Confessions of a Killer

By KRiaWrites

714 19 8

Sequel to Confessions of a Wanton Charlotte St. James is a killer. In a post-human world where there are onl... More

Authors note
1 High Voltage
2 Dragons Breath
3 Rats
4 Flamethrower
5 "Dont try this at home"
6 Seeking warmth
7 Insults
8 Trackers
9 "Make love?"
10 Nope-Town
11 Lack of Control
12 Double Trouble
14 Tangible Evil
15 Internal horrors
16 Jassholes and weaknesses
17 Fire Power
18 Red meets Black
19 Consequences can be fun
20 Thunder storms
21 Nightmares
22 Screw the bad
23 levity
24 revelations
25 I got you, babe
26 Dollface
27 Flame of my flame
28 Unexpected kindness
29 Meeting at 'The bar'
30 'I was going to use that later'
31 Bloody communications
32 Connections
33 Mind-linked to the enemy
34 Bogey on your six
35 'Mine'
36 Well, screw me sideways
37 Dirty girl
38 Similarities
39 Stalemated
40 Arguments, Ceremonies, and Jasper

13 Mental Birds

19 1 1
By KRiaWrites

Eli: photo above; POV below;

'Well this should prove interesting.'

Her hand is hot against my arm. The warmth spreading to parts I won't cover. If I didn't already have a prior engagement I'd fuck this woman in a heartbeat.

This entire encounter has been bizarre. The only person I've seen with eyes like that Is Alpha Killian, Brady's fucking uncle.

Are they cousins? Fucking weird. Gross.

Can't be.

"Don't touch him." Jax spewed, pulling that hot piece of ass closer to his body.

Ah, Brady's always possessive over things he thinks are his. Never played well with others in the sandbox either.

Still. She's the hottest looking black chick I've ever seen. Maybe she's black? Even in the darkness surrounding us I can see that her skin the color of dark chocolate with caramel motherfucking highlights that makes me want to lick every inch of that delectable body to see if she tastes as good as she smells. And Her smell is damn fiiine. Her ass looks sweet and round. The lack of tits the only downside.

"Why?" She asked coyly. Her hand hasn't left my arm. I'm tempted to step closer. Little tits or not. She's fucking hot as hell.

Fucking Brady is taking up too much space.

"Because I don't like it."

"I don't mind." The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them.

Fuck it. I'll roll with it.

"She can touch me anywhere she pleases."

"Fuck off Kincaid."

"Not a chance. I'd fuck her though."

"I'd fuck you both." Maze interjected, her thumb rubbing against my shoulders now, reaching for my neck.

Oh sweet baby Jesus this woman's touch is like fuel to my fire.

Brady pulled her away. The growl from my throat almost surprises me. Almost. I want this bitch to touch me. Not him.

"What the fuck Maze?!"

"I'd like to..." she sounds pouty. Her lips stuck out like that makes me wanna nibble on them.


"Sorry babe. Not happening." I say. Hard lines are not to be crossed. Dudes don't get in my bed, even if there is a babe involved.

"You're cute, but not that cute. Anytime you want me alone though... just say the word." I wink.

"You sure? Could be fun." Maze purrs. Her legs are still wrapped around Brady like a fucking vice. The way he's looking at her I can tell they haven't fucked.

He sure wants to though.

Fuck, I can't get in the middle of this.

I've got priorities dammit.

"I don't share my ladies with other men." I state.

"Likewise." Brady spouts. His gaze is cool as he surveys me. The mental bird I flip at him turns his glare to ice. If he had the power I'd be frozen. 'Let it go' isn't a phrase in Brady's vocabulary.

Stubborn asshat.

Brady can read minds though. That's fucking cool.

"We could be a reverse Oreo. Cream on the outside chocolatey goodness in the center." Maze grins at us both. I bet she does have a pretty sweet center. But share it with Brady...?

Fuck that.

"I'm going to drop you." He states, releasing his hands around her waist. She clung to him harder.

Fuck. That could be me right now, with those delicious looking arms wrapped around me. I wouldn't let go.

"Let her go Brady. I'll give her a taste of cream she'll never forget."

He wrapped his arms back around her and stomped away. It's so fun, fucking with his head. Laughing I jog to catch up.

I'm getting hard thinking of this woman. I'm sure Brady can smell how much I want her and it's pissing him off more. Good.

