There'll Be Storms (Spanking...

By KA0827

131K 2.8K 452

When Cody and Eryk are forced out of their free lifestyles and into a new home they face some serious punishm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Quick Comment
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
1,000 Reads
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
My Request
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Quick Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Quick Comment
New Book
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 36

1.9K 37 2
By KA0827


My alarm went off, nearly causing me to fall out bed and onto the floor. The brightness of my lamp was enough to almost blind me, which ironically made me want to close my eyes even more and return to my sleep but I knew there was no way I could. It was time to start my daily dosage of chores for being grounded after last nights episode. Charlie always told me that mowing the lawn as early as possible was best if you didn't want to suffer in the sun all day. Sometimes I honestly question whether or not waking up two hours earlier is worth it.

I threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before tying my tennis shoes. Pinching my face in an effort to wake my body up, I looked over at how sound asleep Cody was. We both had a rough week, obviously his was much more severe, nevertheless I think we could both use a break. School starts in a few weeks and I can only imagine how much worse things will be then, more expectations from Charlie means more room for screw ups.

"What're you doing?" He said half asleep.

"Going to cut the grass, go back to sleep. I'll make breakfast when I'm finished."

Slumping over, he yawned and gave a half-assed nod. I pulled the door shut behind me and crossed the hall towards Charlie's room. There was a fifty-fifty shot that he'd be awake and I know I'm risking a lot, but I can't cut the grass without the keys to the shed.

*knock, knock* I started off softly, that way if he was asleep I wouldn't cause too much of a fuss.

"Come in." I jumped in shock at his response.

I turned the knob slowly and let myself in, I then found him sitting on his bed with his boots clustered on the floor.

"Can I have the keys to the shed?"

"What for?" He knelt down and checked under his bed, more than likely searching for another pair of shoes.

"To mow the lawn." I motioned out his window, which I soon realized served no purpose since he couldn't see the lawn from where he was.

"It's already cut."

I should have guessed that from the sweat on his forehead and the little pieces of grass sticking to the bottom of his pants.

"Oh..." I stood there like an idiot.

Actually, I am an idiot. How did I not hear the mower going off this morning? The yard is literally right outside of our window.

"Then maybe I'll go make some break..."

"That's finished too." He shot me a smirk and raised his eyebrows. "You have other things to do, is that what you're wearing to the building?"

Building? What building?

"You didn't forget, did you? The center opens at 8 a.m. and we need to get going."

Completely in shock, I stood there mute. I didn't know what to say nor did I know how to even guess my way out of this situation.

"Why are you standing there? Go wake Cody." He motioned towards his door.

I nodded my head before turning on my heels to dart towards my room. Cody wasn't going to be happy that I'm waking him up ten seconds after I told him to go back to sleep. I shook his shoulder and turned on the big light, encouraging him to wake up and get dressed.

"You just told me to go back to sleep you jerk." He yawned.

"I know, I know but hurry and get dressed. We need to go."

"Go? Go where?" He went to his closet and started getting his clothes.

"To take my practice test for the SAT." It finally dawned on me after repeating it.

How could I be so stupid to not remember the most important thing after my birthday going on right now? I had been studying for almost two months but that was completely swiped away after neglecting it for a few weeks.

"Are you ready?" Charlie came inside, completely redressed and ready to go as if he just showered.

"I don't know..." I answered honestly.

"You don't seem very confident, do you want to reschedule?" He put his hands on his sides and gave me that look that makes my brain melt.

"No, sir. I'll bring my notes to refresh on the way there."

Okay, I know I should have said yes but honestly...I don't think I have the ability to look him in the eyes and disappoint him by admitting that I haven't studied in over two weeks. He kept dropping hints and reminding me of the exam and I, of course because I'm a genius, always brushed it off and assured him that I have everything under control.

"Alright then, get your stuff together quickly if you want breakfast."

Cody finished getting dressed and headed downstairs. I made a pit stop in the bathroom to splash some cold water onto my face. It'll be fine I told myself. It's just a standard test, how hard could it be? Drying my hands on my jeans, I confidently swiped everything off the end stand and began heading downstairs.

We all ate our eggs and bacon in silence, all of us stuffing our faces so we would be ready for the day. Charlie always hated being late and he made sure to remind us of that since he finished his food first. He always said that there was no such thing as being early, you're either on-time or you're late. Early is on time, on time is late, and lateness is not acceptable. Mom always told us that.

"Alright, let's get going." he put the dishes in the sink and turned off the ceiling light.

"Okay." I handed him the keys to the truck, suddenly realizing that he took mine.

