The RWBYverse Event 2

By TeamWhiteRose100

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This is a continuation and a finale to the overarching story. This is the end of the multiverse, this is the... More

Chapter 1: A New World
Chapter 2: Ein
Chapter 3: Josh Branwen
Chapter 4: Team VMPR
Chapter 5: Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 7: Ember Fall
Chapter 8: Ghost Rider VS The Fiery Phantom
Chapter 9: Team VMPR: Throne Of Senada
Chapter 10: The Sentinels
Chapter 11: Zero Hour
Chapter 12: Ein Rebirth
Chapter 13: Josh Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 14: Ember Fall Rebirth
Chapter 15: Volt Blazeheart Rebirth
Chapter 16: Dove Branwen Rebirth
Chapter 17: The Sentinels: Atlas War
Chapter 18: The Sentinels: The Mystic Side
Chapter 19: The Death Of The Ghost Rider
Chapter 20: The Reign Of The Ghost Riders
Chapter 21: The Sentinels Endgame
Chapter 22: All-New Ghost Rider
Chapter 23: All-New The Fiery Maiden
Chapter 24: All-New Onyx Kanuchi
Chapter 25: The Fiery Maiden 2
Chapter 26: All-New Ein
Chapter 27: All-New Josie Mathis
Chapter 28: All-New Volt Blazeheart
Chapter 29: All-New Sentinels
Chapter 30: The Madras Plot
Chapter 31: All-New Dove Rose
Chapter 32: The Sentinels Age Of Jinn
Chapter 33: The Sentinels; Friends & Foes
Chapter 34: The Sentinels Relic War
Chapter 35: The End

Chapter 6: Dove Branwen

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By TeamWhiteRose100

I Do Not Own RWBY. All rights for RWBY go to Mr. Monty Oum and the good folks at Rooster Teeth.

Writers whose works are and aren't included in this chapter are Sapphire_Darkhouse, Nighttra, victorblaze0522, and xxQrowBrawnwenxx, me, SnowDrrgun, Cosmickatana, thedragonmaster18, AngelFlower23, Firedragon_Yang, -Viperr-, and UzukiB. Enjoy.

On Earth(Prime Remnant)*

Five Years Later After Chapter 5*

Ozma's POV*

I sealed a doorway with my ancient magics and started walking back to the council chamber with the Eye of Astris.

I heard one of the Seven Monsters of Man ask, "You want to hurt us?".

Another one asked, "Have us all to yourself?".

I said, "You're a danger to every creature in every realm.".

The first one to speak said, "We give them what they want.".

I said, "No, you make a mockery of all you effect. Sow the seed of divisiveness and fear even amongst my fellow Sorcerer Council Members. You killed them all. Savagery with no honor, no dignity.".

He said, "And that makes you angry? Good.".

I said, "No, it gives me clarity of purpose.".

I entered the Sorcerer Council room and set the Eye of Astris back on its pedestal and the statues of The Seven Monsters of Man reformed.

I said, "Never again will your powers reach beyond these walls. This is your prison for all time.".

I walked over and sat on my Council chair.

I looked at the other empty chairs and said, "All we have done will not be in vain." and I activated a Seeking Spell granted to me by Ash.

I said, "Find me, one soul, pure of heart.".

The Seven Monsters of Man chuckled and one said, "Pure of heart. Even eternity isn't long enough to find that." and they all chuckled again.

James Ironwood's POV*

I wrote the symbols on a door that would lead me back to that place and to that foolish sorcerer.

I activated the door and entered this magical place.

I walked all the way to the room I once stood in as a boy and found the Sorcerer Ozma weakly sitting in his chair.

He slowly got up and I said, "I've been waiting for this moment for so long. And now, here we are. You don't remember me, do you?". 

He said, "I remember you, James Ironwood. You were a boy when you came here. Now, you dare intrude in my kingdom.". 

I said, "Do you know what it's like for a child to be told, you'll never be good enough? No, you don't. What you said to me all those years ago when I once stood here made me realize who I really was. And you know something? I am not pure of heart. No one is." and I looked over at the floating orb I would've once taken.

The statues echoed, "Ozma is too weak to stop us.".

I walked over to it and took it into my hand.

The Sorcerer Ozma said, "No!" and the statues began to free themselves.

The statues said, "You never found your champion. But we found ours. You are the true champion. James Ironwood." as the ball of light shrunk down and flew straight into my eye knocking me down.

