The RWBYverse Event 2

Por TeamWhiteRose100

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This is a continuation and a finale to the overarching story. This is the end of the multiverse, this is the... Más

Chapter 1: A New World
Chapter 2: Ein
Chapter 3: Josh Branwen
Chapter 4: Team VMPR
Chapter 5: Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 6: Dove Branwen
Chapter 7: Ember Fall
Chapter 8: Ghost Rider VS The Fiery Phantom
Chapter 9: Team VMPR: Throne Of Senada
Chapter 10: The Sentinels
Chapter 11: Zero Hour
Chapter 13: Josh Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 14: Ember Fall Rebirth
Chapter 15: Volt Blazeheart Rebirth
Chapter 16: Dove Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 17: The Sentinels: Atlas War
Chapter 18: The Sentinels: The Mystic Side
Chapter 19: The Death Of The Ghost Rider
Chapter 20: The Reign Of The Ghost Riders
Chapter 21: The Sentinels Endgame
Chapter 22: All-New Ghost Rider
Chapter 23: All-New The Fiery Maiden
Chapter 24: All-New Onyx Kanuchi
Chapter 25: The Fiery Maiden 2
Chapter 26: All-New Ein
Chapter 27: All-New Josie Mathis
Chapter 28: All-New Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 29: All-New Sentinels
Chapter 30: The Madras Plot
Chapter 31: All-New Dove Rose
Chapter 32: The Sentinels Age Of Jinn
Chapter 33: The Sentinels; Friends & Foes
Chapter 34: The Sentinels Relic War
Chapter 35: The End

Chapter 12: Ein Rebirth

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Por TeamWhiteRose100

I Do Not Own RWBY. All rights for RWBY go to Mr. Monty Oum and the good folks at Rooster Teeth.

Writers whose works are and aren't included in this chapter are Sapphire_Darkhouse, Nighttra, victorblaze0522, and xxQrowBrawnwenxx, me, SnowDrrgun, Cosmickatana, thedragonmaster18, AngelFlower23, Firedragon_Yang, -Viperr-, UzukiB, and Sanderson37. Enjoy.

On Earth(Prime Remnant)*

A Century Before The End Of Chapter 11*

Ein's POV*

In accordance with my Elder Sister's wishes, I have lived on Apakros for thousands of years in order to be protected by a women warrior race.

I was laying in bed as The Queen of Apakros told me the story I already knew, "Long ago, when the world was new... The Old Gods ruled the Earth. Hebe Queen among them and your Elder Sister created beings over which the Gods would rule. Beings born in her image... fair and good, strong and passionate. She called her creation, Mankind. And Mankind was good. But Hebe's daughter, your niece grew envious of mankind and sought to corrupt her Mother's creation. This was Eris, the Goddess of Chaos. Eris poisoned men's hearts with jealousy and suspicion. She turned them against one another and war-ravaged the Earth. So, the Gods created four objects using the aspects of Creation, Destruction, Choice, and Knowledge to influence men's hearts with freedom and restore peace to the Earth. And for a brief time, there was peace. But it did not last. When Hebe led the Gods to stop Eris... Eris killed them one by one until only Hebe and yourself remained. After sending you here to be under our protection, Hebe used the last of her power to stop Eris, striking such a blow, the Goddess of Chaos was forced to retreat. But Hebe knew that one day Eris might return to finish her mission. An endless war where mankind would finally destroy themselves and you with them. So Hebe left us a weapon. One powerful enough to kill a god. With her dying breath, Hebe created this island to hide you as well as us from the outside world, somewhere Eris could not find us. And all has been quiet ever since. We give thanks to the gods for giving us this paradise.".

I asked, "And The Sword of Destruction?".

She asked, "The Sword of Destruction?".

I asked, "The weapon that is strong enough to kill a god. Can I see it?".

We left and reached the tower.

The Queen said, "This great tower is where we keep them.".

I soon stared at The Sword of Destruction.

I said, "The Sword of Destruction. It's beautiful.".

The Queen said, "I pray it will never be called to arms. And that's not you, Ein. Don't you see it? You're safe and there's nothing you should concern yourself with but your safety and your training.".

I sighed and went back to my chambers and to sleep.

Queen Mary's POV*

After the Goddess Ein was asleep, my sister came to me and told me about Eris returning someday and that Ein should be training harder.

I said, "She might never return. She could have died from her wounds.".

She said, "Eris is alive. You feel it as I do, in your bones. It is only a matter of time before she returns.".

