Lauren and Cooper's Daddy


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(English/Unbetaed) KimBas Fanfiction. This is for the people who believed and supported me. πŸ’• Disclaimer: Al... More



623 62 43

"Come on big boy say milk"




Loud chain of shrieks filled the Daechapanya's humble abode.

Wayo and Cooper are having a serious battle behind the working business man. Neither of the two waivers as if they were really having an important argument at the moment.

It's been an hour since Wayo started teaching him new words and he is completely oblivious about the fact that they are already disturbing the busy CEO. He was eager to teach their little bub to care about the father at all.

On the other side, as much as being amused with the two babies bickering behind him, Mingkwan was getting annoyed with the noise they are creating. He is trying to finish reviewing the documents sent to him by his secretary a while ago for almost two hours now. An hour long for a simple proposal is already absurd for the man so imagine adding an hour more.

Although he also knows that working in his house when it is his day off was a matter already dealt ever since the day Lauren got sick but he still can't seem to just sit and do nothing at all. Old habits don’t just die anyway.

He's fidgety, like he is getting a withdrawal from not working. The unfinished work bothers him so he made up his mind that maybe doing it a bit won't bring great harm to any of them now. However, having these adult kid and the legitimate kid around him makes it impossible for the CEO to concentrate.

"Yes I know. You want chuddles? Say milk first please~" The teenager protrudes his lower lips hoping that his charm will melt the baby's stubbornness away. If this baby's real father wasn't known to the public he will definitely be mistaken as Wayo's just from the similarity in their facial features to their irresistible ways on how to swoon anyone with just one look.

"Currders~" As if knowing how to tease the older guy, the youngest Daechapanya refused to give in and just giggled sweetly when he saw the pouted lips of his babysitter. Cooper pinched Wayo’s jutted lips which earned a groan from the older guy.

It was like the baby was trying to get back at Wayo because his mouth was subjected to his constant probing and checking yesterday when the teenager saw that he was starting to get his pair of bunny teeth. Wayo accidentally noticed it because Cooper himself kept on nibbling on every object he got his hands on, mostly, his not so cheap phone he just received from his ever doting brother last week.

"Oh is my Cooper being naugthy again? Come on big boy please say Milk for P’Yo? Pretty please~" The bigger baby coax Cooper to learn another word. If impatience and persistence are two of the most prominent characteristics that Wayo possess, stubbornness is for the youngest Daechapanya just like the father.

"Wayo." Mingkwan stated briefly in low voice cutting the two babies' bicker. The older guy finally snapped at his little bundle of joy and his persistent nanny.

"Tsss. Your Daddy is working again big boy. Let's go and wake our sleeping beauty instead. It's bath time!" Wayo cooed before snorting and glaring at the obnoxious Boss.

"Wayo stop. Just this one. Let me finish it and then we will go out and buy the things you mentioned yesterday." Mingkwan explained calmly but not sparing a glance at the annoyed babysitter. Because once he got a glimpse he’ll definitely give in. Easily.

This became a routine for them.

If there are more changes to come, he wouldn't be surprised at all because when Wayo started living with in his house the latter never failed to make them experience new things.

A month, a month of being with the boy made the dull world of the Daechapanyas full of colors. It was like entering a carnival and not be able to find the way out. Endless rainbows, candies and anything associated to happiness. The gloomy days in their home were long gone and it was replaced with liveliness with lots of occasional naggings and side comments here and there from the raven boy.

Mingkwan knew that he was literally clowning himself the moment he offered the job to the guy who looked like his demised ex-wife. Despite that the best part in his decision is accepting the younger guy brought good things for his children's sake and maybe for him too.

Lauren and Cooper also start to learn how to warm up to other people besides their two favorite persons. They are still shy and timid at first but will eventually turn into giddy little balls of fluffiness once they knew that their Mama was there with them.

Wayo made everything feels alright for the Daechapanya siblings.

