Escape The Night S3 - A Fanfi...

By difyeva

42.5K 563 984

Y/N L/N keeps a quiet life, with a YouTube platform of over 10 million subscribers. When a letter is delivere... More

Welcome to the Town of Everlock (FINISHED EDITING)
The Clowns Here Kill Part 1 (FINISHED EDITING)
The Clowns Here Kill Part 2
Venomous Affections
The Man With No Name
Strong Like A Demon Part 1
Strong Like a Demon Part 2
Wicked Witches
Control Issues
The Carnival Master
Book 4

Twin Dolls

2.5K 43 55
By difyeva

Previously on Escape The Night...

Joey's secret had begun to unravel. The adventurers have found half the artifacts and escaped the strongman's prison. Ro uncovers a Lazarus coin. Romance starts to spark
"If this is when I die the last person I want to see is you." Matt is killed in the final challenge.

July 19, 1978

A man in a suit walks up to a church and closes the door. He turns around and sees the Carnival Master holding a wooden doll held by strings. "I can make them so alive and magical. Everyone in town will need one. And soon they'll be knocking down your door," says the Carnival Master. "What do I need to do?" asks the man. "Place your hands on the altar", replies the Carnival Master. The man does so and the Carnival Master gives him the wooden doll. The man walks to his shop and hangs it on a small piece of rope on the ceiling. "Children, we'll be able to keep the shop now. I'll never let anything happen to you. I promise", smiles the dollmaker. The wooden doll glows and energy starts to flow into the two child-size twin dolls. The man goes to sleep and the twins wake up, each holding a knife. "Knife. Knife. Knife" they repeat over and over again. "KNIFE!" they both suddenly scream stabbing the man repeatedly as he screams.

Y/N's POV:

We're all sitting in Fatman Slims. It's silent until Colleen says "I'm over this! All my friends are dying! Matt was one of our last hopes, now he's dead because of Joey, thank you so much." "Tell me about it", I say. "Wha- if anything, blame Manny!" replies Joey. "Me?" "You went up against him!" yells Joey. "Cause I'm the strongest bitch here!" says Manny. "Hey, guys!" I say standing up on the table. Everyone looks at me. "Why don't we all just shut up and drink away our sorrows", I say chugging a bottle of alcohol.

Colleen: "I'm a bit concerned about Y/N drinking right now. I've been friends with her since high school and she's never gotten drunk before so...this is a first."

"Hey Y/N are you okay?" asks Safiya. "Yeah, I'm great! You know, I killed JC and Roi, now my best friend and almost my boyfriend just died so yeah, I'm doing amazing!"

Joey: "Yikes".

"Look, drinking is not the solution Y/N. You saw Veronica. Stop." says Safiya. "Alright". I throw the bottle on the ground causing everyone to jump. "Can you somehow bring them back to life? You guys don't know what I went through! The only person who would understand is Ro and Manny because they, like me, was in a death challenge!" I yell. Everyone goes silent. "I'm gonna go outside and...throw up. I'll be right back" I say walking outside. I throw up.

Y/N: "I think this is the last time I'm drinking alcohol".

I walk back inside. "You okay now?" asks Manny. "I think? I guess. I don't know we should just move forward", I say. "Listen up guys. I've come to the conclusion we're all gonna die anyway, so we might as well just enjoy our last moments," says Colleen. "Cheers to that", says Nikita.

Joey: "Honestly, Colleen can go somewhere else, because she keeps pointing the finger at me. Go ahead, Colleen. Go talk to Mortimer".

I lean back a bit to listen to what Colleen and Mortimer are saying. "I don't want to be around Joey, cause I'm positive he's lying. So why don't you and I just leave together?" she says. "We need to find that coin and I'm gonna make it my mission to find that", says Joey.

Joey: "If I have to prove myself I will".

"I would honestly, love to do that", says Mortimer tucking a piece of Colleen's hair behind her ear.

Y/N: "Colleen *puts head in arms* don't flirt with Mortimer!"

"Let's just go upstairs, they're gonna die anyway", says Colleen. "I mean, we're gonna die anyway" replies Mortimer. "Colleen, what are you doing?" asks Joey. "Let her live her own damn fantasy," says Nikita.

Nikita: "Honestly, Mortimer was like, so an hour ago, so Colleen can have him".