I said, "The stronger she gets, the sooner she will find her.".

She said, "Mary, I love her as you do. But this is the only way to truly protect her.".

I said, "You will train her harder than any warrior before her. Five times harder... ten times harder. Until she's better than even you.".

1 Week Later*

Ein's POV*

I was using my Moon Sonata bow for archery training.

I hit each mark precisely and when a spear was thrown at me I dodged it and landed gracefully.

One of my fellow warriors charged at me but I hit her in the face with Moon Sonata.

I noticed someone about to fire at me but I chucked Moon Sonata at her knocking her to the ground.

My teacher came to try and strike me down and during our sword fight, I lost my blade.

I crossed my Magical Seals and sent out a magical energy shockwave sending my teacher flying.

After it was done everyone was looking at me with judgemental stares.

I used my power to teleport away to the edge of the island.

I looked out at the distance and I soon enough heard a whirring sound.

I looked over and saw an airship of some sort come through the islands invisible barrier and crash in the water.

It took a moment but I teleported over to the crashed airship and pulled the knocked out pilot out of the ship and teleported us to the shoreline where I set her down.

She coughed as she woke up and she looked up at me with awe.

She said, "Wow.".

She looked around and asked, "Where are we?".

I said, "Apakros.".

She asked,​​ "Apak-what?".

I asked, "Who are you?" before we looked out to see the massive airships accompanied by smaller airships coming through the barrier.

She stood up and said, "I'm one of the good guys and those are the bad guys.".

I got up and asked, "What?".

She said, "The White Fang. Come on, we need to get out of here.".

I asked, "The White Fang?".

Queen Mary hurried over on horseback with some guards and said, "Ein! Step away from her, now!" before looking out at our enemies.

Queen Mary said, "Ready your bows!" and my Female Pilot friend asked, "They have guns, right?".

We both hurried off and hid behind some rocks while my guardians fired on The White Fang and The White Fang shot back.

The White Fang came to shore.

It soon turned into a battle between my guardians and The White Fang.

My Female Pilot friend said, "Stay there!" and took out a White Fang soldier and stole their gun.

I killed a few of them with lightning attacks from my right hand.

Queen Mary killed two White Fang soldiers.

My teacher took a bullet for me and I shouted, "No!" and I made my way to her side.

After the battle was done Queen Mary said, "You.".

I said, "No... No Queen Mary no. She fought at our side against the invaders.". ​​​

One of my guardians asked, "What kind of person fights against her own people?".

My Female Pilot friend said, "These aren't my people.".

A Little Later*

One of my guardians but their hands on my Female Pilot friend which would compel her to tell the truth.

She said, "My... Name is Captain Lily Rose, pilot, Vale Expeditionary Forces. Assigned to Mistral Intelligence. I have three kids. And that's all I'm at liberty to say.".

Queen Mary asked, "What is your mission?".

Lily said, "I'm a spy. Mistral Intelligence got word that the leader of the White Fang Army Gen. Taurus would be visiting a secret military installation in the Vacuo Empire. I posed as one of their pilots and flew in with them. According to our Intel, The White Fang had no troops left, no money, no munitions of any kind. But our Intel was wrong. The White Fang had some of their scientists building bombs for 'em. And not just bombs, new weapons. Secret weapons. Invented by Taurus's chief psychopath, Dr. Khan. The boys in the trenches called her Doctor Feisty. And for good reason. But if I can get these notes back to Mistral Intelligence in time, it could stop millions more from dying. It could stop the war.".

I asked, "War? What war?".

Lily said, "The Great War. The war to end all wars. Ten years, 4 continents, 570 million dead, Soldiers and civilians. Innocent people, women, and children slaughtered. Their homes and their villages looted & burned. Weapons that are far deadlier than you can ever imagine. It's like nothing I've ever seen. It's like the world's gonna end.".

Afterward, Lily was taken away and we deliberated on what to do with Lily, Afterward, I spoke with Lily alone.

Lily asked, "Where are we?".

I said, "Apakros.".

Lily said, "No, I got that before, but I mean... Where are we? What is this place? Who are you, people? How can you speak English so well?".

I said, "Everyone here speaks hundreds of languages. The women here are the bridge to a greater understanding between all mankind.".

Lily asked, "And what about you?".

I said, "I'm a different story.".

Lily said, "Right. You know, I didn't get a chance to say this earlier but thank you for dragging me out of the water.".

I said, "Thank you for what you did on the beach.".

