In My Arms -Werewolf AU DISCO...


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Jinyoung is an omega with a baby on the way who just moved in next to a very awkward Alpha Yugyeom. What hap... Більше

Twenty One
Twenty Two


438 29 69

"I'm fine!" Jinyoung wheezed, crossing his arms and Yugyeom rose his brows. "It's just a cold," the younger rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as well.

"Yes. A cold that could spread to Jihun, now I'm going to take him to the park and then Paige is gonna take him for the night, no buts," Yugyeom spoke, pushing Jinyoung to lie down again.

The sick omega huffed, complying and turning on his side. Yugyeom made sure he was covered in the blanket before leaving the room and slipping into jihuns where the baby was bouncing on his butt.

"Hi Ji-Ji, ready to zoom?" Yugyeom cooed at the grinning baby who bounced enthusiastically at his arrival.

After dressing the child in a green hoodie and black shorts, packing a small snack bag, and changing things as well as the stroller, the duo was off to a park.

Jihun was a relatively chill baby, happily gurgling when cars passed from his carrier behind Yugyeoms seat. The drive to the park was short, and Yugyeom was happy for the slightly cloudy sky so he didnt have to lather the baby in sunscreen to make sure he didnt burn,

The male parked the car, took out his bag, and set up the stroller before latching Jihun's carrier into it and pulled out the cover so the sun wouldn't hit his face.

Jihun couldn't really play on anything as he was still tiny and learning to crawl, but Yugyeom knew he liked to watch the other kids run around with wide curious eyes.

So he pushed the baby around until he spotted an empty bench and settled down, turning Jihun around to watch the kids run across the playground of the park.

The alpha did not expect a woman to sit next to him and smile. "You must be new around here, I haven't seen you or your pup."

Yugyeom flushed, checking on Jihun before looking back at the lady. "Uh, he's not mine. He's my friends but he got sick so I took the little guy outside."

The lady hummed, leaning back against the bench and crossing her arms. Now Yugyeom got a good look at her whilst waiting for a response.

She had brown hair in an angled bob where it was shorter in the back and slightly longer than her chin in the front. She wore a simple white shirt tucked into dark blue jeans and white sandals, as well as a few gold bracelets and rings to finish off the look.

"So the baby isn't your child, but has your scent. Babies only carry two scents before they get their own, and those are their parents. You know this yes?" Her tone sounded a lot like Seonghwa and even Jinyoung at times.

He was getting scolded by a woman he doesn't even know the name of, how embarrassing.

"So either you're lying because you don't want to admit your gay, or the other parent isn't in the picture?" Yugyeom choked at the ladies comment, only to meet her smirking face.

"We-well I'm not afraid of admitting I'm gay. But yes, his father isn't in the picture. By the way- Ah sorry, I have to go, it was nice meeting you!"

Yugyeom quickly changed the course of his response when he saw Paige waving at him a few yards away, Jooheon's hair visible from the car she was standing in front of.

The lady waved goodbye to the duo, and Yugyeom handed over a content Jihun to a very excited Paige.

Before parting, Yugyeom stopped over and Jooheons window. "You really need to wifey her up or she's going to steal Jihun. Stop worrying, she loves you!" Yugyeom was then swatted away by an unamused Jooheon.

The alpha quickly arrived back to the omegas house- well basically his own house in time to see a groggy Jinyoung struggle to make soup.

"Jimmie what are you doing out of bed? Come here let's get you to the couch, I'll finish the soup." Jinyoung accepted the youngers help, clinging to Yugyeoms side until they reached the couch.

The taller brushed back the shorter bangs and gasped at the temperature. Sure werewolves were warmer than humans, but there was no denying that Jinyoung had a fever.

"Just a cold my ass, you have a fever! Why'd you even attempt leaving your room?" Yugyeom grumbled, moving back into the kitchen to check on the soup as well as wet a hand towel in cold water to rest on the sick omegas head.

He kept checking on the older, even feeding him the soup all whilst huffing and puffing about the older moving about.

They eventually made it back to Jinyoung's bedroom, said male laying drowsily under the covers while he shivered.

And that's when Yugyeom made another dumb decision, and proceeded to take off his shirt and socks before climbing into bed and pulling the shivering boy into his arms.

Jinyoung let out a relieved sigh, the comfort and warmth of the boy easing him into a calm sleep. Yugyeom hopes he wouldn't catch whatever the omega had, but relished in every moment he had cradling the smaller.

As Jinyoung slept, Yugyeom began to scan over his features. The dip of his nose, the curve of his lips. How his eyelashes naturally curled, he didn't even notice he had begun tracing the olders features until his fingers brushed over the boy's lips.

He quickly snapped his hand away from Jinyoung's face, only to hold his breath when Jinyoung's eyebrows furrowed, he let out a whine and proceeded to snuggle even closer to Yugyeom.

Once Jinyoung was settled, now nestled up under the boy's chin, arms tucked against both their chests, Yugyeom began to draw patterns against his back.

This also lulled him to sleep, the repetitive motions, Jinyoung's slow breaths, and the quiet atmosphere. Soon, both were sound asleep, as close as humanly possible.

Neither stirred when Paige came in (she had found the spare key) and dropped Jihun off back in his crib. Nor did they even notice quiet, happy giggles as she snapped photos to send to Seonghwa and YoungJae.


I'm genuinely sorry for my slow updates but I just haven't been having the best time with myself recently. It's hard to do anything, even dance. And dancing is my biggest stress reliever.

Don't get me wrong, I love writing and I will continue to do so, I'm just explaining why I am not and will never be those authors who constantly updates and gives out so much content like I wish I could.

Anxiety sucks, it really does.

Also, can we talk about Hyunjin?? And Shane??? Like wtf??? First A.C.E.'s racist comeback MV and now Hyunjin being racist??

Why my Kpop boys disappoint me like this??

Also if you are going to try and justify ANY of the men I mentioned above, leave. I will delete your comment and block you. Those are all grown-ass men who can do research and should know these things because they have huge international fan bases. There is no excuse I will accept. Only sincere, genuine apologies, and I can't even take that because I am not Native American nor black.

Okay, rant done, love you all!!! Hopefully, I update soon because it is tea spilling chapters ahead.

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