I got up and The Sorcerer Ozma said, "They're using you. You're nothing to them but a means of escape. Through you, they'll spread the poison to everything they touch! Make mankind turn into them.". 

I said, "You seek a pure soul. But no one's worthy." and I blasted him to the ground surely killing him and I left to settle some vendettas.

In Atlas*

Dove Branwen's POV*

My name is Dove Branwen and I'm sixteen years old and the oldest child of Josh Branwen and Robyn Hill.

I have two adopted sisters and three adopted brothers and we all go to the same school together.

Me and the family finished up at Atlas Academy today and were heading home.

I walked out of the front doors and saw some bullies picking on my little brother.

They took his crutch away and everything.

I walked over and grabbed the crutch.

I said, "Hey!" and beat both of the bully's up with the crutch. 

I said, "Man, sorry about that. That wasn't fair, but, then again, you don't play fair, so." and handed my little brother Xylo his crutch before I ran off with the bullies chasing me.

I kept running until I made it to one of the subway cars.

The bullies said I was dead before the subway train took off.

I took a seat and relaxed.

After a bit, I looked around and saw that all of the other passengers were gone and the subway car was speeding up.

I said, "Hello! What's happening?".

The windows froze over and the subway train soon stopped.

I grabbed my bag and walked over to the subway train doors and they opened to reveal what appeared to be a temple carved into a mountain.

I said, "Hello.".

I walked around and asked, "Who's doing this?!". 

I found my way into this throne room and saw an old man here.

He said, "Dove Branwen.". 

I asked, "How'd you know my name?". 

He said, "I am Ozma, the last of the Sorcerer's Council. You are standing in The Tower of Magic, the birthplace of your realms magic. Seven foes, seven sorcerers. But long ago, we chose a champion. And we chose recklessly. She used her power for revenge. Releasing the Seven Monsters of Man into your realm and all others. Billions of lives were lost. That is why I vowed never to pass on my magic until I find one truly good person. Strong in spirit. Pure in heart.".

I nodded and said, "Look, old man, maybe this is magic. I don't know, but, the people you're looking for, good, pure people. I'm not sure I'm one of them. I really don't know if anyone is. 

He said, "You, Dove Branwen, are all I have. All the world has. And in so doing, choose you as champion. Lay your hands on this staff. And say the word so my powers may flow through you. 

I said, "I don't know the word, sir.". 

He said, "Themis.". 

I nonchalantly said, "Themis?".

I heard him say, "Yes! Carry my name Dove Branwen and with it, you carry all of the passed on powers of old. The Strength of Talos! The Speed of Habib! The Persistence Of Ein! The Power of Mobius! The Endurance of Iacchus! And the Sagacity of Sa'adah!".

I got up and saw that I was all decked up in this neato suit and I looked a little older.

I asked, "What happened to me?!". 

He said, "You've unlocked and transformed into your full potential, Dove Branwen. Within your heart, unlock your greatest power. The thrones of our brethren!" and he turned to dust before my very eyes.

I said, "Get me outta here!" and somehow I ended up back on the subway train.

I got off and quickly tried getting home as fast as I could because my adopted brother Xylo knows a little more about this stuff then I do.

Ash Fall's POV*

Elizabeth and I walked around The Tower of Magic.

I looked where The Seven Monsters of Man should be and found that they were gone.

I looked at the ground and saw Ozma's staff.

Elizabeth asked, "They got him, didn't they?".

I shook my head and said, "No. The disturbance we felt was a new champion being decided upon.".

Elizabeth asked, "And they would just leave the staff so carefreely?".

I said, "Perhaps they didn't know what its purpose was. Never the less, but put all of our temples on high alert. The Seven Monsters of Man walk about our world once again.".

Elizabeth assumed her White Dragon form and flew off.

I picked the staff up and brought it over to the Sorcerers Council thrones.

I set his staff on his throne and reminisced for a second about the time I founded this Council to protect humanity.

After I was done I formed my Ice Cloak and flew off to prepare for the coming conflict and to find this new champion.

Dove Branwen's POV*

I got home and around back.

I saw Dad take off on his bike like usual but this time it was probably to look for me.

I sent a text to Xylo to come outside and that I may look different.