Lily asked, "So, you're here to let me go?".

I said, "I tried, but it's not up to me. I even asked them to send me with you. Or anyone. It's our sacred duty to defend the world from all evil. And I wish to go... But my Guardian Queen will not allow it.".

Lily said, "Well... I can't say I blame her. The way this war's going... I don't wanna let anyone I care about near that.".

I asked, "Then why do you want to go back?".

I said, "I don't think want is the word, right? I guess I gotta try. My Mother told me once he said... If you see something wrong happening in the world... you can either do nothing, or you can do something. And I already tried nothing.".

Later At Night*

I grabbed my regular clothing, my Moon Sonata, Chaos Rhyme, Brynhildr, and a shield but I left The Sword of Destruction behind for obvious reasons.

I met up with Lily and she said, "Nice outfit.".

I said, "Oh, thank you. Now... I'll show you the way off the Island and you'll take me to Eris.".

Lily said, "Deal." and we made our way down to the shore where I had a boat waiting.

Lily asked, "I'm leaving on that?".

I said, "We're leaving on that.".

Lily asked, "Yeah, we're leaving in that?".

I asked, "Do you not know how to sail?".

Lily said, "Yeah." and before we could leave we turned and saw Queen Mary and her posse arrive.

I walked over and said, "I am going, Queen Mary. I cannot stand by any longer while innocent lives are lost. If no one else will defend the world from Eris, then I must accept my duties as a Goddess and stop her. Therefore, I have to go.".

Queen Mary said, "I know. Or at least I know I can not stop you.".

I said, "I'm willing to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.".

Queen Mary said, "You know that if you choose to leave, you may never return.".

I asked, "Who will I be if I stay? The same lonely overprotected Goddess I've always been?

Queen Mary said, "Be well, and be safe, Ein.".

I nodded and said, "I will.".

Queen Mary said, "Be careful in the world of mankind, Ein. They do not deserve you just yet Ein. You have been my greatest love. Today, you are my greatest sorrow.".

I nodded.

A Few Hours Later*

Lily and I were sailing the oceans and she set somewhere up for us to sleep.

I asked, "How long until we reach the war?".

Lily asked, "The war? Which part? The Eastern Front in Anima is 1200 miles long, from the forests to the sea.".

I said, "Where the fighting is the most intense then. If you take me there, I'm sure I'll find Eris.".

Lily asked, "Eris? As in, The Ancient Goddess of Chaos?".

I said, "The Goddess of Chaos is my responsibility. Only I can defeat her. And once I do, the war will end.".

Lily said, "Look. I appreciate your spirit, but this war is... It's a great big mess. And there's not a whole lot you and I can do about that. I mean, we can get back to Vale and try to get to the men who can.".

I said, "I'm the woman who can! Once I find and destroy Eris, The White Fang armies will be freed from her influence; they will be good men and women again and the world will be better off.".

Lily said, "Great." and I laid down and she laid down by me.

Lily said, "You know, where I come from, I'm not considered average. You know, being a spy, you have to show a certain amount of power. What about your father?".

I said, "I have no father. I'm an Ancient Goddess from back in ancient times.".

Lily said, "Well that's neat. Well, where I come from, babies are made differently.".

I said, "You refer to reproductive biology.".

Lily nervously said, "Yes, yes.".

I said, "Yeah, I know. I know all about that.".

Lily nervously said, "I mean I refer to that, and other things.".

I said, "The pleasures of the flesh.".

Lily nervously asked, "Do you know about that?".

I said, "I'm immortal and I've read all 1000 volumes of my nieces' Treatises on Bodily Pleasure.".

Lily asked, "All 1000, huh?".

I hummed.

Lily asked, "Did you bring any of those with you?".

I said, "No, unfortunately. Goodnight.".

Lily said, "Night.".

The Next Day*

We arrived in this city Mistral.

We were walking around and we soon entered a room of bickering women and gentlemen.

One of the Gentlemen said, "Come on! Gentlemen, please! Let her speak!".

A tall blonde woman stood up and said, "Yes thank you, gentlemen... Menagerie is an immensely proud nation. They will never surrender. Now, look. The only way to end this war and restore world peace is to negotiate a cease-fire. Our only aim at this time must be to achieve peace at any cost!" before Lily and I headed out.

Lily's commanding officer came over to us and Lily said, "The Intel that I brought back is time-sensitive. This is one of Dr. Khan's notebooks. We need to get it to Cryptography. And I need an immediate audience with the Generals.".

