Love is forbidden (Anakin Sky...

By rhinestonecowgirl14

34.7K 375 29

Mia Petrova was a Orphan founded by grand master Yoda and Master Windu on a trip to Naboo when she was two ye... More

Love is forbidden (Anakin Skywalker love story)


1.1K 14 1
By rhinestonecowgirl14

"Chancellor " obiwan says. Palpitate doesn't even look at us.

" are you alright " I ask him

"Count Dooku". Palpatine said plainly we turn and see Dooku walking in with two droids by his side. I hate this man almost the same as Anakin does we both hate him for the same reason he took Anakins arm off and almost killed me. I ball my fist and curl my lips back as I remove my robe and pull my lightsaber out standing in between obiwan and anakin " this time we take him together..all of us " obiwan said looking between anakin and I ,I nod " I agree " I say
" I was about to say that " anakin whispers stepping around me putting his body in front of me in a protective way I step back around him giving him a partial glare. I love that he wants to protect me but I am more than capable of taking care of myself when I have to.
Dooku does a front flips off the balcony and lands in front of us he snaps his red lightsaber on.

" get help your no match for a Sith Lord " palpitate say to us.

" Chancellor Sith Lord are our speciality" obiwan said.

" your swords please we don't want to make a mess in front of the Chancellor " Dooku said walking towards us.

I turn on my purple lightsaber on letting my anger merge with in me " you won't get away this time Dooku " obiwan said turning on his lightsaber and anakin does as well.

Together the three of us run at him I flip over his shoulder trying to stab him in the back he slides over before my lightsaber could touch him. Anakin and obiwan have their go at him. I run back at him he dodges then anakin runs at him just as Dooku steps behind and places his  lightsaber against my neck to stop anakin. I push my head back against him and duck then him and anakin collide lightsabers.
I rise back up away flipping my hair out of my face when the slight pain in my stomach comes back I back up as anakin and obiwan circle around Dooku.

" I been looking forward to this" Dooku saids
" my powers have doubled since the last time we meet Count " anakin tells him lifting his chin up " good twice the pride, double the fall" Dooku saids I clench my wrists and run at him the three of us attack him at once. We come at a four way clash Dooku throws obiwan over the balcony knocking him out he then throws me to the wall but I stop him and land on the balcony above him and anakin before I hit the wall.

Dooku tries to bring down the platform on top of obiwan I run to stop him but Dooku throws me back on the floor I hear anakin sream " no" right before I hit my head and everything goes black.

