1:45 A.M

By rosesareblue01

165K 4.8K 765

What's so special about this time? Even Scarlett Adams wondered. After witnessing the death of her parents a... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight

Chapter thirty-nine

2.3K 70 8
By rosesareblue01

This was supposed to be an epilogue, but once I was done with it; I realized that it was the longest chapter I've ever written so the epilogue will be up tomorrow or after this update.

Enjoy the very long chapter.

Chapter thirty nine: three years later.


three years later...

"I can't believe that this is happening," I jumped excitedly.

Annabelle sat on my bed with a grin on her face, "me too, I'm so happy for you!"

"I'm going to miss you, Anna," I pouted, sitting next to her.

"I'm going to miss you more, Scar," she hugged me, and I hugged her back. "But this is your dream, you deserve it."

I smiled at her, I heard the door open, and we both turned to see who, it was my dad.

"Hey, sweetie," he walked over to us.

Dad couldn't remember anything from the past, but he did his best to remember, however; he didn't. He didn't care about the past, he said that he didn't mind not remembering, because he'd be here with me until the end. He didn't show me, but I knew that he was upset over the fact that his 'wife' was in prison. Even though he didn't remember, he tried so hard to make me feel loved, and he surely did make me feel like I have a father who never left.

Oliver accepted to live with us when he graduated from university, he said that he'd help with the rent as long as he had a bit of privacy. However, Noah politely refused to move in, something about the condo he's living in and how expensive it was. In addition, Noah got married three months ago. He married a girl named Camila, she's Hispanic and she's 25 years old, she's really gorgeous and I don't know how she agreed to marry him; Noah is not a good looking man, maybe because I'm his sister.

By the way, I'm just kidding.

On the other hand, Oliver didn't want to date until he wanted to settle down, and until he found the right one. He wanted to find a proper job, and he wanted to save money to buy his dream house and car, then he wanted to get married and have kids with the girl of his dreams.

When they all wanted to find a good job and get married, I wanted something else in life. I wanted to live in Stockholm, Sweden. I felt like it, and I wanted to live in a different country. I was only going to stay there for a couple of years, not forever. I had to make a decision though, because Chase refused to leave his family, but he also refused to let me stay because this was my dream to live in a different country.

I understood that he didn't want to leave his family, but I didn't want to give up yet, I asked him everyday if he wanted to move with me, but he kept refusing until I respected his final decision.

Chase attended the university of California, but I didn't attend University when I graduated, I took a one year break, and then I decided that I'll continue my study in Stockholm. My dad wasn't going to let me move alone, so he decided that he'll come with me.

I finished packing a couple of days ago, and I was finally ready to move on with my life. We were going to have a dinner with the whole fam, so we all went to Joey and Eleanor's because we were so many that restaurants do not really appreciate it.

We walked to their house, because it was literally close to ours. I knocked on the door, and Luke opened. I teared up when I saw him, he grew up so fast. He's taller than me now, he grew his hair a bit, it reached way under his ears, a smile crept on his face as he wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me closer.

"Even though I see you every single day, I know that won't last forever," he whispered.

"I'm only one call away," I shuffled his hair, as we pulled away.

"And 8,875 kilometers away," he frowned.

"You did some research!" I laughed.

"Of course," he nodded. "Come in, stupid me."

We entered their house, and nothing had changed. The smell of Eleanor's cook flew into my nostrils, and I smiled as I saw Tyler stand in front of the tv with his seven months daughter. He had a baby before he got married which made Joey and Eleanor mad, what made them both madder, is that the mother of the baby left her alone with Tyler, and refused to take care of her, because when she got pregnant, she wanted an abortion, but Tyler being a good guy; he refused and accepted to be a single father to his baby.

I walked to him, and took the baby from him, and half hugged him because I was holding her. Her name's Addison, and she was the cutest baby ever. "I'm going to miss her the most."

"I've known you my whole life, and you're going to miss her the most?" He gasped.

"I'm addicted to her, I'm sorry," I awed.

"You've arrived!" Eleanor's squealing interrupted us, I turned around and saw how tired she looked.

"Ellie," I groaned. "I told you to call me before you start cooking."

"You're moving tomorrow, we can't weaken you," she hugged me.

"I don't mind," I grinned at her. Standing behind her was Chase, he had a sad smile on his face.

"Scar," he walked over to me, and he cupped my cheeks. "I know we've broken up last night, because of you moving and all, but I have to kiss you."