The tall blonde woman from before walked over and said, "Captain Rose! I heard we lost you in one of your missions and yet here you are, back from the dead and I see you brought a friend with you.".

Lily said, "My deepest apology for interruption ma'am.".

The man said, "No, no no... nonsense. Thanks to you two the room was finally quiet enough for me to get at least a few words in. Lady Cordovan, at your service.".

I said, "Ein Bowen.".

Lily said, "She and I are working together. She actually helped me bring this notebook back here. That's from Dr. Khan's lab. I think the information it contains inside will change the course of the war. Ma'am.".

Lady Cordovan said, "My... God. Dr. Feisty herself.".

The commanding officer said, "Yes.".

10 Minutes Later*

We were in the war room talking.

After concluding we couldn't do anything I stormed out of there a little peeved with those supposed Generals.

Lily chased after me and said, "Please slow down!".

I turned to her and asked, "Is that your leader? How could he say that? Believe that? Was your duty to simply give them a book? You didn't stand your ground. You didn't fight.".

Lily said, "Because there was no chance of changing anything.".

I said, "The millions of people you talked about, they will die.".

Lily said, "We're going anyway!".

I asked, "You mean you were lying?".

Lily said, "I'm a spy! That's what I do!".

I smirked and asked, "How do I know you're not lying to me right now?".

Lily said, "I'm taking you to the front and that's final. We are probably gonna die but if we are doing this then we're gonna need reinforcements.".

A Few Hours Later*

We entered a bar and I asked, "These are the reinforcements?".

Lily said, "Yep.".

Lily pulled this con woman aside and when she looked at me, she said, "Oh my goodness, gracious. That's a work of art.".

Lily said, "Miss Swan, Ein. Ein, Miss Swan!".

Miss Swan said, "Hi, Ein. You can call me Swan.".

I said, "Swan.".

Miss Swan said, "Miss Swan is a top undercover woman. She can talk the skin off of a cabbage.".

Lily asked, "Where's Hawk?".

We turned and saw a man beating on someone equal in size.

I said, "At least Hawk is good with her fists.".

After Hawk was done we bought her a drink and he said, "Lily! May the Gods grow a flower upon your head girl. Good to see you." and they cheered.

I asked, "So what were you fighting about?".

Hawk said, "I mistook her glass for mine.".

Lily said, "Hawk is an expert marksman and muscle.".

Miss Swan said, "Means she beats people up and shoots people. From very far away.".

Hawk said, "They never know what hit 'em.".

I asked, "So, how do you know who you kill if you can't see their face?".

Hawk said, "I don't. Trust me it's better that way.".

I said, "You fight without honor.".

Hawk asked, "Who gets paid for honor?"

Miss Swan asked, "So, what's the job, boss?".

Lily said, "Two days tops. We need supplies and passage to the front.".

Hawk asked, "What's the going rate?".

Miss Swan said, "Better be good pay.".

Lily said, "Yeah, well, here's the thing. I told you it was going to be quick. And there's a lot to be gained by this. It's for ending the war.".

Miss Swan said, "Okay, You have no money.".

Lily tilted her head towards me and said, "We're gonna drop her up at the front!".

Miss Swan asked, "Dropping her off?".

Lily said, "Yeah.".

Hawk said, "Question sweetheart, I am not gonna get myself killed with helping a wee lass get herself killed.".

A guy aimed a gun at Hawk's head but I teleported in front them and chucked them into a nearby wall.

Miss Swan said, "I am both frightened and aroused.".

I took my seat and Lady Cordovan took her seat with us.

Lady Cordovan said, "I assume you are here planning something that's going to get you either court-martial or killed.".

Lily asked, "And I assume, you are here to stop us?".

Lady Cordovan said, "No. Not at all in fact. Well, look. I was a younger woman once. And had I been in better health, I like to think that I might do the same. It's a very very honorable thing you're doing. Therefore, I am here to help. Unofficially, of course. What's your plan?".

1 Of The Greatest Plans Since That Other Greatest Plan Of All Time*

I infiltrated The White Fang base and I hit three guys with arrows from Moon Sonata.

I jumped up to the top of their watchtower and confronted General Taurus.

She looked at me and said, "Ooh! what a surprise. Strange. Unfortunately, I have another matter to attend to." and she tried shooting at me but I blocked the bullet with a Magical Seal sending it back at her gun, knocking it out of her hand.

General Taurus asked, "What are you?".

