Chapter 6

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"Where's Eryk?" I asked as Charlie put a salad in front of me.

"He's at therapy."

"Therapy? I didn't know he went to therapy."
"He has been for a year but he stopped a few months ago. You're going to start going as well." He crosses his arms and leaned on the counter like he knew I was going to argue.

"Why do I need therapy?"

"Because you went through something horrible and it will help you talk through your problems."

I nodded my head but I think it's bullshit. Therapy won't help me. I don't like talking about what happened to anyone let alone a complete stranger.

The back door opened and Eryk stormed in, a man in a dark suit came inside after him. He was middle aged, a little heavy, but looked exhausted.

"Can I help you?" Charlie exchanged looks with Eryk but he only turned his head.

"I thought you'd ought to know that your son had an...altercation with another office worker."

"What kind of altercation?"

"He used provocative language towards her and charged towards her."

"Her?" His eyebrows widened as he looked back at Eryk. "What did the office worker say to him?"

"Nothing, she has been there for almost twenty years, she knows when to not engage in a client disagreement. They bumped into each other..."

"No! Charlie I..." Eryk took a step forward.

"Don't interrupt." He said harshly to Eryk. "I'm listening."

"Your son's temper came out and he looked as if he were going to harm her if I didn't interfere. The company will overlook this altercation once but not again."

"I understand, I'll handle this." Charlie showed the man out.

"Who was that?" I asked Eryk.

"My therapists assistant." He closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm in so much fucking trouble." He whispered.
We heard the back door close and Eryk took off running for the stairs.

"Stop!" Charlie yelled. "Get in here."

I continued to eat my breakfast and tried to not think about the awkward situation too much.

"Can I explain?" Eryk asked as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen and the dining room.

"By all means." Charlie raised his eyebrows.

"I had a bad day at therapy and when I bumped into her she said 'young man, an apology is in order, your generation never watches where they're going' in a sassy tone. After I tried walking away."

"Eryk, did you even hear what you just said? You should have apologized, you should have been respectful, and you sure as hell should not have immediately turned to violence." Charlie walked towards Eryk, almost in his face. "You stormed towards her? What makes you think that it's okay to do that to a female?"

"I didn't hit her..."

"You raised your hand," Charlie spoke over him. "you were going to hit her if Mr. Davis didn't stop you."

Eryk rolled his eyes and turned his head.

"And now you think you should roll your eyes at me? As if this is no big deal."

Eryk took a deep breath because he knew he was going to get it.

"Answer me!" Charlie barked at him and Eryk jumped.

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