An Odd Story ( Odd Future Sto...

By GiselleBonitaa

11.1K 370 55

An Odd Future story. More

Home ?
Sacramento All Over Again .
J + H ?
Together Atlast
We got signed
Baby Shower
Damien & Corahn Long .
Frank's back
Aaliyah, the Baddie
Baby Moms Crazy
Love You Too
Concert Suprise
Happy Birthday Twins!
--- sequel or nah?
Baby Names
blocked number

you'll understand when you're older

249 12 0
By GiselleBonitaa


Vyron watched as the doctor rubbed the cold, blue jelly on my stomach. Dr. Stevens and I watched the monitor, looking for my baby, as I squeezed Vyron's hand. A small white figure appeared on the screen and a little heart beat thumps.

"There they are!" Dr. Stevens smiled, his thick Nigerian accent made it a little hard to understand him. "Both are very very little, won't be very big when they are born. Still healthy. Would you like to know the- "

"Wait did you say both? Two?" Vyron interrupted.

"Yes, two. Congratulation, you're having twins."

Vyron gripped his chest and slid into his seat, his face turned a bright red.

"And they're both girls!" Vyron immediately fell to the floor. Tears of joy slid down my cheeks as I laughed at him.

"I can't believe this!" I wiped the tears from my face.



I was working on a beat for the new up-coming MellowHigh album, the verses came to me as the beat flowed through my ears. The verses came to halt when the door to the studio busted open. Trenton barged into the studio, the twins followed behind him.

"Daddy, can you play with us?!" They screamed together.

"I'm working right now boys," Their smiles turned into frowns. "Trent your mom is going to be here in a little bit. Get ready and pack your stuff."

"Can Co and Damien come with me too? Please daddy?" Trenton asked. "Please, pleeeeease daddy."

"No, they have to stay with their mommy and you have to go with your mommy, it's just the weekend."

Trenton crossed his arms. "Then I don't want to go. I thought you said we were brothers, why do we have different mommies? Why do I have two moms?"

"You wouldn't understand Trent, I'll tell you when you're older." He pouted. "Now get ready, or your mommy will be sad that you didn't want to see her."

"Fine!" He stormed out of the studio, the twins chased after him.

This happens almost every week now, Trent has to go with his mom and then he starts to question why the twins can't go with him. I tell him they can't go and he throws a fit but, he still has to leave. One time kept Trent away from Courtney too long and she called the cops on me, they told me I can't spend too much time with my kid and it's violating orders. Never again.

Trenton ran back down stairs with his luggage and kicked it to the floor.

"I don't want to go!" He threw himself onto the floor and kicked his feet. He began to scream, Jhene walked into the house with some groceries.

"Hodg, what's wrong with him?" She put the groceries on the table and her keys too. "Trenton, what's wrong buddy?" She picked him up and he put his head on her shoulders, he wrapped his arms around her.

"I don't want to go with my mommy."

"You have to go, It's only for two days then you're back with your brothers." Jhene looked over at me and shook her head.

"But why do I have to go and Damien and Co can't go? Why can't they come too?" He sniffled. "I thought they were my brothers."

"You'll understand when you're older." She whispered to him and kissed his cheek.

After a while, Trent finally understood that he had to go and the twins couldn't come with him. We waited for a little bit and Courtney showed up and took Trenton.

"You baby him so much." I laughed.

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