"Wrong Number, Kid"

By Cliche_Chocolate

1.7M 56.5K 41.4K

This book may seem long but it's only because there's a lot of mini chapters. Enjoy~! Peter Parker, for the m... More

I'm no aunt
Contact names
He's just so cool~!
He knows his history
Delete this
Some time
Stress level
Let's think about this
Text back
You got lucky
You should tell us
Let's play~
Late Patrol
Peter hugs
I don't have all day
Contagious laughter
Must've been my imagination
Bad feeling
A happy kidnapping
I thought you turned it off
Family tree
End button
More than a simple headache
Cabinet sink
Not a stalker I hope
Curious questions
My kid is such a brat
Did I kill it?
Pink Panther, Mr. Stark
I've Finally Figured You Out
Short Stack
The not so happy ending
April fools
Peter Barker
I larb you
Guy in a chair
Underoos's Suit
Group hug
Itsy bitsy spider
Free day
Loyal peasant
a note from the writer
one more note..

A blissful night

12K 448 465
By Cliche_Chocolate

(A/N miss me~?)

"So when are you gonna talk to Stark?"

There was a small pause as Peter kept his gaze on the computer screen, still hovering over his friends' shoulder while he scrolled.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow," he assured Ned, thinking back to what he was actually going to do with a rather glum look.

He only got a hum back from Ned who leaned back into his chair. He gave Peter a skeptical look but nothing more.

They were both bumping off theories of what was going on attempting to figure it out. They talked about the weird weapons and the lab coat man. Even Peter's power. And it only made him bubble with anxiety. It was stronger than that though. He was scared. Terrified but he didn't show it. How could he? He had to stay strong.

So taking a shaky deep breath he shook it off. He'd figure it out.

(*Line Break*)


The accusation caused laughter all around as Clint slammed his cards to the ground and was giving Natasha a glare.

"You're just a sore loser," she shrugged with a grin. They were currently circled up on the carpeted floor as they played Uno. It took a few rounds for Peter to teach the group the rules and how to go about it but they got there. With them all comfortably sitting in whatever position they were in- sitting up straight, slouching, or laying on the floor- they had been competing on who'd get the most wins.

Currently, it was Steve with the most wins and Bucky right after. Peter and Natasha were next with the most wins and Sam and Clint were tied. And even with the competitive banter it was still nice and filled with laughter.

"Uno," the card was placed gently into the pile and Peter smiled. The group went silent, clearly not having noticed that the teen had only such a few cards left.

"I no longer like this game," Clint huffed, staring at his number of cards.

"I win our bet," Bucky grinned immediately, getting back a glare from Clint and Sam.

"Technically no one won since Steve's the one winning," Bruce clarified with a shrug while Pepper nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Stark you can't put a yellow down we're on green," the teen had to correct Tony who now had a look of frustration.

"But it was just yellow."

"It changed dummy," Clint put down his own card as Tony stubbornly picked one up.

"That's stupid," he huffed even though he didn't have that many cards left. Peter couldn't help but laugh. It was already beginning to get dark out and he hadn't even noticed. He was much too focused on the family in front of him.


The teen was immediately pulled back by Pepper's offended shout. He glanced to see the plus four card on the pile and grinned. Pepper was glaring down at Bucky who now had a guilty look.

"I'm sorry... but it had to be done." It was almost like he couldn't handle her harsh stare. And the other found it hilarious as he bowed his head. "The colors yellow," Bucky added, not looking back towards Pepper.

"Oh, so NOW it's yellow?" Tony scoffed causing another round of laughter.

And the night continued like this. With banter and laughter. Trust and betrayal. It was quite amusing. In the end, Peter managed to have the most wins... he had a hunch it had something to do with Tony's glare at each avenger who's about to call Uno. Not that he was about to complain about his wins. Seeing the winter soldier be so cocky towards Clint and Sam was a story he'd have to tell Ned. No one dared to tease Natasha as she riddled with a small dagger and it was clear everyone held some sort of grudge because 'I should've won that round'.

