Her Plus Seven// BTS Mafia AU...

By lil_hope24

74.3K 2.7K 313

WARNING MATURE AND DISTURBING VIOLENT SCENES READ AT OWN RISK Fresh out of college with a Psychology Degree a... More

1: Prolouge
3: Confusion
4: Rough Days
5: Cute
6: Explanations
7: Jealousy
8: Lessons
9: Lessons; Part 2
10: Dates & Mistakes
11: Confession
12: Nerves
13: Insulting
14: Fear
15: New Things
16:More to Love
17: Pain
18: Drinks and Insecurities
20: Next Steps
21: Apologies
22: Fuck Ups
23: Homecomings
24: Final Push
25: Honeymoons and Endings

19: Comfort

1.6K 79 1
By lil_hope24


"What can I help you with Hobi?" I start to grab clothes from the closet

"Can you pick up Sohyun on your way to the club? She's supposed to be with Jimin once he gets in but he's doing something right now and no one else can go get her."

I hum and drop my towel, starting to get dressed "Sure."

I can feel Hoseok's stare on my ass as I get dressed and I pull my skirt up all the way and head for the bathroom "Babe, you don't need to stare that hard."

"You just- what- I." Hoseok stutters

I giggle and shake my head while starting on my makeup "Yes I just dropped my towel in front of you but get used to it. You've seen me naked before."

"Yeah but that was different, you just- what?" I see his confused face in the mirror and I finish up fairly quickly while Hoseok just stares.

I grab my heels from the closet and go over to Hoseok "Me just dropping my towel means I'm comfortable. All of you except for Jin and Tae walk around this house shirtless on a regular basis. Tae sleeps shirtless and sometimes wants to sleep naked. I'm just showing you that I'm comfortable too. Stare all you want, cause it's yours. I mean you have to share but you get my point."

He nods, still looking somewhat shocked "Yeah okay."

I lean in and kiss his cheek "I'll you see later."

I go downstairs and grab my wallet and phone from the table in the living room. I slip my heels on before going into the garage and grabbing my keys, unlocking my car and getting in.

I stop at Sohyun's apartment on the way and text her that I'm outside. She comes down and gets in the car.

"Wonho is going to love you." I state as I look over her outfit

"Who is Wonho?"

I pull away from the curb and head towards the club "Bartender in the VIP room at the club. Also the guy who trained me and is one of my best friends."

"Oh." She pauses "You look cute. I'm surprised I don't see any shadows of hickies."

"Joon had already left."

She nods and it's quiet for a few minutes "Can I ask you a question?"

I nod "Yeah." I turn to look at her since we're at a red light.

"Is there something going on between you and all the guys? Forgive me if I'm wrong."

I shake my head "You aren't wrong. All of us are together. And it is an open relationship. Like if a pair or more or really just one of us wants to be with someone that's okay. We just made a deal to talk to everyone about it and to be open with the other party about the large relationship. If they don't want to join the rest of us or someone doesn't want to be involved its not a big deal. One night stands are okay too as long as someone is asked or at the very least let know."

"Sounds a little complicated."

"It could be."

"So all of you are together and they aren't like just all with you?"

I nod "Yup. We were all in pairs before we became a big relationship. Me and Namjoon, Tae and Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin, and Hoseok and Jin. But we all share a love for a each other. Others still developing a little bit, others fully realized. Just one big circle of love, I guess. Only way I know how to explain it."

She nods "I get it."

I pull into the parking garage behind the club and get out, Sohyun following me. We go to my office, I put my wallet in my drawer, and set my phone on my desk "So, Jimin isn't here yet, he had something to take care of before he came in. But, if you want you can hang out in the VIP room with Wonho, I just need to do a few things here and then I can join you."

She nods "Yeah sure."

I grab my walkie and earpiece, turning it on "Wonho."

"Yes ma'am" his voice comes through my earpiece a second later

"Who is up in the VIP room right now?"

"Just regular VIPs."

"Thank you."