In Mingkwan's case, he's still the old Mingkwan Daechapanya whom everyone knows. The strict CEO of Daechapanya Corporation. He is still the frigid and heartless business man but somehow he always raise his white flag when it comes to his newly hired employee. He would always just stay silent and do what the younger man wants as if he's wrapped around the little guy's finger. In a span of one month, the older guy felt like he's been living with Wayo for years. Even some of his security personnel are comfortable living with the boy after staying with them for a week. His hired daily stay out cleaners and chef was also captivated. Mingkwan never saw his employees happy like that before.

Wayo's charms work fast on people and Mingkwan wouldn't deny that he is affected too.

The confused CEO was still adapting. Moreover, he wouldn't trade this for their old life, not now that his children got to feel how to live like a normal person.

Mingkwan still got the judgemental looks of the public and the hot eyes of the media. It was a given fact to be under their interest since he's famous and rich and adding the scandal happened just months ago doesn't help at all. Out of all those problems he has, all that the guy wants is that for people should not or rather never associate anything about his ex wife to his children. They can throw their punches at him but never mention the kids or all hell breaks loose.

Even the infamous Wayo Panichayasawad can't do anything about the guy's issues. Regardless, it is guaranteed that he will be there to support and believe him. Notwithstanding that sometimes he still thinks that his Boss's personality sucks though his love for his children is invincible.

Mingkwan still dreams about Moowan. She still haunted him and she never faded but it lessened the moment the teenager lived with them. It still badly hurts him but Wayo somehow can erase every trace the moment he laid his eyes on the younger guy. He is slowly becoming his medication.

The CEO is afraid that he will be inclined to the younger’s warmth the more he stayed with them but what scared him the most is that Wayo is just smoothly sailing to his phases.

"Then stop lecturing me about no promises if you would do it too." Wayo mumbled under his breath before steping out of the the guy’s work station. Mingkwan got to hear and catch some of the words he just whispered enough to understand what he was saying.

The disappointment laced in the younger man's voice prickles Mingkwan's ears.

The older guy was silent but he really wanted to tell the boy to just make a list for him to pass the errand to his secretary or one of his trusted employee again but he knows that Wayo will just start to lecture him about it was him who knows what will be the best products to buy for them. He will never win if it is Wayo he'll be arguing with anyway.

"Fine. I'll prepare the kid's things. You go and bath them now." Mingkwan stated plainly. He let the younger man take over again. The part of the cycle he loathes the most. Surrendering to his bossy worker.

"Really?!" The younger guy’s mood changed real quick. It doesn't surprise him anymore but he still gets amused by how pure Wayo’s reaction is.

"Yes. Move faster before I change my min-" Mingkwan's words was tossed aside again as the teenager dashed through the house to get to the babies' room bringing the drooling baby boy nibbling his nanny’s shirt with a bright expression.

The little guy really know how to make him like he is the personal assistant in this arrangement.

"What a manipulative Good Samaritan." Mingkwan snorted.

After preparing the baby bag, Mingkwan checks the clock and forty three minutes had already passed. He wonders why the boy and his children took so long to get ready. He thought that the younger guy might be having trouble changing their clothes so he head to his room to check on them.

When Mingkwan opened the door, the sight in front of him made his heart swell. Wayo and his two babies were sleeping peacefully. Lauren is holding his nanny's hands and Cooper is laid on top of the teenager on the bed.

Mingkwan sighed and patted his chest. He carefully walked near the three angels and and stared at them. The CEO shook his head lightly to stop himself from letting out a chuckle. The boy who was excited to go out a while ago was fast asleep as if nothing happened at all. He took out his phone and snaps a picture. He grinned at the photo but immediately shook his head when he realized what he just did. He stared at them confused at himself.

After a minute or two, Wayo suddenly stirred and opened his right eye. It seems that he sense Mingkwan's presence in the room.

"Are you ready?" He mouthed while carefully sitting up trying not to wake up the sleeping baby on his arms.

The older guy wanted to run but he stayed frozen, feet rooted at the floor. He wanted him. ‘This can’t be happening.’ he thought.

“Errr Sir?” Wayo tilted his head. He looks so adorable in Mingkwan’s sight. Dishevelled hair, alluring sleepy eyes and red plump lips jutted out. He imagined the things he could do to him. It was flashing like a movie inside his head. It is so intense. The more he know him the more he wanted him.

