Kirby x Meta Knight - human...

By wiccawiccawoo69

16.2K 251 574

Have you been looking for a story that follows the love story of human Meta Knight and girl Kirby? Well your... More

A New Warrior
Monster at the Castle
Lavender scented candles
End of the Line Bitch
Its About Time
Virtually Nonexistent
"iT's buRnIN' eVerYthInG!"
Around the 15th
'Heaven help the fool who falls in love'
Saturdays are for the boys
Delaney has entered the chat
Kracko part 1
Kracko part 2
Halloween Special
Authors note

Protect Her

748 12 5
By wiccawiccawoo69

Probably gonna re write this too
There Meta was face to face with his old enemy, wolf wrath. Meta pulls out his sword.

Meta: "Tiff run, Kirby go find Sword and Blade"

Kirby and Tiff get the heck away from the demon beast.

Meta: "so we meet again" I've always wanted to say that

The monster throws a big ass fire ball at Meta who reflects it with his sword. The monster try's to attack him with his claws but Meta reflects it.

Kirby runs to Sword and Blades room. Thank god they are there.

Kirby: "Meta needs your help NOW!" Kirby throws her groceries into Metas room then they all run to the scene with the monster.

Sword: *gasp*

Blade: "wolf wrath!"

They draw their swords and try to help Meta. The monsters so strong they are unable to damage it. The monster sets fire to everything in sight. The castle is now filled with smoke and flames. Everyone runs away since they can't see from all the smoke.

King D and Escargoon are watching what the monster does on surveillance cameras which are located in almost every part of the castle.

King D: "What's Meta Knight doing fighting the monster, I told it to kill Kirby!"

Escargoon: "real question is what's he doing out of the dungeon"

King D: "forget that we gotta lock up the castle so the monster won't escape"

King D then presses a bunch of buttons on his thrown and the waddle dees proceed to lock up the castle.

*back to Meta and everyone else*

Kirby: "Wait you know this monster?"

Meta: "I'll tell you later, for now let's make sure Tiff and Tuff are safe"

Everyone runs to their house in the castle which is now slowly becoming filled with smoke.

Tiff: "what are you going to do, it's burning everything"

Kirby: "I'll kill it!"

Meta: "you can't kill fire with fire and besides Sword, Blade and I want to be the one to kill it"

Blade: "that thing should've been dead a long time ago"

Tuff: "you fought this monster before?"

Sword: "yes a long time ago"

Meta: "it was two years ago"

Sword: "feels like a long time"

Blade: "that's when Sword and I first met Meta"

Kirby: "I would like to hear this story"

Meta: "we don't have time-" gets cut off

Sword: "It was two years ago during the war between the star warriors and NmEs monsters"

Meta: "Sword we really don't have tim-" gets cut off again

Blade: "back then Sword and I were just a couple of bandits"

Meta: *sighs*

Sword: "one day we saw Meta Knight running up this hill and we decided to ambush him"

Blade: "he warned us that there was a very dangerous monster chasing him, but we didn't listen and wouldn't let him through"

Meta: "that's when the monster jumped out of no where and ran straight for Sword and Blade"

Tuff: "how did you escape!?" Is very intrigued

Sword: "Meta jumped out last second and reflected the monsters attack"

Blade: "if Meta hadn't done that we wouldn't be alive"

Meta: "then I fought the monster to a cliffs edge where it fell off the and into a stream of water"

Blade: "after Meta saved us, Sword and I pledged loyalty to him"

Sword: "thanks to Meta we got put on the right path, we owe our lives to him"

Meta nods somewhat proud of his work.

Tuff: "woah"

Tiff: "that explains a lot about you three"

Kirbys thoughts: dang Metas so cool, saving people and shit
(Fun fact sir Ebrum and lady like are just there not contributing tho bc idc)

Meta: "now we have to go back and kill wolf wrath once and for all! Kirby stay here and watch Tiff and Tuff"

Kirby: "don't die, I'll be very upset if you die"

Meta: "I'll be fine, Sword, Blade lets go"
And with that the knights ran out in search for the demon beast.

Tiff: "don't worry Kirby I've seen them jump off the castle roof, and they were fine for the most part"

Kirby: !?

Meta, Sword and Blade are now in one of the castles halls.

Blade: "let's split up"

Meta: "and just yell or something if one of us finds it"

They agree and split off. Now Meta, Sword and Blade are in search for the monster wolf wrath. It's hard for them to see because there's so much smoke and everything's getting hot since the castles on lock down and all the windows are closed.
Metas the first one to see the beast which just ran through a wall it broke with a fire ball.
Meta: "found it!!!!"
Metas thoughts: let's hope they hear that Incase things don't go too well

The monster steps back getting ready to strike. Meta grabs his sword and prepares. Just then Blade arrives. Meta and the monster run at each other. (Just like the part in the episode) they both jump to attack. The land on the opposite side but then Meta collapses.

Blade: "META KNIGHT!!!" He say and rushes to him.
Sword hears and makes his way to the scene. Meta is laying on the floor with one of wolf wraths tooth's stuck in the front part of his shoulder. (I didn't want it to be like the show and it be in his mask, also it's located like so your boob then go up, that's it) the monster then flees the scene to set more stuff on fire.

Sword: "OUR CHILD!" He says running over to Meta who is loosing consciousness

Meta: "...protect..her.." he says then passes out

Damn what a cliffhanger

Comment and tell me what you think!! Also don't forget that if u have an idea I made a discord sever in my conversation thing

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