The RWBYverse Event 2

By TeamWhiteRose100

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This is a continuation and a finale to the overarching story. This is the end of the multiverse, this is the... More

Chapter 1: A New World
Chapter 2: Ein
Chapter 3: Josh Branwen
Chapter 4: Team VMPR
Chapter 5: Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 6: Dove Branwen
Chapter 7: Ember Fall
Chapter 8: Ghost Rider VS The Fiery Phantom
Chapter 9: Team VMPR: Throne Of Senada
Chapter 10: The Sentinels
Chapter 12: Ein Rebirth
Chapter 13: Josh Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 14: Ember Fall Rebirth
Chapter 15: Volt Blazeheart Rebirth
Chapter 16: Dove Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 17: The Sentinels: Atlas War
Chapter 18: The Sentinels: The Mystic Side
Chapter 19: The Death Of The Ghost Rider
Chapter 20: The Reign Of The Ghost Riders
Chapter 21: The Sentinels Endgame
Chapter 22: All-New Ghost Rider
Chapter 23: All-New The Fiery Maiden
Chapter 24: All-New Onyx Kanuchi
Chapter 25: The Fiery Maiden 2
Chapter 26: All-New Ein
Chapter 27: All-New Josie Mathis
Chapter 28: All-New Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 29: All-New Sentinels
Chapter 30: The Madras Plot
Chapter 31: All-New Dove Rose
Chapter 32: The Sentinels Age Of Jinn
Chapter 33: The Sentinels; Friends & Foes
Chapter 34: The Sentinels Relic War
Chapter 35: The End

Chapter 11: Zero Hour

24 5 6
By TeamWhiteRose100

I Do Not Own RWBY. All rights for RWBY go to Mr. Monty Oum and the good folks at Rooster Teeth.

Writers whose works are and aren't included in this chapter are Sapphire_Darkhouse, Nighttra, victorblaze0522, and xxQrowBrawnwenxx, me, SnowDrrgun, Cosmickatana, thedragonmaster18, AngelFlower23, Firedragon_Yang, -Viperr-, UzukiB, and Sanderson37. Enjoy.

On Earth(Prime Remnant)*

3 Years Later After Chapter 10*

Onyx Kanuchi's POV*

I laid some flowers by mom's grave and said, "Happy birthday, Mom. I'm so sorry. I should've been there. If I just ran a little faster, I'd have been there. Then there was that saying you used to have about accepting the things you can't change?".

I got a message on my phone.

I pulled my phone out and looked at my phone and saw that there was a break-in at the Scientific Museum of Vacuo.

I said, "I gotta go mom but I'll be back another time." and I sped off suiting up in my gear.

When I arrived at the museum I was hit up against the wall by an adhesive.

Zoom sped in with hostages with bombs attacked to them and I said, "Zoom.".

Zoom said, "I knew attacking this museum would get you to come and as always you were off your guard. I'm gonna bring this shrine of science down on your head. Along with 50 square blocks of Vacuo and everyone around.".

I said, "You don't have to kill millions of innocents to bring me down, Zoom.".

Zoom said, "No. No, I don't. But I choose to, knowing it will make your last moment's pure agony. Goodbye.".

Before he could leave I vibrated my hand creating a ball of vortex wind.

Zoom said, "You can't escape, Flash. The adhesive will never completely liquefy, regardless of speed.".

I said, "I'm counting on that." and threw the adhesive at him trapping him.

I said, "Now you got no choice, Zoom. Disarm the bombs or you blow up with me.".

Zoom said, "If it means taking you down with me then my life is a small price to pay.".

Ember burst through the roof and said, "I agree. Your life isn't worth much. But Flash's life is.".

Zoom asked, "You called them?".

I said, "You've got your posse, I've got mine." as Ash opened a portal and everyone else came through it.

Volt landed beside me and said, "Clearly, you should never do this type of stuff without me. You always end up with crap all over yourself.".

I said, "Focus, Volt. Bombs. Ash?".

Ash said, "It's magical tech. Difficult for even me to disarm without setting them off.".

Dove said, "I could try to vaporize the bombs.".

Ein said, "Yes, but you'd be vaporizing the hostages as well.".

Josh said, "Ein's right. What's plan B?".

Ein turned to Zoom and asked, "How do we shut off these charges?".

Zoom said, "You can't.".

We all grasped and Zoom asked, "The truth hurts, doesn't it?".

I said, "We're out of options. Each of you take one of the hostages as far from Vacuo as you can.".

Ash said, "We'll attempt to disarm the devices once sufficiently isolated.".

