By UnderFellGirl13

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What will happen if the Afton's children went into Underfell? Will they perish or survive...or find a new fam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
* BONUS! *

Chapter 4

381 17 3
By UnderFellGirl13

They walk determined steps, Michael and Elizabeth kept arguing over Papyrus is Iron Man. Daniel was having a hard time, trying to ignore the argument, but it sounds awfully bad but funny. Daniel carried Fredbear and Flowey to keep him away from the argument. "Ugh, why does Elizabeth have to think that skele-idiot is Iron Man?" Flowey complained. "S-She's probably thought h-he is. S-She always w-wanted t-t-to see the a-actor of Iron Man" Daniel replied. "Why would anyone wanted to meet a famous actor!? Jesus Christ" Flowey complained. Then, Daniel notices an ice cream sale up ahead, with a blue rabbit. "Guys! Look!" Daniel called, as they saw what it is. "Ice cream!~" Elizabeth cheered. "Healing Item!~" Flowey cheered. "Isn't this too cold for ice cream?" Michael asked. "It's never too cold for ice cream!" Elizabeth replied, begging to have some. She tug the clothing of the blue rabbit, which attended him. "What. Costumers?" The Rabbit asked, looked down, seeing three children. The rabbit sighs, then smiles with a cheerful voice. "Hey kids! Would you like to buy some ice screams? It's the perfect treat for a frozen day like this one! Only 15g's" The rabbit cheered. Luckily, it's a good thing that Michael able to find pieces of Gs in hidden spaces and spots, only find 50s, makes him wonder how to get money, possibly get a job. After they each get one, except Flowey since he hates cold food. "Damn, now we have now is 5g, I got to get a job to get more" Michael replied, as Daniel ate his ice scream, which max out his HP.

They walk forward, stopped when they saw a big snowy ball. "Oh! Flowey, what is that?" Elizabeth asked, pointed at the snowy ball. "Just part of a local game. You have to push it to the hole that's on the other side. But it's very difficult. The ball melts too soon. You won't make it. Your score is categorized by colours...But you won't get any money unless you get a really high score." Flowey explained. What Michael heard to get money from this game, he knew he has to get some, he begins rolling the ball. "Michael...noo..." Flowey whined.

2 hours later...

Michael manage to get the red flag and got 34Gs more. "I...told you...I get...the red flag" Michael replied, puffed out and sitting against the tree. "I'd give you a medal, but...I don't care" Flowey groaned, tired of been around here. After a while of rest, they move to walk through the forest. "And speaking of the devil..." Flowey replied, as they came over to the next puzzle, but it seems a paper in the middle of the ground. "AH!! FINALLY!!" Papyrus shouted with Sans next to him. "HUMANS! I HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR...SANS? WHERE WAS THE PUZZLE EXACTLY?" Papyrus asked, not finding the puzzle of a paper on the snowy ground. "Right there on the ground, trust me. There's no way for them to get pass this one" Sans replied, smiling. They watch as Elizabeth went over to check it out. "This is stupid. Let's just skip it." Flowey replied, looking at the paper on the ground. Elizabeth stared at it, then looked at Papyrus, imagining that Iron Man thinks she is so perseverance and smart. She picked up the paper, having a look of the puzzle. "Wait, really??" Flowey asked, really finding this incredibly foolish. "...Wow. A word search? Someone did not even try. How sad" Flowey replied. Elizabeth checks for words, but it isn't human language. "You can't even read it, right? You're not really..." Flowey replied, incredibly hating this. "Can you give me a pen, please?" Elizabeth asked, looked at the skeletons. "WAIT WHAT" Flowey shouted. "WELL, AT LEAST THAT WORKED" Papyrus replied, waiting for Elizabeth to finish.

After 30 minutes, Elizabeth complete the puzzle, gives it to Papyrus with a sweet smile. Papyrus check the puzzle, seeing everything correct. "I MUST SAY. I'M IMPRESSED BY YOUR INTELLIGENCE, HUMAN" Papyrus replied, which brought a smile to Elizabeth. "COME ALONG, SANS! WE HAVE WORK TO DO" Papyrus demanded, walking away. Sans smiled as he looked at Elizabeth, walking over to her. "Well done, seems my brother is having lots of fun" Sans replied. "Can you ask him something?" Elizabeth asked. "Oh? What is it?" Sans asked, confused. "Ask him if I am adorable or if we up more!" Elizabeth asked, nervously. "What." Michael responded, blind by confusion. "What? Y-You want to him?" Sans asked, sweating a bit. "Yes!" Elizabeth cheered as the others stood there in stressed. "Uh...Heh, alright. Catch ya later" Sans replied, as he teleported away. Elizabeth squeal of excitement, smiling widely. "Okay! Elizabeth! Very nice work, but we got to go!" Michael complained as he drag Elizabeth as he carried Flowey. Daniel walks forward, having sense that something is lurking in his nightmares, something wants to come out and play with Daniel's fears.