But it was all forgotten once they put the cards away and decided to settle to watch a movie. At first, Clint complained still wanting to win the bet amongst the adults but he gave in once they played the old Disney movie on the large tv. Most of them dispersed after Uno only lingering around the tv to watch or excusing themselves completely.

Peter hadn't noticed how late it got until his eyes grew heavy and with every blink, it was hard to reopen his eyes. It wasn't a total loss. He'd seen the movie countless times. And the couch was surprisingly comfortable even with the number of people sitting there. He had a blanket thrown above him and he began nodding off his head resting on Tony's shoulder.

Tony didn't seem to notice at first too focused on the screen in front of him. It wasn't until he saw Natasha and Bucky both staring at him in amusement.

He wasn't sure why but he wasn't expecting to see the teen asleep. He looked so peaceful and vulnerable. At that moment he wanted nothing more than to protect Peter. The boy really did deserve the world and more. The small huffs of air as he lightly adjusted in his sleep caused a soft smile to appear on Tony's face. How'd he get so lucky?

To say Pepper's heart melted at the sight was an understatement. Her eyes grew warm as the game of Uno was now completely forgotten. She glanced up at Natasha and Bucky to see Nat already pulling out her phone while Buck had a very firm concentration.

And as soon as the picture was snapped Nat leaned over to Pepper who couldn't get herself to look away.

"Do you think we should text his aunt to see if he can stay? He said something about her having the late shift." Her voice was soft as if worried about ruining this delicate moment.

It was clear Bucky agreed with the statement and Pepper only nodded as a response. She didn't have his aunt's number but she knew Tony did. So glancing at her fiancé who was now listening in. It was as if they had a silent conversation with the movie still going on in the background. After a moment Tony very gently moved to grab his phone without disturbing the sleeping teen. Then once he unlocked the device he tossed it towards Pepper who caught it with ease.

Bucky was back to focusing on the movie while Natasha was focused on the phone. It wasn't hard for Pepper to find the contact labeled as 'kids' aunt' and send out the message.

Hello, is May Parker correct?

Yes is this not Tony?

I'm Pepper Potts his fiancée

Well it's nice to meet you Ms. Potts

Just call me Pepper

And you can call me May. Is there a problem?

There's no problem but as you know Peter came over today

Is he doing okay?

Of course! It's just we put on a movie and I guess none of us realized how late it was getting and he fell asleep

That does sound like my Peter

Do you need me to come pick him up? I'm currently working late shift but I can find someone to cover for me

I don't think there's any need for that. We were thinking he'd just stay the night and we drop him off tomorrow?

Are you sure that's not too much trouble?

Of course not! Everyone would love the extra time with Peter. And we wouldn't want to disturb his sleep

If it's no problem with you. I'll pick him up in the morning?

I'm sure you'd want to get your rest after the long night! We can drop him off

It'd be no problem!

If it's not any trouble then I suppose it's alright

However if anything changes I'd be fine with picking Peter up tomorrow!

I'd let you know in that case

You have a safe night

You as well!

(*Line Break*)

Peter woke up groggily, having to take a moment to adjust to the darkness. Once that happened and his brain was aware he immediately sat up in confusion.

This wasn't his room. Nor his house.

He sat up pushing off the blanket over him and turning only to see the winter soldier right next to him sleeping.

"Wh-?" He turned to the couch to see Mr. Stark fast asleep in what looked like an uncomfortable position. He frowned while remembering back to a few hours ago. He must've fallen asleep. But that didn't answer why Tony and Bucky were also asleep in the dim living room.

He had to squint to adjust to the darkness, his hands wandering on the floor as he attempted to find his phone. A minute passed and he still hadn't stumbled over it. With a huff, he sat up glancing towards Tony and then the couch.

There was his small cracked device and he reached out to it relieved. He was worried he'd lost it. What would May say to that? Losing his backpack was one thing... but then his phone? Peter knew he would've gotten so very scolded for that.