Volt said, "I'm not going to just leave you here.".

I said, "Volt, go." and they all took off to handle their hostages bombs.

A few minutes later Zoom and I heard all the explosions went off but the team soon returned and we arrested Zoom.

Ember walked him outside and said, "I've notified the Atlas Government to ready a cozy little cell for you. I understand the food's great there, Zoom.".

Zoom turned to me and said, "Enjoy your petty victories, Flash. But no matter how fast you run or where you go, you can't save everyone. Not the ones that matter to you.".

Ember said, "Best your keep your mouth shut, dirtbag." and she flew off with Zoom in hand and everyone else took the hostages to the police department for questioning.

Ash walked over and said, "Zoom's a classic psychopath. They have a knack for knowing just what to say to get under your skin.".

I said, "Yeah. They do.".

Ash asked, "You okay, Onyx?". 

I said, "Don't worry about me, Ash. I'm fine. Nothing I can't run off." and I ran off so fast that I changed something.

In The New TImeline*

I woke up and up to the sound of the news playing, "We interrupt our programming to bring breaking news. We're live outside the Scientific Museum of Vacuo. The hero Themis is battling heavily armed criminals. Reportedly, the confrontation began inside the museum moments ago.".

I groaned getting out of bed and said, "Guess the work isn't done." and I ran out of my apartment building but when I tried to super speed off I fell down the steps and hit the ground.

I heard the voice of my mother ask, "Onyx, sweety, are you all right?".

I opened my eyes and looked up at my mom.

I asked, "Mom?".

She smiled as I got up and said, "Mom.".

She said, "That was a nasty fall.".

I said, "I'm fine. Mom. It's you. You're here.".

Mom said, "Well, of course, I'm here. You promised me you'd take me to dinner on my birthday. Well, it's my birthday. The end of the world can't stop that.".

I looked at her confusedly until she said, "You forgot. Heh, it's okay, Onyx. It's easy for a busy boy to forget his withering mom.".

I hugged her and said, "I could never forget you.".

I let go and Mom asked, "Onyx, what's gotten into you? Are you all right?".

I said, "Everything else has changed, and I have to find out why. It probably has something to do with me being The Flash.".

Mom asked, "What's the Flash?".

I said, "You know, The Flash? Fights crime? Very famous superhero?".

Mom asked, "A superhero? Heh, you mean like Themis? Or Ghost Rider?".

I looked around confused and I said, "I have to go. But raincheck on that birthday dinner?".

Mom nodded and I ran off.

I was dragged into an alleyway by Ash and she held me up against the wall with one hand.

She asked, "What happened? Why is everything different?".

I asked, "You noticed it too?".

She said, "Of course I noticed it. I'm above timeline changes.".

I said, "I was heading out to find Josh. You want to help out?".

She let me go and said, "Sure.".

Elsewhere In Mantle*

Xarthos's POV*

I beat the thug to the ground and he looked up at me and said, "Mercy? Please?!".

I said, "Sorry. All out of mercy." and I kicked him off the roof.

I then turned and walked over to my bike.

I stopped when I heard Volt Blazeheart say, "Ghost Rider.".

Volt Blazeheart flew up and I said, "You should have let him hit the pavement.". 

Volt Blazeheart landed before me and said, "You shouldn't have kicked him.".

I said, "My foot slipped.".

Volt Blazeheart said, "As National Head of Security for all Countries, it's my duty to help more people.".

I asked, "Like that murdering garbage? Maybe you should go, help people, in some other town. Mantle's my turf.".

Volt Blazeheart said, "We're trying to help all the people while there's still a world left to save. We need your help, Ghost Rider.".

I asked, "We?" and he opened up a hologram of other heroes.

I said, "The White Dragon, Team VMPR, and The Themis Kids.".

Volt said, "You know why we're here, Ghost Rider. War. Over 1 Billion people died when Senada destroyed Mistral. Another 875 million slaughtered when the Women of Antiheaim invaded Vale. We have to take down Emperor Daga and Goddess Ein before their war destroys what's left of the world. That's where you come in. If we want to win this thing, we need the scariest man on the planet. You.".

I walked away and said, "War's over Volt. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost." and I hopped on my bike and rode off the building.

A Little While Later*

Onyx Kanuchi's POV*

We arrived at Josh's hideout and we walked in.

It wasn't as flashy as before and I found a picture of him and his family but he only had one kid with him.

I asked, "What happened to you Josh?" before I got punched in the back of my head and I hit the ground.