Through a walk, having a break of taking puzzles as Michael carried Flowey, they stumbled upon an area. There's two small tables, one has an empty plate with tiny crams and other is a functioning microwave. "Why is there an empty plate?" Daniel asked, hugged his teddy bear. "There's a paper on the ground..." Michael replied, picked it up. He pulled out his translate paper, reading down the letters. " I ate all the...cookies. No regrets...Sans" Michael replied, reading the paper. "Why do you want to read that?" Flowey asked, rolling his eyes. "I think th-this is where r-royal guards c-come to eat. L-Luckily, it's e-empty now" Daniel guessed, walking over to the yellow star. He pats it, as it spoken. "Thinking about friends coming here to eat and chat together fills you with Determination" Which got him thinking, how is he really determined?

A while later. They were walking through smoothly without any interruptions, except having Lesser Dog attacking but Elizabeth took care of it by petting it, which made its neck longer than ever. "This has been...easier than expected. We've been lucky that we have not fun into—" Then, two dogs appeared, they both wears hoodies, blocking their eyes from surroundings. "What's that smell?" asked the male dog. "Where's that smell?" aske the female dog. The male dog has black hoodie as female has slightly darken purple. Dogarmy and Dogaressa, blocked their way. "Smells like humans" Dogarmy replied, sniffing out the smell. "The sooner I say it..." Flowey replied, panicking. "Makes us want to" Dogarmy replied, with a threaten encouragement. Daniel's red soul comes out, meaning he is in battle. "I highly recommend that we run. Now!" Flowey replied. Daniel stood there, scared of been slice up by their axes. Then, Dogareassa strike her axe at Daniel, Daniel screamed as he dodge it. "BEHIND YOU!" Michael shouted, notices Dogarmy is about to strike. Daniel gasped as he jumps out of their way, avoided their attacks. They tried running away, then they slip by the rock. Daniel looked up and saw Dogaressa strike her axe at Daniel and Elizabeth, Daniel and Elizabeth rolled over and avoid her axe in between. Daniel stand up, smelling stink like a dog...wait a minute, like a dog! Daniel thought of an idea, he tug his teddy bear, praying for mercy. He runs up to the two dogs, which panicked Michael. "Daniel! What the hell are you doing!?" Michael shouted, worried. Then, Dogarmy grabbed Daniel's head, start sniffing him. "Smell likes flowers, hun. Flowers and...well...I think they might actually be a...little puppy" Dogarmy suspected, smelling the scent. "What? A little puppy? Are you saying that we almost killed a pup?" Dogaressa complained, poked Dogarmy chest. "W-Well, to be fair, you also mistook them..." Dogarmy replied. "What?...I followed because I trusted you!! How dare you say that??" Dogaressa complained. Then, Elizabeth grab their hand, force them to pet one another, before they could fight, which shaken them but mind blowing. "Dogs can pet other dogs???" Dogarmy asked, petting Dogaressa head. "Our mind have been expanded" Dogaressa replied, petting Dogarmy's head. They're eyes sparkled, petting each other. "Let's scram" Flowey replied as they ran off.

After having a walk off from the married dogs, then they stumbled upon another puzzle, it looks easy to solved. There was also a sign next to it, Flowey read it. "Let's see..."Turn every X into an O...Then press the switch" Such neat hand writing. "Careful: Do not press the switch if you have not turned them all into O's , or you will die" What kind of dumbass explains his own puzzles AND puts a warning on them??" Flowey complained, which made Elizabeth thought about Papyrus, she blushed if he ever say anything cute about her. Speaking of the devil, across a line of sharp spikes, Papyrus was there, standing proudly. "Look!" Elizabeth cheered, pointed at Papyrus, believing to be Iron Man. "Yes. There he is. Yay" Flowey groaned, doesn't like Papyrus mostly. "I got to clean up a bit!" Elizabeth panicked, wiping off the dirt and snow off from her. "Why even bother?" Flowey asked, rolling his eyes. After she clean up, she grabbed Flowey, running over to Papyrus with the biggest smile. "Hi!" Elizabeth cheered as the two brothers followed behind her. "OHO! IT'S THE HUMAN! YOU GOT PASS THE DOGS? AMAZING! AS I EXPECTED! AS YOU SEE, YOU NEED TO SOLVE THAT PUZZLE IN ORDER TO CONTINUE! I EVEN LEFT A SIGN FOR YOU TO READ. AND I DON'T REALLY LIKE GIVE AWAY PUZZLES SOLUTIONS, BUT...SINCE IT'S THE FIRST...IF YOU—" Elizabeth shook her head, filled by perseverance. "NO? SHAKING MEANT NO, RIGHT...? OK THEN! I LIKE YOUR CONFIDENCE!! GO FOR IT, HUMAN!!" Papyrus cheered, which bring a cheer to Elizabeth, she made a thumb up, ready to proceed. To sum it up: They solved it fairly quickly as the spikes closed down for them to be able to get across the area where Papyrus was. "THAT WAS QUICK! I GUESS WE CAN PROCEED TO THE...THE NEXT...ER...LET'S GO." Papyrus replied as he walks along with Elizabeth, having a conversation with her. "I WAS TOLD BY SANS YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME LIKE, FRIEND AND FRIEND?" Papyrus asked, looking curious. Elizabeth nodded, with a sweet smile. "WELL, SINCE YOU ARE GOOD AT PUZZLES, THEN IT IS ALRIGHT. SO, HUMAN, WHAT KIND OF PUZZLE YOU LIKE?" Papyrus asked, seems to enjoy talking to her. Michael sighs, rolling his eyes. "At least Papyrus isn't like Freddy Kruegers. Cause, hell, he looks like one" Michael replied. Daniel stays silent, thinking bad memories of their so-called home, and memories of Michael bullying him. He wondered why Michael isn't gonna say anything about it after they end up here, which did made Daniel slightly angry. "THIS NEXT PUZZLE...MIGHT BE...WELL. UNSOLVABLE..." Papyrus respond as Elizabeth tilt her head with confusion. "LET ME EXPLAIN, YOU WERE TAKING A LONG TIME TO ARRIVE, SO...I WANTED TO IMPROVE THE PUZZLE A BIT...TO MAKE IT LOOK MORE LIKE MY HANDSOME FACE. UNFORTUNATELY, THE SNOW FROZE BEFORE I COULD DO IT! NOW THE SOLUTION IS DIFFERENT! I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THERE IS ONE!! I'LL TRY TO SEE IF IT'S SOLVABLE, IF NOT, WE'LL SKIP IT! MEANWHILE...I GUESS YOU CAN TRY IT OUT YOURSELF, GO FOR IT!" Papyrus explained. Which brought a happiness cup to fill Elizabeth's up. "Are we seriously gonna do this" Michael asked, getting tired of all puzzles and spots. Elizabeth nodded as she went to the puzzle, which made Michael groaned, exhausted already.

