Beauty & The Beast

By simple_beauty_

51.6K 2.3K 327

From the looks you'd never guess that charming Matthew Clark was a classified psycho. He's extremely wealthy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

6.3K 266 73
By simple_beauty_

As I laid in the bed with my eyes closed, I felt something start licking my neck and it kind of tickled. I opened them and seen the cutest little husky puppy in the world.

"Hello little puppy" I said smiling and rubbing his stomach. In response he barked in his little baby voice.

"TRIXXY BABY WHERE ARE YOU" I heard a female voice yell in the house. The little puppy jumped out of my lap and ran to door of the room and started barking.

"Mama's coming baby just stay right there" the same woman yelled. What was going on. I got out of the bed and slipped on some pajama pants that were laying next to the bed considering I only had on a tank top.

"Oh Trixxy" A black haired woman said running into the room to the puppy.

"You scared mama half to death" she said hugging him. I was confused. It was just a dog, he was cute but she was talking to him like it was her son or something.

"Jasmine did you find him" a man about the same height as Clark said running in after her.

"Dammit Trixxy you can't scare your parents like that." I was surprised when the puppy actually whimpered at the man.

"It's ok, I know you were scared but we can help you." he said squatting down and picking the puppy up. This was weird.

"Um excuse me who are you guys" I asked making my presence known.

"Oh look Matthew has yet another whore in this house. You need to talk to him about this, it's getting out of hand" the woman said standing up. Did she just call me a whore.

"Who the hell are you calling a whore. Bitch you don't know me" I said getting in her face.

"Bitch ? I'll show you a bitch you little human. I'd be careful how you talked to me. I could rip you to pieces if I wanted to." she said growling in my face.

"Jasmine stop it ! She's your Luna" the man said intervening. The woman's eyes went buck as if she'd seen a ghost.

"My Luna ? She's a human. Alpha's mate is a human"

"Yes and you know if he found out you threatened her he'd personally kill you and I wouldn't be able to stop him so I'd advice you to shut your mouth."

"Hi Avianna, I'm Sam short for Samson, I'm the beta of this pack, this hot head is my wife and mate. You'll have to excuse her disrespect" he said with pleading eyes. He was scared for her. If it meant getting her killed I definitely wouldn't be telling Clark. It wasn't that serious just a misunderstanding.

"No worries. I won't be telling Clark" I said to him shaking his hand.

"Thank you. This is our son Terrence but we all call him Trixxy." he said looking down at the pup in his arms with admiration.

"He just had his first transformation and ran off. That's why we are in here. I assume he was expecting the alpha to be in here. They're pretty close." Sam explained. It all made sense now.

"Well hello, why such a big family reunion" I heard Clark say as he walked into the room. His eyes met mine and I couldn't help the smile that crept to my lips. Had I missed him ?

"Morning baby" he said smiling back at me.

"Good morning" I said to him biting my lip to stop from smiling.

"Is that little Trixxy. When did he start shifting ?" Clark said taking the puppy from Sam.

"Just today. He ran in here and I'm assuming from the marks on your mates neck started licking her." Sam said laughing.

"Trixxy that's my woman, keep your little paws off." Clark said playfully taunting the pup. The puppy suddenly squirmed out his arm and ran next to my foot and sat on it. He was so cute. I picked him up and he started licking me again however when he got to a certain spot he began gnawing at my skin.

"Trixxy no" Clark commanded and the pup stopped immediately. He whimpered and Jasmine came and took him from me.

"I'm so sorry Luna. He's just a little puppy he didn't know any better." I was confused for the second time in less than 10 minutes.

"It's not that big of a deal, it's alright" I said dumbfounded.

"Give my mate and me some privacy" Clark said and they disappeared.

"Are you alright" Clark asked me.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be"

"Well it's just that never mind I'll explain later. Have you eaten yet" he asked me

"No I haven't I just woke up."

"I'll have the chef cook you breakfast" he said making his way to the door.

"No, no I'd much rather do it myself. I don't let just anybody cook my food." I said leaving the room and him being hot on my trail.

I walked in the kitchen where I seen the chef getting ready to prepare some food.

"Excuse me--" I said waiting for him to tell me his name, "Labell" he answered me frowning. "Yes Labell your service will not be needed for breakfast." I said to him. He looked to Clark, I'm guessing for certainty. "Its ok Labell she's your new Luna. You take commands as you would from me" Clark said to him. "Alright well I'll be back for lunchtime Alpha and Luna" and just like that he left the kitchen.