I grab my phone and attach my walkie to the back of my skirt. "Come on."

Sohyun follows me upstairs and I push open the door to the VIP room. "Hey boss."


Sohyun slides into a stool at the bar in front of Wonho and he eyes her slightly "Whose this?"

"This is Sohyun. She's helping us out with stuff from earlier this week and she's a friend."

He nods and turns to Sohyun "I'm Wonho. Nice to meet you."

She nods "Nice to meet you too."

"Won, take care of her, I will be back up in a little bit to join you. Tae here?"

Wonho shakes his head "Nope, came up about an hour ago said he needed to step out for a bit and to let you know when you got here."

I furrow my eyebrows, not sure what he would need to step out for but I shake my head and nod to Wonho "Alright, I will be back later. Play nice."

I go back downstairs and check on my staff downstairs before heading back to my office. I run payroll for the week, check on a few other things and that all takes me about two hours. When I'm done I go back upstairs and I slide behind the bar next to Wonho. "Still no Tae?"

Wonho shakes his head "No."

"What could he be doing?"

Wonho shrugs "I don't know. He's your man, ask him when he gets here."

I sigh and grab a shaker, looking at Sohyun "Drink?"

She shakes her head "No, I have to work tomorrow."

I nod and just mix myself a drink.

"So, have you two been playing nice?

They both nod "We actually have a lot in common. But, also a lot not in common, we've had some interesting conversation." Sohyun answers

I nod and pour my drink "Good."

"You okay Ji?" Wonho asks

I nod "Yeah I'm good. Just a little curious as to what my boyfriend could be up to for three hours that I didn't know about."

Wonho shrugs "Maybe one of the others called him and needed him for something."


I down the rest of the drink in one go and put my glass in the bucket behind me for dishes and Sohyun looks at me a little concerned "Are you sure you're okay?"

I nod "All good, I promise."

A guy comes up to the bar and I let Wonho deal with him, turning to talk to Sohyun but I'm stopped "Now what is a pretty woman like you doing behind a bar? You should be on a pole with a body like that."

I stop and look at the guy "Excuse me?"

"You heard me." The guy answers with a smirk

I roll my eyes and turn back to Sohyun, attempting to ignore the guy. "So how is the apartment-"

"Don't ignore me. I believe I asked you a question a minute ago." The guy butts in.

I glance at Sohyun and she rolls her eyes.

"Sir please don't make me ask you to leave."

He scoffs "Do you even know who I am?"

I shrug "No I don't and as the head manager of this club I frankly don't care who you are. No one talks to me or my staff like that."

The man starts to get red in the face "Just wait until the owner hears about this?"

I raise my eyebrow and both Wonho and Sohyun look slightly amused "Oh you mean my boyfriend. Yeah I'm sure he'd love to hear what you said to me."

"You don't have to lie. An established man like the owner wouldn't go for a whore and simple manager like you." He spits

I scoff and Wonho looks ready to jump over the bar but I hold my hand up to him "So first I'm a beautiful woman and then when I refuse to acknowledge your advances because I'm taken, I'm a whore?"

I see Taehyung come through the door out of the corner of my eye and he sees that there is an issue so he comes over, standing behind me and placing his hand on my lower back to let me know he's there. "Hey Angel."

He leans down and pecks my lips but then turns to face the guy who now looks dumbfounded "Is there a problem here?"

The guy shakes his head and quickly heads back to his booth, grabbing his friends and leaving.

Sohyun and Wonho start laughing and Taehyung looks confused "What?"

"He attempted to hit on me, thinking telling me I belonged on a pole was a compliment and then called me a whore when I ignored him. He also didn't believe that you are my boyfriend."

Taehyung's jaw clenches but I reach up and make him relax it "It's not a big deal Tae, I found the whole situation entertaining."

He huffs but kisses my cheek "Fine." His lips brush my ear "But you would look good on a pole." He whispers before pulling away

I turn around and smack his chest "Kim Taehyung!"

"I'm just saying!"

