Merformers: An Aquatic Romance

By SweetSpark4321

13.1K 332 221

Sharona, the leader of a small Marine research facility, leads an ordinary life. She goes through her drab ro... More

Chapter 1: Sharona meets Megatron
Side Note and Fish List
I Got Tagged!!!
Chapter 3: Melody meets Soundwave
Chapter 4: Rose Meets Knockout and an Unexpected Reunion?!
Chapter 5: Amelia meets Breakdown and a Reunion in the Basement?!
Chapter 6: Quin "Meets" Shockwave, "The Human Enthused" Scientist
🦁 🫒 Marisala 🫒 🦁

Chapter 2: Stella Meets Starscream and Megatron makes a comeback?!

1.6K 35 19
By SweetSpark4321

"Curse those Merbots! Thanks to them, I'm injured, losing too much blood, separated from the Mercon pod, and I have no idea if Lord Megatron will punish me again for failing him yet again. Heck! I don't even know if Megatron made it out that energon mine alive...." As Starscream thought this, he grinned from fin to fin. Just imagining the warlord dead and that inevitably putting him in charge had him just giddy. And if it wasn't for him being severely injured and bleeding, he would've done what was equivalent to us humans as, The Happy Dance. But he was in so much pain, he couldn't even begin to think of doing that. It was already enough that he was just swimming at a normal rate but to do a backflip..... yeah----- not happening.

"Ugh, I can't take...anymore... of this...pain." As he said this, he blacked out and landed on the ocean floor. All seemed lost for the poor Mercon. But Primus had other plans for him and the rest of Merformers.

Gently but swiftly, the tide picked up Starscream and carried him to shore. And unbeknownst to Starscream, he just landed in a certain woman's backyard.


"Another work day, another day to beat the books. It's a really good thing my graduation is coming up pretty soon, or I might just lose it!" Stella dropped her bags at the front door, took her jacket off, and proceeded her way to her kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. She took a long nice sip of her steaming cup of joe and sighed. She looked down at her cup and said, "You know, you're gonna be the death of me someday. Along with my schoolwork if I don't graduate first."

She chuckled to herself and moved slowly to her kitchen window where it was facing the sea. You see, before she cut ties with her family, she gathered as much of her money and assets as she could and moved out to a secluded beach house in California to be closer to her cousin. Now here she is in her three story beach house, sipping on hot soothing coffee, while staring at the full moon and bright shining stars from her kitchen window.

She couldn't help the smirk that came over her features. She thought, "Probably around this time Sharona is just now getting back onto the boat and already on her way back from the mission. Shame I couldn't come along to help. It's been so long since I've been scuba diving." As she thought this she couldn't help but admire the bright stars above. She finally gave up and decided to go and admire the stars a little more on her porch.

As she continued to stare at the stars, her eyes lingered down towards the beach. She took a long sip of her coffee, but she did a spit take as her eyes landed on a creature laying helplessly on the beach shores.

"Dear Neptune, what is that?!"

She left her cup of coffee on the porch as she made her way down to the beach. And as she cautiously made her way closer to the creature, she noticed how badly he was scratched up and how bad he was bleeding. She looked closer at his face and noticed his features.

He was slender built, was tricolored in scarlet, grey, and white, and noticed that he had sharp claws. She was a bit taken aback by this, but she shook off her fear, gently picked him up bridal style, and made her way to her basement.

She thanked God for all those times she worked out at the Center's gym whenever she had the chance. Because now it was paying off. Even though he was slender built, he wasn't exactly light weight.

Lucky for her is that she had a LARGE basement that also led outside. She managed to grab the sliding door and opened it. She carefully laid the creature down on an old mattress that she was planning to get rid of, and ran back upstairs to grab her emergency medical kit.

As she ran back downstairs she couldn't help all her nerves that were SWIMMING in her chest.

'Ah geez, what am I gonna do after I fix him up?! Keep him in my basement?!'

As she thought this, an idea occurred. 'What if I put him in my pool till he's all fixed up! Then I'll have plenty of time to ask him questions, if he's or its capable of speech. But first, I got to heal him before he loses too much blood!'

As she sat down next to him she got to work. Giving him anesthesia for the pain, disinfecting his injuries and sewing them up with waterproof thread and wraps. She noticed how he was starting to get dry.

'Good thing I'm almost done. It's also a good thing that he didn't fracture anything. Or else I would have to get my waterproof casting set from upstairs as well.'

