Welcome to Reality [A Hunger...

By monteydog

40.2K 1.1K 188

Is it possible for the Hunger Games to be real, but just in a different life? When Katniss has a terrible inc... More

[1] Welcome... Home?
[2] Welcome to Your Clique
[3] Welcome to School.
[4] Welcome to the Bottom of the Food Chain
[5] Welcome to the Truth
[6] Welcome to Normal High School Conversations
[7] Welcome to Midnight
[8] Welcome to the Mall
[10] Welcome to the Hawthorne Household
[11] Welcome to the Magical World of Dating (*sigh*)
[12] Welcome to Friendship
[13] Welcome to Confusion
[14] Welcome to the Theater
[15] Welcome to a Healing Friendship
[16] Welcome to the Playground
[17] Welcome to Pre-Homecoming
[18] Welcome to the Best Night of Your Life
[19] Welcome to a World of Cute :3
[20] Welcome to Fun
[21] Welcome to Moments and Memories
[22] Welcome to the Exit
[23] Welcome Back, Kat
[24] I Hope You Enjoyed Your Stay
Epilogue (And a lot of thank yous)
adorable alarm alma alternate anger angry attack autocorrect avery awwwww back backstage badmusic beetee bell blond blonde bonnie book boom brokentoes brony bruno bully bus cafeteria calculator caroline cato clique coffee coin computer confused couple couples crowd cruel cute dance darius dark date dates days dead death depressed derp dictionaries dimension disco dontask doodling drama dress dresses dressy effie embarrassing ending english everdeen evolution fancy fighting final finale finnick fire firealarm foxface friendship fun funny gale galesmakingdrama game games glimmer group guest gurl gush happiness hate hawthorne hero hieveryoneimbobby historyclass home homecoming homework hot hugs hunger hurt hyper ihop ilold internet joe johanna katniss killing king lab limo linkin lol love lunch maddie madge madgexgale mall mars mason matches math maybehappyending mellark memories memory midnight mmmmmmmtacos mockingjay moment mondays monster montana music nerds odair offence omgtags omgtortilla pancakes panic parallel paramore park party patd pay peeta piano plans playground playing prehomecoming president pretty prim primrose primspov principle problems punch queen questions rain reality rebellion romance rory rotc rue sad school science shop shopping similarities singer slowsong slowsongs snow song songgame songs soraya spazz spazzattack spikeingthepunchbowl squee squished stalker star starbucks steppingontoes talk tater teen teenagers teens text texting thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou theater thg thread thresh toes topic tots trinket trouble truth txt undersee universe vote war welcome whatisthisicanteven whoevenreadsthetags xbox younglove yum yumsquirrels

[9] Welcome to Trouble

1.2K 39 6
By monteydog

[9] Welcome to Trouble

Katniss's Point of View

Sunday passed uneventfully, I spent most of the day on homework and trying to look for info on how to get home. Not a whole lot of progress yet.

Now it was Monday. I sat in Math, bored out of my mind. I got what the teacher was getting, almost a bit too much. I was bored with the concept. My group wasn't all that exciting, it was me, Peeta, Gale, and some girl named Avery. I didn't recognize Avery, so I was guessing she belonged entirely to this world.

Avery was the kind of girl that I could imagine being friends with back home. She was friendly, but also had a tinge of sarcasm that made her entertaining. She had black hair that was very straight, blue-ish grey eyes, and tan skin, looking almost like she could be from the Seam. She wore no makeup, like me, and wore a lot of red and black.

Mr.Thread droned on about the square root of 97. Avery poked my shoulder getting my attention, I looked over to see her pointing at her paper, where she'd written "Mr.Thread should get a sense of humor, and a more attractive shirt." I chuckled quietly, but that was all Mr.Thread needed to single me and Avery out.

"Katniss, Avery, it seems you two are enjoying this lesson?" He growled, catching me and Avery's attention. I froze, trying to find something to say, but Avery was already talking.

"Yes, we are enjoying this lesson, Mr.Thread. It's very enjoyable. I mean, who wouldn't want to learn about the great square root of 97? It's truly fan-freaking-tastic." She said, clearly sarcastic. A few giggles came from the rest of the class, but a glare from Mr.Thread quickly shut them up.

"I doubt your ability to be in this class, Avery. Let's give you a quick test, shall we?" Mr.Thread purred. "If you have ten cakes and Mark takes two away, how many cakes do you have?" The class chuckled at the stupid 1st grade level math.

"I have ten cakes, and Mark's dead body." Avery said with a straight face. The class broke out into laughter, and Mr.Thread just glared at Avery.

"Very well, but this is not over." He growled, then turned back to his desk to grab papers. I gave Avery a high five. "Okay, class, now you can start your homework, you have ten minutes." Mr.T announced.