3 hours later...

They finish the puzzle once Elizabeth jumped on the button as the spikes sink down. "Iron Man! We did it!" Elizabeth cheered which shocked Papyrus. "WHAT! I-IMPRESSIVE! HOW COULD YOU SOLVE IT EVEN BEFORE I DID...I...I MEAN...I OBVIOUSLY LET YOU WIN THIS TIME! YES! OBVIOUSLY! A-ANYWAY! I'M SURE NEXT PUZZLE WON'T BE THAT EASY! BE PREPARED, HUMAN! NYAHA!" Papyrus replied, blushing a bit by Elizabeth's success. He walks off to the next puzzle while Elizabeth was in sugar mode: as in, flattered and fan Girling. "Ok, I'll say: Not bad." Flowey replied, smiling. They continue walking until they saw Sans, across the sink spikes. "Heya, you did a good job completing the puzzle, nice" Sans replied, giving a wink to Elizabeth. "So, will we be able to see Iron Man again?" Elizabeth asked, Michael slam his hand on his face.

After a few minutes later. "I can't stand him!! I just can't! Stupid smiley trashbag...Can't believe he's always been..." Then, they notices another puzzle up ahead, while Michael groaned. "Oh, look! Another deadly puzzle!" Michael replied, in tiresome. The puzzle is like a disco square puzzle, they were off, Papyrus and Sans were at the other side with a weird machine. "OHO! YOU'RE FINALLY HERE! YOU'LL DEFINITELY BE DEFEATED BY THIS PUZZLE! IT WAS MADE BY THE BRILLIANT DOCTOR ALPHYS!" Once Papyrus told the creator's name of the puzzle, Flowey shaken with sweat. "YOU SEE THESE TILES? ONCE I THROWN THIS SWITCH, THEY'LL BEGIN TO CHANGE COLOUR!" Papyrus inhaled to begin the rules of the puzzle. "EACH COLOUR HAS DIFFERENT FUNCTION! BLACK TILES ARE IMPASSABLE! YOU CANNOT WALK ON THEM! PLATINUM TILES ARE ELECTRIFIED! THEY WILL ELECTROCUTE YOU! CHARCOAL TILES ARE ALARM TILES! IF YOU STEP ON THEM, YOU WILL HAVE TO FIGHT A MONSTER! CINEREOUS TILES HAVE A SPECIAL COMPONENT THAT WILL MAKE YOU SMELL DELICIOUS! MARENGO TILES ARE HUMIDIFIED! YOU CAN STEP ON THEM IF YOU LIKE, BUT...IF YOU SMELL DELICIOUS, THE PIRANHAS WILL ATTACK YOU! ALSO, IF A MARENGO TILE IS NEXT TO A PLATINUM TILE, YOU WILL ALSO GET ZAPPED! GUNMETAL TILES ARE SLIPPERY! YOU WILL SLIDE TO THE NEXT TILE! THOSE ARE ALSO COVERED WITH A SPECIAL SOUP THAT WILL CANCEL THE CINEREOUS TILES' EFFECTS! FINALLY, WHITE TILES' THEY DON'T DO ANYTHING!" Papyrus fully explained, which made them in suffering mode, barely even remembered the tiles purpose. "THAT WAS ALL! DO YOU WANT ME TO REPEAT IT?" Papyrus asked, smiling. Michael was about asked to repeat it, but Papyrus interrupt. "VERY WELL THEN! LET'S GET THIS STARTED ALREADY!! I'M GONNA PRESS THE SWITCH NOW! READY??" Papyrus shouted, as he pressed the switch. Creating a puzzle, it was changing grey colours, while the Afton's children stood there in distressed. Then, the grey colours goes faster, faster, faster...blank, white tiles create a path as black tiles were aside. Papyrus stood there, pissed off as he swirl away angrily. They went across, thinking it is solved.