I said, "You will soon find out." and we started a back and forth with hand to hand combat since he was incredibly durable and a capable fighter.

I got knocked to the ground but I was able to get her on the ground.

I said, "Niece. In the name of all that it is good in this world, I will rid it of you forever!" as I electrocuted her to death.

I turned and saw people still moving to prepare for war.

I said, "I killed her, but nothing stopped. Or maybe it's them! Maybe mankind isn't always good. Eris or no Eris. Maybe it's just who they are.".

I heard something move and I asked, "Who's there?" as I turned and saw, Lady Cordovan.

I said, "Lady Cordovan.".

Lady Cordovan said, "I was right all along, Aunty. They don't deserve our help. They only deserve destruction.".

I suddenly realized who she was and said, "You... You're her.".

Eris said, "I am. But I'm not what you thought I was.".

I advanced slowly and Eris said, "I'm not your enemy, Auntie. I'm the only one who truly knows you. And who truly knows them, as you now do. They have always been and always will be weak, cruel, selfish, and capable of the greatest horrors. All I ever wanted was for you and the other Gods to see how evil my Mother and your Elder Sister's creation was. But they refused, so I destroyed them.".

He appeared before me and as I went in to hit her with Moon Sonata, it was turned to ash in my hand.

Eris said, "Remember Auntie. Only a God can kill another God. Hebe ordered you to stay with the Queen of Apakros... As a weapon to use against me.".

I said, "I know.".

Eris said, "The truth is that I'm not the Goddess of Chaos, Auntie. I am the Goddess of Truth. Mankind stole this world from us. They ruined it, day by day. And I, the only one wise enough to see it was left too weak to stop them. All these years I have struggled alone whispering into their ears. Ideas, inspirations for formulas, weapons, but I don't make them use them. They start these wars on their own. All I do is orchestrate an armistice I know they cannot keep in the hope they will destroy themselves. But it has never been enough. Until you. When you first arrived I was going to crush you. But I knew that if only you could see what the other Gods could not then you would join me, and with our powers combined, we could finally end all the pain, all the suffering, the destruction they bring. And we could return this world to the paradise it was before them. Forever.".

I said, "Eris, you know I can never be a part of that.".

Eris said, "My dear Auntie, I don't want to fight you. But if I must..." and she caused the watchtower we were in to explode.

I hit the ground hard and when I got up I saw Eris slowly floating to the ground.

I got up and charged at her.

We tried attacking each other but we blocked each other with the elements surrounding us until it got to the point where we were moving chunks of floating rocks at each other.

We both somehow exploded and were pushed away from one another.

I got up and saw her form armor out of random chunks of metal nearby.

Eris said, "Let's see what kind of Goddess you really are, Auntie." as she blasted me back with her powers.

Eris said, "You will help me destroy them, Auntie. Or you will die.".

I bombarded her with a lightning bolt or five and afterward, she flew forward grabbing me by the throat and flying us into the air.

Eris asked, "Is that all you have to offer? It is futile to imagine you can win. Give up, Auntie." as I was throat slammed into the ground.

She backed away and I decided to finally end this as I activated my true Goddess powers.

Eris said, "Yes, Auntie! Take them all! Finally, you see. Look at this world. Mankind did this, not me. They are ugly, filled with hatred, weak. Just like your Captain Rose. Gone and left you nothing. And for what? Pathetic! She deserved to burn! Look at her and tell me I'm wrong. She is the perfect example of these humans and unworthy of your sympathy in every way. Destroy them all. They all deserve it. Do it! Auntie!".

I said, "You are wrong about them. They are everything you say but so much more." as I speedily hit her back with a magical shockwave.

Eris got up and said, "Lies! They do not deserve your protection!" as she channeled a lightning bolt.

I walked closer to her and said, "It's not about deserving. It's about what you believe. And I believe in love." and I absorbed the lightning bolt.

Eris said, "Then I will destroy you!".

I said, "Goodbye Niece." as I charged forward stabbing her in the chest with my hand and absorbing the rest of her magic.

After all of her magic was gone he turned to dust before my very eyes.

Even though The Great War wasn't over, we celebrated, all of us except Lily.

I used to want to save the world.

To end all war and bring peace to mankind.

But then I glimpsed the darkness that lives within their mind and learned that inside every one of them there will always be both.

A choice each must make for themselves and now I know that only love can truly save the world.

So I stay, and I fight, and I give for the world I know can be someday.

This is my mission now, for all eternity.

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