The Last Of The Revenant

By FrankWeston

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This story takes place at the end of the code vein game and contains major spoilers so be warned and the most... More

The Vow of the Revenants
The Ones Who Saved the World....Long Ago
A New World
What Slumbers Deep Below
The Sad Truth
The Last Heros
An Offer
A New Beginning
The Initiation
Initiation Part 2
A Long Lost Secret
Just another day
Lost In The Void
Time For The Truth
Mentions of the Past
The Burning City
Zoey's Past Part 1
The Queen Wars Part 1
The Queen Wars Part 2
The Queen Wars Part 3
The Queen Wars Part 4
The Queen Wars Finale
Everything was Back to Normal
Some Things are Best Left Alone
Just Another Day
A New Challenger

Zoey's Past Part 2

740 11 1
By FrankWeston

As they all settled down Zoey rummaged through her boxes of stuff pulling out a white envelope with some writing on the front "The Good Times". As she opens it pulling out the photos Ruby asks with mouth full of popcorn "Wait so what are you showing us now?" Zoey smiles but doesn't look up from the pictures "I wanted to show you the people that I would call my friends." She then bites her lip "and who I would even call my family." She then spreads out a large selection of photos of different people then picks one up showing to the others.

"This is Louis he was kinda like the leader of the whole group even though he always said he wasn't." Zoey then reaches for the next photo hesitating for a moment but eventually grabbing the next one.

"This is Yakumo he was like a big tough brother to me and Io but he had a soft side he was also a hell of a fighter toughest person I have ever met."Yang then bumps Blake's arm "wow look at that hunk."Zoey chuckles to herself as she grabs for the next photo

Zoey smiles as she stares at the photo for a while only to be brought back to reality by a shout from Yang "well who is it we are getting bored here." Yang then smiles "my bad this is Mia Karnstain we saved her and her little brother after they she went to live with us." Ruby then turn her head as she raises her hand "wait you said she went to live with you guys did her brother come along too?" Zoey then rubs her neck "that is a good question anyway moving on..." Zoey then grabs for the next photo but Ruby jumps up from her spot on the floor "wait you didn't tell us what happened to her brother!" Zoey then sighs "well long story short it wasn't her brother but a copy of him one that was constantly decaying." The others seem to tilt their heads noticing this Zoey continues "her brother was givin a power and he used it to create a clone of himself to watch over his sister but the clone was bound by death no matter what we did for him it would die."

Zoey looks over the room sensing a deep sadness beginning to form "but don't worry about it he was still alive he just couldn't leave where he was so he made the clone to keep her company." Ruby's face then lit up with a large smile "oh so he was still safe phew I was worried for a moment there." Zoey then chuckled to herself "haha ya safe..." She then grabs for the other photos spread across the table.

She held the next photo up with a large grin "this is Rin Murasame she was our weapons expert anything about a weapon she was the person to go to no matter is ya needed it fixed,upgraded,or even infused she was the one to go to heh she was kinda like Ruby when it came to weapons." Zoey smiled as Ruby nearly spilled her whole bowl of popcorn "really she was like me did she like weapons that much oooh did she make weapons and what do you mean by Infused?" Zoey's smile then slowly faded as she held out her own blade startling the others to its sudden appearance "wait when did you bring that in we didn't see you carry it in?" She turns to see Ren with confused gaze "I don't need to physically store my weapon anywhere a Revenant has tha ability to summon any weapon that they need though there is certain limitations." She clears her throat as she continues "for a Revenant to summon their weapon they must have spilled blood together after this the Revenant and the weapon are then bound together by a blood pact." She slides her hand down the large blades side "after that a weapon can be summoned but most Revenant have multiple weapons in their arsenal I also have a Rifle as well just give me a moment."