They walks through a snowy area with a small station where the Lesser Dog's snow creation were made, sadly, it didn't seems to stayed still. Soon, they discovered a snow man, amazingly created perfectly of Papyrus with fat but muscular arms, as for Sans, just a pile of snow with yellow word called Sans. Next, they found another puzzle, Daniel did it, since he knows how to solve it, but must slide to buttons to buttons. After he pressed the last button, it perform a bridge for them to across. But, forgotten the sliding ice, he slide through the path, making him panicked, trying to stay in balance. Once he was about to fallen over, Sans appeared, reach his arm out for Daniel to fallen on. "Geez, kid. You okay?" Sans asked, helped Elizabeth and Michael to stop from falling. "T-Thanks" Michael replied, rubbing his head to cope the headache. "You gotta stop catching your falls with your face, kiddos." Sans replied, pat Daniel's shoulder. Then, Sans thought by the nearby future, it won't be an easy journey for the children. "Hey, uh, come 'ere a sec?" Sans replied.

They walk to a nearby path, which must be a private area. "...So, I've been thinkin'. This has been pretty fun—all things considered. But even if you get pass Papyrus...Things are just get more and more dangerous. And if you're set on not hurtin' anyone—It'll be even harder. You'll probably been a few FIGHTS and I'm sure Flowey's been teachin' ya what he can...But if you're gonna make it outta here without hurting anyone, you're gonna haveta get real good, real fast. Do you know about Blue attacks?" Sans asked, they shook their heads. "I can't DO blue attacks to show them!" Flowey replied. "That's okay. I can." Sans replied, smiling. "So—whatcha say, kids? Ready to learn about Blue attacks?" Sans asked. They nodded, as Elizabeth walks up, ready to learn about Blue attacks. "Ok. Here we go." Sans replied, reached out his hand as Elizabeth goes into a FIGHT with Sans. "I started this...Do, you get to go first." Sans replied, putting his hands into his shoulders. Elizabeth pressed ACT, then pressed Check. SANS – HP 1 ATK 5 DEF 2 Your friend-Sans. He seems nervous. "Heh, nice turn there, kid. Always know what you're up against. Okay, turn. The thing with blue attacks is to not move. If you stay still, they won't hurt you." Then, Sans summoned a blue bone, targeting Elizabeth's green soul. "Ready?" Sans asked, Elizabeth nodded, waiting for the signal. "Okay." As he strike the blue attacks, Elizabeth stop her movements as the bone went through her. "Whew, you're a natural kid. Good job. Welp, that's all I had to show you. You gotta end the FIGHT though" Sans replied. Elizabeth pressed MERCY as she pressed spare to end the FIGHT. "Think ya got the hang of it?" Sans asked, looking worried. Elizabeth nodded with a smile, excitingly. "Good. Whew, what a workout. See ya up ahead" Sans replied, winking before disappearing. "...Now, we have to walk all the way back..." Michael replied, tiresome.

Flowey: Let's fast forward this...

After a long walk, through monsters, discoveries, and end up finding another snowy area with pile of snow. The good thing is Michael found 25G's. The bad thing is, they found a dog, a royal guard dog. "Hahaha...We're in danger" Michael responded, nervously laughing. It's the greater good dog. "Hehehe...Nice Doggy.." Michael nervously replied, smiling in anxious. Then, it hops on Michael, causing Daniel and Elizabeth moved out of the way. The dog pants, as its sharp teeth gets closer to Michael, Michael closed his eyes, praying for Mercy. Then, the dog licks Michael's face, it licks him with the cute bark. Michael was relief it's just a regular dog, enjoying the licks. He petted him, been crushed by dog's love. "Mike! Are you okay?" Elizabeth asked, worried. "I've b-been crushed by dogs love" Michael responded. "Hey! Greater Dog!" Daniel shouted, picked up a snowball. The Greater Dog turn its head, looked at Daniel. "Fetched!" Daniel shouted, throwing the snowball at the opposite direction. The Greater Dog chased after it, which did the trick. "You okay, Michael?" Daniel asked, running over to Michael. "I'm getting sick of walking...Wait, you said fetch, didn't you? Like—bring it back?" Michael asked, nervously. "Oh shoot" Daniel replied, hugging his teddy bear, then a huge snowball fallen on his head.

