Something More [The Avengers:...

By SarcasticCherry

4.8K 141 7

Book One to the Behind The Scenes series. Completed and Finished Editing - 9/24/2020 // "There was an idea, S... More

Overview [0]
Something Familiar [2]
Liberty Bell [3]
All Of The Variables [4]
Hydra [5]
Man Down [6]
The Team [7]
Memories [8]
Faulty Wiring [9]
Road Trip [10]
The Mandarin [11]
Nap Time [12]
Malibu Point [13]
Gone Swimming [14]
Motel Accommodations [15]
Confessions [16]
Epilogue [17]
Post Credit Chapter
\\ //

The Ice [1]

439 12 1
By SarcasticCherry

The world was strangely cold as I woke up. In fact, it was freezing. But that isn't what bothered me. I should've been dead. My ears rang softly. From what, I don't know. My last memories flashed before my eyes. The plane. The bombs. Peggy's voice. Staring at the ice before me. Putting the plane down. The cold chill of ice. The panic. The peace. Then darkness. I stared at the ceiling as I thought. The ceiling fan turned lazily above me. I glanced at the walls, around the room. Was that a radio playing in the background? Where am I?

Slowly, I lifted my legs over the side of the bed, allowing myself to sit up as I took everything in. I forced the plane down into the arctic. I was fully submerged in water. In ice. I should be dead. How did they find me? I slowly scanned the room as my eyes and ears adjusted to the new environment, the ringing beginning to fade. I focused my eyes on every object, before I heard the radio become suddenly louder with excitement. I glanced at it, then at the window behind me, listening to a car honking. The radio announcer's voice had picked up from his bored tone, and in that moment my attention turned fully to the radio. The game sounded so familiar. It was almost as if...

The door opened, shocking me out of my thoughts as my head whipped around to face it. A women walked into the room. I narrowed my eyes. She smiled at me with too-dark of a shade of lips. Her brown hair fell into curls past her shoulders instead of into a neat bun behind her head. Her tie was too long for a woman's uniform, and the color didn't match any service tie I had ever seen. Her jacket was nowhere in sight, leaving her white uniform top exposed and herself unnamed and unranked.

"Good morning," she greeted, closing the door behind her. She glanced at her watch briefly. "Or, should I say, afternoon?" She crossed her arms in front of her as I stared at her with confusion.

"Where am I?" I breathed.

She took a deep breath, as if she were reciting lines. "You're in a recovery room in New York City." Her smile seemed natural on her face, although the rest of her body language looked defensive.

I scanned her for a moment. She was small, no threat at all. I could easily take her out and run if forced to. Although, if she was sent in here, there were no doubts guards posted outside the door. I looked back to the radio, listening to the announcer. It clicked, and I looked back at the woman in front of me, a hard glare now in my eyes. "Where am I really?" I ask, lowering my tone to a more threatening one.

She sucked in a breath, which was only a fraction of a second to the world, but to gave me all the confirmation I needed to know something was wrong. "I'm afraid I don't understand," she replied sweetly with a smile, despite the nervous look in her eye.

"The game. It's from May, 1941. I know 'cause I was there." She dropped her smile, her entire face showing a nervous, yet steadily growing fear. Her eyebrows raised as I stood up from the bed. "Now I'm going to ask you again." I approached her with slow, deliberate steps. She may not look dangerous, but I learned looks can be deceiving. "Where am I?"

"Captain Rogers-"

"Who are you?" I shouted, taking a threatening step forwards as she took a step back. The door opened as two men in all black, bulky uniforms came in. I stepped back, forming a plan in my head. I glanced between the woman and the two soldiers briefly before they each grabbed one arm. I grabbed the material of their suits and threw them simultaneously into the wall. The wall, to my complete surprise, broke easily, as if it were made from cheap building material. The men did not fall to the street below, or even into a hallway. They fell into a large, dark room. As I jumped over the remainder of the wall, I briefly scanned the room before finding an exit. I ignored the pleas of the woman behind me as I took off towards an unknown destination, desperate to escape wherever I was and whoever took me.