"All right Colleen, enough is enough. Get over here, we have work to do", says Joey. "Something has changed on the map", says Calliope. "What does it say?" asks Manny. "There will be blood on all of your hands. The price of being a hero in this town of horrors", I read out. "What else is new on here?" asks Colleen. "The Dollmakers Shoppe", says Joey. "No!" Manny, Nikita and I yell. "Creepy dolls are like, creepy", says Ro.

Y/N: "This town is just a mix of everything I'm scared of. Clowns, Snakes, two people constantly being sexual with each other *cough cough* Veronica and the strongman *cough cough* and now creepy dolls.

"It says: The Dollmakers children have changed. They want to spin in circles but keep fighting over which horse to ride. Maybe you can help?" reads out Joey. "All right so clearly they're gonna be dolls", says Safiya. "Spinning in circles, horses, obviously the merry-go-round", I say. "Oh yeah", says Manny. "I may have just been drinking and throwing up but my brain is still ok", I say. "Alright let's go to the merry-go-round", says Joey. "Come on lover-boy", says Calliope. "I'm pissed at everyone right now but at this point, I'm just gonna work with them to survive", whispers Colleen to me.

Nikita: "We see a box and a big button and I'm like, Should I just press it?" Like, I don't know, guys, should we just start this damn thing?"

"Should I press it?" asks Nikita. "Yeah", we all say.

Y/N: "Nikita presses the button and the merry-go-round starts to spin giving me flashbacks to when we were stuck on the Ferris wheel. It also reminds me of when I got my hand sliced so I check my arm to see if it has started to heal..."

"Guys, where's my wound", I ask.

Y/N: "It has completely disappeared. Something's not right here. I mean I'm happy that I don't have a scar or anything but a wound like that does not take a few hours to clear up."

"I don't know..." says Joey. "Um..nevermind lets just focus on this", I say. All of a sudden a box opens and inside is some weird head thing. Safiya picks up the note. "The night killer's doll is split in two: the body and the head. To begin cleansing the doll, you must find the body and reconnect the head. But be careful! The Doll Maker's children were corrupted by the artifact." "We need to find a body," says Joey. "I'm thinking the dollmakers place. That's the only place," says Nikita.

Colleen: "I bolt over there because I want to figure this out and I want to go home. And suddenly, right in front of the front door, I see a little tiny doll foot."

"Guys there's feet here", I say. I see more feet so I start following and everyone follows behind me. "Wait, there's a key on this one", says Colleen. I look around a see a door with a lock. I point that out to everyone.

Nikita: "It leads us to this door in this really sketchy part of town, honey."

Y/N: "I feel like I'm watching a horror movie with us and I'm yelling at the screen "Don't go in there you dumb bitch!"

Colleen unlocks the door and we all go in.

Y/N: "And we're walking in".

We all walk in and it looks like a torture chamber for dolls. "This is...uncomfortable," I whisper. "This is literally out of my nightmare," says Nikita.

Y/N: "So we walk in and we're all looking around and it has to be one of the worst things I've seen all night...and I've watched a couple of people die!"

"Wait, guys, this is the body! It's over here!" says Joey walking over to a doll's body. He holds up the dolls head we got earlier.

Safiya: "Inside of the glass case is what looks like the body that corresponds to the head of the doll that we need to connect."

"Okay, what's this?" asks Ro holding up a journal. "Not that I want to be reading a creepy journal but okay."

"I didn't know what the carnival master had given me. It's no ordinary doll. I discovered it's made from the skin of a serial killer known as the night killer. I couldn't fathom the things he did to people. I locked the case with each act. Only a sick and twisted mind will be able to open it and they'll deserve what they find," I read out loud.

"A sick and twisted mind, Joey that's you!" says Colleen. I clamp a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Joey laughs sarcastically.

Y/N: "Colleen I love you, but if you get on Joey's bad side, you're probably gonna be the next one dead."

"There are clues in front of every doll. And by the looks of it you guys, I think we're gonna have to torture these dolls," says Safiya. I shudder. "Torturing dolls. And I thought this night couldn't get any worse," I say sarcastically. "Okay, so each torture device tells us how to torture the doll so let's just get this over with," I exclaim.

Colleen: "The first doll I'm seeing is sitting by a big bowl of water, and I know that I have to drown this doll."

