Tigers Curse: Kishan X Reader...

By SlinkyAntics32

17.9K 365 168

Have you ever wondered what happened to Kishan in Tiger's curse? Well this is a reader insert for Kishan, ple... More

Tigers Curse (Kishan love story) Trapped in the zoo by magic.
Chapter 2 Inspections.
Red pandas gone wild.
A night alone with a tiger.
Home sweet home, Right????
The truth behind the Anonymous caller
Cubs are playful :/
Love never grows old.
Oh No!
Quick Author note
**Special Chapter**
Just Relax
Christmas bonus.
Awkward Part 17
Author note..
Part 19 Author's note...again.
Finally Updated.
Untitled Part 21
Stupid flower
authors note

Untitled Part 15

494 19 10
By SlinkyAntics32

Hey sorry guys for the long time since the update, I’ve been struggling with a lot of things. But once again I can create no excuses because that would be wrong. I hope that I’ll get more updates in on these holidays, not just for this story but others. And in case I don’t update before Christmas, I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year to follow.

-Slinky Out.

You woke up in a cold sweat, once again. You’ve been having a very repetitive dream about a golden flower, Kishan, 3 complete strangers whom you passed off as just random strangers that you have passed at university oh and it usually ends in you dying. Heaving the covers off of your body you dragged yourself to your ensuite. Heading straight for the sink you splashed water all over your face and started looking at your appearance in the mirror; unruly dark bags began lurking under your eyes, (hair colour) hair left untamed and cracked lips. The week Kishan was taking away still rang in your head, it has been 2 weeks since the zoo incident. Even with everything buzzing around in your head you have been able to make Iris settle, she practically came everywhere with you; it was like she was your shadow. She was always able to put a smile on your face.

Walking out of the room you took a glance at your alarm clock;

‘6:00 am’

Giving up on the idea of going back to sleep, you decided it was best to start your day. Heading into the ensuite you turned on the shower, placing your hand underneath you let the warm water run through your fingers. You let your thoughts run with the water, to your latest obsession. A flower the flower that tiger was obsessed with, you felt a strange connection with the flower and always thought it was the reason for your strange dream. What was so special about the flower it was passed dead, yet you planted into a pot hoping for something silly.

Stop being so silly (your name)” You hissed at yourself completely snapping yourself out of your thoughts and hopped into the shower.

*Kishan’s Perspective*

I slipped into my clothes as soon as I exited the shower, towel around my shoulders.  I was beginning to walk out of the room, where I heard Kelsey shout out ‘breakfast.’

I’m so hungry I could eat a horse, quite literally.’ I set my way out to satisfy my hunger.

Upon entering the room I saw Ren and Kelsey talking in hushed tones, Kelsey with plates in her hands and Ren with a displeased look upon his face. Brushing it off I smirked; “Anything I should know about?”

Hearing my voice they both froze directly in place. Kelsey smiled widely and placed a plate on the table, “it’s nothing is all, a slight disagreement.” Ren smiled slightly and went back to his food.

“So brother how is your hunger?” Ren finally decided to speak up as soon as I had finished.

“Unsatisfied,” The smile on my face never faded.

“Don’t worry Kishan, I could cook some more up for you.” Kelsey started, but I insisted I could make it myself.

As I was cooking I could feel their eyes’ boaring into my back. Stopping my preparations I turned to meet there startled eyes. “Will someone please tell me exactly what is going on?” Rather than a question it more came out as a demand.

Kelsey looked down at her lap, and Ren looked from the two of us.

“Do you… remember that girl who looked after you?” I nodded. “Well Durga organised her to look after you and we are still trying to figure out why. So we thought we may let her in on what is happening.” Kelsey stopped, I could tell that she felt as if she was dragging on. So Ren stood in.

“Today we were planning on visiting her, to finally talk to her about everything and why we pestered her over those couple of days.”

I slumped down against the bench. “Why would we need to talk to her? It was only a couple of days, she isn’t important.” I started spitting out reasons why I shouldn’t go but, she was the first to make me eat and she holds the key item that is very special to me… the flower!

“We were hoping that meeting her will reveal that.”  And with that the whole room went silent. Thoughts buzzed in my head like pesky flies, I needed to know why as well and I needed to collect what was mine. Nodding; I stood up and left the room to prepare.

*Back to you*

Iris and you went for a walk for entertainment, when walking by you saw an ice Cream parlour and decided to treat Iris to ice cream.  She squealed with delight when she got her cone and wanted to go to the park. The rest of the morning was self-explanatory you played in the park until you and Iris were completely tired and decided to head back home.

If Iris didn’t speak up on the walk home you would’ve had walked in silence. She kept on talking about her dream and what she wanted to be when she grew up, everything she said was sweet, but unfortunately you could not focus because the lack of sleep was officially getting to you.

Nearing the house Iris tugged at you hand and pointed to a car parked at the front of the house, “Who are they (Your name)?”

Shaking your head you looked at the car to the front porch to where her mother was standing to three people, a woman and two men, one of which looked completely disinterested. You knelt down to Iris’ height. “Stay here.” You whispered, that was the moment your mum pointed you out.

You felt a shock wave go through you, jolting into a standing position you began to bolt down the street.

“You’re not the F.B.I are you?” You heard your mother shout out. You had no real reason to why you were running you just felt that you had to, although something you could use as a reason is that they are the people from your reoccurring dream.

Hearing someone elses footsteps running behind you, you quickened you pace. Turning the corner you couldn’t hear anyone anymore, you skidded to a stop and began to walk backwards a couple of steps you felt someone grasp you shoulder’s screaming you struggled to break loose. 

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