I'm not sure when, or even if, he'll give the keys to the truck back to me. I really wanted to drive to the test center so I could clear my mind. Driving always did that for me.

"I hope you're ready, but even if you're not this will tell you what you need to work on." He prepped me in the car.

"What's the SAT for again?" Cody asked while shifting against my shoulder, still half asleep.

"It's crucial to get into college." I shoved my nose into my book and went over some last minute tips. 

"I'd rather stay at home." Cody said.

"It won't take too long, just over 3 hours. Cody you have a therapy appointment while Eryk takes his test so you shouldn't worry about wasting time."

"Okay." He said quietly.

We arrived at the high school sooner than I thought we would; I'm used to walking to school. I pulled out two pencils from my folder but left my phone and prep-book with them in the truck.

"Good luck." Cody said sluggishly.

"Thanks, I'll see you guys later."

I looked up at Charlie, hoping to hear some words of encouragement but I was left with only a semi-approving nod and a slight smile. Good enough.



I watched through my squinted eyes as Eryk walked into the high school, he seemed confident enough by his walk but there was something about the way he acted this morning that told me he was nowhere near ready. Charlie waited before he was fully into the building before starting up the truck and driving towards town.

"Have a lot you want to talk about at therapy today?" He asked.

I honestly forgot I had an appointment today and hadn't given it much thought. I know a lot has happened lately at home so there is definitely a lot that I have to talk about but it's too early to get this emotional.

"No, not really." I lied.

"Really? or are you just saying that because you want to go back to sleep?" He shot me a smile.

Instead of responding, I only let out a yawn and leaned against the door. I felt him place his hand on my shoulder and give it a little squeeze, but I continued my efforts in trying to fall asleep.



I took a seat in the desk in the front, that way there was nothing but a blank wall in front of me so I couldn't be too easily distracted. I had everything with me; two number-two pencils, an extra eraser and a yellow highlighter. I know I haven't studied in two weeks because I've had plenty of other distractions but I can do this. After all, there was nothing in here that could make me easily swayed towards anything but the test.

"I will give you a five-minute signal before times-up. You may turn over your booklets and begin the reading and comprehension section." The administrator said as he glanced at his watch and took a seat at the front of the class.

I set the timer on my analog watch and opened the booklet to the first section.



"Cody, come on. It's time for you appointment." I felt Charlie's large hand shaking on my shoulder.

I pinched my face as I yawned and wiped my eyes, trying to wake myself up as much as I could so I didn't go in there looking like a zombie. Going to the therapist at eight o'clock in the morning was definitely something that I wasn't prepped for, especially since neither Eryk nor Charlie told me about our plans today. I should have went to bed earlier but I was playing games on my phone.

"Are you ready?" He opened the truck door for me.

"Yeah, I guess."

I slumped out and stretched my arms well above my head as I let out one more loud yawn. Charlie patiently waited next to me, he was waiting for me to start walking towards the building so he could continue in himself.

Everything was so much quieter in the morning, the sun wasn't too high so it wasn't exorbitantly hot which made everyone in the building seem much more relaxed. They usually seem very frantic; always running around, doing paperwork, and making phone calls.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked.

It wasn't the usual, cute receptionist that Eryk and I like to make eyes at, this one was much older and had a noticeable stench of baby powder.

"Yes, Cody here to see Mr. Green."

"Of course, go ahead honey." She motioned back to Mr. Green's office.

"Remember, you have three hours so take your time." Charlie whispered to me before giving me a push forward.



In the context of the passage, the author's use of the phrase  is primarily meant to convey the idea that... Why do the test makers always assume that you know the thoughts of the author? This passage is literally about a man and a woman living in an apartment, the passage is as simple as any other fictional story but they have to take it a step further and ask about the author to make it much more difficult. Typical. Next thing I knew, all I could hear was the ticking of my watch and the several pencils scratching on the booklets around me. Who could concentrate in here? It's so loud.

"Focus Eryk." I mouthed to myself.

I skimmed through the five lines above and below the phrase in the question and started going through the answer choices.



"So, how was your past week? I haven't seen you in a while." He asked while taking a sip of his water.

"It was..." I stopped because I wanted to answer honestly but I was too tired to start something this emotional. "my shoes feel tight." I said while reaching down to pick at them.

"You feel pressured." He smiled a little. "Please, don't feel like you have to go over every single detail with me during this session. We can transition into talking about whatever you want in time."