Maybe it's not such a bad-! Nope. I don't fucking share.

'Go ahead of us.' Wolves around us dispersed as I speak through the mindlink.

"Awww don't do that. Please Jax, Don't drop meee." Maze pouts. Fucking adorable. Thick lips would look great on my dick.

"Don't worry honey I'll catch you." I wink at her. The blush on her face makes me want to bite my damn knuckles.

What is with this chick?

"Keep your dick away from her Kincaid."

"Looks like she hasn't ridden yours yet Brady. Don't claim things that aren't yours."

"Boys, boys... plenty of me to go around." She states nuzzling the fuckers neck.

"No." We state together. I chuckled. Brady looks pissed that he agreed with me. First time for everything I suppose.

"Awwww." Maze snuggled closer to the moody fuck.

"Don't do that if you're going to go fuck other people." Brady stated. "Especially this fuckface. He's been known to leave women wanting." He glared at me before stroking her hair. It's straightened, glossy and a soft black color. I bet her hair smells fucking delicious.

"It does asshat. Back off." He hissed.

I nearly stumbled.

Did she... get under his skin? He'd read that little tid-bit from my eyes and answered.

No one ruffles Jaxon Brady's proverbial feathers.

I've tried for years.

Fuckers a stone wall with the amount of emotion he lacks. No way through.

If he wasn't such a broody bastard I might have liked him as a friend.

I won't share chicks with him though.

Hard line.

"Don't get possessive." She whispered softly.

Possessive over a chick? Brady?! We're still talking about the same guy right? This guy doesn't give a fuck about anyone who isn't family. Only about objects he thinks are his. He's not looking at her like she's an object though. He's got that look.

Like he's a fucking fish and her hooks are in deep.

Fuck that white noise. I'd peel away and go back if I didn't have to meet with the Alpha.

"I'm not. You run away again and I'm not going to chase you."

He fucking chased her... must be serious.

I suddenly lose the desire to fuck her. Maybe it's the lack of touch. More likely it's the need to fuck with Brady's head more. I chuckle.

This is going to be fuuuun.

"Maybe it's time I chase you..." Maze whispered into Brady's ear. If she's trying for quiet she failed.

The look on his face makes me wanna roll around laughing my ass off. He's trying to hide his desire, but I can fucking smell it. As if I don't already know the dudes a goner.

The light hits us like a beacon as we step out of  the forest. Some of my wolves have already changed back into their human forms, speaking to those around the bonfire.

Of bodies.

What the actual fuck?!

"What are you doing here Eli?" Maddox Stanton, a man I'd been arrested by on numerous occasions asked as he sauntered up to us.

"I'm looking for Grace." I state. Fully aware that I'm naked in front of this cop. Makes me want some damn clothes. Or to swing my dick around like a helicopter making flying noises. I choose maturity and stand as if I hadn't been thinking of dancing around.

"She died this morning. We didn't bury her yet, figured Jasper could bring her back to your pack when he leaves." Stanton is shorter than me, more bulky and doesn't take shit. Intelligence seeps from his pores. Empathy too.

This guys got a bleeding heart. I don't know how he made it as a P.O.

Obviously he didn't. They're all fucking fugitives now from what I heard. Even our fearless leader Damien Knight.

I wonder what he's got planned.

"Ah, Jas is here? What skirmish? I heard her distress call. She was waiting here for your arrival when you all left New York." I don't even pretend to not know the situation.

I'd felt the fucking power Damien gave out earlier this morning. I'd been with this chick with tits the size of melons and Id fucked her into a state of oblivion that I want to repeat again and again.

Though not with her.

Chicks get clingy when you do too good a job.

"Yep, your fuckhead of a brother showed up before the fight." Brady growled.

"Killian sent the rats after us too. It seems that he's unhappy that we left. And that the twelve escaped too." Maddox grinned. He's so serious all the time it nearly throws me off guard.

"I see." I look at the woman clinging to Brady a little harder.

Is she one of the twelve? Notoriously good at fucking 'cause they had so much practice with their boss.

"Where's Alpha Damien?" I ask finally. If Grace is dead then that means we need to talk even more so.

"Eli! Damn good 'ta see ya boy! Dame' is Busy." Heath chuckled looming up behind Officer Stanton. The Scottish man is a fucking riot. Parties like a fucking mad man.