"Baby present, BABY PRESENT!" Tyler grabbed the baby from me, and ran to the kitchen.

We all laughed, I rolled my eyes at Tyler. I looked at Chase, and placed my hands on his. "But that would make things harder, Chase."

"Weren't you the one who told me that if we ever broke up it'd be because of me?" He asked.

"I know, but-"

"I'm sure that everything that was good has to come to an end, and I know that it might be hard to still be friends when you move away, it's impossible," he said, removing his hands from my cheeks. "Just know that it's not my fault that we're not together anymore, remember that you're the one that left me first, we had the whole world in our hands... when you leave, just know that you're dead to me, and you'd be my worst memory."

My eyes widened at his words, "Chase."

"After what you did to me, you wasted my time," he backed up, tears filling his eyes. "It's funny because you were the one who was scared, you were the one who didn't want us to break up. I'm happy that you're leaving us, and I won't miss you at all. You literally wasted my fucking time, you were never in love with, were you? You didn't love me as much as I loved you, right? You took advantage of how much I loved you, I should've known."

I gasped, "what are you doing? Where are you going with this? Chase, I love you so much, but you and I know that this is not going to work when I'm five thousand miles away from you. I thought you were okay with this, I don't understand your mood swings, I really don't."

"That just proves my point," he shrugged.

I watched him as he ran back to his room, I didn't know how to react, honestly.

"Scar, you know how Chase is, it's because you're moving, and he doesn't want to love you that much when you're away," Leo spoke, I didn't even know he was here. "He didn't want to feel as if he was stuck, just how he broke up with you when he went to visit Cameron, he'll come around again, I promise."

"No, Leo," I shook my head. "I won't be here for him once he comes back around, if I want to move on with my life, then I'll have to keep him in the past, and that's what I want to do."

"But you have to understand where he's coming from," Leo said. "He dreamt that he'd live his whole life with you, he wanted to live with you, he wanted to marry you, he didn't want to lose you, he really loves you, Scar."

I looked down and held back the tears, "I'm sorry, Leo, I'm sorry for what I put him through. I'm sorry that I made him feel like he's alone in a game of two, but I know that if he we're really meant to be, I'll find him again, because trust me when I say that I can't compare him to any boy because they're nothing like Chase, I know I won't be able to find someone like Chase, someone who loves me as much as he does, and I'm not saying that I'm looking for someone, because I'm not."

"Tell that to Chase, Scar, not me," he frowned.

"I know he's listening," I said. "I'm hurt that I hurt him, Leo, I felt lost now, I... I don't know what to feel, how to react."

"You know what? If he wants to feel that way, if he wants to be such a baby, then let him be," Noah walked into the living room, and we all just looked at him. "What? I'm hungry and I've been craving Eleanor's food for so long, I can't let Chase get in between food and I, I'm not Scar, I do not let a human come in between my dream and I."

I looked down as everyone walked to the dining room, I felt someone pat my shoulder as he walked away.

Chase had a dream, he let it go because of me.


Next day came by so fast, I woke up with tears in my eyes. I said my goodbyes last night, I hugged them all, and we all couldn't stop crying. That was why when I looked at the mirror, my eyes were red and puffy.

I got ready, and grabbed my bags from the floor, I carried them downstairs to see dad, Joey, Oliver, Noah, Leo, Tyler, Luke, and Chase. They were helping us put our last boxes in the truck, we did send some of the boxes to Stockholm earlier this week, so we wouldn't have to worry about it all today.

I stood in front of them as they all gave me sympathy looks, I smiled at them, trying to avoid their looks that were creeping me out.

When we were all ready to go, I hugged all of them again, and let tears take control of me. I even hugged Chase, the hardest goodbye.

"I'm going to miss all of you," I cried.

"It'll be okay, you'll come back and we'll see each other again," Chase whispered. "Hopefully."

"I will come back, and I'll see you all again, I promise," I sniffed.

"We have to go now, or we'll be late," dad spoke.

I nodded, as I took a last look at Chase and the boys. "I love you, and I'll miss you."

"We love you more, and we'll miss you even more," Leo cried as he hugged me.

I sobbed in his arms, "I'm sorry for leaving."

"It's your dream, okay? Don't be sorry," Joey said.