"Come on over, let's drown this bitch," says Colleen. "Who wants to do it?" asks Nikita a little too enthusiastically to my liking. "So the note says, "The bad ones he sent to the bottom of the lake", reads out Safiya. "Okay well this small bag is full of coins, and there's already one on this ankle so I guess if we just tie it to the other ankle..." I say as I tie the bag to the doll's ankle. I then drop the doll in the water and it sinks to the bottom and there's a click sound as one of the locks on the glass case opens. "Okay, keep going. Let's get it done," says Colleen walking to another doll.

"Tongue-tied...stretch, what do I have to stretch?" mutters Colleen as she grabs a metal instrument and attempts to stretch the tongue. "Oh, the tongue just," she says popping her mouth.

"Wait what is this?" I say walking over. I read the card quickly and grab the metal instrument pulling the tongue all the way. "Did it work?" asks Colleen. "Yeah, I think you got it," replies Mortimer.

I look over and I see Safiya and Joey discussing the last doll.

Y/N: "They then stick their hand in a jar to get a key to open a red toolbox, get the saw, saw the doll in half and the final lock opens up the glass case."

Before getting the body, Joey reads the plaque in front of it. "The Night Killer murdered over a hundred people before he was carved up and turned into a doll. His evil acts live on in this child's toy granting it the power to bring the inanimate to life. After reconnecting the head, place the doll in the base of the Maiden of Madness to complete the cleansing. Rumour has it the Doll Maker locked the Maiden away inside his shop by order of the Carnival Master," he reads out. "Okay so we have to put this doll inside the Maiden of Madness...whatever that is," says Safiya. I nod.

Joey grabs the body and connects the head and the body together. "I have a really bad feeling about this one," whispers Nikita. I hug Ro close. We heard the sound of something opening and we walk over to this red box. Manny picks up a card and reads it. "Be careful of the twins," he says. "Twins?" asks Ro. "Oh gosh is that our next monster?" I ask. "Okay we also have a key," finishes Manny.

"Okay let's go back to the doll's shop," says Joey. We all walk outside. We then see two doll twins standing and staring at us. "Oh...come on guys, come on," says Joey walking outside beckoning us to follow him.

Y/N: "The note said, "Beware of Twins." What do those look like? Twins, bitch!"

"Hi, are you nice twins?" asks Joey. All of a sudden the twins start running at us at full speed at us and we're all running around the town trying to escape these twins.

Y/N: "If I get out of this alive, it's nice that I had a good workout."

We all run to the front of the Dollmaker's Shoppe and it turns out the key Manny found in the box was the key to that door. Mortimer slams the door shut just as the twins slam into the door. They start slamming on the door. I look around the room and its even more creepy than the last room we were in. "I swear this town keeps getting creepier and creepier," I say and everyone nods in agreement.

We are looking around when I find a book. I open it and read a passage out loud. "I've hidden the Maiden of Madness behind three tests. One of fear, one of pain and one of blood. For the trial of fear, hit the switch and then place your hand inside the chute for ten seconds."

We go to the chute. "A garbage disposal?!" exclaims Joey. "I'll do it," says Nikita. "You will?" I say in shock. Manny hits the switch for a test drive and we all gasp at the loud noise. "Oh my gosh, Nikita, are you sure you want to do that?" asks Joey.

Joey: "Who would want to put their hand down there?"

"It's the challenge of fear. I'm the troublemaker. I'm not supposed to be scared," responds Nikita.

Nikita: "Maybe I'm not good at puzzles, maybe I'm not the strongest, but I'm probably the most fearless in this group."

"Do you wanna take your jacket off?" I ask. "Don't want to get it dirty." I take her jacket from her. Nikita rolls up her sleeves and takes a few seconds to mentally prepare herself. She then sticks her hand down the chute as Manny presses the button. We all start to count down from ten as Nikita screams. "You okay?" asks Colleen. "Yeah, I'm fine." "You still have your hand," I add. "Yeah."

Something at the side of the desk pops open and it shows a lever. "Pull the lever if you can handle the pain. It's quite shocking how hard it is to hang on to," I read out. "I'll do it," I volunteer.

I touch my hand to the lever and a jolt of shock goes through my hand. "It's zappy?" asks Joey. I nod and shake my hand in pain. "Are you sure? I've had a lot of laser hair treatments," says Ro. I grab the lever and I start to feel pain but it immediately goes away. I look at the lever in shock. "Y/N are you okay?" asks Joey. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I say. I then push the lever down, pretending to be hurt from the nonexistent shocks. "You did it!" yells Ro hugging me.

