The Disney Chronicles II: Pin...

By Dinodisneylover1

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After their newest adventure, Twilight and her friends were filled with new excitement. They decided to exper... More

Wishing Upon A Star/A New Adventure
The Woodcarver's Shop/Little Wooden Head
Getting Ready for Bed/The Fairy, the Puppet and the Cricket
I've Got No Strings
Web of Song/Evil Team
Sinister Stromboli/Sad Reunion
Lesson in Lies/An Evil Scheme
Allergic/Pleasure Island
Jackasses/Carnival Fight
Home at Last?/The Search for Geppetto
The Monstrous Whale/The Evil Trio
Escape from Monstro/Whale Chase
Brave, Truthful and Unselfish/A Real Boy
The Star Gaze Festival/ Dreams Do Come True

Off to School/The Fox and the Cat

674 6 2
By Dinodisneylover1

The morning approached, as the sun shone brightly over the village. The bells rang, and doves flew through the sky. It didn't take long before the village was filled with life. Much of the villagers did their daily business: Baking, fishing, tending the geese or children playing. It was also the first day of school and many children were prepared. They'd get a kiss from their mothers, something that would fuel the heart of good people, and set off for school. Lots of children merrily strolled past Geppetto's shop.

Its green door opens, revealing four beings: Pinocchio, Apple Bloom, Tender Taps and Figaro. It didn't take long for Geppetto to emerge, holding a black vest as a gift for Pinocchio. The puppet, the kitten and the two foals were all excited, interested in the crowd of beings known as 'children of humans'. Geppetto tried to put the vest on Pinocchio, but the puppet moved too much.

"Oh, look, Father!" Pinocchio hopped around. "Look!"

"So many of them," Apple Bloom said, in awe.

"Now, wait. Stand still now," Geppetto said, trying to grab him.

"What are those?" Pinocchio asked, pointing to the crowd.

"Huh? Oh, those. They are your schoolmates. Girls and boys. Uh, no-now, get in—"

Finally, Geppetto made Pinocchio put his vest on.

"Real boys?" Pinocchio asked.

"Yes," Geppetto said.

"Ah never realized there were humans my age," Apple Bloom said, sitting on her haunches.

"Neither did I," Tender said, looking on.

"Maybe you two and Pinocchio can make a few new friends," Geppetto replied.

"That sounds fun," Tender said.

"Yes, fun," Geppetto nodded. "But hurry now..."

The puppet and the foals were set to leave until...

"Oh, oh, wai-wai-wait! Wait. Eh—Aren't your sister and your friends supposed to go with you, Apple Bloom?"

"They're probably still tired from last night," Apple Bloom said. "Maybe Pinocchio, Tender and I can wait for them at school."

"Are you sure you three will be fine?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Geppetto," Tender assured. "We're in good hooves. We just follow the other children and we'll be at school in no time."

"I suppose that's fine," Geppetto considered. "I'll make sure your friends are awake by the time you're there."

"Okay, thank you," Apple Bloom said. "Come on, ya'll."

The kids were ready to leave, when Geppetto stopped them.

"Oh, wai-wait. I forgot something else."

Geppetto reached in his vest pocket and pulled out an apple. He blew on it, rubbed it against his arm and gave it to Pinocchio.

"Here's an apple for your teacher. Now turn around and let me look you over."

Pinocchio turned his whole body, except his head, around and Geppetto chuckled a little. Apple Bloom and Tender were surprised at first, till they recalled he was a puppet. Suddenly, Figaro came outside pulling a green book with a brown belt looped around it. The kitten pulled his master's leg for attention.

"Huh?" Geppetto wondered.

He looked down and saw why. He slowly picks up the book off the ground, handing it to Pinocchio.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Here."

"You're lucky to have a helpful cat," Apple Bloom said, stroking the kitten.

"Ah yes, Figaro is a good cat," Geppetto replied. "Maybe you should take these along too."

Geppetto handed two more apples, one for each of them, from his other vest pocket.

"Hmm... Big pockets," Apple Bloom replied, taking one apple.

"I hope you won't get in trouble with you being talking ponies and my son being a puppet," Geppetto said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Geppetto sir," Tender said. "We'll be okay."