After she was done patching him up, she gently picked him up again and walked over to her pool area. It was pretty nice. It was big and wide enough for him to swim in. Not to mention it has a jacuzzi at the end as well when she just wants to relax.

Looks like she's going to be sharing it for a while.

(Not that she minds. I mean she thought he was kinda cute. 😏)

She gently put him down on the shallow end of the pool, just in case he turned for the worse she can reach him in time.

As he touched the water she heard a soft moan come from him and she softly smiled.

"Don't worry. I'm gonna make sure you make it....cutie~." She gently caressed her hand on the side of his cheek. And low and behold he smiled a little. She knew he was unconscious and just reacting on instinct. But just that small gesture sent butterflies in her stomach.

As she sat in one of her pool chairs, a thought occurred in her mind.

'I wonder if this is that same Mako Shark merguy that my cousin described in her dreams. The one that was described as a SIC of those "Mercons".'

She thought about it then looked back at her unconscious patient. He was laying there just so innocent like. 'Waiting to be ravaged~'

In that particular moment her aura turned a dark shade of lust. And in that moment she thought that he saw him shudder and blush?

'Nah, must be imagining it.'

(Oh, how wrong she was😏😂)

She continued to stare at him till she fell asleep. But little did she know that her patient was more aware of her than she thought.

Starscream's POV

'Finally! I thought she would never stop staring at me.'

You see, Starscream WAS unconscious. But only until he was shortly placed on the old mattress. It was only until Stella came back down with the med kit that he pretended to still be unconscious. He was a little wary when she had injected him with anesthesia, but as she continued to work on him, he could tell that she was only trying to help. But why? Humans were supposedly these greedy fish hunting two leggers who didn't give a flying darn about who they killed. So why was she different? And why did he smile when she touched his cheek? 'And what was up with that brief moment that I felt that I was actually on the receiving end of a predator's stare? It actually made me shiver, but in a good way. And I really hope that I wasn't blushing. And if I was, then I hope she didn't notice. Heck, she even called me "cutie". Anyone would blush at that. Or at least I think that's the case.' Starscream slightly blushed at the thought, then shook it off.

Then another thought occurred in his mind. 'Don't know what'll happen if she figures out that I was awake almost the entire time. I might get some form of weird punishment.'


He shook his head violently and yelled at himself in his head. 'NO! I DO NOT HAVE THAT SORT OF KINK! ESPECIALLY WITH A HUMAN OF ALL CREATURES!'

But Starscream couldn't help but stare at the sleeping woman.

'Well, for a human femme, she's actually kind of attractive.'

(A/N: Whut~?! Starscream is actually a tsundere?!

Starscream: SHUT UP! I AM NOT!!!


Starscream: Whatever! Get back to the story!

Me: O~kay~😏😁

The woman briefly stirred in her sleep. Which caused Starscream to slightly jump and hold his breath in anticipation. She briefly rolled over in the pool chair and continued to sleep peacefully. Starscream breathed out a sigh of relief. But it was then that realization hit him in the face. She would have to eventually wake up. And he can't always be pretending to be unconscious.

'Oh well. When she starts to wake up I'll fall "unconscious" again until she leaves. Until then, I can just study this strange human.'

And that's exactly what he did. As soon as she woke up, it was around 1 in the morning and he fell "unconscious" again before she noticed he was awake.

Stella's POV

Stella woke up with a start. "Crud!!! I forgot that I have essays to take care of for...." She looked at her watch. "Double crud! TODAY!!! I gotta get going!" She looked back at her patient to see if he was awake. But all that was there was the unconscious form of the Mako Shark Mercon still resting. "Okay. I'll finish all of my essays then get ready for the day. Then I'll come back to see if he's doing any better before I leave for school." 'I'll have to remember to set something for him to eat. I don't really know what they eat so I'll just put out some fruit and flavored crackers for him to nibble on.'

As soon as she took care of her essays, which were fairly easy for her, she got started on her morning routine and then got herself another cup of coffee to go.


It was then that she remembered that she had a patient to feed.

She quickly went to get the bag of grapes that she bought the other day, washed them, and put them in a bowl. She then went to her pantry and got out the Italian herbs and cheese flavored crackers and put them on a separate plate. She also got him some fresh clean filtered water to wash it all down with. She quickly went back downstairs and put them beside her patient. She then looked at her watch and it was around 6:30 a.m. in the morning.