After going through the Greater Dog, they stopped once they have saw the bridge with no fence to protect the citizens. "Now...just don't look...down." Flowey responded, fear of heights. They were halfway there, until Papyrus interrupted at the other side of the bridge. "Ugh...Great." Flowey responded as Papyrus spoke. "HUMANS! SAY...WHEN DID YOU GET THAT FLOWER?" Papyrus asked, realising Flowey was there with them. "What." Flowey stunned. "HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN THERE, SANS?" Papyrus asked, looked at Sans. "Er...The whole dang time, boss..." Sans respond, confused. "WELL, THAT CHANGES NOTHING!! THIS LAST PUZZLE OF MINE IS STILL GONNA TAKE CARE OF YOU! FLOWER OR NOT!!" Papyrus explained. The stun breaks as Flowey snaps. "HE'S BEEN IGNORING ME THIS WHOLE TIME?? LET ME AT HIM!!" Flowey shouted, trying to get out of the old boot to attack Papyrus for ignorance. "NOOOO!!" Elizabeth screamed, trying to hold Flowey back. "Sis!" Michael shouted. "LET ME TELL YOU A..." Michael interrupted. "Flowey, calm down!" Michael shouted. "...ABOUT...THIS PUZZLE..." Papyrus was going to continue then Flowey interrupted once again. "LET ME GO!! YOU HUMAN!" Flowey shouted at Elizabeth. Soon, Papyrus cracked. "PAY ATTENTION" As soon he said it, the puzzle triggered while the weapons appear, a cannon, two spears, a ball of spikes, blue fire and...a dog? They stick together, frighten by the sudden appearance. "HUMANS! BEHOLD!! THE GAUNTLET OF DEADLY TERROR! ONCE I PRESS THIS SWITCH...IT WILL FULLY ACTIVATE! CANONS WILL FIRE! SPIKES WILL SWING! BLADES WILL SLICE! AND MY DOG WILL BITE YOU!" Papyrus explained, which shaken Sans and the others. Sans looked at Papyrus if he really is serious or joking. "Pap—" Papyrus looked at Sans, then thought about the children. He looked at the children, they were terrifying by looking at the puzzle. Clenching his fits, feeling of edgiest in him, but feeling of release rest his body. Then, the puzzle were removed, nothing was triggered. The children was relief but confused, counting Sans. "Wh—Boss?" Sans asked, seeing Papyrus's eye sockets were empty, he walks away within silent. The children walks across, watching Papyrus walking away. "Is Iron Man okay?" Elizabeth asked, worried. "Look...I don't know what he's going to do now...I doubt even he knows, honestly..." Sans responded. Then, he grabbed Michael's wrist, handing him 90Gs. "This should be enough for the Inn. Take a load off—get warm and get some rest, okay? I'll figure somethin' out" Sans respond, before disappearing. "Huh, he gave us 90Gs, now we have 124Gs, we possibly get some food" Michael replied, checking the money. They walk forward as Daniel carried Flowey, they walk slowly to have a conversation. "Well...Here we are. We should save and go get some items..." Flowey explained. "Uh, Flowey...S-Should we j-just t-tell them...about the R-RESET?" Daniel asked, worried. Flowey stays silent, then thought about it. "I don't think they deserve to know; it should be a secret to keep anyway" Flowey replied. "B-But, secrets don't j-just stay s-secrets" Daniel replied, hugging Fredbear. "I know...First off all, save. There should be a save point nearby, if I can remember correctly. Then, we can try to get some healing items..." Flowey responded. Daniel pat the yellow star, as it spoken. "Despite the chilling cold, the town's scenery is beautiful. The snowflakes seem to sparkled against the red light...You're filled with Determination" It spoken, Daniel inhale and exhale. "I think we're safe here, but let's not put our guard down" Michael replied, seeing the town as safe as ever. They walks up to a building, must be the shop. They open the door, ringing the bell which attracted the shop keeper, and their little bunny kid. "Hello, kids. Welcome to Snowdin! What do you need?" The Shop Keeper responded, crossing her arm. "What do you have, miss?" Michael asked, pulling out his Gs. "Tough Gloves—50Gs, so cool. Warm Bandana—50Gs, very comfy. Bisicle—15Gs, eat it twice. Cinnamon Roll—25Gs, I make it myself." The Shop Keeper explained the items. "Hmm...We do have enough to buy two items" Michael replied, having a look at the items. "I guess two Bisicle would be enough. 30Gs for you, miss" Michael responded, giving the money to the Shop Keeper as Elizabeth starts playing with the Shop Keeper's little kid. Now, Michael has 94Gs as the Shop Keeper comes out with two Bisicle and four Cinnamon Roll? Which confused Michael. "Uh, miss? I didn't order four Cinnamon Rolls" Michael replied, taking the Bisicles. "Oh, don't worry, kids. They're for free only for new faces in town. Where did you came from, the capitol? You don't look like a tourist, are you three by yourself?" The Shop Keeper asked, curious. "Oh no, we're new, our...parents are out there, letting us buy something" Michael replied, taking the four Cinnamon Rolls. Michael decides to know more of the town, he begin ask question. "So, what can we do around here?" Michael asked as Daniel checks out the items around the shop. "Grillby's has food, but best not to go there, it's not a place for kids. The library has information...If you're tired, you can take a nap at the inn. It's right next door – my sister runs it. And if you're bored, you can sit outside and watch those wacky skeletons do their own thing. The town has gotten a lot interesting since then." The Shop Keeper explained. Michael hummed, thinking about the History. "What's the town's history?" Michael asked, wondering. "Think back to your history class...A long time ago, monsters lived in the RUINS back there in the forest. Long story short, we all decided to leave the ruins and head for the end of the caverns. Along the way, some fuzzy folk decided they liked the cold and set up camp in Snowdin. Oh, and don't think about trying to explore the RUINS...The door's been locked for ages. So, unless you're a ghost or can burrow under the door, forget about it. Say, why haven't you heard the history?" The Shop Keeper asked. "Oh, we're just homeschooled.'s life?" Michael asked. "Life is the same as usual. A little claustrophobic...But, we all know deep down that freedom is coming, don't we? As long as we got that hope, we can grit our teeth and face the same struggles, day after day...That's life, ain't it?" The Shop Keeper responded. "It's okay" Michael replied. "Things getting harder in these days now, hope you and your family going okay, ain't it?" The Shop Keeper asked. Michael felt slightly weirded out, usually, he steals food for himself and others, but for the first time, talking to them really feels much better. "We're just...moving into Snowdin. Thanks for the info, see ya later, miss" Michael replied as they walk out of the shop. "We'll save them for our HPs, so, let's go the inn and get some rest" Michael replied as they head over to the Inn, remembering the Shop Keeper's sister rules it. When they walk in, only to find the Inn Keeper. "Four costumers? Oh, sorry, I haven't get enough costumers much" The Inn Keeper replied. "Well, lucky you, we need a place to rest, been a long walk" Michael replied, giving out 80Gs. "Nice! Take this key at room 2, it has three bedrooms for you kids, are you here alone?" The Inn Keeper asked. "Y-Yeah, but, we're just heading home, since it has been a big walk, we need sleep" Michael replied. "Oh, in that case, you'll get 70Gs back, since it's just a rest, am I correct?" The Inn Keeper asked, giving out 70Gs back to him. "A-Are you...joking?" Michael asked, taking the 70Gs back, confused. "Of course, 80Gs are just for a whole 24-hour thing" The Inn Keeper replied, smiling. "Uh...Thank you very much, miss. Um, we'll be on our way to rest, see ya later, miss." Michael responded, going upstairs with Daniel and Elizabeth. Michael has this weird feeling of pleasure and satisfied, almost like the employees are more respectful than above, nothing like they call him a thief, burglar, rat. He unlock the door, finding three beds in the room. "Finally! I can rest in peace!" Elizabeth cheered, jump on the bed, feeling relief in the softness. "Be more specified, Elizabeth." Flowey replied as he was place on the drawer next to Daniel's. Michael sighs as lays in bed, feeling his legs finally in rest. Daniel did too, hugging his teddy bear with comfort. "I hope Iron Man is okay" Elizabeth whined, worried for Papyrus. Michael given up, letting Elizabeth believe that Papyrus is Iron Man for once in life, he pulled the sheets out to get ready for bed. "After a nice nap, then we'll continued" Michael planned, getting comfy in bed. They all tug themselves in bed, but for Flowey, just sleep in the boot. Daniel begins to be blinking to sleep, feeling relaxed.