When I come to I see anakin has dooku on his knees with both his and dookus lightsaber at his neck " good anakin kill him" palpitate says I find it odd the Chancellor is wanting anakin to kill him I mean I agree I want him dead too. Dooku looks to the Chancellor like he had just betrayed him " I shouldn't " anakin hesitates " do it" palpitate demands getting weirder anakin still hesitating when he looks up to me as I'm getting to my feet like he's looking for my approval I feel something take over me I look to him and nod my head. Then he takes the lightsabers and completely decapitates his head. " you did well anakin" palpitate said looking to me slowly as well" the Chancellor tells him " he was an unarmed prisoner I shouldn't of done that it's not the Jedi way" anakin said " he was to dangerous to be kept alive" palpitate said " ani " I say gaining their attention while rubbing my head " Mia are you alright " anakin runs to me with concern " yea I think so just my head hurts now" I tell him as he strokes my face slowly " anakin don't be so hard on yourself it is only natural he cut off your arm you wanted revenge remember when you told me about the sand people and what they did to your mother" the Chancellor said gaining our attention "while I'm sure you weren't the only one wanting revenge against dooku " palpitate said looking to me I look down anakin looks to me then back to him as the Chancellor stares at both of us weirdly" we should leave before more battle droids come" palpitate adds walking to the door but anakin and I go to help obiwan " anakin , mia leave him or will never make it " palpitate say " we can't leave him behind " I say " his fate will be the same as ours" anakin saids. "I lift the platform you get him " I say anakin nods I lift up the platform with all my strength anakin lifts obiwan and carries him out on his back " okay come on lets get out of here " I say we walk to the elevator but it doesn't move " the elevator not working " anakin said " r2 activate elevator 3224 " I ordered I feel a jolt we have to steady ourselves as the command ship starts to tilt. " oh no " I say as I try not to slide I grab the inside of the elevator shaft and try to hold on for dear life I climb in and try to help anakin and the Chancellor. When we get up on the flat part we start running till the ship tilts back vertical. I slip and fall on my butt " ouch" I say then we all start sliding downwards I grab ahold of the little cords in the wall anakin does the same as it stops us from falling. I feel so bad for ani he has obiwan on his back and the Chancellor hanging on to his leg as we're hanging on to the cords obiwan starts to come to " mm ahh " obiwan said as he realized he was up side down on anakins back " easy were in a bit of situation here" anakin tells him " what I miss " obiwan asks " oh the usual trap in some dangerous predicament waiting for our ultimate demise " I say sarcastically " sounds about right " obiwan saids I hear a screech and look up as the elevator comes flying towards us. " uh ani there's the elevator we called for " I say " huh oh oops...r2 shut down the elevator now" anakin said " to late..jump " obiwan directs we jump obiwan and anakin pull out their grabbing hooks and throw them out so they'll grab on to something anakin pulls me into his chest as we go falling with the Chancellor still hanging on to anakin leg. I hang onto him tightly wrapping my arms around his strong chest. Him and obiwan jump in right into the open and land in the hallway as the elevator comes speeding by. I start laughing hysterically underneath anakin the Chancellor gives me a weird look like I've gone crazy" Don't worry she always does that after she comes close to a near death experience " obiwan tells him sarcastically. I stop laughing and give him a look as anakin helps me up " r2 get down here" anakin then said into the communicator we head down the hallway when we get stopped " ray shields " anakin said " great " I say folding my arms " wait an minute how did this happen we're smarter then this" obiwan said
" apparently not" anakin said " I say patience " he adds " patience..." obiwan saids folding his arms now " yes r2 will be here and undo the shields" anakin said just then we hear a loud beeping sound and in comes r2 speeding in and crashes in to the wall I giggles the droid silliness " told ya" ani said to obiwan as r2 undoes the Ray shields around us a bunch of destroyers come in around us " freeze " they tell us " do you have a plan B " obiwan said sarcastically " ha plan B we're on plan F" I say sarcastically laughing.

We were escorted by a bunch of droids to general grievous as they take our lightsaber away and hand them to grievous they shove me in between obiwan and anakin " ah the negotiator general Kenobi we've been waiting for you" grievous said " that wasn't much of a recuse " grievous tants more " And anakin skywalker I was expecting someone from your be older " grievous coughs " general grievous...your shorter then I expected " anakin said to him I burst out laughing " grr Jedi scums " he said walking away coughing" what I don't get no attention " I ask sarcastically tilting my head to the side grievous turns towards me " ah yes...Mia Petrova you are as lovely as they say -" flattering won't get you nowhere grievous I'll still tear you apart" I say cutting him off anakin looks to me with a proud smirk " Mia ,Anakin we have a job to do try not to upset him"obi-wan say tho I do see a faint smile on his lips as r2 starts beeping from behind us with the Chancellor " your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection" grievous said holding our lightsabers "not this time and this time you won't escape " obiwan said to him talking about him killing shark ti in front of us with her own lightsaber a while back when we had try to caught grievous last time " r2 now " anakin tells the droid r2 starts buzzing and spinning around and using electric shock destroying some droids around which providing a distraction for us anakin uses the force and grabs our lightsabers I duck when a near by droid tries to blast my head off with his blaster I kick it and knock it down " Mia " anakin shout to me I look to him and blend over and hold out my wrist for him to cut off the cuffs with his lightsaber he then toss me my lightsaber. We start destroying droids as they try to run away " crush them " grievous said they come at us I destroy the little easy one as they keep trying to run away I see obiwan slices one of the bigger ones head off it still tries to fight him. One tries to sneak up on me when I turn I move out of the way but it still blast my leg a little like what happened to my arm on geonosis I drop to the floor it grazes it which stings like hell too. Obiwan destroys it " thank you" I tell him as he helps me to my feet he nods " don't bother with them keep the ship in orbit" grievous commands I flip the control panel and slice a droid in half near grievous I start slicing more twirling my lightsaber in my hand and toss it behind my back to my other hand back and forth tricks that Master Yoda taught me. " You lose general Kenobi " grievous said as he stabs the window blowing him out.I try to grab ahold of something before I fly out but I slip lucky anakin grabs my hand before I fly through the open window " hang on " anakin tells me as he pulls up with his metal hand and pushes the button on the control panel and closes the large window we on land on the floor. Anakin helps me up I clutch my stomach as the sharp pain comes back but goes away quickly. We hear blast from outside the ship we run to the control panel I see what happening as the escape pods decrease " he took them all" I say anakin sits in the seat beside me as obiwan sits in the other seat beside me " can you two land a cruiser like this " obiwan ask " I think so well what's left of it " anakin saids we share concerning looks to each other. " buckle up everyone " I say as I buckle myself up " Mia open all the hatches " anakin tells me I feel a large jolt that makes us wobble " what was that" I ask " we lost something " anakin said trying to hide the panic in his eyes. " not to worry we're still flying half a ship" obiwan said sarcastically we start going faster " now we're really picking up speed" anakin smiles nervously. " a little to much for my liking " I say. I start feeling nauseous again " alright we're in the atmosphere " anakin said with a little hope " keep us level Mia" anakin directs I nod even though I was still feeling sick.
" steady" anakin said to me r2 starts beeping like crazy " easy r2" I say trying to calm him down trying to remain calm myself " five thousand.. okay ships on either side" obiwan said " well take you in" a plot said " landing platform right ahead " I say pointing " we're coming in to hot" anakin said we come down hard and take out a landing tower. We slow down then come to a complete stop but we were tilted. I lean back in my seat trying to smooth my breath as the feeling of sickness went away finally. I pull my hair out of my face as anakin lays his hand on top of mine " are you okay " he ask me with a small smile " I nods slowly.
" another happy landing " obiwan said taking a breath I laugh.