"And tonight, I'll prepare a special dinner for everyone."

"Oh yeah!" Apple Bloom cheered.

"Run along now," Geppetto chuckled.

The three trots down the stairs toward the school. Figaro walked after them in a cute way, but his master noticed.

"Ho-ho-ho! Fig, wait! Come back here, Figaro!" Geppetto laughed.

The old man grabbed Figaro by the tail, but he kept walking. Finally, he grabbed the kitten by the scruff.

"School is not for you."

The kitten gave a disapproved look to his master, while Pinocchio and the two foals turned back to the woodcarver.

"Goodbye, Mr. Geppetto!" Apple Bloom called out. "Goodbye, Figaro!"

"Goodbye, Father!" Pinocchio called out.

"Goodbye, son!" Geppetto waved, with Figaro in his grasp. "Goodbye, kids! Hurry back!"

Carrying Figaro, Geppetto merrily danced back into his house.

(Pause at 1:48)

When Geppetto walked inside, the ponies and dragon were still asleep snoring peacefully. Approaching them, Geppetto leaned down and gently shook Twilight.

"Alright, Your Majesty," The woodcarver said. "Rise and shine."

Figaro helped Geppetto by waking the rest. Eventually, everypony woke up with a yawn.

"Wha-what?" Twilight asked, sleepily. "Is it morning already?"

"It sure is," Geppetto nodded.

While putting on her hat, Applejack looked around.

"Where are Pinocchio, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps?"

"They just left earlier," Geppetto replied.

Twilight was quiet, trying to process the situation. After a few seconds, her eyes widen as the bells in her head began to ring.


"Easy, easy," Geppetto said, soothingly. "No need to panic; they know the way. They said they'd wait for you at the school."

"Come on, girls," Applejack said. "Like Granny Smith always says, 'Move your caboose!'"

Quickly, everypony gathered their things while Spike tried to wake Jiminy.

"Jiminy... Jiminy," Spike said, nudging Jiminy with his finger. "Time to wake up!"

"Just five more minutes," The cricket yawned.

"No! You must wake up now! Pinocchio, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps have already gone to school without us."

"What?!" Jiminy shouted, waking up. "Why didn't you say that in the first place?"

"I tried!"

"Well, come on! No time to lose!"

Jiminy quickly gathered his clothes, while every pony made to leave the house.

"Hold on a minute," Geppetto said.

He soon gave each of them a delicious sandwich he made himself, no meat of course.

"A light breakfast for your travels."

"Thank you, Mr. Geppetto," Twilight bowed.

"Come on, Twilight!" Rainbow shouted, already ahead. "We're gonna be late!"

"Coming!" Twilight shouted. "See you tonight, Mr. Geppetto!"

(Continue at 1:35)

The ponies and dragon ran as fast as they could, even Jiminy hurried while putting on his clothes.

"Goodbye, girls!" Geppetto called out. "Take care of my boy! See you tonight!"

When the group were already far from sight, Geppetto turned his attention to his work singing a merry tune.

Meanwhile, the village children ran through the streets to school. From another street appeared two strange beings: a cat and fox in ragged clothes. Instead of paws, they had hands. The fox wore a green shirt and pants, a blue cape, a green top hat, a black cravat, gloves and a held a cane in one hand. The cat wore purple sleeves and pants, a yellow cape, a blue top hat and gloves. He also held a cane in his hand. They watch the crowd of happy children run away.

"Ah, Gideon, listen," The fox chuckled. "The merry laughter of little innocent children wending their way to school. Thirsty little minds rushing to the fountain of knowledge."

Along the way, the fox picked up a cigar with his cane. He reached in his pocked for a match.

"School, a noble institution," The fox continued. "What would this stupid world be without—"

The fox scratched the match against a poster with a man and two marionettes, the title read 'The Great Stromboli Marionette Show'. The fox was just about to light his cigar, when he saw the poster and his eyes widen.

"Well, well, well! Stromboli! So that old rascal's back in town, eh?"

The fox laughed before turning to Gideon.

"Remember, Gideon, the time I tied strings on you and passed you off as a puppet?"

The fox laughed even harder, while the cat nods with an 'aw shucks' gesture with his hand.

"We nearly put one over on that old gypsy that time," The fox laughed, amused.