That brunette of his makes him settle down to a scale I hope never to aspire to. If I have any say, I'll be a bachelor for life. I'm not that lucky. I get to go home and mate with a shrew.

"Doing what?" I ask grinning. I know it's not my business, but the exploits of others always makes for a good distraction. Heath knows it's not my business. Alpha Damien is almost never too busy when we arrive.

Unless he's got someone under him.

"Get some clothes on boy." Heath throws clothes at me. They'll be too big. I shrug them on anyways, grinning. No reason to be naked if I'm not going to shift. Or fuck. Officer Stanton looks a little relieved now that my dick is out of sight.

I'd been arrested for streaking once. He'd been the one to handcuff me. I'd tea bagged his back seat laughing my ass off.

"Where's my brother?" Asking this question makes Maddox and Heath look at each other with a look of disgust.

Geeze. What did that asshole do now? If the stuffy ass wolf cop and the rule breaking Mt. Lion have the same look he must have seriously fucked some shit up.

"Passed out in the warehouse, with his mate." I didn't hear Alpha Damien come up. Fuckers good at that.

Our pack is known for its ninja-like skills but Alpha Damien Knight is pretty much the Motherfucking King. He'd named my brother the 'Boogeyman' but the only one I'm afraid of is him.

He's a fucking Demon in men's clothing when you piss him off.

"His mate? He doesn't have one." Scoffing while trying to hide my unease makes him raise a brow. I know he's not fooled.

"He does now." Shit. He looks livid.

What the fuck did you do Jasper?!

"Who the fuck did he mate with?!" I ask instead. Neutral ground. I hope.

"My daughter..." Alpha Dallas Wrathborne joins our little circle. We're standing around looking like we're about to hold hands and sing Kum ba yah or some shit. Or brawl.

So many rogues in one place always makes the tension high. Especially since Alpha Damien doesn't seem to give a flying fuck what fucking genus you are.

Fucking weird. Though, Jas and Ari together is a damn good thing. I always thought he'd be too stubborn to actually go through with it. Ari's a hot piece of ass that I'd tap in a heartbeat. She's my brothers now though... and I'm standing in front of her father.

"....seems we will be having that alliance after all." Alpha Dallas finished.

"A good thing to hear." I state. And it really is. The jaguars and my pack have been at odds for forever. Even Alpha Damiens peace treaty between us didn't stop the hate crimes. He'd had to come and break up the skirmishes a few times.

Fucking scary, scary man.

Now we'll be bound together against a common foe. About fucking time my older brother pulled his head out of his ass.

That dead bitch from his unit isn't coming back. Shouldn't have gotten his dick wet with that one if you ask me. She brought nothing but trouble.

I guess if I was stuck in the desert with six other men and a hot piece of ass I'd be tempted.

I don't fucking share though. My big bro really fucked up with that one.

"Maze are you ok?" A mighty fine woman rushed out from behind Alpha Damien, speaking worriedly up to Maze and Brady. Maze is still clinging to him like a spider monkey.

Sheesh. How does he stand it? She's at least a stage 8 clinger.

"I'm fine." Maze snuggled closer into Brady's arms.

Is that a fucking smile on his face?

"She's not Char." Brady stated. Smile gone, looking meaningfully at the woman.

Char? Why does she seem familiar?

"You're right. she isn't. It probably hurt when she fell from heaven." I state.

Stir the pot? Don't mind if I do.

"The fuck you say?" Brady spat at me. I chuckle. I've never seen the bastard so riled up before. He must have a major hard on for this chick.

"I didn't fall, I crawled up from hell." Maze purred. Surprising everyone.

"That's why you're so hot." I laugh. She's a fucking riot. Maybe I do want her.

"So fuck me then." I freeze. Did she just...?

"No." Brady states at the same time as I say "Sure."

It earns me that freezing glare again. Making me grin back cheekily. Get under his skin and fuck this chick? Oh man.

"Are you going to?" Maze asked quietly to him.

Say no Brady. Say no!

"'re a piece of work you know that." He says instead.

"You've no idea." Maze whispered.

"I don't enjoy the thought of sharing... if you want me, you get me, but only me..." He said coldly. "...Or get to stepping."

