Turning back time

By AscendingAngel12

43.8K 1K 61

Hermione goes into the past accompanied by Harry and Draco and Ginny in order to stop Tom Riddle from becomin... More

Be prepared
How to be a Pureblood 101
Hello, I'm Tom Riddle
Whats she hiding?
Youre in the wrong class
Hospital Wing
I get whatever I want
Room of requirement
Berries and Cream

Hogsmeade date

2.6K 63 0
By AscendingAngel12

Hermione's pov
It was Saturday. Officially one week of classes was over, and we were all on the verge of a mental breakdown.
"Hermione, I heard you're going to hogsmeade with Tom today, congratulations." Said Walburga Black, who had never conversed with me previously.
"Oh, thank you Walburga. Your hair looks nice by the way."
"Thank you. You know, we're throwing a party tonight in the common room, it'd be great if you came down so you could meet the rest of your house.
"That would be great, thanks!"
"Yeah no problem!" She said in an extremely chipper voice. I studied her face as she put her makeup on in the mirror. I couldn't help but notice her similarity to Sirius and how different she was from her painting in Grimmauld Place. I shook off the nostalgia and exited the common room to see Tom, leaning against the couch, waiting for me.
"You look lovely today Hermione." He said while motioning for me to interlock elbows with him.
"Same to you Tom." I said while liking arms.
"Shall we grab a carriage?"
"That would be lovely." I said as we strolled to the thestral drawn carriage. We arrived at the three broomsticks and Tom helped me out of the carriage.
"Fancy a butterbeer?"
"Yes please." I said and he got us a secluded table at the back of the room, away from prying ears.
"You know, I've always loved French; could you say something in French for me?" Oh boy, here we go with the interrogation.
"Um, 'va te faire foutre tu es un mauvais fils de pute et je vais te détruire'."
"What does that mean."
"It means, 'I am happy to be here, the village is very interesting and I had fun.'" I told him with a visible smirk plastered on my face. But unknown to him, I really said 'fuck you you're an evil son of a bitch and i will destroy you'. But he didn't need to know that. He didn't waste time looking exasperated because of the careful mask of indifference he always had on, but he did cock a brow at my preparedness.
"Any siblings?"
"Nope, you?"
"No. Your father, why did he send you to hogwarts, his arch enemy is Dumbledore."
"My father didn't send me here, I lied to everyone, I ran away, and he can't get to me with Albus Dumbledore around."
"Interesting.....why did you run?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Just...curious." He said looking thoughtful for a moment, as if pondering the correct answer.
"Lets just say my father isn't exactly the loving type. Now tell me, what are your parents like?" I said, full well knowing that he didn't have any relatives.
"Unfortunately deceased."
"My mother is 6 feet under also, but you already know that don't you?"
"That I do, what is your fathers middle name?" He asked throwing me a curveball, a question I didn't know the answer to.
"Christopher." I said without skipping a beat. How did I know that? Was it because of Time Travel Law?
"What is your middle name?"
"Amelia, yours?" I told him.
"Marvolo. Where were you born?"
"Venice, you?"
"London." He answered and we sipped our butterbeers in silence.
"Did you want to go anywhere else?" I asked as he placed two galleons on the table.
"Honeydukes." It was my turn to cock a brow. Did Tom Riddle have a sweet tooth?
"I know what you're probably thinking, but no, it's actually to meet the other prefects in slytherin." He said, reading my mind, not literally.
"They chose to meet at honey dukes?"
"Yes, apparently gryffindor already staked claim of the three broomsticks, ravenclaw took the hogs head this time, and hufflepuff took Madam Puddifoots as always."
"What is the meeting for?"
"Just an orientation for the new fourth year prefects. It'll be a bit cramped because there are 14 of us."
"Yeah 7 prefects and their dates." He said and we walked into the sweet shop.
"Adonis Pucey, head boy." Riddle introduced me. I let my eyes trace over him discreetly. An Adonis he was, I could tell where Adrian got his good looks from.
"Maya Wang, Head girl. You know Eileen, she's the 6th year prefect along with me. The others don't matter." Tom said while discrediting the 4th and 5th year prefects who seemed too scared to correct him, and the older prefects only chuckled at their discomfort.
"Adonis and Maya already discussed rounds with me, so I'll just tell hermione about prefects, heads and what we do in the school." Eileen said while dragging me out of earshot from Tom, who didn't bat an eye at her behavior.
"Eileen? What are you-"
"Listen, I don't have much time to explain. You're new, and don't know how things work around here. Tom Riddle is dangerous and everybody knows it, but no one can prove it. The teachers are oblivious to his malicious aura, but anybody who goes against him in any way shape or form has something bad happen to them. Tom. Is. Dangerous. He has everyone wrapped around his finger, but you're smart Hermione, if you continue this, he will be your downfall. whatever you're doing to attract his attention, stop it. Nothing good can come from being associated with Tom Riddle. I'm telling you this because you're new, and for your safety Beware of Tom Riddle, the handsome exterior doesn't reflect the evil inside." She warned me and we watched as Tom exited the shop. "Yea, so if you ever need to report anything you can go to the head of house, our head boy and girl, or me and Tom alright?" She told me in a chipper voice as Tom approached us.
"Sounds good." I told her with a smile that I tried best to keep from wavering due to the terrifying warning she gave me moments ago.
"Are you ready to go back Hermione?" Tom asked and took my hand. I gave one last look at Eileen before turning back to Tom.
"Yes I am, thank you." I told him properly and he escorted me back to the castle and down to the dungeons. "First week of class is over, how exciting." I told him, trying to make idle conversation.
"Yes, very. I hope to see you in class, especially in dueling, you seem to be my only formidable opponent." He mused and I pursed my lips. maybe I should've listened to Eileen, but it was only the first week and I was already in too deep.
"Thank you Tom, I hope to beat you come the next opportunity. Good night." I told him cheekily and he took my hand to his lips.
"I look foreword to it. Good night." He told me and I froze as he brought his lips to my cheek. I rushed into my dorm and collapsed onto the bed, my cheeks red with embarrassment. I grazed the cheek he kissed with my hand, and shook m head as my face started to heat once more.
Little did I know, I had just begun to dig my own grave.

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