As I ran into a hallway with men in sharp suits and a few women in suit-like attire, I heard the woman's voice echo off the walls. Men and women alike looked at me after hearing the woman's voice, and proceeded to chase me. I turned left and ran, pushing men out of my way and dodging women, desperate to escape now. I reached outside the building and ran past people and into the streets. Tall buildings and small, weird looking cars surrounded me. I turned the direction the cars were heading and ran without a second thought.

I reached an open area with people walking around and stopped, finally taking in my surroundings. The buildings were tall, much taller than I remember. Posters hung everywhere on these buildings, advertising things I had never heard of. I squinted as I watched multiple posters moving, then widened my eyes. I spun, taking in as much as I could before the sound of tires squeaking behind me caused me to turn around. A group of large black cars surrounded me and men jumped out, holding rifles in their hands. I clenched my muscles, ready to fight my way through this.

"At ease, soldier," a man's voice called. I whipped my head around, staring face to face with a dark skinned man wearing an eye patch. His long, black trench coat flapped in the small breeze as he approached me, his lips pressed into a thin line. I let out a heavy breath The men behind him were pushing back the crowd of onlookers. "Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there," he said, his voice full of nothing but compassion as he regained my focus, "but, we thought it best to break it to you slowly."

"Break what?" I snapped, my heart still pounding in my chest. I had only been awake for a few minutes and I was already tired of the secrecy.

The man looked at me, a certain pain in his eyes. "You've been asleep, Cap'." He paused, taking his time to swallow before continuing. "For almost seventy years."

My eyes widened, then furrowed as I looked around. Seventy years? How was that even possible? My breath sped up slightly, my heart pounding even faster. I let out a heavy sigh, shaking my head. The man stared at me as I tried to get my barrings. I turned around, trying my best to soak in the information I just received, but failing miserably. Seventy years?

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah," I respond, not bothering to turn back around. "Yeah, I just..." I trailed off, remembering Peggy in my final moments. My feelings of fear turned to remorse and regret. "I had a date," I finally responded with. I stared at nothing in particular as I let myself feel the guilt of breaking my promise to Peggy, my best girl.


I shut the video off, its black and white pictures immediately switching to a black screen. My own reflection stared back at me, a frown etched deep into my face. I let out a sigh, looking down at the papers in front of me. I slowly grabbed the one on top. I couldn't see anything except the big, red "DECEASED" written on the paper in front of me. I stared at the picture of my friend before slowly sliding it to the left, creating a new pile. The next paper looked the same, except this time, a new face was plastered on it. Deceased. I slid it to the left. As I prepared to grab the next paper, my eyes furrowed. This paper was different. A big red deceased did not cover the page. I looked at the picture, allowing a brief feeling of longing and homesickness crash over me. Peggy Carter.

I glanced at the address and number provided on the paper. I could just pick up the phone right now. I could hear her voice right now. She could help me cope, help me move on. I looked at the phone, which I had now mastered using. All it took was a few numbers. I could do it. I stared at the phone for a moment longer, before scrunching my eyes together. She wouldn't want to see me. I left her, and broke my promise. I looked back at the paper in my hands before hesitantly setting it in the left pile. I picked up a new paper, and a feeling of sadness washed over me. Howard Stark. A good friend. Deceased. I never got to thank him.

I put the paper in the left pile before picking up the last one. Tony Stark. Infamous billionaire, son of Howard Stark. The Iron Man. A genius with a reputation. Although his reputation proceeded him, I couldn't help but notice the charm radiating from him, even in a picture. He looked so much like Howard, it was seemed to suffocate me. I put the paper back down in its own pile, staring at it for a long time.