I can see the looks of shock around me as Brady unhooks her fingers and puts her legs down on the ground. She doesn't look happy now.

"I... fuck."

Shit... is she going to cry?

"He's not wrong princess. Can't have your cake and eat it too." I state softly. I can't stand when chicks cry. I don't know what to fucking do when that happens.

"A girl can dream right?" Maze said sadly.

Ah... so fucking cute. Her skin looks even more dazzling in the sunlight. The caramel hues I saw in the forest shimmer slightly, her eyes a fucking warm silver, Lips like a fucking goddess. And she's tiny. Makes me wanna do the caveman thing and protect her kinda small.

"Well... I actually have someone I'm supposed to mate with. I'm not really up for grabs princess." Telling her this will hopefully let her know... as much as I may want to, I can't. Didn't stop me this morning but...

Fuck, I really want to.

"Eh. Worth a shot." She said.

I'm mildly offended. She just tossed me aside.

"Was it?" Brady sounds angry.

Uh oh.

Big man got a chick under his skin.

"It's like that one ladies song- I got one less problem without chuu." Heath sings. Butchering the song with his Scottish brogue, hips swaying dramatically as he pantomimes the dance the tiny lady responsible for the atrocious song does.

"I'm not a problem." I laugh. Seeing the Scot dance around while singing is a fucking riot!

"Yes you are." Brady retorts. That glare is back.

Eh, maybe.

"I like doing problems." Maze pipes in hopefully.

"You don't quit do you?" Brady seems even more pissed.

Is it... more than infatuation?

"It's a flaw." Char says laughing. "She's too small to have more than one emotion at a time." Maze slapped her arm, looking petulant. Fucking cute as hell. I agree. That tiny ball of fury couldn't possibly hold anything else.

I wonder what she looks like when she comes...

"Sorry sorry She's fun sized." Another slap , harder this time. Char laughed louder.

"Tiny little devil in a woman's body." Damien stayed wrapping up Char in his arms and pulling her away from the open hand that threatened harm.

Ah, I see what he was busy with now. He's got a mate of his own.

Fucking hot chicks everywhere man. Where was I when these beauties were introduced? Why can't I have one?

'Cause you've fucked around too much.' Brady's voice echoes in my skull. Reverberating an opinion that makes me give him a glare of my own.

"Am not." Maze interjected.

"Are too." Brady muttered.

I scoff. "As much as I'd like to watch your petty argument, I came here to bring back my pack member." I state at Alpha Damien. "Though it seems that she's dead."

His jaw twitched.

"My brother available?" The twitch turned into a clench. Jasper must have really fucked up. Damien usually lets him get away with murder.

"He's inside." Damien seethed. "Take the prick and go."

"My daughter stays with me Alpha Damien." Dallas interjected.

"She's mated now." Damien stated. "It's up to her, and her mate what she does or does not do. You know how we do things."

This man is a good leader. Brought the fucking rogues together and gave them purpose and a fair law to abide by. Even made a sort of counsel for when we fuck up.

Guess Jas hasn't fucked up too bad if he's not standing trial or some shit. Though it takes a lot to piss off this Alpha.

I look harder at the woman in his arms, Shes looking Back at me with a frown.

"What?" She asked.

"You seem familiar is all."

"She should." Damien said looking suddenly wary. "Eli, this is Char. Your brother used to call her Charlie."

Fucking what?!

"She's dead." I state, brows furrowing. "He was going to leave our pack for her but she fucking died."

"That's what we all thought. My brother took her..." Damien trailed off, a look of pain crossed his features.

He doesn't do that.

"Oh fuck." Stunned I can't even stop the words from spilling out.

"Oh fook is righ'. Damiens basterd o' a brother is a fooking evil man." Coming from Heath... that's saying something.

An agonizing sound of pain tumbled into the clearing. I whipped my head to see Maze doubled over clenching her stomach. I froze as I watched Brady pick her up again, he glared at me before storming off to the warehouse.

"You've got no business with the likes o' her Kincaid." Heath stated, clapping his big hand on my back. "Jax 'as 'is sights set on 'er. Don't fuck up like yer brother and try to get 'tween people." He nodded at Char and Damiens retreating forms.

Charlie... was Jaspers first though right?

I may not have wanted my brother to cleave off from the pack... but It must be fucking torture to see her with someone else.



What have you done?

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