Open the eyes of the nightmare, it has spoken like it is the back of your mind. "You will not be spared. You will not saved. The shadows fears me. I am your wickedness, made by flesh. I am here to claim what is left of you. I will vomit you back to relive your horror." It spoken as Daniel gasped. He begins to run from the voice, feared of death. Then, heard another voice, quite similar, but lighter a bit. "Let me put you back together, then take you apart all over again. Let's see how many times you can be pulled apart. I assure you, I am very real. We know who our friends are, and you are not one of them." Nightmare Fredbear head appeared beneath Daniel, he fallen into the mouth of the nightmare.

Daniel gasped once he was awaken, realising it was just a nightmare...just a bad dream. He sees Michael and Elizabeth up already, still in bed though. "A nice nap it is, how long have we been asleep for?" Michael asked, looking at Flowey. "I don't know, I went asleep" Flowey replied. "Oh, okay, we'll ask the owner, if it's 24-hour, then I'll return the money" Michael replied. They got up, ready to leave. "Uh, how long have we been sleeping for?" Michael asked, the Inn Keeper. "Oh, you've been sleeping half an hour. Did ya sleep well?" The Inn Keeper asked. "Feeling better than ever. We'll be on our way now, thank you miss!" Michael cheered as they walked out of the Inn House. "What a beautiful day!" Elizabeth cheered, carrying Flowey. "Even if it's as dark as it was before?" Flowey replied, ignoring the cheerfulness from Elizabeth. "Ready to continue?" Flowey asked. "I think I want to see the town first" Michael replied, Daniel nodded. "Whatever, do as you please" Flowey replied, bored already. Michael stop by to hear this gothic-like rabbit, with a bun-bun on a leash. "My bun-bun is so cute with its leash! Do you also want one for you?~" Asked the female fabbit. "Err...I'm not interested" Michael replied as Daniel went to see another rabbit, who's watching the female one. "That chick is so hot...but...I dunno, something seems off..." The rabbit respond, made Daniel questioned. "What a great tree! It would be perfect as a Christmas Tree!" Elizabeth cheered, checking out the tree in the centre of the town. Then, she notices a kid with no arms. It almost like an orange dinosaur but no arms, red eyes, black and slightly red lined shirt. Elizabeth use her social skills, getting to know him better. "Hello! Bonjour!~" Elizabeth cheered, running over to Monster Kid. "Uh...the hell you want?" MK asked, seems not in a mood. "I just want to say hello! I'm Elizabeth, have ya heard about Marvels?—" "Fuck off, girl. I'm not in a mood to play pretty princesses" MK responded, walking away. Elizabeth stood there, responding. "I'll see you later! Nice to meet you!~" She shouted and waving at MK. MK rolled his eyes, growling off to the East path. "Forget about that loser. Let's just keep going, we have things to do." Flowey replied as the brothers return to Elizabeth. Then, they saw a building called Grillby's, Michael remember the warning by the Shop Keeper, Grillby's isn't a place for children. "Let's not go there, it isn't a place for us." Michael responded. They stumbled upon a building, Michael translate the language. "Lib...Librar...Libarb...Librar...Libr...Ugh...Librarby?" Michael asked himself, wondering by the misspelled. They went inside, reading some history, education and random. "I don't want to read this..." Flowey groaned, sliding a random book from Daniel who wants to read. They finish the library, then continue going forward to explore town. But soon discovered the skeleton's bros house, Elizabeth admired it. "What a great, cool house!!" Elizabeth cheered. "Meh. It's ok" Michael respond. "Amazing! It even has a cute side-house! Wow!" Elizabeth cheered, seeing the shed. "E-Elizabeth, t-that's j-just a s-sh-shed" Daniel replied, hugging his teddy bear. "I think we should go now" Michael replied. They walk to the east path, leading to a very foggy path. "Jesus, It's so cold" Michael replied, trying to take a breath in. Then, they saw a figure up ahead, they stopped while they knew it is Papyrus. "FINALLY!! YOU SURE