Fix You

By Prissy_Peaches

421K 14.5K 17.6K

"And I will try to fix you" More


Epilogue :/

10K 319 493
By Prissy_Peaches


~3 years later~

"William Newton!"

My eyes widened as I dropped the spoonful of cookie dough, turning to face Nicholas. "Good morning!"

He sighs, taking the bowl from me, "you're going to get sick if you eat raw eggs." I scowl as I suck on the spoon. "No more cookie dough."

"But why!" I groaned, reaching for more but he slid it back. "You're being unfair."

"How many times have you gotten sick from raw dough?" My mouth shut as I just huffed in annoyance, tossing the spoon into the sink. "That's what I thought. There's other things to eat. I can make you something."

I smirked, inching closer to him, "your mom made something that I like eating."

He furrows his brows as he reached for my hand, "cookies?"

"Nope." I stand on the tips of my toes, "you." A confused expression remained on his face as he tilted his head in confusion. "Oh my gosh, Nick! I want to eat you."

His eyes enlarges as he stuttered out a small, "oh." Nick pulls me closer to him, hoisting me up by the back of my thighs. A smile appears on my face as he set me on the counter, standing between my legs. "Hm."


"I mean... You can go back to eating the cookie dough if that's the case." I gasped in hurt, slapping his bare chest. "I'm kidding."

His lips brushed against my cheek, "no you weren't."

Nicholas's hazel orbs narrows at me, his fingers wrapping around my thighs. Sneakily, I dipped my fingers into the bowl of cookie dough, scooping out some of the coldness. "William! You're going to get sick."

I sucked on my fingers, making sure I got all the sugaryness off my fingers, "it's worth it." I dipped then back into the bowl, holding them up to Nicholas mouth. "Try it."

With a smirk, he takes the two fingers into his mouth, grazing his teeth along my knuckles. His tongue swirled around the tips of my tongue, making sure he got every last drop of dough.

His tongue danced around my digits, sucking on them, licking up all of it.

"Sexy." I giggle, shoving my fingers farther into Nicholas mouth, rubbing them along his wet tongue. "See, isn't raw things good?"

He nods in agreement, taking the fingers out of his mouth, "I agree."

"Wanna have sex on the balcony?"

Nick laughs at my blunt question, kissing my lips softly with his sugary one. "The neighbors already complains twice this month, baby boy. It's morning too."


He just shook his head, "hm, tonight we can."

I groan, "that's boring!" I leaned across the counter, reaching for the bowl. "If you need me, I'll be eating this while crying."

"No." He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my cheeks gently. "Don't cry."

"I'm gonna."

His forehead pressed against mine, poking his tongue against my lips. "You're a brat." I hummed in agreement, filling the gap between our lips.

Nick's tongue attacked my mouth, licking all the chocolate inside of it. I hum gently against him, moving our mouths.

A loud bark interrupted us as small paws trotted against the kitchen tile. I giggle, looking down at Simon, who was growling lowly.

"He's hungry." Nicholas spoke as he looked at the clock. "Did you only eat cookie dough for breakfast?"

Guilty shrugging, I glance at the clock myself, seeing it was nearly ten. "Possibly."

He sighs, walking to the pantry to grab the dog food at the bottom, "how many times have I told you, don't-"

"Don't eat junk in the morning because I'll feel bad about it later, I know, I know." I grumbled, shoving more cookie into my mouth, taking the moment he was turned around for granted. "I feel perfectly fine, right now."

Nicholas turns to look at me, catching me again. "You're going to be complaining later because you ate it." He pours a cup into a bowl, rubbing the dogs head before he walks back over to me. "Take your meds."

"Uhm, no."

He reached for the spoon, but I stubbornly just place it in my mouth, smiling as I licked it. "Will..." Nicholas groans in annoyance, grabbing a few pill bottles. "Don't forget your vitamins too."

I groan silently, beginning to push capsules into my hands.

I took the supplements with a gulp of water, checking the clock again. I was relieved it was Saturday, so neither of us had to go to work.

"Baby." I hummed in response as I pushed around my eggs, not having much of an appetite today. "You feel alright today?"

I nodded, knowing I was starting to feel sick from the large amount of cookie dough I had. My mind was beginning to swirl with thoughts, yelling at me for eating so much sugar.

I felt physically sick from the thoughts, which didn't add onto the nauseousness.

Even though I have been close to recovering from my disorders, I still seem to get the megative thoughts that I wish would go away like they did years ago when I started taking the new meds.

Each day was different, some days I'd only eat one, small meal and not even finish it. And some days I'll eat 3 whole meals and want seconds at dinner. Its just part of the process.

I was 143 pounds and I finally reached 5"9. (take that Nicholas). My weight still scared me sometimes and I sometimes would wish I was back down below 110, but I knew how unhealthy that was.

I felt... Normal, for once. People wouldn't stare at me for how thin I was, my family wouldn't constantly worry about me, and my boyfriend didn't have to force me to eat (most days).

"Are you feeling sick and bad from the cookie dough?"

I grumble a small, "yes" as I poke at the eggs, finally taking a bite. The warmth ran down my throat, beginning to calm the acidy feeling in my stomach.

Nicholas sends me a smile, kissing the top of his head, "I told you so." I huff in frustration, because he was right. "Wanna wait til lunch to eat?"

I shrug, "I don't want the eggs to go to waste." My eyes wandered to Simon, who was lapping up some water. "Simon!"