I roll my eyes playfully and lean away from him "So where were you for three hours?"

"Jimin asked me to help him with what he was doing and then I ran a small errand."

"What kind of errand?" I question

He looks at Sohyun and Wonho who are in their own conversation, then shakes his head "Not telling you right now."

I huff and turn to Wonho and Sohyun "We'll be right back."

They both nod and go back to their conversation. I drag Taehyung downstairs and into his office, closing the door behind us "So, what was this errand?"

"Jimin gave me head as a thanks when I dropped him off at the house and Jungkook walked in and wanted to be fucked so I fucked him."

I blink at him a few times "Seriously?"

He nods sheepishly "Yes."

"So Jimin, the most talented tongue,  gives you head and I don't get a video?" I raise my eyebrow

Taehyung looks shocked at first but then smirks and steps closer to me "If I had known you wanted a video I would have sent you one. I promise I will next time."

I hum and lean into him "You better." I brush his lips with mine teasingly

But apparently he wasn't having that because as soon as I started to pull away, he slams his lips onto mine and backs me against his desk.

I squeak in surprise but I kiss him back letting him pick me up and set me on his desk. He starts to trail down my neck, leaving opened mouth kisses, only stopping at the top of my blouse and then resting his forehead on my chest, taking deep breathes.

I thread my fingers through his hair and massage his scalp gently "You okay?"

He nods "I just don't really want to fuck you in here. It's been a little while and I want you to be comfortable."

"It's only been about a week but if you don't want to that's fine. It can wait till we get home." I pull his head up and place a soft kiss on his lips "You're so sweet and considerate."

He smiles and pecks my lips "Because that's the right way."

"Remind me to thank whoever taught you that. They did good."

"Then you can thank Namjoon and Jin. And Yoongi."

I cock my eyebrow in confusion "What do you mean?"

"You know how when you first found out about everything Joon said that me and Hoseok weren't born into this?"

I nod, still a little confused "Yeah."

"Well when we were teenagers Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon actually saved me from a really bad fight. They were all friends because of their parents and so they were always kind of like together. But anyway, we were like 14 and Yoongi's family took me in. Because the three were always together and I had no friends, I hung out with them. We became family and they played a major part in who I am. They showed me right from wrong and how to do things and treat people. They basically raised me."

I blink a few times, processing the information that was just given to me "Oh, well I will do that then. Because they did great. You are an amazing man."

He shakes his head "Not really."

I roll my eyes "Maybe not to other gang members and etc. But you are to the people you care about and the people who are genuinely nice to you. Being in a mafia doesn't make you an all around bad person baby. You're an amazing man. An amazing lover, and a great friend." I peck his lips "You always take care of me and the others. You give us cuddles or let us lay on you, you're understanding and actually listen, and you're so attentive to our needs." I peck his lips again "I don't love you just for the sake of it Taehyung. I love you because you are you and who you are is great. As cheesy as that sounds."

He smiles softly and rests his forehead on mine "What did I do to deserve you?"

I shrug "No idea." I joke

He chuckles and kisses my nose "I love you."

"How did this get mushy?"

"I said I wouldn't fuck you right here on this desk and you called me sweet and considerate."

"You sure you don't want to?"

He nods "After a week of none of us being able to touch you, I don't want to get you off on a desk. At least not this one. Maybe the kitchen table or Namjoon's desk. But you know, in the privacy of our own home because I only want the others to hear how loud I can make you scream for me."

I huff "You can't say things like that and then expect me not to want you to do that right here, right now."

He chuckles and kisses my pout "When we get home Angel, I promise."

"You fucking better."

"Speaking of home, do you have anything else to do here?"

I shake my head "Nope, but I guess Jimin forgot he was supposed to be working with Sohyun today so we have to bring her back to the house."

"Or you could call him and make him bring his ass here because I'm making you scream for me when we get home, and I don't think Sohyun wants to hear that."

I nod and pick up my phone from where I set it on his couch and I call Jimin "Yes Princess?"