TOOK LONG ENOUGH, HUMANS!! LUCKILY, I COULD THINK OF A PROPER SPEECH WHILE I WAITED HERE FOR YOU TODAY! I HAVE TO ADMIT IT, HUMANS! POWER, WITS, AWESOMENESS...THOSE ARE THE PERFECT TRAITS TO DEFINE ME!!! AND MEANWHILE, YOU ARE JUST PATHETIC WEAKLINGS! REGARDLESS! YOU...YOU HAVE DEMONSTRATED GREAT INVENTIVE AND TENACITY...BY SOLVING A PUZZLE BEFORE I COULD, MYSELF. YOU MIGHT BE WEAK, AND CLUMSY – ACCORDING TO SANS...BUT!! THAT DOESN'T MATTER! YOU ARE GOING THE RIGHT WAY!! YOU'RE GREATLY DETERMINED!! WHAT YOU NEED...IS PROPER GUIDANCE! WELL, FEAR NO MORE, LONELY HUMANS!! FOR I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS...I..." Papyrus has second thoughts, which shaken the children, believing they had to fight Papyrus. "...NO...NO, WHAT AM I THINKING?? THOSE PUZZLES HAD MY MIND CLOUDED!! YOU'RE HUMANS!! I MUST CAPTURE YOU!! I COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE YOUR TUTOR!! BY THE ORDER OF THE CROWN, I MUST BRING YOUR SOUL TO FREE THE WHOLE UNDERGROUND!" Papyrus replied, angrily. They startled as Elizabeth's green soul appeared. "No!" Michael cried, worried for Elizabeth. Elizabeth gasped as soon she realise she's gonna fight Papyrus, she begins to cry a bit but hold it in. "HUMAN!! PREPARE YOURSELF!! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THIS FIGHT!!" Papyrus shouted. Elizabeth pressed ACT, pressing plead. "P-Papyrus...I d-don't...w-want to h-hurt you..." Elizabeth pleaded. "I SEE NOW. I UNDERSTAND YOUR RELUCTANCE. AFTER ALL, I AM VERY STRONG AND GREAT. SO, AFTER SEEING MY CHARMS AND POWER, YOU DECIDED TO GIVE UP AND SURRENDER TO ME, AM I CORRECT?" Papyrus asked, Elizabeth shook her head. "NO? SO, YOU'RE NOT SURRENDERING? THEN WHY WOULD YOU EVEN...? STARTING THE OBVIOUS, THAT YOU DON'T STAND A CHANCE AGAINST...COULD IT HAVE...A DEEPER MEANING? WAIT A SECOND...COULD IT BE...ARE YOU COMPLIMENTING ME?? HOW DARING AND SUBTLE OF YOU!! YOU DON'T WANT TO HURT ME, BUT WON'T SURRENDER...IT'S OBVIOUS, YOU'RE LOOKING FOR MY APPROVAL, AM I RIGHT??" Papyrus asked. "N-No...I mean...I..." Elizabeth couldn't think what to say. "SUCH DEVOTION! TOO BAD, I STILL HAVE TO CAPTURE YOU! SO, THE BATTLE MUST GO ON!" Papyrus shouted. "Oh, please be careful, Elizabeth" Michael replied, worried. "IN APPRECIATION OF YOUR UNDERSTANDABLE FEELINGS, I'LL TRY TO DO THIS QUICKLY!!" Papyrus Shouted, as he strike the attacks on Elizabeth. Thanks to the Inn's House, Elizabeth's health was 30HP, now 21HP since she gets hit. "Thank you, extra health!" Flowey cheered, blessing the Inn's House. Elizabeth stand up, pressing Mercy, to spare Papyrus. "SO, YOU REFUSE TO FIGHT...AS EXPECTED!! THIS COMFIRMS MY THEORY. BUT...FLATTERY WILL GET YOU NOWHERE!" Papyrus responded Elizabeth's declared. "B-But it wasn't..." Elizabeth was about to reply, till Papyrus's interrupt. "LET'S GO ALL OUT!!" As soon he said it, Elizabeth's green soul turns blue, it drops to the snow. Elizabeth gasped as his attacks strike; her health is now 18HP. "YOU'RE BLUE NOW! THAT'S MY ATTACK!!" Papyrus responded, Elizabeth stand up, wondering what she must do since she's blue. "TRY JUMPING, HUMAN!" Papyrus replied, teaching her what to do. He summons bones towards Elizabeth, Elizabeth quickly jump over them, but still got hurt by certain attacks: 15HP now. Michael can see how Elizabeth getting beaten up, which scared him so much, wondering why isn't he going to help Elizabeth. More attacks barged, as Elizabeth's HP is now 11. Now 6HP...then, Papyrus summoned a blue sword, about to strike. "BE PREPARED, HUMAN!" Papyrus shouted, as he was about to strike. "ELIZABETH!!!" Michael shouted as soon he runs into the battle, which shaken Flowey and Daniel. "MIKE!" Daniel cried, tighten Fredbear. Before Papyrus's slam Elizabeth, Michael blocked the way, but instead, gets to be the one to get slice right at the stomach by Papyrus, it lowered Michael's HP down to 2, he lays down there almost dead. "MIKE!" Elizabeth cried, holding Michael tightly. "MICHAEL!" Daniel cried, carried Flowey and Fredbear over to Michael. Michael's eyes blinked a few times, feeling too painful to even stand up. He blacked out, not knowing what was happening in the real world.