"Something opened!" yells Colleen. "The group must divide in two. One will return to the warehouse to claim the blood doll which can open the maiden's frame. The other group must remain and solve the trail of blood. But hurry, the twins are coming. Sooner or later you must lead them to the jail cell and lock them up or they'll stab you and you'll find yourself in the voting box," she reads out.

"All right, guys, we don't have much time," says Mortimer.

Manny: "Yay we're splitting up. It's not like there's strength in numbers or anything."

Y/N: "So I get put in the group with Manny, Nikita and Colleen and we have to figure out what the next blood challenge is."

We open up a drawer and there are a bunch of doll heads and a book called "Once upon a murdery time."

"Don't think I've ever read that one," I say sarcastically. "Maybe we have to read to them?" suggest Nikita. Colleen is looking around the room and something caught her eye causing her to scream. I look in the direction and see one of the twins holding a knife. "Oh my god, go, get out get out!" I yell.

Manny: "All of a sudden, a twin walks in."

Colleen: "Then I remember we have to entice this little twin into prison. And what do these creepy little twins like? They like dolls."

"Y/N" whispers Colleen. "Yeah?" I whisper back. "We have to get this bitch to the jail. You need to come out and we need to lure him with dolls right now," she says. "Okay come on," I say to Nikita as she is standing next to me. We both grab dolls and quickly cross the room running outside. "See this? Want a doll? Do you like it? Come this way," I say running back towards the prison which I was in earlier.

Nikita: "Come here! Don't kill me!"

We all throw the dolls onto the bed in the cell and the twin walks into the cell. I open the book and start to read the book, distracting the doll as we all slowly walkout. "She left her family, to travel the world, in pursuit of the perfect methods-" As soon as we're all out, Nikita slams the door shut to the cell. The twin then jumps up, realising what we did and rattles the cell cages.

Colleen: "Bam! We locked that mother-trucker inside."

"Okay, one little bitch down, one to go," I say. So we all run back into the shop and we go back to the drawer full of doll heads. "Get the book, the book has to be a clue," says Colleen. "Mine are looking in different directions," I say holding up two doll heads. One looking up and another looking left. Nikita then spots some spikes. "There are six spikes. So we have to place these dolls on the spikes in a certain order!" I exclaim.

"Okay, the clues are right here. Once upon a time a maiden grew up-" "Grew up! So it's the one looking up!" Manny and I say in unison.

Y/N: "We have to put these doll heads in the order that the story tells us."

"She left her family to travel the world. Though many dissuaded her, she insisted her path was right," reads Colleen. "Oh, my gosh it's bleeding!" I say as I put the doll head with the eyes looking up, on the spike. We go through all of them and place all the doll heads on the spikes and the moment we place the last one on, a trap door opens up.

Just as the trap door opens, Safiya, Joey and Ro all run into the shop. "Oh my gosh, guys. I found the other coin," says Joey holding it up. I gasp and hug him. "Yes, you guys! Well done!" I say in excitement.

Colleen: "Now I'm kind of eating my words, 'cause maybe he was telling the truth..."

"We also found this door over here. So I think we need to go inside," says Colleen pointing at the trap door. We walk inside and there's some weird, large, metal contraption in the middle of the room.

Joey: "She's real scary lookin'."

"Seal the blood doll in the Maiden's face to open the chamber," reads out Nikita. "Do we have to go up there?" I ask. "Yeah I don't think I can reach that..." says Ro. She's so adorable. Manny takes the doll, opens the maiden's face and throws it in there.

Y/N: "Manny and Joey then walk over to open the doors to the Maiden of Madness and as soon as they open it, my face falls. I know exactly what it is."

Ro: "There are spikes, tons of blood, organs on the ground."

Nikita: "It honestly looked like something out of a horror movie or a really bad Saturday night."

There's a note on the inside so Safiya goes over to read it out to everyone. "You have opened the Maiden of Madness and regret will surely follow. To cleanse the Night Killer's doll, it must first be placed in the chamber beneath her feet." As soon as Safiya reads that out, a drawer at the bottom of the Maiden of Madness pops open. Nikita places the Night Killer's doll in it and kicks the drawer closed. "RIP, bitch, " she mutters.