'Good. I still have time. But I don't want to risk it. I should get going.'

She looked back at her patient and inwardly smiled to herself. "I gotta go but I'll be back this afternoon. I promise." She turned around to go back upstairs, got her to go coffee and car keys, and left for her classes.


Later on in the day, the Center currently was closed for the day and Sharona was going about her daily chores around the center. And of course to complete her day, she had to chase a trespasser that had somehow made his way into the back facility where the seals were being treated. Fortunately, it wasn't a pesky debt collector but a cocky red haired teen named Vince. He said that he just did it because of a dare, but Sharona highly doubted it. She called the cops and let them take care of the troubled teen. The cops informed her that this was the fifth time that he had broken onto a private property. Sharona asked the cops why he was doing this. She wasn't concerned for the teen's well being. No. Far from that. She just wanted to make sure what to do if this happens again. She was secretly hoping that she could use her baseball bat.


If you messed with her business and all and everyone that she loves, then you best be prepared for the consequences.

The police told her that this wasn't new of him to do. He just simply did this for the thrill of it all. And possibly stealing valuables from said places would only just be a bonus for him. It took everything in her from getting her baseball bat right now and using it on said stupid teen. At this point, the laws against child abuse almost meant nothing to her.

But the key word was ALMOST. She honestly didn't want a criminal record along with the debts, so she reframed from doing something "gruesome".

So after the police left with Vince in tow, the only thing left to do was introduce herself to the new recruits. They were the student interns that Stella had mentioned the other day.

She went straight back into her office where the interns and their trainers were seated.

"Hello! Sorry I'm late! I had to take care of something with the authorities outside."

The interns, a teenage boy about the age of 16 and girl about the age of 14 and a very young boy that looked to be the age of 12, were both startled yet intrigued. The teenage girl, who looked spunky and punk like with her black hair with pink tips and punk styled clothes, looked more enthusiastic and excited than anything about said news. She kept asking questions about whether Sharona did something bad or if this Center was actually a secret organization or something or if Sharona was actually a secret kick butt spy. All of which sounded ridiculous but she looked very excited about it. Both boys yelled at her in a scolding fashion. Sharona couldn't help but giggle at her silliness. She couldn't help but look at the young Japanese girl as a younger version of Stella with all that enthusiasm.

'Ohhh, it won't be long before she starts talking dirty jokes and starts to find creative ways into getting out of work. If she hasn't already. *Giggle*'

"Well why don't you introduce yourselves. Why don't we start with you young man." She directed her attention on the youngest of the trio.

"Oh! Um, me? Well m-my name is Rafael Esquivel, I-i'm twelve years old. And yes, I'm young for my age to be a student intern. But I'm very dedicated to my studies and along with being a bit of a technical prodigy I'm also very fascinated with marine life. Especially Orcas. They're my favorite animal."

It was then that his trainer, Bailey, chimed in. "Me too kid! I'm actually specialized in Killer Whales. Actually the ones here at the center actually prefer me over everyone else here. But I think that's because I give them extra salmon for them as a treat after their treatment. But tell you what, after this, I'll introduce you to some that we have here. How does that sound?" She said while placing a hand on his shoulder and giving a wink at him. Raf blushed at this and nodded his head frantically. She squealed at his cute and shy nature and tussled his hair in a playful way.

Sharona smiled. Bailey was always the playful and social butterfly. She can bring a smile to anyone. Probably why the Orcas love her so much.

Sharona moved on to the next one, which was the spunky Japanese girl. Sharona could already tell from a glance that her and her Trainor, Bonnie, was going to be GREAT friends. They practically radiated the same kindred energy. And if Sharona guessed it right. They probably shared the same spirit animal. Well we're about to find out.

"Hi! The name's Miko Nakadai! I'm a transfer student from Japan and I absolutely love Slash Monkeys! My grades are so-so. I love music and playing on my electric guitar and rocking out. And I absolutely LOVE Sea Turtles! I mean Sharks are cool and all, but there's something about Sea Turtles that I just adore! And I really hope to gain experience with working with some at this center!"

It was right then and there that Bonnie put her hand on her shoulder and said,"Kid, me and you are just going to get along like peanut butter and jelly." 'Nailed it!' Sharona thought.

Last but not least was the teenage boy.

"And you young sir?" Sharona asked the teenager.

