𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

By thebambi_TV

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ᴀ Qᴜᴇɴᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪʀꜱᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜꜱᴛʟᴇʀꜱ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ More

𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞
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By thebambi_TV

Diamonds p.o.v

I woke up at 1:09pm
I bearly got any sleep lastnight, the baby in my womb was keeping me up

I thought waking up would mean i would be waking up from this dream but no.

I woke up terribly.
I was scared

Did i hurt david-

"RISE AND SHINE" david yelled as he walked in my room

He seemed happy??

What !!

He lifted my covers

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"Were going out today" he replied

"No! We are in seattle remeber, we dont want chyna knowing that we are here" i said to him

"About that..." david trailed off


"Chyna and jamar are working together" david said

"WHAT" I yelled

"Shh.. the rest dont even know the mansion has been broken to pieces" david said

I took a deep breath in, when was i going to be allowed peace..

"Another fine reason why i shouldnt have our baby" i said.

Dabid mumbled something under his breath

"Ive got an appointment tomorrow" i said shrugging my shoulders

David sighed and took my hand

"Come on lets go" he said

"Go where? Ian' even dressed" i said to him

"Just come fool" he replied

I had some big ass black sweats along with some croccs and a messy ass bun.

We went outside and hopped inside davids car without notifying anyone were we was heading at

"Okay were we going" i demmanded

"I was planning to take you to a park or sum' shit but imma take you out to eat" he smirked

I shrieked in excitement if its not about food it dont make sense

We drove for a couple of minutes in silence with the only thing making it less awkward being the radio

"Wherewebouttaeatat" i quickly asked

"We here" david said parking his car outside the mcdonals drive thru

"What you want" he asked me

My stomach was growling like hell
He leaned outside his window to reach the buzzer and talk to the female

"Hey how may i help you?" She asked

"Large double cheese burger with pickles, no make that a seperate big pickle.. im craving one" i shouted

"Pregnancy cravings" david mumbled

"And i want two large fries, some bbq sauce, and a box of chicken wings with some arizona" i finished off

David stared at me

"What?" I mumbled

"Will that be all?" The woman asked

"Yes" david said

I looked at him, so this nigga was really about to watch me eat in the car
It was a setup.

"I dont know what you playing at right now, but im hungry as life" i said to him

He grinned

He drove to the cashier to pay all the food he got me.

Some ratchet ass bitch rolled the window down and snatched the money from davids palm.

I snapped my neck all the way to get a good look at her face

"Watch it heffa.." i said to her.

David pushed me back so i was sat properly in my seat.

"You better watch out.. your hood side is coming out more with them pregnancy hormones you got going on'"  david stated

I rolled my eyes

The woman gave david his change nicer and smiled at us, i scrunched my face up at her and allowed david to carry on driving.

I rubbed my hands and smiled as the food was already in the car and my stomach pounded more and more.

"Okay now that we back on road, what are you doing?" I asked as i ate my salty hot fries

"Im not planning anything, just thought since your feeding two people you might need food." He said

I squintted my eyes as i started catching on what he was trynna do

"David im not in the mood to talk about this today, okay" i said to him

"Ofcourse your not" he replied, showing me a little to much attitude.

I grabbed a chip and threw it as his face until he caught it with his mouth

"That backfired" he chuckled

I mimicked his laugh and rolled my eyes

This was kinda nice, being here with david and all.
I couldnt think of anyone better to be with.

And then i started thinking.. what if i do keep the baby? It wouldnt be so bad would it.

Diamond shut the hell up, yes it would!

"You almost had my mind changed" i whispered "but still no" i continued

"That means there is still hope" he replied

Instead of taking a turn towards the lakehouse he took an opposite turn

"What are you doing??" I said with my burger stuffed inside my mouth

He sped up the hill and parked his car at the very top, the place was solitary only annoying ass stank birds were chirping.

He took his hands of the wheel and turned to face me.
He quickly took a scrunched note from his pocket

"D, i cant write for shit but here are some reasons why you should keep that baby. I dont want to force you into making a decision you dont want to but damn girl.. think twice" he said handing me the paper

1. Imagine their little feet kicking your belly? You wanna give up a human being. Dont show the same neglection your mother showed you

That hurt me alot, why should i do that to a child when my mother did the same to me?

2. We will get our baby away from this.. no-one will lay a finger on you and him/her with me as your protecting shield

*I chuckled*

3. We created it. Let it have a chance to see the world before you shut it down for them

That was the last reason,my mind was made up.

David desperatley searched for a reaction in my face.

I was getting beyond overwhelmed, so i wiped the tear coming down my eye.

I nodded and smiled at him
He followed my expression like a roller coaster and smiled broadly

"Im keeping it" i said

He opened the car door and lifted me

"WoOOOO" he yelled, so loud all the pigeons dispersed.

He was smiling so much it gave warmth to me

"D im so happy!!" He yelled looking down at my stomach and back at my face

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him desperatley
And chuckle-cried


As soon as we walked inside the house, all eyes were on us

"We thought something happend to yall" aunty chantae said

"Guys i have a very important thing to tell you all" i said

Everyone began gathering, Aurelio, uncle mar and jiggs, veran, elijah, lexi, connor, shawn and everyone else.

They all looked at me in anticipation
The only thing we could hear was the grand clock ticking.

Tick, tock tick, tock tick tock

"Im pregnant!" I yelled.

Everyone began screaming from the very top of their lungs.

"DIAMOND I KNEW IT!!" lexi yelled as she came over to me

All the boys congratulated david, whiles the girls suffocated my privacy, they were all down my throat asking questions and i had very little space to gather my thoughs

"Bro yall gon' let me breath or what?" I said fanning myself with a magazine cover.