As the two walked further down the cobble streets, Pinocchio and his two foal friends came from around the corner rushing to school.

"Wait for us, Pinoke!" Apple Bloom said.

The three passed the fox and the cat.

"Excuse us!" Tender replied, unattentively.

The cat naively tipped his own hat, while the Fox looked back.

"A little wooden boy and tiny talking horses," The Fox said, eyeing the three. "You don't see that these days. Now who'd have—"

The fox kept walking when he quickly turned around.

"A wooden boy and tiny talking horses!"

The duo quickly ran after them, ducking behind a corner. They took a good look at the trio again.

"Look, Giddy, look!" The fox said.

While he watched the laughing puppet and foals, the cat tipped his friend's hat for a better look.

"It's amazing: Two little pony foals with vocal cords and human characteristics and a live puppet without strings!" The fox spoke, gesturing with his hands. "Things like that ought to be worth a fortune to someone. Now let me see..."

The fox began to think hard till he pointed at the poster.

"That's it! Stromboli! Why, that fat old faker would give his—Listen. If we play our cards right, we'll be on Easy Street, or my name isn't Honest John."

After planning it out, they decided to follow the puppet and the foals.

"Quick, we'll head them off," The fox whispered.

Gideon, the cat, kept nodding till the fox, Honest John, grabbed him with his cane. They walked beside a small wall where they could see the trio walk merrily to school. Honest John hid once again behind a corner, while Gideon stupidly followed the trio with a flower in a pot. Honest John quickly pulled him back with his cane and, as a result, the cat dropped the pot.

The two ran to another corner, waiting for them. Gideon, at one point, made a flip around the cane, slid under the fox and watched behind the corner.

"Shh!" Honest John hushed. "Now's our—"

Honest John looked at his cane only to see his friend wasn't on it. He looked in front and nearly gasped seeing Gideon in front of him, holding a big mallet in an attempt to hit the puppet and foals.

"No, no, stupid," The fox berets, grabbing the mallet. "Don't be crude."

The fox bashed the cat's head with the mallet, making his partner dizzy.

"Let me handle this."

The fox loomed around the corner, leaning for a closer look.

"Here they come!"

He quickly pretends to be a normal talking civilian, placing the cane behind him on purpose.

"Ah, yes, Giddy, as I was saying to the Duchess only yesterday—"

By that point, Pinocchio tripped over the cane and crashed to the ground right before Apple Bloom and Tender's eyes.

"Oh, mah goodness!" Apple Bloom cried, rushing to Pinocchio. "Pinocchio, are you alright?"

"Oh! Oh, how clumsy of me!"

The foals turned and saw the fox and the cat come around the corner picking up the puppet. Honest John pushed Gideon aside with his foot, trying to dust the dirt off the puppet while fixing his clothes disorderly.

"Oh, my, my, my, my. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh, I'm terribly sorry," The fox spoke.

The two foals couldn't believe they were in the presence of talking animals, rather 'tall' talking animals.

"Wow, a talking fox!" Apple Bloom gasped.

"Amazing!" Tender added.

"Oh, I do hope you're not injured," The fox spoke to Pinocchio.

Meanwhile, Gideon used a brush to clean the dust off the puppet, even doing the same for the foals despite not even falling on the ground. Suddenly, Gideon eyes Pinocchio's back pocket.

"I'm alright," Pinocchio said.

"Oh, splendid," The fox sighed.

Honest John saw Gideon reach to grab something from Pinocchio's pocket without permission. He delivered a single hit to Gideon's head with his cane, stopping him instantly. The fox grabs the book and apple from the ground. He took a bite from the apple, while opening the book and reading it upside down.

"Well, well, hmm. Quite the scholars, I see," The fox said. "Look, Giddy, a man of letters."

The fox showed the book to the cat, quickly tucking it away making the cat confused. Honest John just finished the apple when he gave Pinocchio his book.

"Here's your book," The fox gestured.

"Who-who are you?" Apple Bloom asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Milady, the name's John Worthington Foulfellow," The fox bowed. "But you can call me Honest John. And this is my friend, Gideon."

Honest John gestured to his partner, who quietly tipped his hat with a goofy smile.

