The Power Within Us (unedited)

By Edna_mode123

567 50 26

Mira Ocean your average seventeen year old girl that lives with her single mom, four other siblings and her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

chapter 4

38 4 2
By Edna_mode123

"MIRA! Your 5 minutes late!" My new manager Randy scolded.

I bit back my tung and welcomed the beautiful warmth.

I rubbed my arms, brrr. I'm starting to regret lending mom my car.

Why did her car have to break down?I told her she needed to check her engine but did she? Noo!

I had to walk to work with a thin jacket and dress.

Randy somehow convinced Macy to change the dress code. Now I have to wear a French maids outfit.To say the least I'm not happy.

It's freezing!

I clocked in and started working.
Customer after customer came in, for sure it's going to be a long day.

"Mmk have a nice day!" I said to the nice man and his child. I sighed, only a few hours left.

I began clearing my table from the dirty dishes. I grabbed a towel to wipe down the table.

I slip and I close my eyes bracing for impact.

It never came.

"Falling for me already princess?"

You've got to be kidding me.
I snort out, "You wish! Do I look like some damsel in destress?

"By the way can you please let me go?" In calm manner I asked.

He looks at our position and gently puts me back on my feet.

"Where's the management's office?"

"Down the hall to the right." I said dusting off my dress.

By the time I look up, he's gone.
I shrug it off, it's none of my business.

I just continue cleaning.

When I finished mopping, Randy came out of his office with Evan.

"Mira, this is Evan he'll be your new coworker"


"Ocean, since you've got plenty experience I leave him under your wing."

I bit my lip and nod.

If I could I would throw boiling hot water at both of them.

"C'mon let's get you your uniform." Yanking his arm I took him to the closet.

"Woah there princess, slow down! I know we just met but let's take our time to get to know each other before we take our clothes off."

"Ow!! What was that for?" He said rubbing a spot on his forehead."

"You... You idiot! I'm not like that, I'm just here to show you where the male uniforms are."

I sighed.

"J...just get changed, bathrooms are that way." I pointed to the right.

"No, No! Are you crazy you don't cut lemons like that!"

"What's the big deal there just lemons?"

"Your going to cut your fingers off like that." - I grab another lemon - "Here do it like this." I show him the proper way to cut the lemon.

He stares at me ready to say something but the phone rings.
"Just finish chopping it up, I'll answer it."

I leave him to it and answer the phone. "Macy's Diner, how can I help you?"

"Mira honey, work has me held up I won't be able to give you a ride."

"It's okay I'll find another way to get home. See you later."

I ended the call and sighed. I'll just have to walk again.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just want this day to be over already." I glance down at my watch, only 30 minutes left till my shift is over.It's been a slow day maybe Randy will close early. Who knows maybe I might get a ride.

It was like someone was watching me and heard my silent wish. The next thing I know Randy is ordering us to clean up early because we're closing.

"C'mon Evan we've got some work to do." I said, walking down to the waiters station.

"Goodnight everybody see you tomorrow." Randy said closing the front doors.

I just nod tightly hug my arms in my thin jacket. I don't particularly look at what my coworkers are doing, I just took a deep breath in and start walking. In car I'd be 10 - 15 minutes away but walking would be another story. It also didn't help that it was dark or the fact that I lived in the middle of nowhere.

Hopefully I could manage but my luck hasn't been too good these past few days.

I was just about to pass 1 block, when I hear a engine near by.

"What are you doing?" Evan asked.

"Walking." I replied shortly. Turning my head, I see a black Ford 150.

"Don't you have a car?"

"At the moment no."

He stopped his car, "hop in then."
Now normally I wouldn't take his offer especially since he's practically a stranger but I felt numb. So, I opened his car door and told him my address.

I shivering bad when I got in so, he blasted the heat.

Just maybe ... Just maybe Evan isn't so bad at all.

A message to my readers:

Guys I just have a lot going on right now. I want to be able to post sooner but I don't really think that's going to happen. I'll try posting at least every other 2 weeks, no promises. On a happier note, I'm already working on chapter 5. So be on the lookout for a sneak peak!

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