The bright screen made him glare his first move to lower the lighting. His second was to check the mess that was his notifications. Peter skipper over the span that was the group chat with his two best friends knowing most of it was bickering and memes back and forth. It was May's message that he clicked onto.

Pepper texted me saying you fell asleep so I'm sure you'll read this in the morning. She suggested you stay the night and I agreed but you'll be dropped off in the morning! You stay safe sweetie and don't forget I larb you!

A small smile grew at the ending of the message. He'd text her back later since he technically should've been asleep at that moment. He swiped out of the chat and noticed the private message Ned sent him. A part of him already knew what it was about as he clicked on.

Hey man!

Did you talk to Stark yet? What'd he say about the weapon? Can he help?

I think you were right about the rock thingy being man-made but I need more info

He held back the sigh as he clicked off his phone. There's no way he could talk to Mr. Stark. That would mean explaining what would happen... and about him being Spider-Man. He couldn't do that. 

So he'd have to figure out about the weapon on his one. He stood up from the weirdly comfortable floor and grabbed his backpack that was left abandoned by the couch. And then very cautiously he began to walk away.

Peter's managed to learn the main points of the tower so he doesn't get constantly lost. So he left the living room of sleeping avengers and made his way around the corner and down the hall. He held his breath as he walked down the steps hoping he wouldn't run into anyone.

"This is fine Pete. Everyone's asleep. Just don't make too much noise and be quick." He had to ignore the heavy feeling in his chest as he pushed open the door.

One more hallway to walk through and then he ended up right in front of the lab. He took a moment to debate his choices and then he walked in.

Shuffling through the desks it took a few minutes for him to actually find it. The weapon was in his hands once again and it made his stomach flop.

Was this thing really going to be the cause of his death?

The teen began to shake his head. "Don't think like that idiot... you'll be fine." He tried to tell himself but it didn't stop the sinking feeling inside.

He tugged his backpack open and placed the gun inside before zipping it back up. Maybe not one of his best ideas but... it was something.

Taking the backpack he trotted back up the stairs and down the hallways. By the time he reached the living room, he was trying to calm his breath. Gently placing down his backpack he returned to his spot on the floor.

He was beginning to regret his choice... did this make him a thief? No. No, it was fine. He was just borrowing it for some time. He'd give it back. At some point....

He'd tell Ned that Mr. Stark let him take the weapon. A small lie but that was just to stop his friend from worrying. It was harmless.

Yeah. Harmless.

Laying back down on the floor he glanced at Tony and Buck just to be sure they were asleep. Then very gently he pulled up his sleeve to show the colorful splash against his skin. The bruises from patrol have yet to heal and it made him frown. He harshly tugged back the sleeve ignoring the pain.

He needed to sleep.

A minute passed. And then two. And then three. And then he lost track. He just sat there glaring at the ceiling. His brain hurt. Not from a headache or the ringing. It just hurt.

Peter grew frustrated before he kicked off the blanket and flopped to his side. To which he saw the winter soldier fast asleep. His arm was laid out, his metal arm resting on his stomach.

The hero didn't even realize what he was doing until he was already moving. He crawled over to Bucky and then slumped forward. Nestling up right next to the older man allowing his panic to be forgotten.

He was too tired to think about consequences or to freak out. He just wanted to go back to sleep and forget. Letting himself take comfort in the warmth that came from the other and the rise and fall of his chest. It almost immediately put him to sleep.

No worry about accidentally waking up Bucky. No realization of Bucky actually waking up. Which he did. The winter soldier was indeed confused by the small teen suddenly pressed up against him. However, he didn't push Peter away seeing how tense he was. Bucky only pulled Peter closer seeing the way he relaxed and falling right back to sleep.

If only the next morning was as blissful as how he fell asleep.

(A/N I'm sorry for the random disappearance. I had to focus on school and bringing up my grades. I know this book is a bit of a mess but I'm not gonna edit until I finish the book. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!)

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