"Where are you supposed to be right now?" I ask him

"Um, no where why?"

"Think Chim, what were you supposed to be doing today?"

It's silent for a few seconds but then Jimin seems to come to a realization "Oh shit! I am so sorry Princess, I will be there in 20. You can have Sohyun wait in my office."

"Make it 15 and I'll forgive you."

I can hear him rushing around the house but he pauses "Forgive me for what?"

"For forgetting thay you were supposed to be here after you were done with what you needed to do but being nice enough to give Taehyung head after he helped you with your task."


"No don't try it mister. Get your ass here and you'll be forgiven. You have 14 minutes." I hang up and Taehyung is trying not to laugh

"So mean."

"That's what he gets for being neglectful." I huff playfully

Taehyung giggles and shakes his head.

Within about 12 minutes Jimin is busting through Taehyung's office door, panting "Baby I am so sorry-"

I shake my head "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."

"And I will apologize to her, but I know you weren't supposed to be here for long, so I'm sorry I'm late."

I shake my head again and go over to him "It's fine Chim. You know I'm not actually upset right?"

"But you-"

"I was yanking your chain bubs." I kiss his cheek "But because you're late you don't get to hear Taehyung make me scream when we get home. So you can consider that your punishment."

He pouts and looks to Taehyung and I glance at him too over my shoulder. Taehyung just shrugs "Sorry, that's on you Chim."

His pouts gets bigger and I peck his bottom lip "You'll live. Sohyun is upstairs, do what you need to do and then get home. Maybe if I'm not too tired, you can do what you want with me. But that all depends on how quickly you're done here cause Tae might want more than one round and then Kook and Joon and Yoongi may decide they want some too." I pause and lean close to his ear "So you might not want to take too long." I nip at his ear lobe before sliding past him.

Taehyung stops infront of Jimin and whispers something to him before pecking his lips and sliding past him.

We go out to our cars and I put my stuff in my seat and then turn to look at Taehyung "Race you home?"

He smirks and nods and we both quickly get in our cars, but I'm a little quicker and pull out of the parking garage first. Taehyung is right on my tail and quickly gets next to me.

Unlucky for him I pull into the garage first and Taehyung pulls in just a second after me. I get out and jump in victory "Fuck yes!"

Suddenly I'm being lifted up and thrown over Taehyung's shoulder "You did good Angel." He pats my butt and then bends down and grabs my stuff before shutting and locking my car. He drops my keys on the hook and when we get in the door and pulls my heels off and kicks his own shoes off.

We walk past Hoseok and he does a double take "Tae, what are you doing?"

"About to dick her down like she deserves. If you would like to join us, you are more than welcome to."

Hoseok's mouth drops open and I smile at him shyly. Taehyung continues towards the stairs and to our bedroom. He carefully sets my phone and wallet down before tossing me on the bed.

He starts to unbutton his shirt slowly and halfway down he stops and moves to the edge of the bed.

I reach forward and undo the rest of his buttons and he lets the shirt slide off his shoulders and into the floor. "I think we've shocked Hoseok enough for one day, maybe we should at least attempt to be quieter." I say as Taehyung leans down to kiss at my neck and undo the buttons on my blouse.

"We only shocked him once?"

I giggle and shake my head "No I shocked him before I left for the club. He came in after I showered to ask me to pick Sohyun up and I just dropped my towel right in front of him."

Taehyung chuckles and gently pushes me back so I'm laying down and he follows, hovering over me "And he didn't do anything about it?"

"We haven't really been intimate past kissing, plus I had to leave and unlike you and Kook, he can control himself."

Taehyung scoffs and nips at my collar bone "I could have fucked you at the club, but I didn't, I think I have self control."

I sigh at the feeling of his lips on my neck and I run my hand down his torso and grab the edge of his pants. "Off."

He chuckles "So eager and I haven't even really touched you."


When Jimin does get home I'm curled up on the couch with Yoongi and he pouts a little when he sees me half asleep on Yoongi's chest, but he comes over and pecks my lips and then Yoongi's "I guess I missed my chance."