We get on the tram that takes us back to the capital. I play with my necklaces ani gave to me when we were kids. Anakin watches me we were both sitting in the back " I remember when I gave this to you " he said smiling reaching out to hold it I smile at him " you know I still have that drawing you drew for me" he said pulling it out of his pants packet and unfolding it it was a drawing of him with a lightsaber I smile " I can't believe you still have this " I say " of coarse it's special I pull it out when I would get upset or frustrated it have me think of you and that always made me feel better  " he said " yea the same always happened for me too when I hold this" I say holding my necklace we share a smile then we heard obiwan clear his throat gaining our attention because the tram had landed and everyone was already off. We get up and awkwardly walk out " I'll see you tonight "anakin whispers to me I nod my head and give him a quick smile he stays behind to talk with senator Organa,obiwan heads towards the council and I take off to meet up with padme.

When I reach her apartment luckily it was her and her handmaiden Dormé she smile when she sees me and exits the room " ohh Mia thank goodness there was whispers that you all had been killed " she said giving me a friendly hug. " We're fine though if the Chancellor hadn't been kidnapped we'd still be in the outer rims " I say taking a breath right when the pain in my stomach comes back " ah " I say in pain  " Mia what wrong " padme asks worried as I hold my stomach "padme I need to ask you a favor " what is it are you okay " she ask " I need to see a doctor but privately and don't tell anyone especially anakin please" I ask " okay Mia" she said and helps me sit down then goes to call her doctor in.

Padme's doctor comes in into my room of my and anakins apartment and she starts to checks me out she bandaged up my leg that was hurt and checks me over I tell her what's been going on with my stomach and the sick feelings I had the last few months. "You seem to be healthy but can I ask you a personal question " she ask " sure " I say " when was your last Cycle " she ask I stop and think " ha I don't even remember exactly I guess a it's been few months with everything going on in this war it's completely slip my mind " I say honestly " well I think I know what it could be but I want to be sure " she said I stay silent having my own suspicion too. She then has me pee in a small cup and she does this strip test. After a couple minutes the strip turns blue and my heart stops " well this is what I expected " she said " well miss Petrova congratulations you're with child and I say from what you told me you're probably around oh I would say...almost seven months " she said smiling " I'll schedule you a check up and see you get the proper care you need and don't worry this will stay between us and whoever you wish to tell." She said and gathers her stuff I nod staring straight ahead. She takes her leave and I fall back on the couch "shit" I say ready to freak out all theses times I ignore when I would felt small movements in my belly I thought I was going crazy or to stress from this war making feel things I thought silently. padme comes in I look to her and see on her face she knows she already talk to the doctor.