I looked up and saw Josh but his flames were yellow instead of blue.

He was about to attack me again but Ash grabbed his arm and said, "This isn't Josh. This is Xarthos, the being who gave Josh his powers and the spirit that lives within him.".

Xarthos said, "And you're the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth." and he pulled away and calmed down a bit.

I got up and asked, "Where's Josh?".

Xarthos said, "Josh isn't here right now. After his wife died and his child was sent away, he became a mess and left me in control.".

I gasped and asked, "Robyn's dead?".

Xarthos said, "Yes and I suggest you be a bit quieter about that, Josh is still sensitive about it. So, how do you know about me, boy?".

I said, "In my world, I'm a hero named the Flash. Josh took me here, and showed me this place cause I brought him here for him to make his lair.".

I looked around and said, "This must have something to do with me and Zoom's connection to the Speed Force.".

Xarthos asked, "Speed Force?".

I said, "The Speed Force allows both of us to bend the laws of physics using a dimensional reality that also allows us to bend space-time. We can travel through time.".

Xarthos said, "You're suggesting that he changed something in the past that changed everything.".

Ash said, "His mom's alive. You're fully in control of Josh's body. And Daga and Ein are about to start another Great War.".

I said, "We have to stop this. We have to find out what changed and change it back before Daga and Ein kill everyone on the planet.".

Xarthos said, "Not saying I believe you, but in your reality is Josh happy?".

I said, "Yes.".

Xarthos asked, "If I were to help you, what exactly would we need?".

I said, "Just what's over there and unbelievably bad weather.".

Ash said, "I can help with that.".

An Hour Later*

I was sitting in a chair with chemicals all around me and I said, "Do it.".

Ash nodded and summoned forth a bolt of lightning from the heavens striking me but also setting me on fire and putting me in immense pain.

Ash and Xarthos quickly put me out and I passed out and was given dreams of this world's history.

I saw Ember's parents killed and she set off a few city block explosion of magic with her rage and she walked away just fine.

I saw Robyn killed and Dove was taken from Josh and put up for adoption and I saw Josh fall into depression and let Xarthos take control.

I watched how the war between Senada and Antiheim began.

I woke up and shouted, "NO!!" and Ash put a hand on my shoulder and I felt immediately calmed down.

Ash said, "You had fourth-degree burns. I healed your wounds but you're lucky to be alive.".

I said, "Somehow I remember things from this timeline.".

Ash said, "I do too. But I can remember our world as well.".

I said, "Since your above timeline changes, it'll only affect me. My memories will change, and realign with this new history, that's been created. Soon I'll forget our timeline and everyone in it.".

Xarthos said, "We're getting that world back.".

Ash asked, "How?".

I sat up and said, "We try again.".

An Hour Later*

The experiment worked this time and I had my powers back.

Elsewhere In Vale*

Ruby Rose's POV*

I was running through the city giving commentary to the Atlesian Military on the other side.

I said, "My battery is about to die and I will likely be joining it soon. Daga is leading his army through the ocean tomorrow. The Antiheim women are worried that if he gets his secret weapon past their shield, they'll be vulnerable.".

I was surrounded by Antiheim women and I said, "Final thoughts: If there is an afterlife a cushy desk job would not be out of line.".

The women were speedily killed and I asked, "Who are you? What are you?".

Romhay of the resistance arrived with his crew and said, "Don't worry hot legs. We're here to help.".

Price of the resistance said, "Yes, fear not, good lady. We're...".

I interrupted and said, "The resistance, I know. Romhay, Price, Marcus, Vale, and Slyke. Whichever one of you can run at super-speeds, thank you. So who do I thank in person?".

Romhay said, "I don't know what you think just happened, but there ain't no Speedster on this team. Now, let's get out of here while we still can.".

Elsewhere In Mantle*

Onyx Kanuchi's POV*

I suited up and Xarthos said, "I suggest you take it for a test run and make sure you can break that time barrier.".

I nodded and took off.

Despite my best efforts, I couldn't break the time barrier.

I said, "I'm not fast enough to break the time barrier. The only thing I can figure is that another speedster like me is co-opting the Speed Force and keeping me from accessing enough energy to time-travel. But there is no other speedster. Not in the real world. Our world.".

Ash said, "So it has to be Zoom.".

I nodded and said, "He's the only one who could've done this. He's deliberately preventing me from changing things back.".

Xarthos said, "Then nothing can be done. Even if we knew the trigger point, there's no one to go back in time and fix it.".

I said, "Ash and Ember could.".