"I'm afraid he doesn't speak," The fox whispered to the foals. "Sometimes he doesn't know what he's doing."

"Well, uh, pleased to meet ya," Apple Bloom nodded.

"I've never seen talking horses in town before," Honest John said. "Are you new around here?"

"We're ponies, actually," Apple Bloom corrected. "And yes, we arrived just yesterday."

"And where are little cuties like you going?" Honest John asked.

"We're going to school," Pinocchio said, walking further.

"To help him become a good boy," Tender added. "Good day."

The trio didn't get very far when Honest John used his cane to reel the puppet and foals closer to him.

"School. Ah, yes. Then you three haven't heard of the easy road to success."

The fox tried to take another bite of the apple until...

"Uh-uh," Pinocchio shook his head.

"No?" Honest John acted surprised.

"Me neither," Apple Bloom nodded. "Ah don't think there is an easy way to success."

"Dear children, I'm speaking about the theater," Honest John said, wrapping his cape around him dramatically. "Here's your apple."

The fox gave Pinocchio the completely eaten apple, nothing but the core. When Pinocchio saw what was left, he frowned.

"I know about theater, Mr. John," Apple Bloom said. "But there are some things you have to do before that. Like going to school."

"Or taking dance lessons," Tender added. "Take a look."

Tender showed off his dancing skills, the fox even more surprised the pony could dance.

"My, my, my boy. You have natural talent."

"Thanks, it's because of my dance moves I finally got my cutie mark," Tender said, turning to Apple Bloom. "That's all thanks to you."

Apple Bloom blushed, flattered by his gesture.

"Cutie Mark?" Honest john asked, laughing at the name. "What is a cutie mark?"

"It's this."

Tender showed the symbol on his flank, while Apple Bloom did the same.

"Everypony gets their cutie mark when he or she discovers their special talent," Apple Bloom explained.

"Oh, so that's what it is," Pinocchio said.

"You're saying there are more of you?" The fox asked, interested.

"Well actually, we come from Equestria," Apple Bloom explained. "Mah sister and her friends decided to take me and Tender with them."

"Fascinating," The fox said, scratching his chin.

"Actually, we're not supposed to talk to strangers," Apple Bloom said. "Mah sister taught me about the dangers."

"Oh, but I just told you my name, didn't I?" Honest John said, placing a hand on the filly's back. "Now we're not strangers anymore, but friends. Aren't we?"

"Well, uh..." Apple Bloom thought.

"Trust me, dear," He said, moving his eyebrows. "The theatre is a grand place. Bright lights, music, applause, fame!"

"Fame?" Pinocchio asked, imitating the fox's facial expression.

"Yes! And with those personalities, those profiles, those physiques especially your dancing skills, little pony," Honest John explained, knocking the puppet's behind with his cane. "Why, they're natural born actors, eh, Giddy?"

The fox winked at his partner, nudging his neck.

"But we're going—" Pinocchio began.

"Straight to the top," Honest John interrupted, placing an arm around the puppet.

"But ah promised mah sister ah..." Apple Bloom explained.

"Don't you want to become famous?" Honest John asked. "Imagine the proud smile on your sister's face. You can earn lots of money."

At the mention of money, Apple Bloom thought it over.

"Well... Applejack always wanted to earn enough money for the farm and other things. Maybe ah could help her by this, at least for her. Okay Mr. John, I'll do it!"

"And what about you, my dancing star?" The fox asked Tender.

"I can try, but I'm not much of a performer," Tender admitted. "I still get very nervous when I'm on stage in front of an audience."

"Don't worry, little one," Honest John replied. "Stage fright happens to all of us and in the end, we conquer it. Why, I can see your names in lights, lights six feet high. Uh—What are your names?"

"Pinocchio," The puppet answered.

"Apple Bloom," The filly said.

"Tender Taps," The colt added.

"Pinocchio, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps! P-I-N— Eh, uh—U-O—Eh, P-I—Eh—"

(Music stops at the end)

Honest John struggled to spell their names right, one at least. But then he laughed in amusement.

"We're wasting precious time. Come, on to the theatre!"

Suddenly, the fox began to sing while walking them through the streets on their way to the 'theatre'.