I stood up, deciding what I need is to take a walk. I put on shoes and a jacket, deciding to go grab coffee. Something normal. I noticed just how busy the streets of New York had become, and just how advance everything around me was. People were yelling and running, signs moved with different advertisements. I glanced around before shaking my head, lowering it as I walked faster towards my destination. A coffee shop with outdoor seating caught my eye. I took a seat as a woman came and took my order, and began a sketch.

The woman who took my order came back, a smile on her face. "You waiting on the big guy?" she asked, looking at my drawing.

"Ma'am?" I replied, not sure what she meant.

"Iron man," she clarified, nodding her head with a smile. She looked up at the tall building in front of Steve. "A lot of people eat here just to see him fly by."

I stared at her. "Right." She gave me a smile. "Maybe another time," I said in mock hopefulness as I dug into my pockets and grabbed some money.

"You can stay here as long as you like," she said slowly, refilling my cup. "Nobody's waiting on you." She began backing away, but smiled over her shoulder. "Plus, we have free wireless."

"Radio?" I asked her, slightly confused.

She just turned back to me with a smile, as if what I said was a funny joke, before helping another customer. A guy behind me turned around. "Ask for her number, you moron," he muttered before turning back around.

I was left confused. She was interested in me? It was just an innocent conversation, how could that guy tell? How would I have even been able to tell? I was never good with women anyways. I finished my coffee, waved down another waitress so I could pay, and left. I got on a bus and went to the gym, as my head was spinning from what just happened and I needed a release.

I threw my bag down and wrapped my hands carefully before I began punching a bag. I punched lightly, scared I would send it flying across the room if I hit it too hard. As I punched, however, my mind began to wander back to Peggy. More specifically, the last thing Peggy had said to me.

"Give me your coordinators," Peggy rushed out, "I'll find you a safe landing site."

I glanced at the bombs being carried in the plane, and the course it was on. Suddenly, I realized what I had to do. I took in a breath. "There's not going to be a safe landing. But I can try to force it down."

"I'll get Howard on the line. He'll know what to do." Peggy's voice sounded soft and desperate.

I shook my head to myself. "There's not enough time."

My breathing became erratic. My punches picked up speed, and my body began to shake.

"Peggy," I said, a certain type of desperation seeping into my voice. "This is my choice." The line was silent as I fished a compass out of my pocket, opening it to reveal a face. The face someone close, someone I trusted with all of my heart. I put it out in front of me, so the last face I saw before I crashed was a comforting one. Taking in a breath, I forced the controls down, causing the plane to start heading down as well. I glanced at the picture. "Peggy."

"I'm here," I heard, just barely over the wind.

I watched the ice approaching me, and couldn't help the fear that filled my stomach. I didn't want to die, I really didn't. But if it saved thousands of lives, then I would give my life over and over again. "I'm going to need a rain check on that dance."

I heard a deep, shuttering breath. "Alright." A pause. "A week, next Saturday, at the Stork Club."

I stared at nothing but the icy end in front of me. "You got it."

"Eight o'clock, on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Understood?"

"You know, I still can't dance." The ice was approaching quickly, and I knew I didn't have much time left.

"I know," Peggy replied, sadness dripping from her voice. "Just be there."

I took in a deep breath, knowing I couldn't make that promise. Instead, I stared ahead, speaking as calmly as I could. "I will always be there for my best-"

The punching bag flung off the hook and across the room as an icy cold took over my body, slamming me back to reality. I let out a few heavy breaths, trying to regain my composure. I turned and grabbed another punching bag, lifting it up so I could hang it where the previous punching bag had been. I began punching again, this time keeping my mind on my form, and not on the 1940's.

"Trouble sleeping?" a familiar voice asked from behind me. I turned to watch Fury approach from the doorway of the room.

"I slept for seventy years, sir," I reply, going back to my punching bag. "I kind of had my fill."

"Then you should be out," Fury walked towards me. "Celebrating. Seeing the world."