Xylo came outside and saw me and said, "Stop right there. How do I know you're not criminal who stole Dove's phone and used your technopathic abilities to text me and make me believe that you're Dove, huh?".

He held up a phone and said, "All I have to do is press dial on this thing.". 

I said, "Um. When mom and dad adopted you and we met for the first time, I told you that you were my favorite little brother because you were more special than the others.".

Xylo said, "And of course you kinda made it out to be an insult because you were jealous of me being the center of everyone's world back then.".

I nodded shamefully and said, "Yeah. My bad. Look, Xylo, I swear it's me, and you're the only person that I know that knows anything about this superpower and magic stuff.". 

Xylo looked at me in awe and asked, "What are your superpowers? Can you fly?". 

We got ready for me to see if I could fly.

I asked, "Okay, let's do this. How do we do this?". 

Xylo said, "Obviously, you have to jump. Come on.". 

I asked, "How is that even obvious?". 

Xylo said, "Okay. Try, uh, to believe that you can fly. Okay, I read this deep dive in the studies of magic, and in eight out of ten, belief is the key.". 

I said, "Belief. Okay. I believe I can fly." and I jumped off of a far and hit the ground.

Xylo asked, "Did you believe?". 

I said, "Yeah.".

Xylo shrugged his shoulders and I threw my hands up in frustration and yellow lightning came out of them.

Xylo excitedly said, "Oh, my God! The lightning, it was staring us right in the face the whole time, we gotta give you a lightning-themed superhero name!".

I walked forward but ended up speeding down and hitting a wall.

Xylo said, "You got super-speed.".

I put my hand on the car using it to push myself up and I ended up pushing it aside with ease.

Xylo said, "And super strength too.".

Xylo slowly ran over to me and said, "Hey, hey, hey... Electricity magic, super-speed, super strength! You're stacked with powers.".

We walked around Atlas until we saw a robbery in progress in a convenience store.

We walked in and I said, "Gentlemen.".

One aimed their gun at me and I speedily took it from him and the other one-shot me in the chest only for it to bounce off and hit the ground.

I stood up and Xylo said, "You're bullet-proof.".

I said, "I'm bullet-proof.".

We both laughed a little and I turned to the two guys and said, "You're dead." and I beat them up lightly and tossed them out the window tied up for the cops.

We took a seat overlooking some of the city and I said, "It's a pretty sick view. I totally get why people fight so hard to get up here.". 

Xylo said, "This is so cool. All right, well, I feel like every criminal is either on drugs or asleep by now. Wanna head home?". 

I asked, "Looking like this?". 

Xylo said, "Yeah. I mean, usually, we'd have a sanctuary to go back to, but that's a while from now. Right now, we have bunk beds. I mean, how'd you change into this in the first place?".

I said, "Well, it started when I said, Themis." and I was blasted with a bolt of lighting changing me back to normal.

Xylo said, "Verbally triggered body manipulation properties. You can switch by saying, Themis!".

I said, "Guess we can go home now.".

The Next Day*

Elsewhere In Vacuo*

James Ironwood's POV*

I entered Arthur Watts's storage house which was still full of mostly display cases housing technology in each of them.

Arthur turned to me and said, "James." and I started beating him to death with my bare hands while the Seven Monsters of Man tore up his storage house.

After I had him on the brink of death I asked, "What monster best suits you, Arthur?".

I looked at him carefully and said, "Gluttony.".

Pride said, "There is one more powerful. The Sorcerer Ozma found his champion. Kill them before they learn their true potential. Or they will defeat you.". 

I said, "Show me where to find him." and before we walked out, I said, "Oh, Gluttony, he's all yours." and I was left with Arthur's screams as I walked out.


Dove Branwen's POV*

I snuck me and Xylo out of school and we were testing my powers for the day.

We did electricity magic tests and that was successful at destroying entire cars.

To test my super strength, I punched through a solid steel pillar and flicked a car away.

The flight test was still a failure.

The invulnerability test showed that steel can break my skin and even fire itself couldn't break my skin.

The speed test showed that I can race anywhere in a short amount of time and I would have to work on the stopping part.

I couldn't leap over buildings so that's a thing.

I stopped a bus from crashing and I got my very own interview.

After that was done I made sure everyone was safe before this dude walked over and said, "Chosen one. The so-called perfect man. Pure of heart. Flawless in every way. What made you so worthy?". 

I said, "I'm sorry, can I help you.".