An actor's life for me
A high silk hat, and a silver cane
A watch of gold, with a diamond chain.
An actor's life is gay
It's great to be a celebrity
An actor's life for me!"

They trot around a tree, Gideon going the wrong way till he quickly walked back to them. The fox twirls his cane, while the cat used his like a flute. They walk downstairs while Honest John sang further.

An actor's life is fun."

In the meantime, our pony and dragon heroes raced along with Jiminy, who still tried to get his clothes on. They rushed through the streets straight toward the school.

"Whew!" Jiminy said, breathless. "Fine conscience I turned out to be. Late the first day!"

"You're quite fast for a cricket," Rainbow replied.

"Oh, if I was this late on Princess Celestia's classes, she'd expel me immediately!" Twilight said.

"Silly Twilight," Pinkie said. "You know the princess isn't the kind of pony who expels ponies for being late once. I mean she did banish her sister to the moon—"

"Not helping, Pinkie!" Rarity said.

"I hope nothing's happened to Pinocchio, Apple Bloom and Tender," Fluttershy said, worriedly.

"There better not be bullies in this world messin' with them," Applejack said. "Especially to mah little sister."

"Well, I don't think they would get in much trouble between here and school," Jiminy assured.

Suddenly, they stopped when they heard someone singing, passing them by and paying no heed.

"Oh, boy, a parade!" Jiminy said.

"Oooh!" Pinkie said, wide-eyed. "This is my jam!"

Jiminy, Pinkie and Spike merrily danced to the song while the others kept walking. But suddenly, they stopped when they recognized three voices making them face the singing folk.

"An actor's life for me
An actor's life for me!"

"Huh?" Jiminy asked.

"No... It couldn't..." Applejack said.

"Look!" Rarity said, pointing to the group.

The singers were none other than Pinocchio, Tender Taps and even Apple Bloom. The trio were walking alongside a human-sized fox and cat.

"A waxed moustache and a beaver coat
A pony cart and a Billy goat
An actor's life is fun!"

"Why, it's—It's Pinoke!" Jiminy said.

"And Apple Bloom and Tender!" Applejack said.

"Is that a cat and a fox on two legs?" Spike asked.

"Why are they with a fox and a cat with, uh, unfit clothes?" Rarity asked.

"Hey!" Applejack called out.

"Where you goin'?!" Jiminy shouted.

"Come on, girls!" Twilight ushered.

Jiminy Cricket had a head start, while the others followed in pursuit.

"You wear your hair in a pompadour
You ride around in a coach with four
You stop and buy out a candy store
An actor's life for me!"

(Pause at 1:18)

"Wait!" Jiminy yelled.

But the group didn't hear him, so he walked in front of them with his hands in the air.


"Jiminy, watch out!" Fluttershy shouts.

The cricket narrowly dodged the fox's step. He ran after the fox, jumping on his tail.

"Hold on there! Pinoke!"

"We're coming for you, Apple Bloom!" Applejack yelled.

But because the fox sang so loud, nobody and no pony could hear them. Jiminy reached the top of the fox's hat, holding on tightly.

An actor's life for me
With cloths that come from the finest shop
And lots of peanuts and soda pop!"

Jiminy was busily trying to stay on the hat, while trying to get Pinocchio and the two foals' attention.

"Hey, Pinoke!" Jiminy whispered, harshly. "Apple Bloom! Tender! Hey!"

Suddenly, he whistled very loud and Honest John immediately stopped singing.

"Hi—What was that?" He asked, fearfully.

"Let's get them," Applejack said, approaching the fox.

But then she saw Jiminy throwing signals to them.

"What's he saying?" Rarity asked.

"I think he wants us to hide behind that fence?" Rainbow guessed.

"What?!" Applejack protested. "But they got mah..."

"Don't worry, we'll get them," Twilight assures, pulling Applejack with her magic. "Come on!"

Together, they hid behind a fence and poked out their heads, while Applejack glared. Meanwhile, Pinocchio saw the cricket on Honest John's hat.

"Oh, it's Jiminy!" Pinocchio said, cheerfully.

"Ah'm not sittin' here while those two got mah baby sister," Applejack muttered, slowly walking toward them. "Who knows what they'll do to her?"