I stopped to look at him, then began unwrapping my hand as I walked away, figuring this conversation wasn't going to go away. "When I went under, the world was at war." Fury followed me to my gym bag. "When I wake up, they say we won. They didn't say what we lost."

I packed the wrap into my bag as Fury sighed. "We've made some mistakes along the way. Some very recently."

I looked up at him with confusion before I began unwrapping my other hand. "You here with a mission, sir?"

"I am."

"Trying to get me back in the world?"

I heard papers move. "Trying to save it." I looked up at see Fury holding out a manila folder to me. I put the wrap I had in my hands down as I grabbed the folder cautiously, flipping it open.

In the top corner, a black and white picture was paper-clipped to the file. The Tesseract. "Hydra's secret weapon," I mumbled.

Fury took a deep breath. "Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you." My brows furrowed in confusion, and I looked up at Fury. "He thought what we think. The Tesseract could be the key to unlimited, sustainable, energy. That's something the world sorely needs."

I closed the file and handed it back to Fury. "Who took it from you?"

"He's called Loki. He's..." Fury fiddled with the papers in the folder before continuing, "not from around here." Fury looked at me. "There's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know."

"At this point, I doubt anything would surprise me," I mumbled as I put the remaining wrap back in my bag. I grabbed my gym bag and made my way towards the punching bags on the floor.

"Ten bucks says you're wrong." I didn't turn around, though I smiled slightly. I hefted a punching bag over my shoulder. "There's a debriefing packet waiting for you back at your apartment." I continued to walk past Fury and towards the door, not particularly interested. "Is there anything you can tell us about the Tesseract that we ought to know now?"

I gave my head a slight shake. "You should have left it in the ocean."


A/N: Hey y'all. A few notes before this book actually begins to pick up. I'm gonna use bullet points because those work a lot better for me while organizing thoughts.

- I do not own any of these characters, nor do I own the main plot(obv lol). I just want to put a disclaimer in here so no one freaks out and says I'm not giving credit or whatever.

- These chapters will be about this long each(roughly 2,000 words) because i have to fit an entire movie into this book and I don't think a book with 6 chapter would be very interesting.

- The series will mostly follow the Marvel movies, except this is a Stony AU, so, ya know, Pepper won't be involved with Tony other than a very concerned friend, Steve and Tony will be very aggressive towards each other before they realize they actually like each other because that's just how their personalities clash, and in the end, hopefully if I get to the end, y'all can assume what will happen.

-Although the series follows the main plot of the movies, I will be including some deleted scenes, as long as those deleted scenes help further the plot of the book, or could be used to further Steve's and Tony's relationship. I'm also going to be including some of my own scenes, stuff that isn't in the movie and probably wouldn't be in the movie cause it's too gay, and I might change a few lines to be gayer that it actually is supposed to be.

- So when I say series, I mean I want to make an entire series, from The Avengers 2012 to Avengers: Endgame that just goes back to back off each other. Initially, I wanted to do this as a Romanodgers series, but screw that(as much as I love Romanodgers), it's a lot more fun to write gay fanfics :)

- The fic is only in 1POV because it's hard to write a BoyxBoy fic or GirlxGirl fic in 3rd person cause then you get sentences like "He stared at him lovingly, his hand softly caressing his cheek" and I just get confused lol. If there is a slip up where I say "Steve throws his shield at an enemy creature" or something instead of "I throw my shield at the creature", then my bad I'm sorry dudes and dudettes and all y'all in between.

Hopefully i don't run out of motivation, this A/N is getting way too long, I love all of y'all ! Also, I finally "verified my account"(?) so now I can reply to comments and update my conversation and respond to messages. If I haven't and you're reading this I AM SO SORRY I TRIED I PROMISE I JUST DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO VERIFY MY EMAIL OR WHY THAT WAS IMPORTANT!!! Anyways, I love all y'all, have a great day!

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