I mockingly smiled, "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" His eyebrows narrowed

"You always know what to say. You always seem to have patience for things, these are my problems and even I don't have the patience to deal with them." I slumped back in my chair.

"You want to know the trick to knowing what to say?" He put his elbows on his kneecaps and leaned forward. "You have to listen to what people are saying, observe how they are saying it and then acknowledge the feelings they are conveying. As far as patience go, you feel like you have no patience because you're trying to fix the problem as quick as possible. And I don't blame you Cody, no one likes problems, but you need to take it slowly. Ripping off the bandaid fast isn't always the best way to do it."

"I was always told otherwise." I referred to Eryk.

"Sometimes when you do it, it creates a scab that turns into a scar and then all you have is the memory of that scar and the problem never really goes away. People are so resilient, even when they don't want to be, but it takes time."

I nodded my head, allowing the weight of his words to sink in before I tried to continue the conversation.

"I feel like Charlie expects me to come here and this will make everything okay."

"I think in a lot of ways Charlie is a very bright man, I've known him for some time, he knows when he is out of his element. He knows as well as I do that there is nothing that can undo what's been done, but he knows that you can change the present and the future with just a little hard work."

I nodded my head, allowing his advice to process and compartmentalize inside of my head. Feeling somehow more comfortable in his company, I reached beside me and put his blue pillow on my lap. I was rubbing the inside of my fingers against its silky slivers.

"What happened this past week that is making you question your process?"

I took a deep breath and decided to start with the beginning.

Later that evening:


We just finished dinner, Cody is outside reading another book. He's such an old man I swear. It's Friday night and I can't even go out because I'm grounded. This blows. I wish I was somewhere with Natalie. Immediately after my exam, after seeing a mutual friend of hers, I was reminded of the fact that I didn't text her last night and tell her I made it home. I also said I'd call her the next day but of course I blew that opportunity as well. My phone is probably blowing up with text messages, she's either concerned or pissed at me. Neither one is favorable.

Ever since I remembered, I've been trying to muster up the courage to ask Charlie to have my phone back. I've considered several possibilities; say it's an emergency, but he would want to  know every little detail. Bring in the honor principle that I promised I would let her know I made it home. No, he would say he'd do it himself or give me a lecture that I deserve to suffer the wrath of Natalie. Bargain with him? That's no good either, I have nothing he would want or even anything of value. I can't do anything for him because, well he's my dad. He could make me do things.

"Dang." I said after realizing how pathetically stupid all my ideas were.

I seriously doubt Charlie will budge but I have to at least try. I went out into the hall, straightened myself before knocking on his door. Maybe if I could hold myself highly then he may do the same.

"Come in." He said after barely two seconds.

"Hey Charlie." I began as I came inside, closing the door behind me to give us some privacy.

"What can I do for you Eryk?" He was hanging his laundry.

"Charlie, can I use my phone for just 5 minutes?" I blurted out to prevent me from stalling.

Nice job Eryk, that was so smooth. Nailed it. He raised his eyebrows but kept his eyes on his laundry.

"Did you break your curfew last night?"

"I know, but I just need to..." I began but his hand stopped me.

"Not what I asked. " He shot me a disapproving look.

"Yes, I broke my curfew."

"Did I take your phone off of you as a result?"

"Yes sir."

"Are you still grounded?"

"Yes sir." My shoulders had slumped at this point.

"Less than twenty-four hours and you're already asking." He shook his head. "What makes you think you deserve to have it back?" He folded just arms.

"Well I think I did really well on the test today. I have a good feeling about it." I said optimistically, hoping that this would be the winner.

"Eryk, I've told you before that we don't get credit for the things we are supposed to do. So good job, but I'm not going to pat you on the back for it." He said sternly.

I nodded my head. I know that seems a little harsh but Charlie always tries to do the thing that will set you up for success, based on his own beliefs of course. 

"If that's all you have to say then I think you have your answer." He stopped an crossed his arms.

"Sorry I asked." I sighed as I walked out of his room.

I wanted to vent out my anger but I know better than to do it right in front of him. I closed my bedroom door and took a hard swing at my pillow, clenching my muscles tightly afterwards. Now what was I supposed to do?

"Do I need to give you something to yell about?" Charlie blurted as he came inside.

I turned my head to the side, getting even angrier at his authority that he's trying to show right now. He stopped and stared at me, but he was growing impatient so he came inside completely.

With his hands on his sides, he said: "I'll take that as a yes."

"No." I finally said. "No I'm fine."

"Then quit acting like a child." He stared angrily at me for a minute to see if I had anything else to say, but he turned and walked away once he realized I did not.

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