Are You Awake Yet

By Nikki_crystal

8.3K 1K 3.1K

Park Ji Woo, a charming crime investigator at the peak of his career, his life taking an unexpected turn when... More

Are You Awake Yet
Meet me when you're ready
| o n e
| t w o
| t h r e e
| f o u r
| f i v e
| s i x
| s e v e n
| e i g h t
| n i n e
| t e n
| e l e v e n
| t w e l v e
| t h i r t e e n
| f o u r t e e n
| f i f t e e n
| s i x t e e n
| s e v e n t e e n
| e i g h t e e n
| n i n e t e e n
| t w e n t y
| t w e n t y o n e
| t w e n t y t w o
| t w e n t y t h r e e pt. 1
| t w e n t y t h r e e pt. 2


657 96 86
By Nikki_crystal

In a blur of memories, on the other side of my dream, someone called me.

His voice became clearer, however still seemed too distant; as if it was too far to reach.

Hurry up, come to me please.

Time seemed to slow down when you're falling from the sky. It goes by fast, yet slow, almost suspended. But amidst in the air with the wind in my face, it seemed I was going to run out of oxygen before I'd even reach the ground.

I'm waiting, where are you?

He sounded like nothing but a familiar stranger, who I've met once but will never meet again. Searching for me, his voice began to dwindle as though it was moving farther and farther away.

Is it you, I've been looking for?

His voice disappeared for good. With my perception of time distorted, everything slowed down until there was nothing, only me and the sky above. My hand reached out, kissing the sky, grasping the endless crevasse of blue. Everything was a blur, a blur that swirled out of existence. Suspended in the air, I closed my eyes and surrendered myself into the infinite sky above.

However, I felt myself slip into the arms of someone else instead. I suddenly felt the warmth of a man's arms embrace me, and his hands adjusting under my weight. I tilted my head to take a good look at my savior, but my eyesight blurred and my body drained away until finally all was black.

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