" Mia I assure you everything going to okay it's not the end of the world it's a blessing. Besides wasn't you and anakin talking about starting a family soon anyway " she said trying to calm me down as I was pacing back in forth. " I know but this was supposed to happen till after the war not now and this isn't like any other mission of someone suspecting us this.. this is going to show...I think it already is ..and here I thought my clothes were just shrinking" I say as I stop and look at a full length mirror to see a small bump starting to stick out through my shirt. How did this happen..I mean we were so careful using protection every time .. except for that one time in Anakin fighter after he save me by catching me with his fighter after I was attack causing mine to exposed in battle. We were overcome with adrenaline rush with near death experience that we took each other right then and there once we were alone. That was right after we just got assigned to the outer rim siegers 6 months ago...I guess that explains it then.


We were around a dessert city in battle with the trade federation army that was being led by none other than nuke gunray. We were doing fairly well it was me Anakin and Rex fighting droids in our starfighters. " Mia to your left " Anakin said into the headset" I got em " I say shooting down the droids " watch out general behind you" Rex tries to warn me as a dozen fighter droids come straight at me " MIA!!" Anakin screams into the headset just as one of the droids send a mistle at my fighter causing it to explode. Luckily I jump out in time using the force to barely catch onto a nearby ledge. I was slowly loosing my grip as I was trying to climb up it. Then Anakin flys right up under me " Mia I got you jump " Anakin said with his glass open " Anakin no I'll be alright just go on finish the mission before those droids come back " I say trying to pull myself up " angel I am not leaving you here now come on jump" Anakin shouts just as the ledge I was hanging onto starts to crack I scream when I feel it move " Mia please jump trust me I got you" Anakin shouts with fear in his voice I look down breathing heavy just as the ledge breaks more " jump" Anakin said again. I let go and do as he said and jump and land into his fighter onto his lap. He quickly shuts the glass and speeds off out of the way as the ledge falls completely.

" are you alright " Anakin ask as we both breathing heavy " yea I think so" I say shaking from the near death experience Anakin orders Rex and the rest of the fleet back to base as we take a detour. I fall back into him as my back hits his chest he quickly takes his one arm wrapping around my waist and kissing my neck my chest heaving up and down still. But not from the near death experience I suddenly become turn on and I think Anakin was too.

When he lands on a flat surface on the cliffs out side the city where we would be alone. Anakin immediately turns my face to him and crashes his lips onto mine in a passion kiss that quickly turns heated. I start grinding my hips into him as he rubs his hands all over my body making me gasp at how hard he already is. I moan when he begins kissing down to my neck " Anakin" I moan " oh Mia I thought I was going to lose you back there " he said suddenly I tilt my head more to look at him " you didn't lose me ani and your not going to,you saved me just like you always have" I tell him he smiles then he begins kissing me again he reaches with one hand to my core and the other goes to my breast making me moan again laying my head back on his chest " I love you Mia " Anakin said with sweat dripping down both our faces " and I love you " I tell him. I take my hand and undo my brown leather pants pulling them down to my boots Anakin quickly smirks " look at you getting so bold mrs. skywalker trying to seduce your husband ..and in a starfighter of all places " Anakin said shaking his head while teasing me when he undos his pants as well. I narrow my eyes at him " just shut up and take me skywalker " I tell him half annoyed he chuckles " gladly mrs. skywalker" he said as he position me unto him and I let out a loud moan "arghh" as he pushes himself into me as he lets out a moan as well and begins making love to me on his lap.

I smile at the memory when realizing thats when we didn't use any protection than that now has us in this situation.

" I'm sure we'll figure something out" padme said bringing me back from my daydream then it hist me and I turn and froze " oh god how am I gonna tell anakin how am I going to explain this to him oh and the council well I'm definitely getting kicked out now " I say freaky out " he'll be fine and you done already plan to leave the Jedi this now will make it faster" she said
" yea sure he's gonna take it so well how you think I should say it like hey anakin I'm sorry to tell you this but we're having a baby even though we tried every thing under the sun to not get pregnant from condoms to birth control you still manage to knocked me up " I shout " well I wouldn't say it like that" padme say trying not to laugh I sit down and look at her " no it probably wouldn't go over to well " I start to laugh she starts to laugh as well. I look back to her " what am I going to do " I say falling into her sobbing.

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