Michael open his eyes, but in a black room, very black room. He was generally confused by this, wondering what in the hell he is. By the look of it, it seems almost a bad dream...or something. He turn his head, finding Daniel in the distance of the black room. "Daniel?" Michael called; eyes widened with worries. Michael heads over but stopped when Daniel has a different low voice. "It'" He responded, almost echoing in Michael's mind. "W-What?" Michael asked, confused. Daniel turned, but with a ripped off, robotic half face, almost like Daniel was a robot in human skin. Michael gasped, stepping back. "You...You...You...You" It responded, as it slowly walks. "W-What are you!?" Michael gasped, shaking his head, denying it is Daniel. It giggled, almost a glitchy, robotic voice. "What am I...?" It's giggles, turns into a maniac laughter. "I THINK THAT'S HILARIOUS! THAT'S SERIOUSLY HILARIOUS!! I thought the same thing about you...YO-WEW-U YOU- -Y-ERROR-YOU-ERR" It spoken while its glitches out, the body reddish and blueish glitches in some spots. Michael was speechless, then it strike with glitches sharp bones at Michael. Michael dodge it, confused by this dream, or so-called nightmare. "What the hell are you??" Michael shouted, running from it. Then, glitched bones errored up and blocked Michael's way. He turn as the glitch summoned sharp bones towards Michael, he dodged them all, he looked at the glitch, it pulled red strings out of its robotic side face's eye. "I-It's okay, Mike! This is just a nightmare! You don't feel pain from a dream, you'll be waking up from a dream!" Michael replied, to himself. Then, the strings grabbed Michael's left arm, he stays calm, knowing what it feels like. Then, the glitch yanked hard on Michael's arm as it ripped out with blood, it was gruesome pain for Michael to feel! Like, it's really is real! He was not expecting to be that painful! He screamed as he grabbed the glitch bones, ripping off the red string, he strike to his knees, screaming so much agony. The glitch stood there, laughing at Michael's misery a bit. Michael looked up at the glitch, terrified. "Are you Freddy Kruegers or something!?" Michael shouted, terrified by the event. " nightmare..." It spoken as it raise it's sharp bones, targeting Michael. Michael gasped, but suddenly flashes and disappeared in front of the glitch. The glitch winked after Michael was gone, meaning he has awakened. In the distance behind the glitch, there was two was a black octopus like skeleton and the other is a glitchy skeleton. "See, I told you that D-Glitch would do something useful" The black skeleton replied, crossing his arms as the glitch known to be D-Glitch walks over to him. "Whatever, just keep that Freddy's krueger's junior out of my way! Or I'll bring Jason Voohees's junior to delete it!" The glitch skeleton replied. "That ugly shit? Please, D-Glitch has something in common. Besides, I wouldn't want Freddy to kill" The black skeleton replied. "I thought you want him to kill?" The Glitch Skeleton replied. "I do...but, his suffering is more pleasurable to watch. It makes me stronger to feed his violent thoughts on children, it's almost beautiful" The Black Skeleton replied, patting D-Glitch's head. "Hmm, makes me wonder...what would happen if I release Daniel's animatronic nightmares to the real world?" The Black Skeleton asked. "I bet they'll die after a simple battle" The glitch skeleton replied. "Not with that attitude, they can't. They'll rise up from the sleep and track down the Afton's Children...I would love to see them suffer a bit more before the happy ending" The Black Skeleton subjected. "Why give 'em the stupid ending of joy?" The Glitch Skeleton asked. "Because...The Guardians told me. They said if I do anything stupid by taking their happy ending, then, they'll banish me to the depth of hell, and they mean it." The Black Skeleton replied. "Those foolish guardians again!? Why keep following their order!? They're like those stupid bosses from ETN! They're trying to play you and everyone! They're just forcing you to play their stupid story game!" The Glitch Skeleton complained. "Tsk. They're not and they mean it. They're just making sure none of the universe breaks, besides...all Characters, Sidekicks, Pawns, Traitors, Villains and Heroes agreed their order of knowledge. They know what they're doing, they brought me the list of things to put in emotional and aggressive into the story. Which things I would love to do in this story, they did promise I'll get negativity to feed, and if you don't like it, be my guest to leave." The Black Skeleton replied. "Ugh...fine, but if I was told by someone who was told by these stupid guardians then I'll snap their necks" The glitch skeleton replied, creating a portal to leave the black room. The Black Skeleton smirked as he rub D-Glitch's head, D-Glitch stood there, blinking while staying put to let its master admire him.

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