The King Pins Daughter

By Queen_Bree_2020

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Ariana is a king pins daughter. Her mom is a drug addict and the state has decided that she is no longer fit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
New Characters
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

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By Queen_Bree_2020

Arianna POV

Arielle just pulled up outside of my house and my dad's car is in the driveway. I really don't want to get out of this car but I have no choice.

Me: See you later Ari.

Arielle: See you later boo.

I grabbed my bag and got out of the car. I pulled out my key and opened the door. I head straight to the stairs and make my way up to my room. As I'm going up the stairs, my dad came and stood right at the top. Shit.

Dad: So, where you coming from?

Me: I...uh...I was with a couple friends.

Dad: Did you ask if you could go out with a couple friends?

Me: No, but...

Dad: Ain't no buts. You know you don't leave this house when I am out working.

Me: Dad, I just wanted to go to the mall.

Dad: And I might have let you when I got home.

I didn't say anything.

Dad: I see you changed your outfit too.

Me: Huh?

Dad: Don't huh me. You left outta here in a short skirt and a crop top.

How do he know what I left home in? God, why does this man know everything?

Me: Dad I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left today. Please don't whoop me.

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

Dad: Give me your phone then go to your room and stay in there for the rest of the day.

Me: Yes sir.

I handed him my phone and ran up the stairs and straight into my room. I just got out of an ass whooping. That's a rarity around here so I'm looking at this as a blessing.

I still have my tablet and laptop so I can communicate with friends without my phone.

I have been touched by an angel today🙌🏾.
Next Day

Arianna POV

My dad just woke everyone up and it's 3:00 in the morning. We are all sitting in the living room tired and groggy as fuck.

Javi: Dad what's going on?

Dad: We're about to drive down to Tennessee to get the family and bring them here to stay with us.

Mario: What happened?

Dad: Somebody shot up their house so they are all up and packing now.

Me: We're all going?

Dad: Yes. So slip on some clothes and meet me in the car in 10 minutes.

We all went our separate ways to our rooms to get dressed. I slipped on some jogging pants and a hoodie over my shorts and tank top. I put on some gym shoes and then ran in my bathroom to brush my teeth before we go.

I finished up and met everyone at the car. We piled in and then dad hit the road.

It's an early Friday morning and we are on the road heading to Tennessee. We will be to our families house in about an hour.

This crazy tho. Like, who would shoot up their house?

I dozed back off and when I opened my eyes again, we were pulling up to the house. It was a bunch of broken glass on the ground and holes in the door.

Dad: What the fuck?!

He's pissed.

We got out the car and went up to the door.

Our grandma came to open it. She is 58 years old. My dad is her oldest child.

Dad pulled her into a hug.

Grandma: Son, what is happening?

Dad: Let's go in and get y'all stuff so we can get back on the road.

We went inside and my cousins, aunt's, and uncles were all sitting around in the living room. Pretty much everything they wanted to take was packed up in boxes already.

Dad: Marie, Toni, have y'all been to the school to get the kids transfers yet?

Uncle Toni: Yeah. We went first thing this morning.

Dad: Okay. Let's start getting y'all stuff into the cars.

I went up to my cousins room with them to help grab a couple of their bags.

Me: Sofia, what happened?

Sofia: We was all sleep last night and then at like 1:30, we heard a pop, pop, pop and then glass started shattering. So my dad went downstairs and he saw what had happened. It had all calmed down and we all went downstairs to see what had happened and then, the shots started again. We all had to lay on the ground until they stopped. This time, we waited a good 15 minutes before we got up and they didn't come back after that.

She sat on her bed and took a deep breath.

Me: I know it had to be scary.

Sofia: It was. But none of us were hurt so we're good. I just can't wait to get out of here.

Me: Come on. Let's take these bags downstairs to the car.

"Why didn't you answer the phone this morning", she asked as we started grabbing bags.

"My dad took it."

Sofia: Why? What did you do?

Me: So I wanted to go to the mall with some friends but he doesn't like us leaving the house unless he's there. He wasn't and I knew that he would say no if I called and asked so I just went. And he finds out everything so he took my phone yesterday when I got back.

Sofia: Dang, so you're grounded?

Me: I really don't know. He made me stay in my room yesterday but he didn't make it clear as to if I was grounded or not.

We walked downstairs and started putting bags in the car.

Pretty soon, we were all loaded up. Everyone got in the cars and we headed back to Texas.
We made it back to Texas about an hour ago. We are currently getting everyone settled in. Sofia is going to be staying in my room with me. My cousin, Joaquin, is staying with Alejandro, and Lucas is staying with Javi in his room. Our younger cousins, Adrian, Julian, and Liam are sharing one big room. And then my grandma gets her own room and so does my aunt Marie, my uncle Toni, my uncle Alex, and my Uncle Luca.

Around 9:00 is when we were all done getting settled in.

Everyone was called down to the living room.

We all sat around either on the couch or on the floor.

My dad and uncles all stood in front of us.

Dad: What happened last night was an enemy trying to send us a message.

Auntie: But who?