"So tell me what exactly is a beta or a Luna or an Alpha for that matter. What does any of this mean" I said chopping onions and bell peppers to go in my omelette.

"Well a beta is like a second in command, he's like the alpha's right hand man and if something is to happen to me and you he would be the alpha of the pack." Clark said eating his apple.

"Pack ? As in pack of wolves ? There's more ?!" I said astonished. There was more than one of these creatures out here.

"Baby there's ton of wolves all around the world. The "puppy" that ran into the room earlier and the one that almost marked you is a pure bred. That's why he had his transformation so early."

"How old is he"

"He's about 6 years old. If we don't have children he will be the Alpha of this pack but if we do, and I'm sure we will, he will be the beta."

"I'm assuming you're the Alpha considering everyone calls you Alpha. What is that exactly"

"Well it's like the leader of the pack. We're also the strongest in pack but until we've mated we don't have our full strength. Only a Luna can give an Alpha his full strength. In this case you're the only person who can do that for me."

"What's a Luna"

"The female leader almost like the mother of the pack. The mate of the Alpha"

"I'm a human though"

"Eventually you won't be"

"And I get no say in this" I said pouring the egg mix in the skillet.

"I mean you do but regardless of what you say it's my duty to change you. You can't be my mate without being a wolf, I was made to change you. Besides, you know too much about the pack. If you refuse to let me change you, I would have to kill you, and I can't do that"

"This is unfair" I said raising my voice.

"Lower your voice"

"Don't you tell me what to do. How dare you give me an ultimatum like this"

"It's not an ultimatum. You have no choice" he said getting angry. He was growling and walking towards me. I was scared I'll admit but I wasn't going to back down.

"I do have a choice I could call the police"

"You do that and I swear" he said grabbing me by arms and lifting me off the ground and unto the counter by the stove. His eyes were turning a gold color and his teeth appeared to be sharpening. I didn't care though.He couldn't do this.

" You'll what " I shouted in his face. In the matter of seconds, my shirt had been ripped off and thrown aside along with my bra. I gasped and went to cover myself. This seemed to anger him more. He grabbed my wrist and put them above my head on the wall.

"Don't you ever cover your body" He growled at me. Not even a moment later his lips were on mine and kissing me. It was rough but extremely passionate. It actually felt good. I felt his tongue press against my lips and soon explored my mouth. His other hand ran up my body and latched onto my nipple causing me to moan.

"Mm my little mate's a freak." He growled in my ear pressing his manhood into my core. I gasped at the connection.

"Mmm stop" I managed to get out. This was happening too soon.

"Don't ever tell me to stop" he growled and lifted me off the counter as if I weighed nothing. He carried me out of the kitchen and up to his room. He threw me on the bed and I scrambled to the headboard. This was not Clark. He wasn't being gentle with me, this was his wolf. A part of me was loving this but a part of me was afraid. I wasn't ready to be intimate with him.

"Clark honey calm down" I said to him.

"Stop telling me what to do" he said as he grabbed my foot and pulled me to the end of the bed. He untied to pajama pants and ripped them off of me along with my underwear. I laid in front of him naked trying to cover myself.

"What did I tell you about covering yourself." He grabbed my wrist and pinned me down as he kissed and sucked on my neck. This felt amazing but I wanted him to stop. He moved down my body trailing wet kisses down the middle of my breast and kissing my nipples. He stuck his tongue out and licked his way all the way down to my vagina. He looked up at me with his now blue eyes and stared at me as he circled my clit with his tongue. He was being softer and more gentle. This had to be Clark.

"Ohhh Clark don't stop" I said gripping his thick black hair into my hands as he pleasured me with his tongue. He latched his lips around my pearl and sucked on it.

"Ohhh baby" I said arching my back.

"Say my name" he hummed on my area sending vibration all the way through.

"Clark" I said trying to catch my breath.

"No" he said lifting my ass up so he could smack it.

"Alpha" I said moaning out to him.

"Good girl" he said going back to eating me out. I had never felt like this before. After 5 more minutes of amazing head I had came and he had slurped up all my juices. He made his way back up to me tongue kissing so I could taste myself.

"Baby you taste like honey and vanilla."

"Thank you" I said getting sleepy from that powerful orgasm.

Picture of Jasmine

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