He said, "Give me your power. Or die.". 

I said, "You're like a bad guy, right? Okay, before this gets really stupid for you, you should know that I'm basically invincible." and he punched me in the gut making me lose my breath before uppercutting me into a car.

He said, "The weapons of man draw no blood from our kind. The only thing that extinguishes magic is magic. Time to transfer your power to me, girl." and I punched him in the balls when he was close enough.

I said, "Sorry for that, old man. But them's street rules!". 

He grabbed me by the throat and flew us both up into the atmosphere.

I said, " I'm sorry." and he dropped me.

While falling I said, "I believe I can fly! I believe I can fly! I can fly! Xylo said if I believe, I can fly! Then I can fly, so I believe!" and I stopped in mid-air.

I shouted, "I can fly." before I was tackled by this mean dude in mid-air.

He hit me through a building and then through the ground and we ended up in one of the mini-malls of Atlas.

He tackled me through a wall and into a toy store and then he tackled me out of the toy store.

This went on for a while until I said, "Themis!" and it caused a big enough distraction for me to getaway.

I was taking a subway home when I got a call from Xylo.

I answered and said, "Wassup Xylo.".

The supervillain bad guy said, "Come home. Dove! Come home.".

I got out of the subway and ran up to the street level.

I ran down an alleyway and shouted, "Themis!" and transformed before taking off.

I landed at home and my adopted brother Mario said, "Kick his ass, Dove.".

I entered the house.

The bad guy asked, "How old are you?".

I said, "Basically 16.".

He said, "When I was a wee lad, Ozma told me I wasn't good enough. And here you are, a coward. Running from me than to me? And that Sorcerer chooses you. You're no hero. But I'm gonna give you a chance to be one. Give me the power.".

Xylo said, "No, don't do it, Dove!" and the bad guy used his magic to open up a doorway to The Tower of Magic.

He said, "Give me the power and I'll let them go." and I shamefully entered the doorway with him behind me.

When we got to the Sorcerer Council Chamber he tossed me into one of the chairs which did not break it.

He grabbed Ozma's staff and said, "I dedicated most of my life to getting here. I scoured the ends of the earth. No one believed me. No one helped. Not Ozma. Not my family. I had no one but myself." and the Seven Monsters of Man appeared before me.

I got up and said, "Look, no offense, mister, but I don't think they have your best interests.".

One of them said, "Don't listen to her. Take the staff. Hold it and say the champion's name and the power will be yours.". 

I said, "They're using you. You have to see that.".

He held the staff towards me and said, "Say your name.". 

Xylo and the others arrived and distracted him and I noticed a wound on his head.

I backhanded him into the wall and we all made a break for it.

I thought about how I got out of here before and teleported all of us out and to a fairground.

1 Fight Later*

I got the staff from the old man and placed it before Xylo and the others.

I said, "Put your hands on it.".

Everyone did as I said and I said, "Say my name.".

Everyone said, "Dove!".

I said, "No, not my name. Say the name that I say to turn into this gal.".

Everyone said, "Themis!" and they all became a little older and buffer just like me.

Xylo started to fly a little and the others were looking over their new body sizes.

The bad guy said, "No. It's not possible!".

I turned to him and broke the staff right in front of his eyes.

We all began our fight.

I had to get the last Monster of Man to come out before I could beat him.

Our fight took us all the way to the top of the city where he made his typical bad guy speech and I tricked the Monster of Man out of him and flew and caught the bad guy before he hit the ground.

I pulled the eye out and it pulled all the Monsters of Man back into it.

After that was done, I said, "What good is power without people to share it with.".

After that, I put the Eye back and we went on as if nothing happened only for the fact that we're a family of heroes now and isn't that what it's all about in the end.

Ash Fall's POV*

Elizabeth and I were looking down at the Themis family.

Elizabeth said, "That's not bad work for newbies.".

I said, "Give em' some time and they'll be able to do great things.".

Elizabeth asked, "What about Salem?".

I said, "She'll be back someday but for today, let the kids have some free time." and we left letting them celebrate their secret victory.

A Few Days Later*

James Ironwood's POV*

I was trying to use the code to get back into the Tower of Magic but it wasn't working and I screamed in anger and frustration.

I heard a sinister voice say, "Oh, what fun we're going to have together. There's gonna be chaos soon, James. Sweet sweet chaos.".

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