1 Day Later*

We got Ember to help us and we met up with Volt and everyone else on our team.

We all turned to the news.

The reporter said, "The Atlesian General has sent a coalition fleet to New Antiheim. The Antiheim women decimated it. Troops are being ordered to Atlas to protect the General and the members of the council.".

Xarthos said, "Yeah, your fearless leaders make a mad dash for the bunkers.".

I asked, "What does it mean?".

Ash said, "It means the final battle between Senada and the Antiheim has begun.". 

I said, "But we haven't even started yet.".

Ember said, "There's nothing we can do now. Enjoy the things you love with the time we have left.".

Xarthos walked over to the door and said, "There's bound to be looting in Mantle by now. And I don't want to miss that.".

I turned to him and asked, "You're just gonna give up and wait for the inevitable? Is that what your heroes do here? Look, you guys may not know me. But all of us have powers, skills, and abilities. Where I come from, heroes use those powers and abilities to fight to make the world a better place, whether it's their world or not. And where there's life, there's hope. We'll go to Mistral, fight both sides and save the world in the process.".

Volt said, "Okay. Then we go. Now. I'll signal the others. Maybe they can meet us there." and everyone including Ember and Xarthos came along with us.

3 Hours Later*

We made it to Mistral and begun the fight.

And according to some intel Ash found, Zoom was here too somewhere.

We were currently watching from above waiting for Daga and Ein to be alone.

Romhay and the rest of Team VMPR arrived and started gunning down and fighting as well.

Ein and Daga locked Relics with one another.

Daga using the Staff of Creation and Ein using the Sword of Destruction.

Ash said, "Fight your way to the leaders. Once we have Daga and Ein, this war is as good as over.".

The two of them were pushed conveniently into the building we were standing in.

I speedily rushed down and beat up Daga while Volt blasted Ein into another room.

Ein's POV*

I landed in an abandoned room and turned around to see children standing next to each other and behind them a woman with a cape made of blue fire.

The kids said, "Themis!" and a bolt of lightning struck them and they turned into Themis.

I said, "Themis. I'm happy to see that a real woman is here to watch the end of mankind." and we all began our two v one fight in the sky.

Onyx Kanuchi's POV*

I speedily punched Daga while Ash and Volt blasted him with their magic and Xarthos kept his hands tied together with his chain.

Daga rushed forward and used Ash's arms to blast Volt and Xarthos outside before throwing her aside.

Xarthos's POV*

Volt rushed back into the building and I looked up and saw a giant mech suit of some kind blasting people with heat beams.

It looked directly at me and I turned and made a break for it as it shot heat beams at me.

I grabbed some guns and made them into some Unholy Guns and turned and began shooting at it but nothing was working on him as I continued a steady retreat.

I looked over and saw Ein throw Ember into a building and Themis throw a building at Ein.

I said, "What the fuck is today.".

I fired at the mech suit again and when I ducked and was about to be hit.

The boy idiot Romhay came to my aide and shouted, "Fall, damn it, fall!" as he fired at the mech suit.

I snuck over to where Romhay was and pulled out my Unholy Grenade.

Romhay said, "Sweet." and I chucked it at the mech suit.

The grenade went off and we shot the guy inside.

I loaded up some more ammo and Romhay said, "I like your style, Ghost Rider. A pity we never teamed up when the world still existed." while shooting Antiheim Women.

I turned to him and said, "Ghost Rider and Romhay, the boy idiot. Take your team up the left flank and..." and I was interrupted when I was blasted by Daga's second in command Bani.

Onyx Kanuchi's POV*

I sped outside and grabbed Xarthos and Romhay and moved out of the way of incoming fire.

I set Romhay down with his group and brought Xarthos to an abandoned building.

I set Xarthos down and said, "Don't worry, Xarthos. I'll stop the blood flow. You'll be as good as new.".

Xarthos said, "Don't be stupid. I may not be a doctor, but even I know a dead man when I see one.".

Ember went through the building and Themis after her.

Ein flew through punched Themis into a building and elbowed Ember through another.

I said, "They're gonna die, Xarthos.".

Xarthos said, "Find the Speedster. Change all this.".

I turned away and said, "I won't stand by while people are..." and when I turned back he was gone.

I heard Zoom say, "Hello, Flash.".

I turned to him and angrily said, "Zoom.".

Zoom said, "I love what you've done with the place." and we sped out of the building fighting along the way.

Everyone moved in slow motion as we sped past them trying to hit one another.

While speedily fighting throughout Mistral Zoom said, "I knew this war would draw you out. Not that you wouldn't have ended up here anyway.".

