The reasons I adore you

choc0_0mallows tarafından

142K 5K 603

"Zhang Wei Xiu! I'm telling you I'm done with your tricks! I absolutely hate-" Like a dragonfly skimming thro... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
New story!

Chapter 32

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choc0_0mallows tarafından

He's someone who lives in the spotlight but loves the background

I always remember him being in the spotlight, his whole body casted with light and sparkling like that sun.

He's always bathed with light and is always thrown smiles and awe. No one can resist him, just a smile will get someone to do every bid of him, he's that person.

But I'm not like him.

I don't like the spotlight I love the dark background.

I love to meet with people and be myself without fear. Without the constant worry gnawing on my body, without the gazes of strangers on me and without their view on me.

I don't like to be remembered I just want to be known by someone, that's it.

Now, as I go alone on this journey, seeing the gazes on me both known and unknown, the cheers and the loud claps, everything has fallen into pieces.

I'm in the limelight and all I could do is to just do my best so that I won't regret.

"Let the play start!"

I'm already positioned, scenes upon scenes were seen. I could see the audience laughing at our acts, their smiles bringing forth a warm budding feeling on my chest.

It's this scene, the scene where I fell in love at first sight. I need to show tenderness, to feel that I am really smitten at him. With my determination, I opened my mouth and spew my lines.

"My prince! Oh my handsome prince! It's you I've been waiting for! I-"

I got stuck in this line.


I feel flustered but I didn't show it on my face, my lips were trembling as my eyes naturally made its way to the back of my co-actor, and found its way looking at him.

As if I was a moth, I got beguiled at his smile. It was him giving me a look that states it's okay, nothing's wrong and I'm gonna get over this predicament.

And I did.

Words filled with love naturally made its way out in my lips. I didn't saw the shock on my parents eyes nor the amazement on the audience face, all I did was to look at him.

It was always Wei Xiu.

It was always him making things alright, making me feel that I can do it, that I can finish this play.

I could feel the play getting on its way to the end, they seem to be engrossed at the play, eyes filled with awe and entrancement as they scream.

It was over.

I could still feel my heart thumping loud beneath my chest, the burnt feeling in my body as I sat down the chair. My feet hurts, no wonder I feel a bit awkward when sashaying my way to the play, I wasn't really familiar with heels.

Rubbing my feet with my free hand, I stretched my neck until I hear a pop and then continued with the rest of my body. I was about to out on my shoes when somebody else pressed my feet on a shoe.

It was a sneaker, a bit too big on my feet but it didn't make my feet feel more painful.

"Wei Xiu" I couldn't help but said, his eyes gazed at mine and said.

"Good job"

He was grinning and I too did, he ruffled my hair and once again stared at me with a look that I am unfamiliar with.

"Wei Xiu?"

He smiled and caressed my cheeks before pinching it roughly. My cheeks are too squished for me to form a sentence and I just opted to step on his foot with my five inch heels.

"Ah! What the- argh!" He rubbed his foot and I smiled while winking at him in goodbye.

Soon, I watch the second one, it's Wei Xiu's class. After that, almost all of people in the gymnasium screamed and screech I feel like my ears have gone deaf from their high pitched voices.

Seriously, haven't you seen a man in your whole life?!

They only took a glimpse on the two male protagonist and almost all of the girls in here screamed as if there's no tommorow. Their eyes were glittering and almost all of them have their phone high up to take a shot.

"Marry me Prince Wei Xiu!"

"Ah! I'm gonna die with just a smile from them!"

"I can die peacefully after seeing Prince Ming Chen!"

Goodness! This girls are crazy! How can they be so shameless to say that, above all, they're shouting those words and not just them but almost all of the girls in this space.

Those two guys are the main problem!

"Wow....I think all of the audience came for just the two of them" Feng Mian referred to Wei Xiu and her archenemy, Ming Chen.

And when they appeared, I thought that the gymnasium might collapsed by the thunderous voices they produced.

"Gosh! I would never, ever attend a play with Wei Xiu as the main character again!" I screamed at Feng Mian while she nodded in agreement.

Soon, the play started and I almost cursed the director and the designers, how could they be this bias!

Look at Wei Xiu's clothes, they look and feel luxurious, his face was too much too! It was glistening with jewels! Red dewy lips enough for women to get jealous of, charming mole underneath his bewitching eyes and a very prince like costume.

On the other hand, they made Ming Chen more flirtatious than ever. His eyes exuded such desire and his lips just bloody red! His clothes are unlike Wei Xiu's clean and prince like character- he was barely clothed! His costume is open for everyone that just a slight move, his collarbone can be seen.

The girls are like hyenas looking at this two attractive preys.

After the play finished, I can feel the exhaustion on my body left. Seriously, those two just made my blood pressure increase by triple!

I will never watch them again if there's an audience! Never!

After that, they took a seat between us making our seat like: Ming Chen- Feng Mian- Wei Xiu- Liu Ying.

Of course, almost all of the girls are giving us glared and envious looks enough for me to feel myself getting annoyed at their constant gazes.

I wanted to left the audience but it's my darling Aifen's play, I need to watch her! Right there and then, she appeared like an angel clothed in white with flowers atop of her head.

You guessed right: I screamed like those girls screaming earlier.

"Go my darling Aifen! You can do it! Go Aifen!" She seemed to noticed me and smiled in my direction.

I almost collapsed at her heart stopping smile and smiled like a fool all the way to the end of the play. The okay finished with a look of satisfaction on the audience and the investor face and we released a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness! It's finished!

I haven't changed my clothes yet and is still with makeup on plus a pair of sneakers so I left them to change. Feng Mian and Aifen also came and we changed our costume minus Feng Mian who helped us instead.

Aifen left since her father wants to treat her today, we bid her goodbye along with her father and left home.

As usual, the bantering of Feng Mian and Ming Chen remains and I released a rueful smile at them. Seriously, they act like and old park of husband and wife.

Looking at Wei Xiu, I couldn't help but remember the time where he smiled at me, as if comforting me when I forgot my lines.

"What is it?" He seemed to notice my unusual glances on him and asked.


He stopped and waited, I could see Feng Mian and Ming Chen getting near us so I said.

"Thank you!"

I stomped out and didn't wait for his reaction and just left him there. I didn't knew that his lips were quirked up and a small blush on his face can be seen.

Ah! So embarrassing!

Hi people! That's all for today folks! I hope you like this chapter!

Always remember that there's someone there for for you, in times of smiles and tears.

Barra! Don't cry anymore! I'm here for ya bitch! This chapter is dedicated to you!

Thank you for the votes and reads!


Thank you!

Okumaya devam et

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