"Then one of you must be chosen by vote to forfeit their life and enter the Maiden. Once the door has been sealed and their screams have ceased, the doll will be cleansed. Choose wisely. Their death will weigh on your conscience," finishes Safiya. "Wait, so one of us have to commit suicide?" I ask.

"We have to choose someone right now to go inside there," stammers Joey. "I'm stepping down. Don't want to get murdered," says Manny. "Any volunteers?" asks Nikita. "Hell no!" both Colleen and I say in unison.

Y/N: "We have to choose one of your friends to die right here, right now. Colleen, this was not a good time to pick a fight with Joey."

Safiya: "No challenge, no chance to fight."

"Do you remember, how, on the map, it said that there will be blood on their hands? This is what they mean," I point out. "Should we all, like, plead our case right now?" asks Colleen. "I don't know. I was not expecting this..." says Ro. "Okay, I think this is definitely a plead your case moment," says Manny.

I go first. "I think I've proved myself a lot. I've beaten all the challenges I've been put in, I did the pain test, I've helped A LOT with the clues, and I don't mean to sound bitchy, but if I wasn't here none of you guys would be alive right now," I say. Everyone nods in agreement. "Yeah, you've really proved yourself a lot and I'm sorry for doubting you," says Nikita. I smile at her.

"I stuck my hand down that drain and down that pipe, and I was very active as a member, and especially in this challenge, for bravery," says Nikita. "Agreed, completely," says Manny.

Nikita: "I'm not going in there, honey."

"I think that you guys are all great, but I don't think there's another puzzle solver in this group the same way that I can do it so..." says Safiya.

Safiya: "We've never actually, killed one of our friends before, so I don't know what to do."

"Ro?" asks Joey. "I have a lot of heart. I have your back, 100%" she says.

Ro: "At this point, I love everyone in the room. It's a no-win situation."

"I'm one of the strongest competitors. I feel like we might need boot strings for something. Who knows?" says Manny.

Manny: "Please let me not get voted in."

"I found this coin. And we know that this coin is going to give us an advantage in some way. So I feel like I brought an advancement to us."

Joey: "I have proved myself, thank you."

"One of the biggest things I feel I've done so far, even though it might have been a little bit problematic, was have a gut feeling about Joey, and because of that, we found out something really important. And you have proved yourself, and I'm sorry that I came for you," says Colleen.

Colleen: "I'm super confused because I was so sure that Joey was doing something terrible to us but not I feel like maybe he's trying to help."

"But we wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for that. I really think you need me to get to the end."

Colleen: "Any rift that I've caused in this group is because I'm angry that my friends are dying!"

"So basically all we've said is that we all deserve to be here," I sniff.

Joey: "This really isn't that difficult for me. I know what I have to do, and it's just right in front of me, and I'm just gonna do it."

"I guess I'm gonna be upfront and honest. I'm gonna vote for you," says Joey looking at Colleen. "Joey, I'm sorry I came for you earlier, but you were lying to us," she protests. "But that was my secret to tell, and you forced me into that situation," he responds. I roll my eyes at that.

"But you forced all of us into a town where everyone is dying. Joey, do not vote for me please," pleads Colleen. "I think we're running out of time," says Joey. "We gotta keep this fair. Everyone stand over here," says Mortimer.

Nikita: "Everyone did contribute in some way. So this is really, really tough, but at the same time, we need to all come to one consensus here."

"Come," says Calliope beckoning me. I walk to the table and look through the options. I point my finger at Joey's pile and walks back.

Colleen: "These are all my friends! Everyone's working so hard together, I honestly don't know who to vote for."

Colleen is next and I see her hand Calliope a card. Joey is next and he picks up Colleen's card.

Joey: "At this point, Colleen's just trying to cause drama between me and everyone else. And we just can't have that."

He shows it to the group and hands it to Calliope. "I don't want to be shady about this," he says. I hug Colleen.

Y/N: "I don't understand how anyone can look someone in the face and say "I'm gonna put you in this terrifying spike box and murder you".

Manny is voting next and he walks over, points at a card and walks back, hands in his pocket. He seems to be avoiding Colleen's gaze so I assume he voted for her.

Nikita: "I honestly think Colleen deserves to go into the Maiden of Madness. She is a maiden and she is a little mad."

Nikita holds up Colleen's card. "You were wrong to accuse him." I hug Colleen tighter, reassuring her that she won't go in, but I don't know if I believe my words, and by the looks of it, neither does Colleen.