A small flash of orange light appears in Zoey's arms as a Rifle appears in her hand the other stare at the weapon as she sets it aside. Zoey then looks to Ruby who had already grabbed the new weapon admiring and drooling on "so you asked what it means to infuse a weapon right." Ruby is snapped out of her daze by the question nodding to Zoey "ok well its like this each Revenant in my world or what used to be my world had what was called a blood code which allowed us our special abilities and powers part of being a Revenant." Weiss than shoots her hand in the air surprising the others "wait so your blood code is kinda like our Semblance if I'm hearing you correctly." Zoey then rubs her chin as she ponders on the idea. "Hmm I guess you are right each Revenant's blood code was specific to them but their was some exceptions." Weiss then tilts her head "what do you mean by that?" Zoey then stands up placing her boot unto the table "I am the exception I was able to integrate other Revenant blood codes into my own." She grins as Weiss's hand shoots up again "but why is that I thought they were all unique?"

Zoey then sits down drinking the last of her soda "yes it is extremely rare and most of the time never happened or the Revenant simply went insane and turned into the lost but mine was and odd case since mine was broken when I was killed." Blake then looks up from her book in front of her "but I thought you said you were undead how did you die?" Zoey's smile then began to fade "well ya see here while we Revenant can be killed and we simply regenerate eventually we can be killed permanently and thats kinda what I thought happened to me?"

The other then exchange looks of confusion and worry. Pryyha then stands up dusting the popcorn off her lap into her empty bowl "what do you mean don't you remember?" Zoey stares at the photos for a moment before replying "well how it goes with a Revenant is if we keep dying we start to lose our memories they are tied to our blood code and since mine was broken entirely I lost all memories before I met Louis and his friends." She then pulls out a old photo in worse condition with the edges burnt and most of the people in the photos unrecognizable due to water damage. "This is the oldest photo I have of myself but I have no clue who the others are in the photo." She then passes the photo to Weiss who then passes it around to the others "you look very different in this photo then how you look now." Yang then passes the photo over to blake as Zoey smiles "ahh yes from what i have found out that photo is extremely old." She then steals a soda from Jaune as he is looking at the picture "but enough about me we are talking about my friends bow we can come back to me later." She then snatches the photo from Nora before placing it back in the box

Zoey then grabs the photo and as she hands the picture to Weiss to pass around she hears a soft gasp "why is it that you people wore such.......revealing clothing?" Zoey then laughs as soda blasts from her nose "Oww that stings hey Weiss give me a heads up before you start telling jokes I was not ready for that one." As Zoey cleans herself off Blake then holds her hand up "no I'm with Weiss on this one why do you guys wear some odd fashion choices that are quite revealing." Yang then snatches the picture from Blake smiling the whole time. "Huh I didn't think about it at the time but I guess it was due to the freedom of movement in the less restricting clothing??" She looks over the photos realizing a small pattern "but frankly I have no idea why I but just personal choice I have never worn anything that revealing though." She rubs her neck as Io taps on her shoulder "Yes you did you wore that one outfit with the purple boots that you were so fond about I even have the photo too." As Io rummages through the box sweat begins to pour down Zoey's face " Io there is no need fro them to see that let's just move on."

She then clears her throat as Io keeps searching "the lady in that photo is Coco she was a merchant in our world you needed something she could get it for you all for a price though." Zoey smiles holding unto the pictures as if she is reliving memories from the past. "She was good at getting anything you could want I mean she even got me a working video game console and I couldn't believe it I was so happy." Zoey smiles as Jaune tilts his head "what was the game like super expensive or just hard to import or what?" Zoey then turns to him "what no it was extremely difficult to get one I mean the world we lived in was all ruins." Ren then chimes in "what do you mean by all ruins?" Zoey then groaned "you guys know its going to take me ages to finish if you ask a question about everything I say." Zoey then pulled out a couple of photos tossing them to Ren. "This is where we lived."

Ren stares at the photos as the others gather around him "yes we lived in a city of pure chaos you couldn't find a single buildng that didn't have some form structural damage." Zoey then clears her throat "so finding a working game console was pretty difficult Jaune." He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck as he apologizes "now where was I oh yes I remember."