"Ah, yes. My name is Jackson Darby. But everyone calls me Jack. I have a part time job at KO Burger while I'm in highschool. And before you ask, yes, it's allowed at my school.

I own a motorcycle that I bought with my hard earned money and am currently saving for college. I really hope to get into the Marine and rescue field. And I plan to study the various marine life while I'm at college. So the first step to doing that is that if I study the Marine life here and learn from the best. And I think the animal that I favor more has to be tuna and other types of fast moving fish. I used to go tuna fishing with my dad when I was younger. But that was before my parents separated of course, but I still ask my mom if I can go fishing on the weekends when we're not so busy."

Sharona liked Jack. He had a respectful attitude towards his superiors and seemed capable of handling responsibilities. "Well lucky for you that your trainor is specialized in that field as well. He and his crew will help you to their best of their abilities to get the experience that you need."

And just as she said that Jack turned around to look at his trainor. To which Damien responded with a chuckle and a friendly slap to Jack's back.

"Well look at that! A man after my own heart and soul! Welcome aboard kid!" Damien replied with a goofy smirk plastered on his face.

Sharona lightly shook her head and smiled a small smile. Damien was always one to favor those who shared his passion in fish. Though he doesn't trust very easily. You have to earn it. But seeing as how Jack already got him to smile, he was already a good step ahead in the right direction. Especially since Damien's a motorcycle enthusiast. They would have PLENTY to talk about.

After they left the office to go home for the day, Sharona found herself bored out of her skull.

So she decided to go for a swim at the nearby beach that was outside the Center. She grabbed her grey and purple bikini suit, put it on in the locker room, and proceeded to walk towards the beach. She wasn't going to be there for long and won't go very far, so she didn't bother locking up.

As she put some sunscreen on, she couldn't help that she was being watched.

She shook the feeling off and proceeded into walking into the cool ocean waters so that she can relax for a while.

The feeling of being watched didn't go away and it was starting to bother her. After about a half hour she decided to get out since the sun was starting to set. But before she could, she felt a pair of webbed hands grab both her ankles and pull her down deeper into the water.

She began to panic. She thrashed in the water violently trying to get away from her mysterious captor. But it was no use. Whoever it was had a tight hold on her and wasn't planning on letting her go. That was, until she got pulled under and she was able to see her captor.

It was Megatron.

He had a snide smirk on his face. Thinking that her attempts at trying to escape from him was funny and enjoyable to watch.

Her surprised face turned to that of a scowl that almost resembled a pouting face that a child would make when they didn't get their way.

He chuckled. He let her go and she swam to the surface as fast as her legs could take her. And when she made it, she breathed a much needed breath of air. But then she looked to her right and saw Megatron smirking at her.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of having the Lord of the Mercons pranking little ol' me?" She sassed.

He laughed a hearty chuckle and looked at her fondly. He reached over to one of her hands and looked her straight in the eyes. "I only came to visit where my future forever mate lives at. What else?" He seductively and enchantingly said. He then lifted one of her hands and kissed the back of it

She was a little taken aback by this gesture of affection.

But what he said stuck out to her the most.

"Wait, "future forever mate"? What does that mean?"

"It means, that after courting for about a while, we mate and have pups together~"

Sharona's eyes grew to about the size of saucers.

"S-s-so, in other words, you want to marry me?!"

"Yes, but first we must court to get to know each other better. Or as you humans call it, dating."

Sharona couldn't believe it. A hot and powerful merman just proposed/asked her out. She was at a literal loss for words. Until it all came back in a ramble of questions of "Why me of all people?" And well..."WHY?!"

Megatron chuckled and said, "Because as I saw how brave you were in front of me. And how you cared for my well being even though I could've and would've killed you on the spot for entering my territory and touching me without permission. And there is, of course that kiss that you gave me. When you gave me that kiss, it felt as though I finally found the one that I was destined to be with. I've never felt that with ANYONE before! And I am willing to give it a chance if you are, my dear~."

Sharona paused, thinking hard on it. Then she looked him straight in the eyes and said with a loving smile, "Sure, I can't see why not."

To say that he was overjoyed was an understatement. "To thank you, I'll return your kiss from last time ten fold~!"

He grabbed her waists and pressed his soft cold lips to her warm ones. Sharona was surprised yet again but then decided to SINK into the kiss. And during all of this, she couldn't help but think, 'Oh, what have I gotten myself into....'

To be continued...

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