The older guy looks away immediately. He bolted out of the room hiding his big problem underneath his clothes. He felt so ashamed feeling like a teenager experiencing his first sexual escapade. Fortunately, the boy is still half asleep to notice the cold man’s not so small problem.

“Fuck! What are you doing Mingkwan?! Get your shit together!” He rubbed his face aggressively as he wash his face with cold water. His heart was beating fast as he balled his fist and gripped the other hand on the sink tight. The pants doesn't help at all. He was fuming. Angry at himself for feeling this way.

It took him good eleven minutes to calm himself down. He walked out of the bathroom looking cold as ever with deep blank eyes masking his shamful act earlier.

"Are you okay Sir?" The boy suddenly popped behind the lost soul which almost give him a hear attack.

"Stop." Mingkwan said not really asking but comanding again. His statement doesn't even harbor any hint of amusement. Wayo heaved a sigh not new to his Boss's changing moods.

"You better listed what you really wanted to buy this time because I'm not going to let you radomly pick something again." The older guy said as he picked up his little girl. He did not spare Wayo a glance and walked out of the house.

"What's with your daddy big boy? He so moody. He is like sleeping on his two feet. His bad mood spoils everthing, don't you think so?" Wayo just cooed at Cooper who is busy nibbling his nanny's necklace.

"Aw! Cooper that's dirty!" Wayo pried the babies hands away from his jewelry and hide it inside his shirt.

He traced his boss steps quickly not wanting to anger him more.

When they arrived at the nearby local members only shopping mall the atmosphere inside immediately change three degrees colder. Wayo was carrying giddy Cooper in a baby carrier while pushing a shopping cart and Mingkwan was holding Lauren snug comfortably in his arms as they tail the younger guy looking unamused as usual.

Everyone was staring not so discreetly at the newcomers. Silence filled the place then murmurs started to replete the surrounding, more like the words were purposely spoken a little louder than they should be.

"Isn't that Mingkwan Daechapanya?"

"Shit! for real? The guy from the news. The one who allegedly denied that he killed his wife?"

"When I heard that his kids were at the same creche as my niece, I quickly informed my sister-in-law to pull her out of that place. Can't believe they let him inside."

"How can he show himself like nothing happened? What a thick faced bastard."

Mingkwan is so used to this kind of gossip circulating around him. He doesn't bother digesting anything he hears from them.

Contrary to others who have know Mingkwan personally, almost all of the people are ignorant on how scary the guy is. Simply because they only knew him from the media's point of view.

Everyone inside was stooping so low considering that this place was a kind of store that only a person with decent job could afford. Well, he never trusted anyone not to sniff on other's business anyway. It was the same everywhere.

"Damn he looks colder in person. I'm getting shivers down my spine. I can literally imagine him shoving his wife down the tub enjoying the view of killing her slowly."

"Shame the little girl looks like her father. His wife was a beautiful woman luckily the other kid got it."

It was the very last statement that made Wayo's every veins inside his head popped out. He wanted blood and his definitely getting it.

"We are here to shop right? Last time I check it was a fine place to stroll around not a dumpster full of trash. Oy you there!" He pointed at the worker near him "Excuse me but can you call your manager? I need to have a word with him." Wayo angrily blurted out as he calls for the startled employee.

The worker immediately recognized Wayo.

The youngest Panichayasawad has been one of their frequent customer when he started living on his own as soon as he moved out from their family house.

The cheerful guy who always share his sweet smiles and hearty laughs generously with everyone is currently giving off a killing vibe and it scared them more than the CEO who actually has the real issue besides him.

In fact Wayo was also respected here because he is a good friend of one of owner and the other is his own kin. An older cousin from his Mom's side.

He is the ball of sunshine their Bosses adored the most.

The owner of the place quickly went out of the store's private room to check the commotion after his employee ringed him from the outside.

"Yo! What happened to you?!" The baffled guy tried to calm the enraged boy.