"One day I'll be around, and I know that this is crazy, I know that I can't stay, because it's late, but I'll always be there for you, even if it was three in the morning there in Sweden, call me if you want," I looked at them, then I looked at Chase. "Always call me at 1:45 AM, whether it's here or in Sweden, okay? I might be far, but I'm always going to be there for you."

"Scar, we'll be late for our flight," dad said.

"Goodbye, guys," I smiled at them. "I'll see you guys again soon, okay?"

They all nodded, I caught Leo and Chase wiping tears away, and Luke who had tears in his eyes.

I walked away from them, I gave them my back, and I got into the car. The driver drove to the airport, it was quiet in the car, the music in the car was the only sound that was heard.

Dad gave me his hand from the passenger to hold onto, and I did. I let the tears fall, as I remembered all the things the boys and I had.

We were running to get ice cream, we were racing who can get there the first, and the last person who reached had to pay for us, which was Luke. Until he grew up, Leo was the one who kept paying for our ice cream.

Or when we sat in the park, watching the girls scream when boys look at them. Or when we warm up in front of the fire, or when the snow falls, we'd throw snowballs at each other in the backyard.

I'd be 5000 miles away from all the memories we had, I wasn't okay with the 5000 miles away from home. I kept imagining if I called Chase or the boys to know more about their day, but they're asleep and they had their phones on silent. Or when Leo get married, and have kids; I won't be able to attend his wedding, I won't be able to watch Addison grow up.

I got interrupted from my thoughts when we reached, i got out of the car and made my way to the trunk. I grabbed my things and tried to take my dad's things as well but I'm not that strong.

A random man gave us a cart, and we thanked him. We placed our stuff in the cart, and dad pushed the cart inside the airport and I followed him.

We were walking around, going to the desk where we'd give them our bags, but I stopped walking. "Dad!"

Dad turned around and gave me a look, "what's wrong, sweetie?"

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" I asked.

Dad looked taken back from the question, "I don't know."

"This is not a good idea, is it?" Tears streamed down my face, dad let go of the cart and walked over to me.

"Darling, if you don't want to move, then we can just go back," he wiped the tears with his thumbs. "It's not too late."

"I don't know what to do," I cried. "I want to go to Stockholm, but I think it's selfish of me to go and leave my family behind. I think it's wrong from me that I let go of the family who saved me, who taught me, who played games with me in the street."

"Decide quickly, because we'll be Kate for the flight," he said.

I nodded, "okay, let's do this."

I sighed as I looked in front of me.










We were in the car, heading to the house. I was waiting for us to reach, I was excited. I wanted to see, I wanted to laugh, I wanted to smile.

Once we reached, I got out of the car so fast, and I ran to the brown door. I knocked on the door, and waited for it to open.

Opening the door was Luke, his eyes widened. "SCAR?! YOU'RE BACK!"

"I told you I'll see you again soon," I laughed, he hugged me so tight. Running to us was Leo, I laughed when I saw his reaction.

"W-What? I'm confused, help me! Aren't you supposed to be in the plane right now as we speak?" He gasped.

"I couldn't give you guys my back, that would be not cool at all," I hugged Leo.

"You gave up your dream for us?" Leo smiled.

"You're more important than my dream," I chuckled. "And dreams do change, but our family will never change."

Luke's eyes lit up, "FINALLY!"

"I'm calling everyone!" Leo ran upstairs. "GUYS, SCAR IS BACK! I REPEAT, SCARLETT IS BACK!"

"Although one person is not here," Luke looked at me. "Chase went for a run."

"Oh my god, Scar!" Tyler ran to me and held me in his arms. "I thought you're gone?"

"I decided to stay, I want to stay here with you," I hugged him back. "You guys are my dream."

"S-scar?" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I turned around and saw Chade standing there with the same clothes from earlier, I smashed my lips onto his, and I knew he was taken back from the action, but then cupped my cheeks with his hands, and returned the kiss.

We pulled away, and he looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"

"I can't let you go," I placed my forehead on his. "I love you so much."

He smiled widely, "I love you even more, I'm sad that you let go of your dream, but I'm more happier that you're here with me."

"I'll always choose you," I smirked. "I had to remind myself that you and I held more memories, more feelings than anyone."

He leaned in, and placed a kiss on my lips that filled my body with butterflies and fireworks.


I... this is the the longest chapter- what?

The epilogue will be up tomorrow, probably.

This chapter took a whole day, you're welcome.

Anyway, thank you guys for reading my story!!!:)

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