"Wait, Applejack!" Fluttershy whispered. "Aren't you being judgmental?"

"No, ah'm not! There's something smelly about that fox and cat."

"You mean besides the fact Figaro's the normal cat here?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes and no, Pinkie!" Applejack said. "They remind me of somepony... 'Two' ponies to be exact."

"But they could be dangerous!" Twilight insists.

"Ah don't care," Applejack said, walking further. "And don't try to stop me!"

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom and Tender saw Jiminy, who was trying to usher Applejack back.

"Oh, hi Jiminy!" Apple Bloom waved.

"Whatcha doin' up there?" Pinocchio asked.

Honest John looked up, confused.

"Huh? Who? Wha-wha-wha-what? Wha—Who? Jiminy? Up where?"

Jiminy used his umbrella to hang onto the hat, till Gideon noticed him. The cricket hushed the cat, who understood and turned away. But then his eyes went wide in reality and he reached for his mallet.

"Why, children, huh, you must be seeing things," Honest John assured.

"Oh no, that's my conscience," Pinocchio insists.

"And our friend. He—" Apple Bloom added.

"Now, now, now. Just calm down," Honest John said. "Why, there's nothing up there to be afraid of."

While he spoke, Gideon got close ready to swing his mallet. Jiminy saw the shadow on the hat and looked behind. Gideon was about to squash him flat, until...

"Oh no you don't!"

WHAM! Applejack bucked the cat so hard he crashed against a tree, nearly breaking it in half. The impact made him dizzy, seeing multiple Honest Johns walking around.

"Ain't no two-legged cat gonna hurt one o' mah friends!" Applejack threatens.

"Huh?" The fox turned around but saw nothing. "Who's that?"

If you want to know where the cowgirl is, she's right behind the fox. She didn't want to get spotted.

"Big sis!" Apple Bloom said, smiling.

"Shh!" Applejack hushed.


The fox turned back to the little filly, while Applejack ducked behind his back.

"Ah was talking to mah big sister, Applejack," Apple Bloom replied.

"Your sister is here?" The fox asked.

He looked around, but the cowpony made sure she wasn't seen while she reached for Jiminy.

"Yeah, she was..." Pinocchio said.

"Now, now," The fox interrupted. "I'm pretty sure you must have been dreaming about how proud your sister will be when she sees you on stage."

While the fox talked to the children, Gideon shook off the dizziness and saw Applejack. He glares, rolling his sleeves, slowly stalking toward Applejack, whose back was turned against him. The malicious cat raised his mallet above his head, but Jiminy saw that.

"Applejack, behind you!" Jiminy shouted.

Applejack quickly looked behind and jumped over the fox while grabbing the cricket.

"Huh? What?" Honest John said, confused.



The mallet hit the fox with a hard thud to the head, something everyone saw.

"Ouch!" Spike reeled back. "That's gotta hurt!"

The cat looked at his mallet confused, till he heard Honest John grunt and moan. His head got stuck in his hat and he can't get out. Gideon panicked and gave the mallet to Pinocchio. The puppet and the foals just watched, unsure what to think of this.

"Hi-hi-hi," Pinkie laughed. "He's stuck in his own hat!"

The fox tried to pull his hat off, but it was stuck tight.

"Psst! You three come along!"

The trio turned to see Jiminy Cricket, in an open spot atop a flower where the others met up.

"Oh, Jiminy!" Pinocchio said. "I'm going to be an actor!"

And me and Tender too!" Apple Bloom said.

"What?!" Applejack said, sternly. "What are ya thinking? You know better than to go with strangers to Celestia knows where!"

"But Applejack, we can make lots of money for the farm and things," Apple Bloom explains. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

Applejack takes a deep breath and tries to approach her sister calmly.

"Apple Bloom, your heart is in the right place and yes we can use the money. But this isn't the right way; I thought you..."

"Easy, Applejack," Jiminy said. "Let me talk to them."

"Fine," Applejack sighed, folding her front legs.

"Alright, son, take it easy now," Jiminy spoke to Pinocchio. "Remember what I said about temptation?"

"I remember it too," Spike said.

"Well, that's him."

Jiminy pointed his umbrella towards the fox, causing the kids to look.