"This is Davis he was sent by the provisional government to k
eep an eye on Louis's group he was an OK guy even if he was sent by the government." Pryyha then tilts her head while looking at Zoey but before she can ask Zoey continues

"This is Jack and Eva we met them while we were following a lead on the source of blood beads and well.......they tried to kill us but in our world thats like a hello." She then looked out the window as she continued "they had the job of moving the relics around so they would not corrupt the host also they were just to powerful to be left alone do they had to move them so ensure that no one would go after them." Ruby's hand then shot up startling Weiss "hey hey there you go again saying relics what were these relics?" Zoey sighed as she rubbed her neck "well the relics were these really powerful artifacts that held immense power and were kinda......pieces of a person...."

The room grew silent but was broken by a loud and booming "WHAT!!!!" Zoey turns to see Yang's hair glowing bright red "what do you mean pieces of a person!?!?" Zoey rubbed her forehead trying to find the words "well ya see here the pieces of that person belonged to the queen she was a evil creature and commanded the armies of the lost." Yang had gotten up from the couch and stood in front of Zoey at this point continuing to shout "Even if she was the enemy leader what gives you guys the right to tear her apart and use them as relic pieces!?!?" Zoey stood up standing as close as she could get to Yang's face "we had to do it!" Yang then shoved Zoey "what do you mean by had to that is just gross and morbid!?" Zoey then shoves back "it was the only way to keep her from coming back!!" At this point the others had gotten up and moved toward the two to try and calm them down "you don't even know the sacrifice that the successors had to go through to ensure she would not revive it was a living nightmare one that I'm still living with each of us had to take something!!" Zoey's eyes had turned a bright red matching Yang's hair as she moved closer to her "We had no choice if we didn't do that she would have revived and reeked more havoc." Yang's hair had returned to her blond color as she listened to Zoey "each successor has the burden of carrying a piece of the queen within themselves it claws at us trying to reunite with the other parts it slowly drives us insane and WE HAD TO DO IT FOR THE GREATER GOOD!!" At this point even Io was trying to calm Zoey down. Yang had backed off and so had the others as they noticed Zoey's eyes had turned a bright glowing blue as another voice seemed to lay on top of her own "and one day I will be reborn." Yang then steps closer to Zoey as she slowly calms down and her eyes return to normal "I'm sorry I...I just thought from all the stuff you have told us so far I thought it was just a morbid trophies I didn't know the truth." Zoey groaned as she sat back down in her seat "no I'm sorry too I forget that this world and time are very different from my own and I should explain things more thoroughly." Ruby then walks over to Zoey giving her a large hug "its ok Zoey while we are here we will help you with anything we are here for you." Zoey's head then shot up as she began to dig through her other box tossing other trinkets and oddities around "well if you mean that then how about you help me figure out my past before I met Louis." Ruby was confused to say the least as Zoey slammed a large iron cage unto the table.

The gem inside was dark red and jagged giving off a dark and sinister aura as they stared at the crystal a woman's voice cried out from it "please help me I don't want to die!" They were taken back as another voice followed it "you're resolve was truly....admirable now sleep well old friend." As the voices ended a loud bang was heard from within and the crystal's red glow slowly faded to a deep red hue. Zoey smiled while looking the others "yep this is a vestige it is the memories of a Revenant and this one is mine." Blake then turns to her "so that women at the end there was that you?" Zoey then chuckles "I think so it sure sounds like me and I have heard the crystal say some other things also I feel an unnatural compulsion to this one unlike the other ones I have come across in my travels." Zoey then holds her hand out to them as she shouts in a heroic pose "now will you help me discover my lost past oh and don't worry when we go into my memories it will be like time on the outside stops."

She then began to undo the many bolts and screws holding the iron cage together "so what do you guys say you want to take a delve into my memories and help me discover who I was its completely harmless I promise." The two teams then form huddles discussing the idea within themselves as Zoey unscrews the last bolt and grabs the Crystal with her bare hand "well what do you guys say yes or NO AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" they turn to see the crystal's jagged edges had become spikes shooting through Zoey's hand and began to glow a deep red as she screamed. "I FORGOT ABOUT THIS PART AHHHH!!" Blake jumps to help Zoey drop the Crystal but is stopped by Io "she can do this she has done it before just give her a moment." But as she says this the door behind them swings open to reveal Glynda and Professor Ozpin "what is the meaning of all this!?!?" But as Ruby is about to answer the room is engulfed in a bright light.

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