Uncle Toni: 3 King's.

Dad: Y'all are all going to have to be very careful. Especially y'all, Arianna and Sofia. You two are the likely targets.

We both looked at each other.

Sofia: But, why would we be their likely targets?

Me: Because we're the only girls.

Dad: Exactly. Ari, it's possible that they already have somebody watching you, trying to get closer to you. Can you think of anybody new in your friend group who been getting closer to you?

I started to think. The newest person to our friend group is Asím. But no. It can't be him. He wouldn't be trying to set me up. I just know he wouldn't.

Uncle Luca: Who is it Ari?

Me: Asím.

Sofia: Ooh he the one who...

I cut her off.

Me: Sofia!

I looked at her.

Sofia: My bad.

Me: It's cool. But yes. Him.

Dad: What is it about him that stand out?

Me: He was new this year. I was the first person he came and talked to. I brought him around my group of friends but he's not really that cool with them. It's like, he's only around when I'm around.

Uncle Alex: You took pictures with him?

Me: Yeah. A lot, actually.

Uncle Toni: Let us see them.

Me: Dad, can I get my phone?

He nodded and went to grab it from somewhere. He came back and I unlocked it. I had a bunch of messages from some of my friends. Looks like Asím been blowing my phone up.

Me: He said he has something important to talk to me about and it can't wait.

Dad: What do he look like?

I pulled up the picture I have of him. He's 16.

Uncle Toni: That's King oldest son.

Dad: Text him back and see what he wants to talk to you about.

I nod and go to my messages.

Me: He asked if I could meet him somewhere or if he could come here?

Uncle Toni: Have him come here. We'll be ready for him.

Me: Are you going to hurt him?

Uncle Alex: Not yet. We want to see what he has to say.

I nod and tell him to come to my house and he said he was on his way.

Me: He's on his way.

About 10 minutes later, he was knocking on the door.

My dad went to get it.

He came back in with Asím.

His face was hard to read.

Asím: Ari, I got a lot to tell you.

Me: Dad, Uncles, can we talk in the kitchen?

They looked at each other before nodding.

Asím and I walked into the kitchen.

Me: So, what's going on?

Asím: There is no easy way to say this so I'm just going to come out with it. My dad is King, head of the 3 Kings. He got beef with your dad and in order to get to him, he wanted to get you. So he put me in your school and told me to get close to you. And that's what I did.

Me: Why are you telling me this now?

Asím: I know he had some people down in Tennessee shoot up your families house. At the beginning of this all, I didn't care if you got hurt or not. I was just trying to make my dad happy. But after that night we spent together, I knew I couldn't do it. You're an amazing girl and I can't let you or your family get hurt.

Me: How do I know I can trust you now?

Asím: I give you my word Ari.

He hugged me.

Asím: I told you a lot of stuff about me Ari. You know about my mom. My sister. What happened to them. I can't watch that happen to you. I don't want your family to feel the pain that I felt.

Me: What will your dad do if he finds out you told us?

Asím: Let me worry about him.

I nodded.

Asím: This probably the worst time for me to ask you this but I can't wait no longer. Arianna, I want you to be my girlfriend.

Me: Asím, I like you a lot. And I do want to be your girlfriend but after everything you just told me, I just don't know.

Asím: Completely understandable.

Me: You need to tell my dad and uncles everything you just told me.

My dad came walking in the kitchen.

Dad: No need to. We already heard everything. Arianna, we gotta talk. Asím, you seem like a good kid and I'm going to trust that you're telling the truth about not wanting to see my baby girl hurt.

Asím: I am, sir.

Dad: If you truly want to get our trust, we need for you to help us.

Asím: What can I do?

Uncle Toni: What did they want you to do to set Ari up?

Asím: I was supposed to take her out on a date and then at the end of the night, instead of bringing her home, take her to them.

Dad: Keep that plan. We can use it to get them.

Me: Dad, I'm gone get kidnapped.

Dad: No you're not Ari. They ain't gone lay a finger on you. Asím, when was you supposed to be doing this?

Asím: They just told me that whenever I was able to get her to go on a date with me, they'd be ready.

Uncle Luca: Tell them this Friday night.

Asím: Okay.

He turned to me.

Asím: I have to go now. I'll text you later on.

Me: Okay.

He left and I sat there in the room with my dad and uncles.

Dad: So what happened that night that made him change his mind about hurting you?

Me: We stayed up after everyone else went to sleep and we got to know each other a lot better. He told me a lot of stuff about him and I told him some things about me. Wait, dad, do you think they know about my mama?

Dad: Fuck, I ain't even think about that.

Uncle Luca: Get in touch with her and I can drive out there tomorrow.

Dad: Okay. I'll call her in a little bit. Ari, I know you're scared, but you have nothing to worry about baby girl. They won't hurt you. I promise you.

I got up and hugged him and all of my uncles.

Uncle Alex: It's going to all be okay.

I nodded and smiled at them.

I went upstairs and got ready for bed. Sofia was already asleep. I got in the bed and said my prayers. Everything is going to be alright.
Chapter 7 coming soon

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