"Oh no, Jiminy," Pinocchio shook his head. "That's Mr. Honest John."

"Honest John?!" Everypony, including Jiminy, said in unison.

Meanwhile, Gideon stupidly watched his partner try to get out of his hat.

"Get this thing off!" Honest John muttered.

The cat slowly opened the top of the hat, peeking inside.


Gideon looked around, thinking what to do, when he saw Honest John's cane on the ground and smiled. He picked it up, hopped on Honest John's back and placed the cane inside the hat.

"Get me out of here!" The fox yelled again.

The cat pulled the cane with his hand and feet, grabbing the mallet with the other hand. With one hard BAM... He slammed the mallet against the hat freeing Honest John's head. Unfortunately, the hit sent him slamming against a tree and slowly falling into a puddle of muddy water.

"Oh!" The fox grunted.

He shook the mud off his face, giving his partner the stink-eye.

While the fox and cat were busy, the ponies, the puppet, the dragon and the cricket talked amongst themselves.

"Now listen here, sugar cube," Applejack said. "Not every pony or everyone are as they seem. Twilight and Jiminy said there's bad people who try to act friendly to fool you."

"But we don't even know if they mean well or not," Fluttershy said.

"That cat tried to hit me with a mallet! It's proof enough for me."

"Alright then, here's what we'll tell 'em," Jiminy instructed. "You can't go to the theatre, say 'Thank you just the same', you're sorry but you've got to go to school."

"Mm-hmm," Pinocchio nodded, understandingly.

"Alright, we'll do it," Apple Bloom said.


Everypony heard the fox call and all, except Apple Bloom, Tender and Pinocchio hid behind the wall.

"Oh, Pinocchio!" The fox called, femininely. "Apple Bloom! Whoo-hoo!"

"Here they come, kids," Jiminy whispered, hidden in the flower. "Now, you tell 'em."

"Whoo-hoo! Oh, little children!" The fox called.

He looked around until he found them.

(Music stops at the end)

"Ah, there you are!"

"Um, Mr. John," Tender said, nervously. "There's something we have to—"

"All in good time, little one," The fox interrupted, patting his head.

Pinocchio started to smile, while Apple Bloom was thinking.

"Now, where were we?" The fox asked, then remembered. "Ah yes, on to the theatre!"

The cricket and ponies waited patiently for the words they expected to hear the kids say. But this time, they were in bad luck.

"Goodbye, Jiminy!" Pinocchio said.

"Goodbye, Applejack!" Apple Bloom said.

"Goodbye!' Tender said.

The eyes of the cricket and the cowpony went wide, as the fox started singing again.

(Continue music at 1:18)

An actor's life for me!"

"Goodbye?" Applejack asked, in disbelief.

"Huh? Goodbye?" Jiminy said, smacking his head. "Hey, Pinoke, you can't—"

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack called. "Come back!"

"A high silk hat and a silver cane
A watch of gold with a diamond chain."

The ponies, cricket and dragon helplessly watched the foals and their puppet friend carried off by those scoundrels. Not far behind, Tender Taps looked behind and while he didn't hear the call he shrugged with a nervous smile, as if saying 'I'm sorry'. Apple Bloom just kept walking, blissfully unaware.

"She can't hear you, Applejack," Twilight said.

"Because that darn fox sings too loud!" Rainbow said.

"There they go," Jiminy sighed.

"Apple Bloom! Tender Taps! Pinocchio!" Applejack called, stomping her hoof. "You three come back right this instant! I'm gonna tell Big McIntosh on you!"

But answer there came none, as Applejack looked on with a frown.

"I can't believe it. She ignored an order from her big sister. My own sister!"

"What'll we do?" Fluttershy asked, panicking.

"We better run and tell Geppetto about this," Rarity suggested.

"Yes, he'd know what to do," Twilight agreed.

"No, that'd be snitching," Jiminy said. "We'll go after them ourselves."

Jiminy rushed ahead while the other ponies followed, till Twilight was left behind.

"But guys!" Twilight called, then sighs. "Why does no pony ever tell an adult about this?!"

Shaking her head, Twilight Sparkle followed the group as the singing continued in the distance.

An actor's life is gay
It's great to be a celebrity
An actor's life for me."

(Music stops at the end)

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