worry I would not speak of this to anyone else but if this situation worsens I would have no choice but to bring this to justice.” he patted my shoulder and left as fast as he came.

Honestly I was still confused by the whole thing but I accepted what happened as long as I didn’t get a beating. “Thanks Bakugo,”

“Tch that damn bastard needs to know his place if I was in there I would blow the whole place up!” he scowled like his usual self, “W-well my father finally let me out of the house for once, he’s letting me go out until UA opens back up again. Um do you wanna hang out?”

“Tch whatever,” he rolled his eyes and started walking away from my house, “OI DUMBASS YOU COMING OR WHAT!!” he yelled at me pissed off as usual.

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