We sped into a building fighting floor by floor until we made it up to the roof where we clashed fists every now and again until he grabbed me and hit me against a few stone pillars before tossing me to the ground.

I got up a little but he sped right in front of me and punched me down again.

He sped off but when he came back he stabbed my shin with a metal bar.

I screamed in agony and he punched me in the face stopping me.

I punched him to the ground and pulled the metal bar out of my shin.

Zoom came over and helped me up only to punch me and throw me through another pillar until I was on the ledge of the building.

I pushed myself up and looked at what was happening.

Slyke was beating on a giant monster's head.

Marcus was dead and lying on the ground.

Vale was pulling a wounded Price out of harm's way only for them both to get hit by arrows and die.

Romhay shot an Antiheim woman but got an arrow in the back.

He turned and shot another Antiheim woman before getting two more arrows in his front.

He turned then got an arrow in the head but his last action was shooting the Antiheim Woman who killed him.

Zoom stepped on my back and forced me to the ground.

I asked, "What did you do to the world?".

Zoom said, "I didn't do any of it. You did.".

He walked away a little and asked, "Think Flash. Isn't there some little thing, some little good deed you may have done?".

I shed a tear and said, "I saved her. I saved mom.".

Zoom said, "That's right.".

I said, "No, it couldn't. It wouldn't have changed all this.".

Zoom said, "Oh, but it did. Break the time barrier and there's a time boom. Ripples of distortion radiated out through that point of impact shifting everything just a tiny bit. But enough. Enough for events to happen differently.".

I said, "I just wanted to save her.".

Zoom said, "You saved your mama. And in the greatest act of self-indulgence, shattered history like a rookie and turned the world into an active nightmare moments away from its own end. And I'm the villain?".

Ein's POV*

I snapped this girl who I was fighting's neck and she hit the ground.

Themis shouted, "NO!!" as she charged at me but I shot her with my godly lightning magic and turned her into those children I saw earlier.

I grabbed one and stabbed them in the chest before I turned my attention to the others and I swiftly dealt with them.

Daga's POV*

I ripped off the arms of Volt Blazeheart and beat him senseless until I held my Staff of Creation up and said, "The era of Earth is at an end, Volt Blazeheart. Your head will decorate my great hall.".

He smirked before his eyes became black and fired a beam of black energy at me cutting my arm off.

I shouted in agony as I held my stub arm and I was blasted away another such attack from him.

I got up and started running until I was stabbed in the back by Ein.

I fell to my knees and she said, "Submit. You are beaten.".

I said, "There will be no glorious victor, Ein. No prize. What I do now, I do for the good of all the world.".

Ein said, "As do I." and I set my nine-hundred megaton bomb off as she killed me.

Onyx Kanuchi's POV*

I looked at the bomb going off in the distance.

Zoom said, "Good job, Flash. The world is about to end, thanks to you.".

I said, "You can't let this happen, Zoom. You'll die too.".

Zoom said, "Totally worth it." as I got up and tried to hit him.

I looked over at him and he waved his finger and said, "As long as I can siphon off the Speed Force, you can't escape this timeline. I'm afraid there just isn't enough Speed Force to go around." and he was stabbed through the chest with The Sword of Destruction by Ash.

Zoom was torn apart and completely destroyed and she said, "There is now.".

I looked at her and saw Xarthos wounded by a pillar nearby too.

I turned to Ash and said, "You killed him.".

Ash said, "Not necessarily. Not if you go back in time and fix this.".

I walked over to Xarthos as he turned and he said, "The only way to save the world is to keep this world from ever happening.".

He turned back to Josh and handed me a letter and said, "Take this." and he died.

Ash pulled me up and said, "I'll be waiting for you in the next timeline. Now, you need to run, Onyx, run!" and I took off.

I ran so fast I broke through the time barrier.

I looked forward and when I was there I saw myself.

I said, "Onyx! Stop! You have to stop! You'll kill everyone!" and I tackled him stopping him for and hopefully restoring time to its original place.

I said, "Mom, I'm so sorry.".

In The New Timeline*

I woke up but I woke up as a kid.

I found a letter by my bed and it was from Ash.

The letter said that I was in a new timeline and everyone wasn't existing just yet as they were and that it would be a few years before we all became who we were meant to be and that she took care of Josh's letter for the new timeline.

I sighed and heard mom say, "Onyx. Lunch is ready.".

I accepted the things I couldn't change and ran downstairs to spend what time I had left with my mom.

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