The homework was passed out, and the person who was passing it out gave Avery a high five. Peeta was now complaining about the lack of calculators at this table, making me remember his rage over dictionaries.

"Hey Peeta," Gale said, his tone a bit too friendly for his norm. "Shut. Up."

"No! I need a calculator!" He whined. I sighed and handed him my calculator, which I was too confused about to use anyways. "Thank you, Kat. See Gale, Katniss is nice, unlike someone I know." He said.

"Shut up."

I rolled my eyes and zoned out the guy's arguing. I tried to focus on the math, but I found that it was near impossible without the stupid number machine. Peeta poked me, and I looked over at him.

"What lunch peroid do you have?" He randomly asked, leaving me to puzzled to respond for a moment.

"Um, " I looked to Gale, panicked. He held up two fingers. "Second." I replied, hoping Gale got my telepathic thank-you.

"Hey! We have the same lunch!" Peeta exclaimed. "We should sit together sometime."

"Peeta, stop flirting with Katniss." Avery said bluntly, causing Peeta to stammer and Gale to crack up

"Um, okay." I replied to Peeta, not sure how serious I was about it.

The door at the front of the  classroom opened, and Finnick Odair stepped in. He held looked a bit worried. I looked over at Avery to see her eyes following Finnick hungrily, making me roll my eyes. Mr. Thread looked to the back of the classroom at my table. Mr. Thread nodded and Finnick quickly began to strolled over to my table.

"Hey guys." He said, addressing my table. "Um, Mr.Snow is asking for you two"-He pointed at me and Gale-"Down in the office. Now." 

Me and Gale exchanged a look before we stood up. Mr. Odair walked over and got Madge as well. He ushered us out the door, I barely had time to look at Avery with a panicked look before we were in the hallway. Mr.Odair quickly pushed us down the hallways, not a sound coming from any of us until Gale spoke.

"What does Mr.Snow need us for?" Gale asked, breaking the thick silence.

"Oh, um," Finnick looked for words. "He just needs to see you guys real fast." He answered vaguely. 

We walked into the office without a word and walked into a door labeled Principle. I almost stopped when I walked into the office, as Panems president, Cornelius Snow, sat at a desk labeled with his name. I wondered how he got stuck as principle in this world when he was president in the other, but I didn't ask any questions.

"Ms. Everdeen, Mr.Hawthorne, and Ms.Undersee." President- or I guess Mr.Snow said. The door opened again and Darius, Thresh,and Montey were pushed into the room,looking just as confused as I felt. "You're probably wondering why I asked you all in here." We all nodded. "Sit, please." Mr.Snow offered.We obeyed.

"So, as Ms. Everdeen has told you already, she's not from around here." Mr. Snow began. With those words, my blood went cold. I glanced over at the others, who all looked shocked except Gale, who just glared at the principle/president. "But I would like to make a request for you to not tell anyone."

"How do you know that Katniss isn't from here?" Madge asked, looking highly suspicious and a bit frightened.

"Why, Ms.Undersee, I sent her here!" Snow exclaimed. "I live in both dimensions, and I'm having a... a problem in the other world."

"A problem, with me?" I clarified, baffled by what he was saying.

"Yes, and I've put you here instead for safe keeping." Snow said with a smile that chilled me to the core. "Wouldn't want to put a girl on fire in a district with coal, now would I?" He said with a chuckle.

"Girl on fire? What? How do I even know you in the other world?" My questions came out in a rush.

"Oh, Ms. Everdeen, I can't tell you somethings." He smirked. "You guys have to keep quiet, okay?"

"How do I get home?" I ordered. Snow made a tsk-tsk sound, shaking his head.

"No no, Katniss, you're staying here. Do you understand?" He purred. I glared at him. "Do you understand?" He said more forcefully. I nodded stiffly.

Mr.Odair came back in and ushered us out. I was going to kill Snow. That jerk can't kick me out of my own world! God! If he thinks I'm just going to sit here and agree, then he's sorely mistaken! As I walk back into math, Avery and Mr.Thread are in another debate. Peeta sits nearby, hoarding the calculators.

I sigh and me and Gale sit down at our desks.

But my mind can't focus. I think of Snow's face and a wave-no, a tsunami- of rage comes over me. I will get home. And maybe it'll happen with Snow's words, too. The girl on fire. Seems fit for what I'm thinking of doing to Snow with matches and fireworks. Maybe Montey's right, maybe I am crazy.

Nope. Just angry.

A/N: Thread- The replacement peacekeeper of district 12
Thank you @torrescano for guest starring in this chapter! You might re-appear in one or two chapters, as well! Depends on where the story is going. I hope I portrayed your idea well enough!

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