Allergic/Pleasure Island

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The Village
Still nighttime

After minutes of walking, the ponies, the cricket, the dragon and the puppet reached the village and ran through the streets back to Geppetto's.

"Now, ah hope you all learned your lesson," Applejack said.

"We sure did, Applejack," Pinocchio assured.

"We'll never talk to strangers again," Tender said.

"Do you Pinkie Promise?" Pinkie asked.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Apple Bloom and Tender said in unison.

To demonstrate, they literally crossed their hearts, waved their hooves and put a hoof over one eye as Pinocchio watched.

"You too, Pinoke," Pinkie said.

"Okay," Pinocchio nodded.

It took a couple tries, but Pinocchio managed the same thing with his hands.

"Nothing can stop us now," He said, determined. "We'll make good this time."

"You'd better," Applejack said.

"I will," Pinocchio said.

"Me too," Tender said.

"And me too," Apple Bloom said. "We're going to school."

"That's the stuff, kids," Jiminy said, gliding with his umbrella.

"I'd rather be smart than be an actor," Pinocchio said.

"Same here," Apple Bloom nodded.

"Now you're talkin'!" Twilight said, excitedly.

Everybody and every pony faced Twilight Sparkle, who realized she said it very loud and blushed.

"Excuse me."

"You'll be a real boy in no time, dear Pinocchio," Rarity assures.

"Come on, slowpokes," Jiminy beckoned. "I'll race you home."

"On it!" Rainbow said, smiling.

They all burst into a run with Rainbow, Pinkie and Jiminy taking the lead, Applejack bursting after them, followed by Twilight, Rarity, Spike and even Fluttershy. Pinocchio and the two foals were far behind, but they tried to keep up. Suddenly, a can grabs Pinocchio's pants as the puppet kept running without getting close to home. The two foals skid to a halt, turned around and saw what happened.

"Well, well, children," A familiar voice said. "What's your rush?"

"I gotta beat Jiminy and the others home," Pinocchio said, turning around. "Oh, hello."

By the time Apple Bloom and Tender joined their friend, their eyes widen. It was none other than Honest John.

"Oh no," Tender said, frowning.

"Um, Pinoke?" Apple Bloom asked, watching the puppet run.

"Well, how are the great actors?" The fox asked.

The fox moved his feet too, to appear he was running besides Pinocchio.

"We don't wanna be actors," Apple Bloom said. "Stromboli was terrible!"

"He was?" The sly fox acted, like he didn't know their situation.

As for who was holding the cane, it was that dimwitted cat, Gideon, who checked his nails while doing it.

The Disney Chronicles II: PinocchioWhere stories live. Discover now