His ears perked at my voice, his head snapping towards me. He zooms over to the plate I set down, greedily licking it up.

"Sorry." I apologized, wrapping my arms around Nicholas's waist, rubbing his stomach. "I shouldn't have asked you to make them if I felt sick."

He placed his hands on mine, squeezing them lightly, "it's okay, at least they didn't go to waste." I nodded, warning as Simon gobbles up the last of the eggs. "Go pick a show to watch, I'll be there in a minute."

I flicked through channels, waiting patiently for Nicholas to return from whatever he was doing. My eyes darted to my exposed wrist.

My cutting has gotten somewhat better. I still slip up, but I haven't done anything too bad because I'm still scared to go back to the hospital or possibly kill myself.

I put on a random show, hugging my body, feeling the fat squish underneath it. Whenever I sat, I had rolls (like any normal human being, no matter how skinny they were) but since I gained weight, I started to feel awful about them.

Nicholas would always assure that it's fine, sitting down himself to show that his own stomach rolled.

My boyfriend plops down beside me, instantly noticing the awkward position I was in. He grabbed my arms, kissing my wrist gently as he pulled me towards him.

"What's this?"

I shrug, "some random show, got tired of looking." He chuckles as his arms snaked arm my waist, his chin resting on the top of my head. "Hey, Nick?"


"I love you." I remind him, reaching up to touch his face, feeling the soft stubble. He returns the words, fumbling with the hem of my shirt to occupy his hands.

I gulp softly, my nerves jumping around. Is now the right time? Should I wait until later?

The day went on, Nick and I only watched TV, just enjoying each other's presence. It was soon 6 o'clock and we completely forgot about lunch, not that I minded.

The smell of beef stew floated through the house from when he started it this morning, which was probably what he was doing earlier. Even though the aroma filled the air, we managed to forget lunch.

He takes me into the kitchen with him, instantly running around the grab bowls and silverware for the stew.

I watched in amusement, stirring the pot of food. Nicholas was hectically slamming down dishes, remember to grab something but forgetting a moment later.

"Calm down." I chuckled as he hands me a laddle, panting. "It smells good."

Nicholas smiles, kissing my temple as I scoop some into a bowl, careful not to put so much that I feel sick.

The two of us ate in silence at the table, enjoying the stew too much to speak. My hand was squeezing Nicholas's as I slowly ate, trying not to stall and push it around.

After we finished, we both just sat their for a moment, as if we were waiting for the other to speak. The item in my pocket was burning a hole.

What if it's too soon? What if he doesn't love me anymore? What if he denies it?

I inhaled a breath, "Nick?" He answered with a small,'yes,'. I nervously bit the inside of my cheek, feeling my back pocket. "Can I ask you something?'

He tilts his head, concern spreading on his gorgeous face, "of course, what is it?"

My breaths came out shakily as I cleared my throat, preparing to speak. This is going to be a disaster.

"I know we just moved in with each other exactly 6 months ago and we've only been with each other for 3 and a half years..." My fingers brushed against the jewelry in my pocket. "Nick, you are everything to me. Out of all the words in the world, there is not enough to describe my love for you. There is not enough time in the world to explain how much you mean to me."

I grasped onto the small object, keeping my hand clenched. His eyes were dancing around my face, slightly confused on where I was going with this.

"I love and adore you, everything about you. I love how much of a weirdo you are. I love how you can make me feel so safe and secure. I love how you could just look at me and I will feel better."

I gulp loudly, "you've helped me with so much in the past 3 and a half years and I can't even start on how thankful I am to have you. You saved my life and made me into a happier, better person. You fixed me."

Nicholas smiles at my words, his eyes beginning to turn glassy with tears, "where are you going with this, baby boy?"

I finally open my hand, holding the ring between my fingers. A small gasp left his lips. "We don't have to get married right away, obviously. I mean, hell, we're only 20... But, Nicholas Reeves, Daddy Long Legs, my everything, will you marry me?"

Nick's jaw dropped and so did his tears. He stared at me in awe, flickering his eyes between the ring and I. He let out an unsteady breath. "Baby..."

"If you're not ready, we don't have to." I quickly say, my heart aching slightly. "I understand."

He shakes his head, "no, it's not that. It's just..." His hand reached into his pocket, pulling out a velvet box. My eyes widened as my heart sped up. "I was going to propose to you, that's why I made beef stew, it's the first thing I cooked for you."

Well shit. "Oh." I rubbed the ring in my hand, chewing on my lip.

Nicholas placed the box down, leaning over to kiss my head, "Yes, I'll marry you, William."

I was in utter shock at his words, my stomach dropping as my heart thudded loudly. He said yes! He said yes! He said yes!

My throat closed up as tears of happiness escaped, tickling my cheeks. I open my mouth to speak, but I couldn't. I was too happy to do anything but smile like an idiot.

"Awe." Nicholas smiles, wiping my tears as more left his. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm just so happy you said yes." I whispered, moving from the chair to wrap my arms around him, sliding into his lap.

"Did you think I'd say no?" He chuckles, holding me closely to him, peppering warm kisses on my forehead.

I shrug, "I thought you wouldn't want to or it was too fast..." I pulled away for a moment, grabbing his warm hand. Carefully sliding the ring onto his finger, I smile at the view. "I love you so much, Nicholas. I'm so glad I have you."

Nick flashes his pearly whites before replying, "I love you more, William." After a pause he softly adds;

"I'm so glad that I fixed you•"

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