I hum "Sorry Chim but Tae and Yoons did a number on me. I'm sure Kook or Tae would be happy to help."

He shakes his head "I'm okay." He kisses my forehead "Get some rest Princess."

Yoongi pulls him down and kisses his cheek "You get some rest too, you look exhausted."

Jimin hums "I will after I take a shower and eat something." He straightens up and heads upstairs

Yoongi runs his hand through my hair "Were we really that rough on you kitten?" His voice is laced with concern

I shake my head "No, just multiple rounds is an energy killer, especially when you're the one cumming more than 3 times. I mean sure I'm gonna be a little sore tomorrow, but you know I don't mind that."

He kisses my forehead "I just wanted to make sure we didn't hurt you."

"Yoons, that's why we have safe words and you guys have made it very clear that I use them no matter what. How many time have I used them?"


"Okay then. You guys are good to me and you know my limits for the most part. The two times I did use it were when we were trying new things. You know how far you can go and you don't toe the line of too far usually."

"I know-"

"But you just want to be sure so you can provide the proper aftercare. I know Yoongi, and I seriously appreciate it."

He doesn't say anything and just kisses the top of my head. A few minutes later I hear Jimin come down the stairs again and I call his name but apparently he didn't hear me "Yoongi, cover your ears."

He does and I turn my head towards the kitchen "BUBS!" I tap Yoongi and he uncovers his ears

A second later Jimin comes out of the kitchen "Yes princess?"

"I would like additional cuddles."

"Do you want to just sleep with me and Yoongi? It's actually getting late and I know you're tired."

I nod and he hums "Okay, just let me eat first and then we can go upstairs." He goes back in the kitchen and I nuzzle into Yoongi's chest.

He smoothes his hand over my hair and rests his hand inbetween my shoulder blades, rubbing small and firm circles in my back with his thumb.

When Jimin is done eating he comes out and pulls me off Yoongi, then picks me up, letting me wrap my legs around his waist. "Let's get to bed."

We go upstairs and Yoongi opens the door for us and closes it behind us. Jimin sets me on the bed and lets me get under the blanket "How would you like your additional cuddles?"

I point to Yoongi and then to my right and then point to Jimin and then to my left. They get in bed and I lay down with my back facing Yoongi and my front facing Jimin. They both lay down all the way and Yoongi pulls me closer to him and Jimin follows, letting me burry my face in his chest. He kisses the top of my head "Get some sleep Ji."

We lay there for a little bit and I'm about half asleep when Jimin asks Yoongi a question "How bad are they?"

"It's only been almost a week so they are still pretty bad. It doesn't look great, but in my opinion even covered in bruises she's beautiful."

"I wish I would have made her stay home, this wouldn't have happened. I know she feels okay, but just thinking about what that asshole did to our baby makes me so angry."

Yoongi sighs "I know. It makes me angry too but you can't blame yourself. Like we have told you so many times Jimin, you didn't cause it. And she's okay, it could have been worse, it really could have been. But it wasn't and we have to be grateful for that, no matter how bad the bruises look or how angry we are, she's okay and that's what matters."

Yoongi starts to rub my side softly and I relax more as he does.

I feel Jimin press a very soft kiss to my forehead "I know I shouldn't tell you while you're asleep and can't hear me, but I love you so much Princess."

I feel Yoongi kiss the back of my head "I'll tell you when you wake up kitten. I want you to hear me." He whispers

I feel the bed shift and then the lamp turns off, blanketing the room in pitch blackness. Yoongi moves back and hugs me tighter to his chest, Jimin doing the same and I fall asleep all the way as mine and Jimin's heartbeats sync.


Sorry that this chapter is kinda sucky, its more of a filler chapter until I can figure out how specific parts of the next few chapters play out. I am also on vacation and my wifi isn't great so I'm sorry if updates are even slower than normal.

I hope you guys enjoy the fluff - Lil_Hope

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