Colleen: "I feel betrayed, I'm heartbroken, I've apologised to him, I thought we fixed this situation."

Ro walks up to the table and picks up Colleen's card, showing it to the group. "I'm sorry..." says Ro her voice breaking. "It's okay, Ro," says Joey. I shoot him a dirty look.

Ro: "Voting for her is breaking my heart. I just know that I have to have Joey's back."

Safiya: "I'm the last one to vote. And I already know that Joey, Nikita, and Ro all voted for Colleen. I'm not saying that I want Colleen to die, but I don't want it to be me."

Safiya walks back. Calliope picks up the cards and shuffles them. "I will now shuffle and draw one," says Calliope.

Colleen: "I cannot believe that my friends are trying to kill me. I've never been more scared in my whole life than I am right now."

Calliope picks a card from the pile, and her face falls. She turns the card over. "The Disco Dancer."

"Please, please." "Colleen..." says Joey. "Please you guys please," pleads Colleen. "Grab her," says Nikita. Nikita and Joey both grab onto Colleen's shoulders and start to push her towards the maiden. "Guys stop, please! We can't do this!" I yell. "I'm sorry Y/N we have to," says Manny. I start to run at Nikita and Joey, about to tackle them but Calliope and Mortimer grab me, pulling me back.

"Stop, stop please, please don't do this, please don't do this, STOP!" screams Colleen and I at the same time. "PLEASE GUYS DON'T DO THIS!" I scream, tears streaming down my face. They push Colleen into the maiden as Safiya and Joey close the doors. I drop to my knees and cover my ears as Colleen's screams fill the room.

Once her screams stop, the drawer pops open and the doll is cleansed. I crawl over and pick it up. "There's no point in shedding tears anymore. We have to all be strong. If we don't complete all of this before sunrise, everyone would've died for absolutely nothing," says Nikita, as everyone sniffles and wipes their eyes.

Nikita: "I'm just as sad as everyone else that Colleen's gone, but at the same time, hello people! We gotta go!"

Safiya and Manny run over to comfort me and help me get up but I can't. I'm just a crying mess.

"Y/N I'm so sorry-" starts Joey. "Don't!" I say my voice cracking. I point at the maiden. "That was exactly how you wanted it."

"Now that we have the two coins, we can open the box," cuts in Nikita. I walk out without looking back at anyone.

Manny: "The artifact is cleansed. We gotta get going."

I walk outside and see a twin on the ground. I let out a sad chuckle. "Nighty night, bitch," I say dropping a doll next to it as it turns into smoke.

We all walk into the lounge and I place the Night Killer's doll on the shelf and sit down on the sofa, burying my face in my hands. First Matpat, then Colleen. "The coin?" asks Safiya.

Ro: "The good news is, we have the second coin for the Lazarus box. So I pull my coin out."

Joey: "I'm just hoping that this coin can offer some sort of hope for us because the morale in the group is pretty low."

"This better be worth it," says Nikita. "One...two...three," they count down, both Ro and Joey placing their coins at the same time. The box glows and it pops open. Joey pulls out a harp while Ro grabs a note. "The harp of Lazarus only has one song left to play before its magic is gone. Its music has the power to bring one of your friends back from the dead. Name them and strum the harp three times."

I sit up and gasp. "Oh, my God. I literally got chills," says Manny covering his mouth.

Nikita: "What?! We're gonna bring someone back?!"

Y/N: "This changes everything."

"The two who found the coins will make the final choice on who returns," finishes Ro. "We have to decide who comes back," says Joey looking at Ro. "Please choose wisely," says Nikita.

Manny: "Who in the hell are they gonna pick? It better be someone good."

"I think there's definitely one person in my mind that I want to bring back for sure," says Joey. "There's one person in my mind as well," agrees Ro.

Ro: "There are a lot of people to choose between, but I'm looking at Joey, and Joey's looking at me. And I think we both know who we want to bring back."

Joey whispers the person's name and strums the harp three times.

Joey: "All I can say is the person we bring back will make a group member verrrry happy *winks*"

A/N: Holy crap y'all! An update after what, 5-6 months or something? I was getting a lil' stressed with school and the virus and stuff like that but I'm back bitches! And imma try to update ASAP! Also, before y'all come at me, I know in the episode, Safiya is the one who does the harp with Joey cuz she found the coin but technically, Ro found the coin because she dug it in the jail cell! I love you guys so much!

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