"P'Tul! Why would you let ill-mannered people be a member here in your mall?! I'm not buying anything from here anymore I swear. You can tell P'Max to say goodbye to his cousin!" Wayo hollered. The babies on the other hand was startled they begun sobbing seeing their precious Mama upset.

Mingkwan was so taken aback to react too. He was silently gawking at the younger guy who's busy fending him from anyone who to attacks him and his children. Like a wild Lioness protecting her family.

After recovering from the situation Wayo force a smile to appear okay. "Oh my! Babies! P'Yo is sorry for shouting. I'm not mad anymore. See? Shhhh" Cooper just wrapped his arms around Wayo's neck burying his face inside his neck. It is the youngest favorite spot after all. He rocked his body automatically soothing Cooper's back as the baby's sobs died down. Lauren was hicupping badly eyes full of unshed tears and Mingkwan just stayed rooted on place.

"Calm down Nong. Don't say that please. Let's get you out of here." Tul coaxed his lover's cousin.


Everyone near the scene scurried away pretending as if nothing happened. No one really have the guts to mess with them or walk out of the store.

Tul assisted the two to continue shopping as planned. They were all silent and the babies were also calm. The mood was heavy and Wayo was only talking with Tul. Well it was exhausting for both of the men. Buying things and being avoided at the same time sips out their energy.

After getting the last item on Wayo's list, Tul ordered some of his employees to arrange the things they bought to be delivered to Mingkwan' place since it won't fit inside his SUV.

Mingkwan noted that stressed Wayo and shopping doesn't go as a good combination. He almost bought all of the products displayed on every shelf.

Also, Tul can't decide if he will be delighted with Wayo's shopping spree or be sorry for Mingkwan's wallet. Though he doesn't need to worry because he knew that the businessman can even buy out his own business if he desires.

He looked at the guy as if aplogizing for Wayo's behavior. Mingkwan just nooded.

They bid farewell and left the store quietly.

As soon as they have reached the house, Mingkwan stopped Wayo from going out of the vehicle.

"You don't need to react whenever you hear something like that." He said.

"So you're saying that we should just let them say bad things to your family like that?" Wayo rebutted.

"Why? Will it change anything if I do what you did earlier?" The older guy was frustrated. Beyond angry to be humiliated in public but he can't just make a scene. A matter that the teenager will never understand. He was not born and raised like him. He can never be like him. Although Mingkwan instantly regretted what he had said, he doesn't like seeing someone guilty or witnessing him at his weakest.

Wayo on the other hand was caught of guard. He knew that he doesn't have the right to pry but he was just so heartbroken for this family. They don't deserve any of that.

"I'm sorry." Wayo apologized and Mingkwan just looked more pissed after hearing his apology. He just step out to his oldest kid and head inside the house without waiting for the teenager.

Wayo carefully went out while holding the sleepy Cooper and go straight inside the babies room.

Mingkwan has already placed the sleeping baby on her bed. He kissed her forehead and turned around to face Wayo and Cooper. The youngest was just busy sucking his hands while staring  back at his father. He offered him his hands and Cooper just weirdly went to him without protesting.

He also placed Cooper on his own coat bought by Wayo on his own last week saying that Cooper and Lauren needs their own place to sleep.

Mingkwan kissed his youngest goodnight. He walked past Wayo and left the room. The look that the younger guy gives him suggested that he wanted to talk but he was too tired to entertain it. He hopes the teenager got the hint that he doesn't really want to have any conversation with him tonight.

As soon as Wayo's figure disappeared from his sight, Mingkwan's private phone beeps. The content of the message made his blood boil.

He immediately called his lawyer.

"What do they demand this time?"

(A/N: Hi lovely readers! 🥰

I want to apologize for taking so long. It's been more than a year since the last update and I know everyone got really frustrated. 🙇‍♀️

Although I won't be really updating frequently I will definitely finish this work as a way of thanking everyone who supported me all the time.

This will be my last work, I will stop writing stories for now. Writing is a wonderful experience but i think it's not really meant for me. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

Thank you for liking my stories. I won't forget the overwhelming support I have received. 💕

I hope you guys also do well on your own endeavors.)


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