Trust Me, I Know (Universe 3...

By astrocaitlynn

2.2K 55 11

Nebula finds Carol. Dead. Thor fights Carol. Alive. How is this possible? How would anyone be able to brainwa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Part 1)
Chapter 5 (Part 2)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 24

48 1 0
By astrocaitlynn


Thor's POV

"Are you trying to kill us all?" Thor had doubts about whether the 'Milano' would survive.

(Yes, I found out the name of the GotG's spaceship, it's apparently called the 'Milano' :D)

"Just because your girlfriend has spent over forty years flying planes and spaceships doesn't mean everyone has Thor!" Quill shouted back at him.

"I think I'm going to throw up." Nebula gagged.

"Oh crap." Gamora suddenly paled at the thought of her sister puking.

Thor had never seen Nebula throw up, but maybe that was Gamora's point.

"Uh, Gamora? What happens when Nebula throws up?" Rocket asked uncertainly.

"You honestly do not want to know." She shuddered.

"But I wanna know!" Rocket protested.

"Oh, okay. So Nebula saw a-"

"Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan, if you tell your friends even the start of what happened that day, no place in the universe will be safe enough for you to hide!" Nebula's voice cracked.

Gamora shut up and faced the front, blushing furiously at the sudden revelation of her full name. Seriously though, what kind of name was Whoberi?

Thor winced at the sound of the spaceship entering the Cygnian atmosphere, where reports of an invasion had spread across the galaxy. According to Carol, Cygni was a planet inhabited by dwarfs. A couple of decades ago, the Cygnians had welcomed Skrull refugees fleeing from war, and now the Kree wanted revenge. 


"They're firing!" Drax shouted in alarm. 

"Thank you Captain Obvious." Rocket snapped at him.

"I thought Thor was Captain Obvious." Gamora frowned and then shrugged.

"Quill... what is firing at us?" Mantis tilted her head.


"I didn't know geese could shoot guns! Someone should have told me!" Mantis' expression radiated surprise.

"Geese shoot guns?" Drax laughed.

"I am Groot!"

"Yes Groot, we know the spaceship's on fire... WAIT, WE'RE ON FIRE?!" Rocket looked around in alarm. 


"Groot, we are not going to die!" Gamora shouted in exasperation.

The right wing of the Milano proceeded to snap off.

"We're all going to die!" A panicking Gamora shrieked.

Nebula shook her head, acting like she couldn't care less. Thor guessed she was used to Gamora's crap by now. It sort of reminded Thor of Loki when he was being dramatic... which then made Thor feel depressed.




The Milano landed on Cygni, not in one piece, but at least there was no explosions.

The left wing exploded.

Knocked back onto hard, rocky ground, Thor scrambled to his feet, summoning Stormbreaker. Carol had somehow managed to call it back from where ever the hell it had been. How, she had no idea, but still made a blue/grey cloud appear and make Stormbreaker fall out of it.

Yeah... that was a weird day.

Know that Thor thought about it though... didn't Carol's powers originate from the Space Stone? And if the Space Stone could teleport things...

However, now was not the time to ponder such a question. Thor charged into battle, swinging his mighty weapon at the Kree Star Force.

Shouting echoed from the cave home, followed by something shattering.

"Get down you- I said get down!" Someone yelled inside, presumably a Star Force member.

Cautiously coming down the steps, Thor came face to face with a man wearing Kree armour, holding a gun to the head of someone Thor recognized.


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