But everyone shrieked in excitement non-stop and began popping champagne bottles, corks were flying left right and centre

All of a sudden shawn snatched my hand

"Now that everyones distracted.. can we talk about milo" he said

I havent spoken to milo in what seemed like years

"Wait i still have his number.. let me call him" i said to him

I scrolled down my number log and saw his name written in bold, milo

I pressed the contact and began calling him, it began ringing wich made my heart skip a beat.

Someone picked up.
Shawn mouthed "put it on loud speaker"

And i did so

"Hello?" I said

"Diamond?" He replied.

My heart began racing, i didnt hear his voice in a long time wich brought back burried memories in Atlanta.
Like when i met Rashad. And shit

"Milo! Its been a long time" i said to him

"Im so sorry, alex told me it was all a lie and ive been embarassed to call ypu ever since then" he stated

"Its okay, we cant talk about that sometime when i pull up to ATL... i have a family member of yours who wants to speak to you" i said to him

I could hear the confusion behind the screen, i handed the phone over to shawn.

While everyone was partying and bickering.

I watched david mumble something as he was on the phone to someone, he slipped out the door while no-one watched him wich increased my curiosity

I made sure no-one watched me step out the front door and watched davids car drive away.

I quickly hoped inside JC's old chauffer car and began driving right behind david

What was he doing?
Or planning?

I grabbed my phone and began calling him

"Were are you, i cant see u" i lied

"Oh, i just stepped out to breathe. You dont need to come looking for me i promise ill be back" he said

Oh so we doing this quick lie thing now?

"Make sure you dont go too far" i said to him

"Sure.. im just out here" he replied

"I love you" i said to him

"I love you more" he replied and hung up

He carried on driving and it started to rain, i still followed him confused as to what the fuck he was doing.

We were in a desserted football field.. no-one was here

Finally he began slowing down his car.
I stoped mine too and watched his ass get out

My heart began beating once he started walking towards me

He knocked on my window and i slighty rolled it down

"Hi sir how may i help" i said trying to change my voice

"Diamond stop playing.. the same car has beeb following me for 20 minutes" he said

I fully rolled my window down and rolled my eyes

"What are you doing?? Are you having regrets about the baby already?" I asked him

"Hell no, i already love that baby... its just" before he finished his sentance he walked on the other side of the car and got in.

"Your scaring me" i said to him

"D! Im here to meet chyna" david trailed off.

Without hesitation i slapped his face.. that was one bitch i was never going to squash beef with

"Listen to me" he yelled holding my wrists.

"Im here to meet her because she has your mom and your brother.. she said that to me lastnight and she will take me in order to free your family" he said.

I began crying

"THEY CAN ROTT IN HELL i care about you more david!" I yelled.

"Shes gonna come here in 10 minutes.. we dont have time to be arguing-"

"So you were just gonna let her take you.. and leave and not even tell me?? Im carrying your child damn it" i interrupted

"You already lost your dad.. im not letting you lose your mom or your little brother who you didnt even get to know!! I know chyna and i will make my way back to you before you even give birth" he said putting my head on his chest.

I cried a little more, my heart was aching
And i couldnt take much of it.

"Now do me a favour and hide your car past those bushes, as soon as they release your mom and brother make sure you get them in the car okay.. ill see you soon baby girl" he said kissing my forehead and smiled at my belly

I grabbed him and kissed  him.
And just like that he left the car, and lit up his blunt

The rain became heavier and heavier each time.

I did what he told me to and i parked the car right behind the bushes and patiently waited. There was a clear view of everything happening..

My blood started to boil the minute i saw a white car pull up

Im going to kill

She walked out of the car in expensive heels, her curls bounced anytime she walked.

Her bodyguards ruffled my mom and the little boy bringing them closer to david, my mom was crying and the little boy was confused

I was angry, why did she have to drag them into this?

I could bearly make out the words she was saying

I am going
To kill

I loaded the clip and put it in the gun like uncle mar taught me and quietly opened the door.

I could hear their conversation now

"Im here, let them go" david said

Chyna smirked and tilted her head to the left.

She pushed my mom and the little boy towards david

And thats when i walked faster.

"Is this what you do?" I asked chyna

She began chuckling
David turned around and slapped his forehead

"DIAMOND!! whats going on" my mom quivered

"Stay calm okay" i said to her and smiled at the boy.

"Ill give you a headstart before i shoot you right here" she said

My blood began boiling, i pointed my gun at her, her bodyguards pointed there guns at me.

"Chyna stop. Im here okay DIAMOND get the fuck away" david said

"Take my mom and brother inside the car. This is gonna get nasty" i whispered

David pointed at the car, my mom grabbed the little boy and they ran inside the car.

David snatched my waist and brought me closer to him

"Go now" he whispered into my ear

"I didnt come her to fuck around. You have the mom and boy. I either have david or i shoot you" she said

I chuckled

"Shoot me then, because he aint going nowhere" i said to her.

It all happend too fast She shrugged her shoulders and put the clip inside her gun and without hesitation the bullets fired up.

My heart skipped a beat, david pushed me harshly on the floor and took the bullet instead.

Chyna had her hand over her mouth and with the gun in my hand i shot her forehead, and a blood bath began pouring.

Her bodyguards were about to shoot me but then they both dropped like flies, i turned around as i watched my mom shake behind the gun she was holding.

I opened my mouth and grabbed david by his shirt, he was bleeding too much.

I began screaming and crying

"Wake up" i yelled

"You promised you would come back to me" i said even louder

He wasnt talking

"GET HELP" i yelled even more.

tears kept streaming down my face

"Why the fuck would you stand infront of the bullet" my sobs kept getting louder when i couldnt get the slightest hint of him breathing.

Wake up!
Wake up

My heart was aching. Why wasnt he waking up

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